. War Of The Worlds Review

I saw war of the worlds tonight at the cinema, and i quite enjoyed it, unlike one or two of my friends. lots of suspense and scary stuff, as well as things to make you think (if you like that sort of thing, if not it'll make no nevermind). This is the first version of the Classic story by H. G. Wells that I've seen/read/heard. I haven't read the book, but I'll endeavor to now. nor have I heard (but I have heard things about) 'someone else' Orson's mass panic inducing radio play version.

A basic plot of the film: New York crane driver Ray someone-or-other (Tom Cruise) gets dumped with his kids: 10 year old Rachel (Dakota Fanning - Man on Fire, Hide and Seek), and angsty teen Rob; while their mum and step-father go away to Boston. Panic and Carnage ensues.
After a freak lightning storm (or so they thought) a huge machine beastie comes up from the ground and starts blowing stuff up. the rest of the story follows Ray and his children as they try to re-unite with their family in Boston and defeat this alien menace.

The film has many themes, including political: there are many scenes reminiscant of the 9/11 bombings, Ray returning home covered in white dust, a wall of missing persons signs, the whole concept of the enemy within (the machines were apparently buried long before man arrived). The film also looks at human nature in such a crisis, the every man for himself attitude of most people; and the selfless, heroic deeds of the main characters. Theres also some stuff on family; life the universe and everything; more politics; some other stuff I can't remember at this time of morning.

A couple of things I didn't like about the movie, mostly in the unrealistic, cliched ending (which I won't spoil completely but you can probably guess). And the fact these people keep surviving against all odds, there are also some other plot holes in relation to realism (such as: how could he possibly know exactly how much time they had to get out of the house why would the other family stay in their house in Boston when the city's being flattened, and a few more which I won't mention so as not to spoil it for you.)
Another interesting thing, theres a scene where Rachel sees a lot of bodies floating down the river, and for some reason, the majority of the audience in the theatre seemed compelled to laugh, myself included.

The Film has a good soundtrack too, classical type music, adding to the suspense, or action or whatever the scene is about (I noticed this particularly in the first massacre scene and the funny floaters scene mentioned above)

Overall a very good film I recon, lots of excitement, suspense and thinking stuff. I'll give it a...
Rating: 8/10


^They all die^

^They all die^

^Most of them die^

^yet strangely these ones seem to stay alive^

^Batman declines rapidly after being laid off^

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