Family Gomphidae
Genus Stylogomphus
Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus)

Flight season: mid-June to late August.

Population: uncommon.

Length: about 35 mm, the smallest clubtail in this area.

Vanderwater Conservation Area: Moira River, rock-bottomed with fast flowing water, rapids and emergent rocks, but also quiet pools and backwaters. The shoreline vegetation consists of wooded areas and clearings supporting tall grasses and wildflowers.
Male Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus) – note the ringed appearance of the abdomen and the pale claspers (August 08, 2014).

Tweed, Ontario, the Moira River shoreline between the bridges at Bridge St. (near the dam) and Louisa Street: rock-bottomed river with fast flowing water, rapids and emergent rocks, but also a few quiet pools and backwaters. The shoreline consists of flat, barren rocky areas, further back from the shore the vegetation is tall grasses, wildflowers and trees.
Images of a female Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus) – the female's terminalia are also pale. (August 01, 2014).

Teneral female Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus)
June 11, 2016

Madoc Township, the Moira River near the intersection of Deloro Road and Gawley Road: rock-bottomed river, shallow and narrow with a moderate current and plenty of emergent rocks, some trees along the shoreline, much of the surrounding terrain is generally open agricultural land.
Male Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus) – two males were present, a male and female in tandem were observed two days later (June 26, 2016).