By Garry Tidler

Donnie Carter 1950s

There is a bridge north west of Tipton Indiana where many people cross every day not realizing the great event that took place near by in 1949. They neither look right or left as they cross over the bridge that crosses Buck Creek.

As kids we spent many hours playing a long the bank of Buck Creek, fishing, camping and doing all matter of things.

One day just north of the bridge, the call of nature came calling to us as it does to a lot of boys around water. Little did I know I would witness an event that day that ranks up with the train trip of President Truman and the burning down of the Diana Theater.

There were five boys standing on a cement block wall peeing into Buck Creek not knowing the historical event-taking place. One boy was peeing a little farther than the rest. Not to be out done, they all raise their elevation to get a little farther out but Donnie was not to be out done. He did likewise and was peeing halfway across. As we raise elevation and strain to get that last bit of distance Donnie was still well ahead of the rest of us. One by one we were running out of ammunition with no hope of winning. Donnie seem to gather some strength from down within and was still going strong when we all had to accept defeat. By this time Donnie was peeing 3/4 the way across Buck Creek. I wonder to myself where such a little boy could get such strength.

We all started cheering Donnie on, telling him to go for it. At this point Donnie seemed to get his second wind and was peeing farther out in the creek than any of us thought humanly possible. We were caught up in the event and urging Donnie on. You could see the strain on his face building up and then it happened, just a drop or two at first but then a full stream. Donnie had peed all the way across Buck Creek. We all broke out in cheers as if he had made a touch down. Donnie had the biggest smile on his face knowing he had won the admiration of all us older boys.

There isn't a plaque to mark the place or time where this happened but it is an event that will live on in five boys memory for years.

Even today when I cross this bridge I look north with fond memories of the day little Donnie peed all the way across Buck Creek.

Donnie and Garry 1950s

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