The Masterharper's Office

Oriana, Masterharper of Pern.

Originally from a small cothold in the hills of Ruatha, she grew up helping her father, Pehrsson, and her sister Sarah to take care of runnerbeasts. However, her musical talent was evident to the route harper as she played her father's fiddle, and she was given leave to enter the Harper Hall as an apprentice at the age of fifteen. There she studied the harp, as well as other stringed instruments, and became skilled at playing, composing, and building the tools of the harper's trade.

She advanced rapidly, graduating to Journeyman status by seventeen to travel to Telgar Hold as a new Hold Harper. During her stay she taught several apprentices and developed lasting friendships with Lord Parik and Lady Jina of Telgar. Moving on, she served as the Hold Harper at both Southern Boll and Fort Hold.

Back at the Harper Hall at Fort Hold, Oriana studied for her mastery and was passed and promoted to Craftsecond in one fell swoop by the Masterharper Parker. Although her first ambition was to return to Telgar, this new post interested her enough to keep her at Fort, and she continued teaching there. When Masterharper Parker was lost at sea, she had a quick and rocky introduction to the Masterharper's job. After the first few weeks, however, she settled into the position and has been doing her best to keep ahead of the rest of her craft ever since.

After several turns of constant though enjoyable work, the Masterharper came down with a cough. It seemed nothing, but when it had not disappeared after several months, Master Lili sent her on a vacation to Ista Hold in hopes that the warm weather would cook out what Fort's dampness had let seep in. When she agreed ts see a young journeyman healer, however, he gave her a disturbing prognosis. She had apparently contracted "Cannor's Disease", a rare ailment that, if not caught early, could lead to death. A slim chance only was hers, and that necessitated a trek into the southern mountains of the Southern Continent. It was the only region in which the curative herb was known to grow, and it was, according to the records, only in season for a short time each turn.

The journey taxed Oriana's weakened constitution greatly, and by the time the gatherers returned to base after two weeks of hiking, her mood had swung from recalcitrant to morbid and back again, and finally to calm. She recognized that her chances at best were slim and that if this cure failed to work, she faced a long and painful death. The young healer Iliam had his hands full until the moment of truth arrived. The herb, documented only in old, crumbling records, began to have an effect. Gradually, the infection receded, and the damage to Oriana's lungs began to heal.

Although it took several months to recover completely, Oriana was back at the hall as soon as the healers would allow. She still overtaxes herself, but does try to sleep late at least one restday each month.

Ruatha Hold Fort Hold Telgar Hold Southern Boll Hold
[ Ruatha ] -- [ Fort ] -- [ Telgar ] -- [ Southern Boll ]

Oriana is a small woman, standing only a little taller than five feet, or fifteen hands. Fair of skin, her eyes are blue and her hair waves golden down to her shoulders. She dresses in lively blues and greens, comfortable suits, skirts and blouses - always padded on the shoulder so that Amber Lightshine, her gold firelizard and friend-for-life, can go with her wherever she pleases.

  Harper's Tale MOO Web SiteThe Masterharper's Office
© Design and Graphics Copyright P. Rutins and J. Hamilton, 1999
© Content Copyright P. Rutins and the Members of the Harper's Tale Harpercraft, 1999
© Pern and the concept of the Harpercraft is the property of Ms. Anne McCaffrey, who kindly allows us to play in her world. Thank you!
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