King for a day

Hello everyone.....
For those of you who don't go multi-fed, and don't cater to the CCW or the CWF's slant on Slamming, You may not know me....That's why I carry THIS!!! The Slammer's Express Card.
Don't leave home without it !!!
Member since X5@#4927?!! Error Error
Okay.. Cuteness aside...
I've been given a wakeup call recently on just how "FAMOUS" I really am in Cybersalm.... Not that great... OUCH... those
Ego slamms HURT!! Taint all that well remembered... In some circles, I have a rep, in others I have a bit of disdain built up for my
particular style of slamming, and in some of the newer ones I'm an unknown......... Hard for someone of "MY" ego to accept... but
what is Heck... It's part of the reason I'm running Sensei in CCW right now...
You guessed it... This is an OOC post... For those of you who know my work, that means three things.
  1. No Swords
  2. Alot Shorter
  3. No having to Decifer SENSEI SPEAK
But it brings me to the point of the article. What DOES make a legend? What makes a slammer memorable enough that he'd be known away from his fed? Apart from his stable? AFTER he's retired?
The HOF??
Being in the C-slam HOF was a great honor for me. I was pleasantly surprised to be inducted on the first vote. Some of the other people in it, that I know or hear from personally, felt the same way. But after awhile, the honor wears off, and the nature of the site doesn't give anything but a quick rememberance of the slammer's career. One passage does not a testimony make.
Plenty of the first winners are gifted, active slammers. Quite a few are not only NOT in the HOF, but they are the constant recipiants of "Who's the BAT??" "What was Catwoman like" ect ect. Besides which, the Ultimate title is more about bragging rights than Skill, or the heat generated to get it. Coolbreeze's multi-Title reign is not so much known for the title itself, but known for how he got it, and also how many times.
There are too many ways of garnering fame in C-slam to go into one by one. But acknowleging the above two as stepping stones TO the brass ring of being known beyond your tenure or current station in C-slam is important. Most of what they are can be laid out in the words "STATUS SYMBOL". One is a benchmark, The other a reward. They both can mean less than they should in the wrong hands, or when simply not used properly.
What makes a legend?
How do you gain that?
Creation: If you make something that lasts beyond your intrest or control of it. You affect other people. They notice that.
Interaction: The more you affect other people, good or bad... The more you are remembered. If you make a fedwide angle
then the fed will remember you. If you do things like sell other people's flashes at your character's expence, or
Annoy the whole fed with your tactics... You will be remembered *Note: Being rmemebered for being deleted is
Just being remembered for being an idiot*
Uniqueness: No-one's going to rememeber the guy who copied Stone Cold Steve Austin or the guy who just posted Insults all the
time. To be remembered you have ot be MEMORABLE!!!! Some people acentuate fueding over Roleplay. It's a style.
I personally mix the two, although I am mostly remembered for one or the other. My personal favorite is using
Roleplay AS part of a fued, but to each his/her own. And that is the point. Find a style. Stick to it. Blow people's
Mind's when you break your four month pattern and START roleplaying.. OR STOP.... whatever... Just make your
Mark. The most memorable people are the ones who people TALK about. Discuss.. People who use no character
do not have to be boring, Fueding doesn't make you dumb, or reactionary.. But the person who Screams SUCKIT
(*oy.. bad memory*) and does one paragraugh insults get's whereever he can get with that an..THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!
Made up characters do not guarentee Uniqueness... Stereotypes are easy to use... but if used as a CRUTCH rather
than a tool.. Fergit it.. And people do....People who use characters based on Real Wrestler do not have to be
a carbon copy, boring easily predicted stereotype. If they are, they are not the stuff of Legends...
They are TARGETS!!!
(* Right Fudge-Pac?? heheheeh*)
Class: There's no way around it. The most remembered people had it. You might be an evil OOC posting bastard..
You might be the game's only permanent face..... If you hold yourself to a certain level of slamming, posting,
dealings with the enemy.....ect ect It shows in what you do and how people think of you. Cometmeeker
JUST MAY have been the person with the lowest amount of conscience in the game I've ever dealt with....
I tried to get him booted by the players voting him out, by mailing the slammer, By becoming the FIRST commisioner
and making rules......... But I always respected his talent because he NEVER EVER went for the easy cheap
insults... he made Insults that resulted in NEW RULES...... But he held himself as an Anarchist's Artiste....
And I had to give him that... He worked hard at being evil... He had Class.... *sigh*
(* good thing he's gone!!! *)
(* I think he STILL hasn't shut up PLLLLBT to ya Jud!! LOL *)
I'm Ending the article with hope.... There ARE new superstars everyday... It's the nature of this place... And the curse.... the people who run the sites that promote the better players and the rising stars do little to preserve WHY they think these people are good.. and DAMN little to show HOW good they were.... Most of C-slam is in the moment, and Veterans like me cringe over computer crashes and lost files that take away bits and peices of the heritage of this place. I lost every last file from my first two years here in a Windows upgrade crash.... Folks............................. I'm an ex-mairine and a NEW YORKER...
I almost fricken cried...
Save what you want to remember folks....
Even better...
Make what you do....
later slammers
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