Family Macromiidae
Genus Didymops
Stream Cruiser (Didymops transversa)
emerging from Larval Exoskeleton

Tweed Memorial Park, north shore of Stoco Lake: sand-bottomed beach and swimming area with very little vegetation near the shoreline.
The naiad was encountered clinging to a tree trunk about 150 cm from the ground and ten meters from the lakeshore. It was taken home to photodocument its emergence, the exuviae was kept for future reference and the teneral male later released where it was found (May 22, 2016).
9:00 AM
9:27 AM
9:30 AM
9:53 AM
10:27 AM
11:24 AM – the wings are spread, and the teneral male Stream Cruiser made its first flight about twenty minutes later.