Ryoko's Powers
Beam Sabre: common with most japanese anime but this beam sabre requires a gem on ryoko's wrist.
Sabre Toss: ryoko can thrrow the sabre like a spear delivering a powerful blow!
Mega Blast: I made the name up because I cannot find the proper name. any way she charges up with the power of a gem and let's loose all the energy she's got!
Demon Summon: comes from her name. Ryo=Spirit Ko=Caller.  (you get it?)
DoppleGanger: she can create to Material ryoko's

Pass Through matter: <-----Name says it all
Fly: because Ryoohki can fly so can she

Teleport: she can teleport to any place she has been
Hair Needles: When Ryoko is unable to use her limbs to fight she will use her hair. (kinda funny)
Ryoko may use the power of a goddess when she has all three Gems.

(Doesnt she look like Tokimi?)
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