This is a work of fiction and a product of my vivid imagination. Any similarities with real people or actual events are : 1) purely coincidental and 2) means you have a luckier life than I do. Please send me any comments you have after reading it. It is my first try at any sought of writing.

I call my story

     "An Afternoon in Handcuffs"

My story begins with me locking my office door one morning after I visited my favorite novelty store. I had just picked up a new toy for CM (cuffmate). It’s a combo handcuff and ankle cuff with a connecting chain, the kind you see prisoners wear. I took it out of the package and began to examine it. I notice how heavy they really are. My mind immediately began to devise different position to place CM in. I took out a cleaning rag and began to remove the thin layer of oil that the cuffs were packaged in and checked that the cuffs and keys worked properly.

After cleaning them, I called CM to tell her that I had picked them up. She had been asking for a set like this for awhile. CM and I are devoted handcuff users and have several pairs of handcuffs and leg cuffs, but none like these. As we began talking about how we were going to use them, we started to get excited and the anticipation was getting us nuts. CM asked me to put the call on my speakerphone and put the cuffs on, so she could hear the cuffs closing. ( Normally, our relationship is that CM wears the cuffs and I put them on her, but there are times I allow her to "Get her revenge" and I do enjoy those times). I began to put the ankle cuffs on first and CM kinda take a deep breathe as she is listening. After I had all the cuffs on, she asked in shorten breathe, how they felt. She wanted me to describe the sensations to her.

After about a minute or so, CM told me to hold on. She got back on the phone in a minute, put me on her speakerphone and I started to hear the closing of cuffs. (CM always has a pair of handcuffs with her; she does enjoy them so.) So, here we are, me shackled and CM handcuffed on the phone talking about what our night was going to be like. I am suddenly jarred back to reality by a knock on my office door. I tell CM I’ll call her back and proceed to fumble trying to get the cuffs unlocked. ( I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about). After what seemed like an eternity, I have the cuffs off and place them in my wardrobe closet.
When I answered the door, I looked a little flush and flustered. It was my co-worker Mary. She gives me a strange look, trying to figure out what took so long in opening the door. Mary asked if we were going to stay late tonight and work on the budget proposals for next month. Mary and I have an arrangement that about three days before the end of the month we go over all the budget requests from the different departments, take away from Peter to pay Paul type of work and to make sure all the departments get a fair shake. These sessions usually start after everyone goes home, so we are not bothered by department heads asking every 2 minutes how they are going to make out with their budget. We use the large board room for this. It gives us plenty of space to spread the proposals around. But since I had no intention of delaying using  my new toy on CM, I told Mary that we would postpone it until tomorrow night. Mary said that was fine and would drop off the proposals a little later.

Since the mood was broke and it was getting late in the morning, I plunged into work and tried not to think about the ‘goodies’ in my closet. As lunch time approached, I decide to eat in and check out the cuffs again. When I returned with my lunch, I closed my door, took out the cuffs and let my mind wonder again. I couldn’t resist calling CM again, told her about the interruption, and we continues with our fantasizing about tonight. As we talked and I continued to play with the cuffs, I hear a sharp breathe intake that did not come from CM. I look up to see Mary standing there holding the proposals. I closed but forgot to lock my door. Mary’s mouth is wide open, seeing me holding the cuffs and her face is getting redder by the second. Oh said  "OH ! OH!" real loud, told CM I would call her back and hung up before she could ask what had happened. Mary said the she knocked and when no one answered she thought I was out to lunch and decided to leave the proposals on my desk. She apologized for intruding dropped the proposals and made a mad dash for the door. By the time I put the cuffs back in the closet, and went to find Mary, she had already left the office. I asked everyone if they knew where she went. No one knew. I ran to the front of the building to try to catch her and explain to her, but she was long gone.
 I went back up to my office, called CM and told her what happened. CM got all flustered and nervous worrying about who Mary was going tell and what she was going to say. I started seeing my career go down the drain. I imaged Mary right now sitting in our boss’ office telling about the totally disgusting thing she just saw and probably exaggerating to the hilt. I tried to concentrate on my work the rest of the afternoon, but of course I couldn’t do anything until I found and talk to Mary. Every few minutes I would go out to see if she had come back.

