Gwani e-books

We have the following e-books in Hausa or English at an affordable price.

                Travel guide 

A book by Qadi A. Muhammad which takes you into journey into reality, a journey you won't like to miss. This book will    guide you into such a journey that will transform your life     forever. N250

             SHAMDI Constitution

SHAMDI Constitution English written by the Executive Delegate. N200




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          Travel Guide N250

          SHAMDI Constitution N200

Cash down your bill in United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc in our account number 0302120017846 and as soon as your money reach us we will send the book to your e-mail. A confirmation mail will be sent to you when this form has been processed. If after a period of five days you have not receive a confirmation mail no your order call any of our phone found in the address page in this site.




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