
Knowing my friends

Meeting my friends

Alimar Kuranking:

One of the best friend i ever had in my life.
I dont even know how we became friends but it just happenXD....
He is very understanding and helpful... Its always fun when hes around....

He jokes a lot to keep the mood happy when we are with our 'barkada'

Amer Shakil Bacaro:

This little guy here is one of my closest friends...
He is kinda' moody but he is really cool.
He is a Reliable Friend(although sometimes)

Mohammad Sodaiz M. H.Zaman:

This crazy looking guy here is also 0ne of the best friends i ever had...
Even though that he get picked on sometimes by, he never let it get down to him....He just go with the flow
He really is a reliable friend.