WLCW Record Current Match Roleplay Title
003 - 000 - 000 vs. -- #02 - "Crisis"


Storm has come and gone but the controversy remains. Cody Rhodes and Miro were the final two men left standing in the battle royal, punching their tickets to the main event of Ascension in a ladder match for the chance to make history as the first WLCW World Heavyweight Championship. Cody's win, however, did not come without controversy.

When your feet is held to the fire, you need to surround yourself with your confidants. Your tight-knit crew.

Cody and Brandi Rhodes are seated in the living room of their luxurious home in the suburbs of Atlanta. Dustin enters from off-camera with a cup of coffee in his hand, blowing ever so slightly on it before cautiously taking a sip.

Brandi Rhodes: The bullshit on social media gets on my nerves. There's so much salt on the timeline about Storm. Be glad you only get on Twitter to post your daily motivational stuff or else it'd drive you insane.

Brandi tosses her phone down on the coffee table in front of her. Little does she know Cody checks social media more than he lets on. He knows what's been said. He knows his character is being put under fire and it's eating him alive. His father is revered forever, his brother has 30 years of sweat equity built up with the fans. They could never boo him.

But why don't these god damn people like him? What does he have to do to get respect? Die in the ring?

Brandi Rhodes: I've made some calls, the crew is on their way.

A solemn Cody looks straight ahead, stroking his chin in thought.

Brandi Rhodes: Tony, Preston, and Dally are en route. Stephen got on the first available flight and should be here soon. Once everyone is here, we can talk strategy and how to proceed.

Dustin Rhodes: I don't see what the big deal is. Cody won that match. Let the people think what they want. Can't please 'em all.

Brandi Rhodes: Well Dustin, that's the thing. Cody is the biggest fan favorite in WLCW and now these hurtful accusations of cheating are being thrown at him. It's ridiculous. We need our team to figure this thing out and send a singular message of solidarity.

Dustin was one to always steer into controversy instead of gently dance around it, so all of this strategy is absolute foreign to him. "Crisis management?" Not even in the vocabulary of a man who once wore a cone bra with a ball gag in his mouth.

Brandi Rhodes: Cody, once you win the title at Ascension, it'll all die down. Hell, I think once people take a few days to get their minds off of it, they'll quit being so upset and realize you were the best option anyway. Who is more involved in this company than you right now anyway? You're everywhere! Every single day since you signed that WLCW contract, you've been doing everything you can to bring awareness and activity to them.

Still no response from Cody.

Brandi Rhodes: Well, everyone besides Malakai Black. I don't think he's going to get over it. But you know what?

She doesn't even wait for a response.

Brandi Rhodes: Fuck 'em. He wasn't going to win anyway. No talent piece of shit. Nice Instagram post. Almost as cool as his tattoos.

Her eyes almost roll out of head.

Brandi Rhodes: Idiot.

Back on track.

Brandi Rhodes: We have to figure out a way to turn the fans back to you once and for all. It's always the minority that's the loudest. Once they finally open their eyes and see what you're doing for them and this company, they'll come around. You're even wrestling on Eruption for Christ's sake! I don't see anyone else of your status on that show, do you? Where's Eddie Kingston? Huh? Where's Big Kev? Too afraid to risk blowing a quad on YouTube? I don't see MJF's dumb ass trying to score a free win. God knows he's gonna' need 'em because they won't be coming that often.

Cody stands up, completely zoning his wife out. He sighs, notably frustrated with the entire situation. Wrestling is his lifeline, it's his family heritage. The fact that something he's done bringing the center of attention in a negative way is more irritating than not. "All publicity is good publicity" is a popular saying, but in this case, it's not in Cody's opinion. His worthiness being question, his motives and integrity second-guessed, none of this is anything he asked for. He was just trying to win.

Cody Rhodes: I have an idea to turn the tide. It won't happen overnight, but I have a plan.

He turns to his wife and brother, forcing a smile of reassurance.

Cody Rhodes: As for the ending of the match, I'll handle it on Wednesday. It'll be fine. In fact, I think you should throw a celebration party.

Cody nods, agreeing with himself.

Cody Rhodes: Yeah. A party. Get me and Miro in the ring, a big spread, banners, balloons, all of that. The fans will love it.

Cody walks past Brandi, stopping to kiss her on the forehead. He leans up and walks down the long hallway to Liberty's room. When the walls start closing in and a public relations crisis is ongoing, sometimes you just need quality time with you kid.

Being a good dad. What else could possibly make you a bigger babyface?



Achievements: Battle Royal Co-Winner