
Dirtsurfer is a recent invention (of Graeme Attey in Fremantle). It's basicly an offroad skateboard, or an on-land surfboard or snowboard. (It's pretty complicated to explain. Just check out this site or the official Dirtsurfer website for more information.




  • Well, I went to switzerland with my dirtsurfer, it worked okay... not as well as I'd hoped though. Even disc brakes don't work so well on Ice! and also the bumps and grooves made by skiers and boarders make the front wheel shake around quite a bit which makes the whole thing unstable. But i did have a few good runs down a long toboggan track from kleine sheideg (I think thats what it was called) to Wengen, probably about 3-4 Kilometres of snowy track. I only stacked it a few times (a lot less than when I was snowboarding anyway) one of them at the top of a pretty big slope. I was on my face for two seconds when i noticed my Ds was still sliding along quite nicely. up and running after it!! how do you yell "GET OUT OF THE WAY" in Swiss-German? all I could think of was Achtung!! But the snowboarding was great fun regardless, but I landed on my arse so many times I couldn't Run for about 3 and a half weeks afterwards, my cocsixs (coxixs? coxics? ... Butt-Bone) was so sore.
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Dirtsurfers are great fun. They are a great way to get around (I use it just to get to the store and back) or just to ride with friends (especially if you can convince them to tow you on their bikes!!). They can travel on almost any terrain: Tarmac, Gravel, Grass, Snow (see News), Kids Slides at parks. And they travel it better when they're going Downhill. Down a slope, a dirtsurfer can beat a bike any day.

The Design
Dirtsurfer is all patented, so don't try make it at home. It's a Two-wheel 'In-line board' design. Turning is easy, just lean and the front wheel pivots. It pivots from the front so you don't go against the flow and the design completely eliminates speed wobbles. In fact the faster you go, the more balanced you are. One problem with the In-line design is that on a wet day, the front wheel will flick water up at you (there are no mudguards) so wear sunnys or goggles when riding.
The patented Calf-brake is a revolutionary design. making stopping easy as, but BEWARE!! MAKE SURE YOUR BRAKES WORK BEFORE RIDING FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Every dirtsurfer I've bought has had dodgy brakes. Make absolutely sure they work before riding. They're easy enough to fix, so don't worry, if you can't manage yourself, take it into a bike shop. they'll fix it.
So once your sure your brakes work. you'll notice they are Disc Brakes (on the flexi or Road Racer Models) and can be activated simply by leaning back, pressing the lever with your back calf. The design is good for two reasons. One, it's a huge step up from the old hand brake design (basicly half a handle bar with a brake cord to the wheel - very akward). With the calf brake you dont have any cords to get tangled up in, there's no restrictions and less moving parts. Second, because you have to lean back to brake; if you brake too hard you won't get thrown forward, but if you do, the brake will release anyway letting you regain your balance and the dirtsurfer will continue moving thereby ruling out your untimely demise :D .

There are three models:

  • The GP (General Purpose): Best for beginners, lower to the ground, so easier to balance. Includes dead-mans brake so that if you come off the board won't roll away. Solid Deck. normal bicycle style brakes.

  • The Flexi-Deck: as the name suggests, the deck is made of a replaceable, flexible (but strong) Plywood deck. making jumping (and landing) softer and easier. Also has Higher Ground clearance so it needs more balance, but it is more versatile for terrain, can go down steps and kerbs unlike the others and can go up ramps and small steps that the GP couldn't. No Dead-mans, so be careful where you leave it.

  • RoadRacer: Havent ridden one myself, so i cant tell you a lot. Slick Tyres, disc brakes (& deadmans), solid deck, low to ground for balance and speed. mainly designed for on-roads, downhills.
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All Photos below are copyright 2005, Reuben Hunter, so don't nick 'em. at least not without asking me first.

These are just holiday snaps really. but i did go Dirtsurfing on the holiday so its justified (see news)

  • The only picture i got with my Dirtsurfer in it!! this is halfway down the toboggan run from Kleine Sheidegg to Wengen, you cal almost see wengen in the background thru the trees.
  • Snowboarding down the mannlichen run (pronounced man-lickin'... bloody Swiss), thats the back of the snowboarding instructor dude's head. and i think that's my finger at the bottom of the frame.
  • My old man on the Lauberhorn run, above cloud line, check it out with the sun and the clouds and whatnot: Photographer extraordinaire (me that is, not the old man)
  • It's Me :D, and a tv crew behind me. they were setting up for a big winter sports event the week we were there so it might have been to do with that. but rest assured I spoiled their take.
  • heh it's me again. man what a sexy beast (not a word Sam*) *Inside joke
  • A view, I scanned it in so I may as well post it up. its of a town called Grindlewald (they do think of beautiful names these people) from kleine sheidegg again.
  • Another view. Its of mountains.

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    Local: Perth, Australia:

    • The Arena, Joondalup: watch this space
    Down South:
    • Dwellingup
    • Nannup
    • More coming soon. There are plenty of parks and streets in suburban perth, you just need to look.


    • UK, there are one or two mountain boarding parks in England, and plenty of grassy hills and moors and mountains (well, just big hills really) to ride on. I'd like to try Snowdon in Wales.
    • For More, See the official Dirtsurfer site.

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    Getting Started
    Tips for Learning to Ride, Buying a board, Maintenance (misspelt?), Pads, Accessories etc.

    BEWARE!! MAKE SURE YOUR BRAKES WORK BEFORE RIDING FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Every dirtsurfer I've bought has had dodgy brakes. Make absolutely sure they work before riding. They're easy enough to fix, so don't worry, if you can't manage yourself, take it into a bike shop. they'll fix it.

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