My Profile



Hello guys! This is Habib Madzmo Mariano. I made this website because it is actually our project for our ICT subject.

I was born on August 25,2002. I'm 14 years old. I dont really have particular likes and dislikes about things.... If you want to know more about me then click on the other links that will lead you to other pages....

Ten Facts about me:

Ten: I really hate studying my lessons1

Nine: I eat a lot when im stressedXD...

Eight: I might look very serious when others first saw me but I'm actually friendly and kind.

Seven: I always play D.O.T.A especially when I'm bored and when there is nothing more interesting to do...

Six: I sometimes pretend that I'm listening to others when they are talking,but actually all do is just doodle and nod until they a finished talking

Five: I really hate durian because it stinks!!!

Four: I really like anime in fact instead of utilizing most of my time with studying i just walch anime till i feel sleepy everyday....

Three: i hate those people who is only your friend when they need something from you

Two: I'm actually a mama's boy...

One: I like sleeping and wasting my time all day long without finishing my requirements for school sometimesXD....