Who does rule here?

The main employer is without a doubt the state, in all his versions:  Municipality, decentralized institutes, departamento, police and armed forces.  The first is the one that more local manpower occupies.  The other ones "import" professionals and technicians from the rest of the country.

I was never removed the sensation of being in some African country, where there are not universities, the riches and the rulers are white and foreigners and the population's 70% hardly participate in their government.

I lived in Inírida, where the outsiders are majority.  I saw them govern, in their typical partisan tangle, faking oppositions, when the owner of all is the same group.  I knew that in the departmental assembly there was not a single indigenous deputy, be they the population's 80% or not.  Once there were two, but they made it so bad that people didn't choose them again.  But doesn't the same thing happen in the whole country?  The poors are majority, the medium-low class is immense and... Does they govern?

There were two deputies cabucos, or children of indigenous and Colombian, or vice versa.  One of them was a San Felipe's beautiful woman.  She only recognized their origin when I exposed her the injustice of majority excluded.  The cabucos by their own are a group hard to identify.  Most of them no longer wanted to feel Indians and they preferred to say that they were white.  It happened the same as with the children of Colombian in E.U. those say �me no gustar Spanish� and they are embarrassed that their parents speak it.

In all the stores of Inírida the "prepared" was gotten, for 100 pesos or less, and it was not another thing than Fresh Royal, Kool-Aid or so on.  They sometimes tossed him a little bit of fruit juice, but they were so few that it seemed a mistake.  Some said that it was dangerous for health, because sometimes they didn't boil the water.  The strange thing is that some, with the weatherbeaten stomach, took water even from the river and it didn't happen them anything.  Other, only thinking in that the prepared was not boiled, it gave them stomachache.  But they also sold aguapanela(e28) or lemonade for the same 100.  The juices price seemed a yoyo.  Most of the fruits, vegetables and eatable green plants arrived by air or by ship, what increased their price.  But when a fruit was in cropping, its juice disappeared from the market, it was too cheap.  Even they were seen rot mangos and guavas in the street or in the garbage drums.

The wild fruits only the natives consume them in form.  The colonist try them, but they are just learning how to prepare them.  The same distribution and communication problem of the whole country repeats at scarce kilometers from the "agricultural frontier".  If it happens in Bogotá, surrounded by small properties and plantations!  They counted me about colonists' populations that threw whole crops to the river because they were rotting.  There is not how to take out the products in the corresponding time and to think about road-alikes and bridges would be to think about high economic and environmental costs.  The rivers are many and the land muddy.  The present conditions close the doors to the commercialization and only coca and guerrilla are seen as exit, but the real one is far from achieve to being known.

The coqueros began to worry because the buyers didn't arrive, as consequence of the captures of the bosses in Cali.  It was as the rubber bonanza that brought wealth and slavery to the region, but it left just as it arrived.

The guerrilla can replace the state in security matters:  To control violence factors, to order communities and to give them common goals, as ecology or fishing.  But to correct structural economic problems is other thing.  To overcome international trade sanctions it is needed a lot more than they will never be able to give.  The internal war prevents that they consolidate national goals, because each counterpart pull for their side and they want to eliminate to the other one. The paper of Colombia in INAIA has not been defined for this and for many other reasons. Our potential gives to give her a much more plural unit, organized to serve the poor, not to the rich one.

We have neglected our relationships with economies of a similar size and now we suffer the consequences. A third part of our trade depends on the U.S., and almost all the Arab, Asian nations and Africans suffer the same wrong. We behave as if the other continents were not more than drawings in the map. While, the industrialized economies form very well coordinated and excellently communicated cartels. It is very easy to say "the U.S. does this, the U.S. does another thing". I Intend to begin to tell us �what happens is that Colombia has not made anything for Somalia�, �there was coup-de-etat in Surinam and the government didn't say anything!� and so on. Instead in Cali I have heard people built up hopes with the drug traffic mobs, when they are our fascism and our imperialism. They reveal their selves if we fall in bill that their business is to enslave and that their politics is the politics of terror. We have reproduced the actors of violence, when what we need is to overcome those that there are already at national and international level. With them coarse and it has more than enough! The U.S. demand us confrontation, as if we had wars not enough. They request us aggressiveness when in here we are killing ourselves for a long time. If the armament producers don't know that to do for sell us their products, it would not be bad if they broke.

Reject every invitation to murder.
Disobey to everyone that orders you to kill.

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