The Masterharper's Office

Journeywoman Aife's Skills

  1. Do you do MOO-code?
    --Not really. I build, which is not the same thing. I can fix basic problems and make exits and add people and stuff like that. I can @notedit my own messages. I can not code features or anything cool like that. ;)
  2. How much patience do you have with helping newbies?
    --This depends on the day. Sorry, I'm not helpful. ;) Usually I like helping newbies, unless they're rude and obnoxious. But I haven't got loads of patience for /anything/, really.
  3. Do you teach lessons? What kinds?
    --I like jam sessions, which can be counted as lessons. I teach sign
    language when enough people bug me. I really don't like teaching, OOCly, it
    stresses me out.
  4. Are you willing to write up tips and guidelines on various subjects?
    --Yes, provided I know anything about the subject and you don't mind a bit of inane babble mixed in.
  5. Are you willing and able to write diplomatic mail?
    --Yes. I'd even venture to say I'm good at it, when I try. ;)
  6. What instruments do you play, OOCly?
    --Flute, guitar, a bit of piano, and I sing.
  7. Do you have any experience with music theory?
    --I was in band for something like 7 years, so yeah. ;) I've forgotten some
    of the really obscure stuff, I don't remember what the Dorian mode sounds
    like, but I've got a pretty good handle on basic theory.
  8. Are you willing to help with grammatical editing?
    --Yes, if I have time.
  9. Are you willing to help with the creation of descs?
    --Again, yes, inspiration and time allowing.
  10. What Pern resources do you have? (DLG, Atlas, etc)
    --Most of the books, and the DLG. Oh, and the MHoP CD! ;)
  11. Do you have a place to post Harper-related information or logs?
    --If we need I don't mind posting 'em on a webpage or other, I did it with one of the Harper meetings previously, and there's another RP log or two up there as well.
  12. What areas is your character, ICly, skilled in? How much can you OOCly contribute to these areas?
    --Aife does the same things I do, conveniently--plays flute and guitar, sings, and song-crafts. Since my main talent is for writing poses and such, I suppose I can try and get it to rub off on other people too. Or write things for performances or whatever. I dunno. Make me useful. ;) Oh yeah, and I'm good at driving people insane.
  13. Do you have any other OOC skills that may be useful to people seeking help?
    --I dunno. Ask me in the morning. ;) No, really..I know a little about a lot of things, so it can't hurt to ask.
  Harper's Tale MOO Web SiteThe Masterharper's Office
© Design and Graphics Copyright P. Rutins and J. Hamilton, 1999
© Content Copyright P. Rutins and the Members of the Harper's Tale Harpercraft, 1999
© Pern and the concept of the Harpercraft is the property of Ms. Anne McCaffrey, who kindly allows us to play in her world. Thank you!
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