Statement from Aeia to Shinnai, via Email ----------------------------------------- OKay, bare-bones situation, 'cause I don't feel like narrating the whole thing out: 1) Pellan got to her first, was trying to push her over the edge. Newbie or NPC - in any case, annoying. Every time I managed to calm the situation down, he tried to push her again. Very big into self- flagellation, too. 2) Seamus was angry, but in control. He came on the scene after I did, and I told him to stop them. He did not strike her until she declared she wasn't going to be taken without killing us all, and that strike was only tripping her. 3) OOCly, Pellan and Tilla were both determined to get someone killed. It was blatantly obvious by their RP (to me) that they weren't satisfied with a peaceful ending. Tilla kicked Seamus in the groin; he hit her back in self-defense. At the same time, Pellan kicked her legs out from under her. *Her* player snapped her neck (falling on sand from a standing position? *Puh-leeze!* 4) It is not my opinion that any action be taken against Seamus... Especially since I had no impression he OOCly wanted this conclusion! --