Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.  Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.  Hail, O Mary, highly favored one, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, requests now for us the sinners and in the hour of our death, amen.



The communities of the southeast of the Nation have remained in almost a limb, during these near to 250 Republican years.  The cocalerose1 marches are only a small sample of their complexity and their special relationship with the rest of the Country.   The economic and political approaches that have governed in the last 50 years (and maybe before) they discriminated against them as inhabitants of the "national territories".  Bogotá is not considered a territory of the same kind; it almost reproduces the relationship that reigns between the European nations and their "overseas territories".  If we call "colonists" (inhabitants of the colonies) to people that live there it is a premonition of more yearnings of autonomy.  The dominance gave cause aggressive postures when they are deciduous, pejorative, and even they decide to increase their demands.  Well entered the 20th century, cases of slavery - the Arana House1 is one of them - and the terrible economic conditions of the peasants of the whole region, they seem unaware to the national reality, but they have never stopped to be in it.
My experience in the Guainía, so poor and so improvised, it is a small point of communication with that reality.  It allowed me to reconsider my personal relationship with the rural areas and contextualize them with my perceptions on the situation in the rest of the country.  Also, it included several relationships with the Colombian state: Option Colombia, the Net of Social Solidarity and the territorial entities with those that I had contact.  As source of research I only have the memories of my experience and what I have made is to explore, to detail and to revise them to look for their possible wealth.  I look for to expose them from my vision, the only one that I have by hand and that it responds without obstacles when I consult it.  If the contact among the Guainía, the university, the students and all the possible readers of this text become narrower, I will be able to say that I made something.  To wake up the curiosity about that area of the country is a very small step, but it is also to open a door that since I know it, it has been closed.  I have seen Japanese fruits in Superley of Unicentroe2, while all the wealth of the Amazon forests that we have near to the foot is completely ignored.  All the magazines show the technological advances that are given in the industrialized countries, but the agricultural, hunting and fishing techniques of the natives it seems only to know them they and one or another expert.  In Cali I have heard Colombians proud of being descending of Europeans and Africans, but about the native ones I have only seen admiration for their gold.
Our culture and state conceptions have always been limited and, although in the speech it is manifested as very open, in the smallest and numerous practices it is excluding.  In the same way our democracy conception, backed by the Academy, it is flagged like respectful with the minorities, but in fact it is sunk in the same practices of the rest of the Country.  Our proximity with the investigation and the analysis has not been enough to open us the eyes.  Many calls to the order become a justification for the injustice, as when the academy joins with the interests of our political or industrial hierarchy and it leaves aside the near contact with the weakest social sectors.  In Colombia, these almost have a relationship of nonexistence with the university, if not in all Latin América2.  They are study and analysis object, but rarely active and participant subject of the policies that direct them.  I cannot even affirm correctly that they have relationship with the small study plans.  It is bigger our interest for Internet and Microsoft that for the form like the potato that we eat up in the every day soup takes place.  Don't speak about the wood or the tables that sustain the dishes, the computers, and the mattresses on those that we carry out our daily life.  A small approach to the rural areas and its residents is necessary, indispensable, fair and all that you want, but, before anything, is a small answer to the necessities of affection and understanding the people that live there.  I can even put the economic problems in a second plane, because that that hurts more is that the interest to solve them is so immeasurably small.


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Coca planters or growers.  (The notes beginning with e- are notes for the English version only.)  


The Arana House was a Peruvian cauchera (rubber company) that hunted and enslaved until the death thousands of indigenous of the Caquetá and Putumayo forests, in the decades of 30's and 40's. 


Superley is an "exclusive" supermarket located in Unicentro, a mall near to high society neighborhoods.  


It starts since the same name.  Carlos Fuentes, in an article in El Espectador's Sunday Magazine, he said that to call us Latin America was an injustice with ourselves.  That we were much more than Latin and the correct thing would be to name us Indo/Afro/Iberoamérica, and to recognize the other almost forgotten and so many times subdued roots.  I altered the order to this word and I synthesized it in INAIA, a word that sounds very likely to many others that originated in these lands.  

OurFather that you are in the skies, sanctified be your name.  Comes to us your Kingdom.  Be made your will as in the earth as in the sky.  Give us today our dairy bread.  Forgive our debts as well as we forgive to our debtors.  Don't allow us to fall in temptation and liberate us of the wickedness, Amen.  God saves you Mary; full you are of grace.  The Lord is with you, blessed you are between all the women and is saint the fruit of your belly, Jesus.  Saint Mary, Mother of God, requests now for us the sinners and in the hour of our death, Amen.
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