Kamfaninmu ya tsara muku wani kurwa wanda a ke masa lakabi da sunan shahararren malamin nan na ilmin taurari, watau malam babba na kofar gabas. Wannan kurwa an cika masa ilmin taurari bisa littattafan Abi Hayyullah Al-Marzuki Al-Ruhiy da littattafan Abi Ma’ashari Al-Falakiyul Kabir da sauranm littatattafai.

Saura da me bayan an tsara Shi an kai Shi SHAMDI centre for management and strategic studies don nazarin yadda ya ke aiki.

Wannan kurwa zai iya duba maka taurarin da suke da alaka da kai da ma meye alakan da ke tsakaninka da su.

Don samun amsar tambaya ka game da rayuwarka ko bukatarka sai ka sayi wannan kurwa don kuwa shima wani malami ne a fagen ilmin taurari.

Yana nan tafe ba da jimawa ba.

An expert system in Hausa, tagged Malam Babba na kofar gabas, meaning master from the eastern gate. This is a name of a famous Hausa astrologer in the northern region of Nigeria. This software is given the name of this astrologer, because of his contributions to this field. It forecast different horoscope for you in Hausa base on the teaching of Islamic astrologers on astrology, famous among them are the theories of Abu Hayyullah Al-Marzukiy Al-Falakiy Al-Ruhiy and that of Abi Ma’ashar Al-Falakiy Al-Kabir and host of others.

The software has been tested in SHAMDI Centre for management and strategic studies.

The software will soon be out, so watch out!


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