Galaxy Quest Vs. Star Trek

Taggart Vs. Picard

I'm sure you all have seen the infamous "Reasons why Kirk is better than Picard".  Well here is a change, I give you "Reasons why Taggart is better than Picard."

Drinks Coca-Cola                                                                                                               Drinks Tea

Has a full set of hair                                                                                                                  Is bald

Convinces Guy that he is not going to die                                          Does not talk to the lowly red shirts

Goes down to the planet to command the away mission                Stays up on the ship away from danger

Stays on the command deck with the crew                                                   Has his fancy "ready room"

In the end gets the girl                                                     In the ends gets to read one of his many books

Helps save a race of Aliens                        Does not get involved for fear of violating the Prime Directive

Fires on Sarris during peace negotations                    Always wants to talk and come to peaceful solutions

Slept with every Moon Princess and
Terrakian Slave Girl on the show                                       Was too uptight to particapate in such activity

Catch Phrase:  Never Give Up, Never Surrender                             Catch Phrase:  Make it so or Engage


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