I locked my office door and, again, started to go over in  my head all the different scenarios that could take place. So far none of them were pleasant. Just about quitting time, there was a knock on my door. I went to open it and Mary was there, still looking a little shaken. I asked her to come. She sat down and looked at her hands for a few minutes. I decided to wait for her to start talking, not wanting to provoke her. After a moment, she said that she was sorry that ran out so fast. She was just walking around trying to get a handle on things and decided that what was my business was mine and not hers and she shouldn’t be so judgmental of people; I treat her fairly and that what happened shouldn’t affect our work relationship.   Things were starting to look up. But there was something behind Mary’s eyes that told me there was still something lingering in her mind.  She shocked me by asking how I got involved with handcuffs, what my feeling were in using them, etc. I tried to remain calm and explain to Mary in very general terms how I felt about using and wearing handcuff and the sensual enjoyment me and my partner get in using them. I also told her that there are quite a few people who feel the same way I do and that they are everywhere. Mary began to relax a little and said that since we were in the office, could we start on the proposals tonight. Not wanting to rock the delicately balanced boat I have now, I said sure. I called CM to get her up to date. She agreed that it was a good idea to go along with Mary right now. I told her I’d call her when we were done.

After I hung up, Mary came back into the office looking unsure about something that she wanted to say. She picked up the proposals and then asked in a quite voice if I would bring the cuffs along into the board room. Immediately alarms went off in my head. I’m now thinking that my boss is there just waiting for the evidence to fire me. But as I look at Mary, there didn’t seem to be any underlines signs that this was a setup. So, I let myself trust her got the cuffs and left my office. When we were both in the board room, she asked to see the cuffs. She started asking questions again about how they’re used and why some people have a fascination with them. I figured that maybe Mary had an unresolved issue or had what she perceived to be ‘naught thoughts’ about bondage. I explained again what I had said previously.

After a few minutes she asked real sheepishly if I would put the cuffs on her. Trying to be as understanding as I could I asked Mary if this is what she really wanted. She said she has been having thoughts about being tied up for a long time. She thinks his might be the thing she needs to decide whether being tied was something she would enjoy. I cuffed one ankle first and saw she was getting concerned. So I asked her if she would feel better if I only put one ankle and one handcuff on her. She said that would be better. She looked at them after I had her cuffed. She started moving them around her wrist and ankle to get to feel of them. About five minutes later, with very little talk in between, she asked me to cuff her other wrist and ankle.

As I started to cuff her wrist, she pulled back and said she wasn’t ready to wear both cuffs. Trying to keep her calm, I asked if she wanted to cuff me in the other cuffs. She looked at me for a second and said that she would feel better if put the cuffs on myself. So I cuffed myself to her. She sat there again getting the feel of being cuffed. She got up and wanted to walk around with them. I explained that it wasn’t as easy as it looked to walk around cuffed to someone else and that we needed to take it slow. We walk around the conference table a few times ‘til Mary got the feeling of what it was like. We sat down again. Mary looked at me, gave me a nervous laugh and thanked me for helping her figure things out. Not wanting to push to hear what she decided, I asked if she wanted to take the cuffs off. She said yes and thanked me again for being so understanding.

 Now Mr. Murphy decides to pay us a visit. You know Mr. Murphy. His law states that when something could go wrong, it usually does. Well, here is no exception. I looked for the keys and remembered I left them in the closet. I told Mary we would have to walk to my office to get the keys. Since no one else was around, we got up and walk to my office. Mr. Murphy number 2. My door is locked. Now, to refresh your memory, after I ran out and could find Mary, I went back into my office and locked the door. Mary came into my office after I got up to open the door. I never unlocked it. So when we went to the board room, I closed the door thinking it was unlocked.

So, here we are. In front of my office, cuffed together, with no way into my office. Mary’s pretense of calm now goes out the window and she begins to get hysterical. I’m panicking on the inside. On the outside I’m trying to remain calm.  I try talking reassuring to Mary, but she wants no part of it. She wants out of the cuffs NOW. She tries to pry them off. I stop her and say all she’s going to do is cut her wrist and ankle trying to force them off. We went back to the board room, close the door and try to figure out what to do. My door key is locked in my office as well and the office manager, who has duplicate keys, keeps them locked up. So getting those keys are out. One solution is to go to my apartment and get my spare keys. She says absolutely not. She not going to go walking around in public in cuffs and that I better come up with a better idea. The only other solution is to call CM to bring my extra set of keys. At first Mary says no emphatically. But as I tell her that it’s our only choice and how CM also has the same feeling about handcuffs that I do and would never ridicule her, she reluctantly gives in.

I call CM at her office and get no answer. I look at the time and it’s almost 6 PM. She won’t be home yet for another 30 minutes. As we’re waiting, Mary calms down a bit and realizes that maybe she went a little to far before. She loosens up and we begin talking again, touching on a number of subjects, including cuffs. Before I call CM, I have to figure out a way of breaking my predicament to her as delicately as possible.

