In Cacahual, a community on the river Atabapo, we did a meeting. Gabriel Tirado Muñoz, the delegate of the net, and I, we met in his(its) school the captains of the communities of the river. Gabriel counted(told) them of what it(he,she) was consisting the net, the dineros that might receive for her(it) and the indigenous legislation. I limited myself to recording notes for the record. On the following day, when it(he,she) was going to finish the meeting, her(it) I read everything. Thrown(shot) occasionally he(she) was laughing and there was complaining about that were going to begin because of it that I had written. But I had written everything almost to the letter, and was very monotonous. " The hearing him(her) falls asleep ", he itself said to me. I read the notes all in the same tone and they were looking like a lullaby. The case is that later Wire drawing asked me that it(he,she) should summarize it and was taking from him(her) " cositas " that were not being convenient(agreeing) for him(her). I had to discuss with it(him) not to lie in the record. I limited myself to synthesizing everything, so that it(he,she) could obviate the hints and direct of the delegate towards his(its,her) Superiors. There same in Cacahual I tried to show to the captains who could use a tape recorder for his(its,her) meetings, not to have to write everything. But they were distrusting me. The presentations publicly have never been my fort and already they were adormilado with the reading of the record.

Gabriel, fair, of clear eyes and paisa, was my direct chief in the Guainía. He(she) had chosen it as delegate Adalgiza Laverde, director(principal) of the PNR, because he was a known old man. He(she) had studied in the UNAM and in Germany. Clumsy and of good humor, one was speaking about everything, like good sociologist. It(he) was very good for the wagon. His(its) intention of hiding certain things (his(its) disagreement with his(its,her) Superiors), the philosophical discussions that we had in the matter when I was contradicting it publicly, they were worrying me. They were making me feel at the edge of the legality. The possibility of remaining caught in a tangle of not completely honest things was one of the principal reasons to leave the Guainía. The same delegate insisted about that(that) it(he,she) should decide if I was going to remain for one more semester or not, until I decided that not. To be employed at an office, doing red tape(paperwork), chasing(prosecuting) those of the UMATA in order that they were finishing the projects, chasing(prosecuting) those of the UDECO in order that they were chasing(prosecuting) those of the UMATA, azarar to the mayor, to the institutions in order that they were finishing them of them, it was not the professional horizon that I was imagining. The Guainía, a department of jungles, of indigenous communities out of the door, and I being employed at bureaucracy for the colonists. The same Option Colombia could be used by the condition(state) to reduce the hand of professional work. The contratadores might say " Ah! What you want that we pay him more? Since he(she,I) accepts(accept) what we offer him, because we have 20 students eager to occupy his(its) place! " I decided to go away. The visit of the conservative Congressmember was the golden clasp. She(it) was demanding the construction of the highway to the river Guainía in order that the miners were entering, with arguments that were making feel the Guainía as his(its) private estate.

The civil servants for political quotas were common. One that other one was surprised on having seen that we did not have political bosses. The lessors of the quarter(room) where I was living also were political. There they were living and throwing(adding) line to people of the neighborhoods that were coming to ask for advice. A snarl of secret and manifest interests, in where nothing seems to be disinterested, cirnió around me in my demurrage(stay). The teachers and the people of the common one, were treating me as "a" "doctor" and I did not like this pod. Whenever in the neighborhood The Liberators it(he,she) was explaining the net, one saw nice faces to return in distrustful. It(he,she) was showing them the political ones of the condition(state) or the motives that were giving us to postpone the executions or to choose such a person and not to such other one for the program of housing, they were giving themselves afresh(again) the distrustful faces. They were confirming(resisting) with the councilmen of the neighborhood, with(in spite of) his(its) habladito, by snatches excessively nice, that it(he,she) seemed that they were hiding theirs something. The communal leaders, did not have time to visit the people; they yes were human, had to work. In spite of his(its,her) personal interests they were showing spirit, desire of helping. The people(village) distrusts everything what huela to politician, it(he,she) gets tired of so many reunidera, of which the requirements change him overnight, of that(that) the things are not seen; and nonetheless(though), always it(he,she) returns...

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