Charity Dolls
One of our club rules is that each member is to donate a doll to charity each year.  The club works on this project as a group following one of our meetings.  Each member must either make their own doll, dress a "like new" used doll, buy a doll or donate $10.00. Ms. Vicki is the Coordinator.
Round Robin
This project starts in the Spring and is usually completed by the Fall.   Participants are instructed to be creative and do what they love.  Each month doll parts are exchanged with an assigned person.
Challenge Doll
Each  year a theme is selected and members are requested to create a doll following this general theme. These dolls are usually completed in the Fall.
Christmas Swap
Each year members participate in a Christmas Swap by creating a doll with a theme voted upon by the club.  The dolls are swapped at our annual Christmas Party. 
Traveling Dolls
The 2005 Traveling Doll Exhibit is a display of dolls 12" or less that are traveling to various libraries throughout the metro Columbus area.   Many of these dolls tell a story . 
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