At 6:30, I call CM at home. She answers and asks in a concerned voice what happened after I spoke to her last. I went over how Mary and I talk about her feeling and all. I still haven’t told her were cuffed together. I tell her about how Mary wanted to experience being cuffed and how one thing led to another and that -am-cuffed-to-Mary-and-need-you-to-go-to-my-apartment-to-get-my-spare-keys-becaused-I-locked-the-keys-to-the-cuffs-in-my-office. I get this out as quickly possible. There’s total silence on the other end of the phone. I call CM’s name and ask if she’s still there. She answer with one word- YES. I figure  she is now absorbing what I said and thinking about how to kill me.

After a minute she said it would take her about ½ hour to get to my apartment and another 20 minutes to my office. So, she would be there by 7:30. I hung up and told Mary when CM would be there. We kind of just relaxed the best we could and waited, making small talk. At about 7:15, anxiety starts to set in. This unusual situation is just about over and we can get on with our lives. WRONG !

At 7:30, security in the lobby calls to say CM is on her way up.  We get startled when CM opens the door partially to the board room. We look at her very sheepishly and apologetic. CM has this real strange look on her face; not quite anger. We start to get up and CM says in a very quiet, but very stern voice,  to stay seated. As CM comes into the room I notice a bag in her hand, my GOODY bag. My head goes into a tailspin wondering what to expect next. Mary hasn’t a clue as to what’s in the bag.

CM opens the bag, takes out a pair of handcuffs and proceeds to cuff my hands behind my back. CM takes out another pair of handcuffs and walks toward Mary and begins to cuff Mary’s hands behind her back. When Mary starts to protest, CM tells her to keep quite before things get worse. They get worse anyway. CM takes out 2 pairs of ankle cuffs and cuffs the 2 of us to the chairs. Mary and I are not only cuffed to the chairs, were still cuffed to each other.  CM looks at us for a second and comes over to me removes the ankle cuffs and proceeds to remove my pants. Now I start to protest, but get the same response Mary did. In a few minutes I’m in my boxers and Mary is in her bra and panties, still cuffed together and to the chairs. Mary starts to cry and pleads with CM to let us go. But CM is having no part of pleading. CM pulls out 2 ball gags and gags Mary and me, saying she’s had enough whining out of the 2 of us.

CM examines her handy work and then gives us another shock for the day by undressing herself ‘til she’s down to her panties and bra. Now for shock #2. CM begins to put on ankle cuffs, a plug gag, her waist chain with long cuff chains attached to them. So, here are the three of us. Mary and I cuffed, gagged and undressed together, CM undressed and in a self bondage. For the next couple of hours, CM changes Mary and mine’s positions several times. First were standing back to back, our hands cuffed behind our backs. Then it’s Mary with her hands cuffed in front with mine cuffed around her body, cuffed to her cuffs. Then it’s my turn to be cuffed in front with Mary’s arms cuffed around me. CM now has us standing , facing each other, our cuffed hands in front, stilled cuffed to each other. A wicked smile comes to CM’s face. She goes back to the bag and takes out what I call a double ball gag. It’s 2 ball gags attached together by a 6 inch wooded dowel between them. With minutes Mary and I are sharing the gag. What makes this worse is that Mary is about 5’3" and I’m 5"10", so Mary’s head is tilted up while mine is tilted down. CM now takes out 2 collars, attaches them to us, connects them to a chain and takes us for a walk around the room. CM is not through yet.

 She comes up with a different way to cuff us. With Mary and I still facing each other, like we really have a choice to face any other way with the gag still on, CM takes Mary’s right hand places it between my legs and cuffs my left hand behind my back and then to Mary’s hand. CM then does the same to me; places my right hand between Mary’s leg and cuffs Mary’s left wrist behind her back and to my hand. CM leaves like this I don’t know how long.

CM gets has a look of satisfaction on her face. Mary and I have a gleam of sweat on us and our muscles are twitching from being cuffed for so long.  CM begins to remove her own cuffs and stuff and gets dressed. She then goes to Mary and starts to remove her cuffs and tells Mary to get dressed. While Mary is dressing, CM looks at me and says " I’ll take care of you later" with a sinister look to her. I can’t imagine what trouble I’m going to be in.

After Mary dresses, CM takes her out into the reception area and talks seriously to her for quite awhile. At first, Mary sits there and listens, then begins to get into the conversation. After a few minutes Mary is smiling and laughing with CM. Mary get up to leave and CM gives her a warm, friendly hug and hands her a small package. When Mary leaves, CM comes back into the room. She looks at me and said that she had given Mary her own pair of handcuffs, just in case she still needs a little help with her problem. CM slams the door, looks at me with anger and says " Now it’s time to take care of you!!". She then smiles this million dollar smile at me and begins to undress again.


 Story by  Jim

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