The Masterharper's Office

Journeywoman Katja's Skills


  1. Do you do MOO-code?
    I MOO de-bug. ;)
  2. How much patience do you have with helping newbies?
    Helping out newbies is my favoritest thing in the whole world. :)
  3. Do you teach lessons? What kinds?
    I teach lessons, sometimes, but I aim towards OOC lessons geared towards newbies. ;) How to perform, what's OOC mean, what the heck is a verb, etc. :)
  4. Are you willing to write up tips and guidelines on various subjects?
    I'd love to write tips and guidelines, as long as I have the faintest clue what I'm talking about.
  5. Are you willing and able to write diplomatic mail?
    I can usually write diplomatic mail - but sometimes I have difficulties with certain people. I can't explain it better than that. :/
  6. What instruments do you play, OOCly?
    OOCly, I play clarinet, penny whistle, recorder... I have been known to work with flutes and saxes a bit and I'm trying my hardest (in my spare time) to learn piano, fiddle and guitar. But I'm interested in anything that makes a sound. :>
  7. Do you have any experience with music theory?
    I have experience with music theory, but I'm horrid at it now due to not using it. Don't come to me on this one! ;)
  8. Are you willing to help with grammatical editing?
    I kin fix that there grammar, yah.
  9. Are you willing to help with the creation of descs?
    Sure... let me try to desc. Just not too much. I burn out fast. :>
  10. What Pern resources do you have? (DLG, Atlas, etc)
    I have the older books and the DLG. None of the newer ones.
  11. Do you have a place to post Harper-related information or logs?
    I'm a posting fiend. :)
  12. What areas is your character, ICly, skilled in? How much can you OOCly contribute to these areas?
    ICly, my character plays guitar pretty well, and is a good singer. Nothing amazing, of course, but good enough. Same for me IRL, though my character plays better guitar. ;) My hands just can't manage it. She also is heavy into archiving - as I am IRL! Researching, organizing, tabulating. I love it. ;) I'm working on my RL drawing skills though... I can make a face that doesn't look like a total mutant now. Proud of me? ;)
  13. Do you have any other OOC skills that may be useful to people seeking help?
    Other OOC skills - I have a brain that uses logic. That generally seems to help. ;) I'm full of opinions...


  Harper's Tale MOO Web SiteThe Masterharper's Office
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© Content Copyright P. Rutins and the Members of the Harper's Tale Harpercraft, 1999
© Pern and the concept of the Harpercraft is the property of Ms. Anne McCaffrey, who kindly allows us to play in her world. Thank you!
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