Click HERE to download the pattern.

When my daughter and I were Brownies, a long, long time ago, we had a good time learning the meaning of the Brownie Story by making these "puppets". A magnet was glued on the back of the little Brownie and she went home to be put on the refrigerator. Then whenever a "chore" or something special would be done (without being asked), the Brownie would place the puppet where the special job had been done. For example, if the bed was made without a reminder from mom, then the "Brownie" was laid upon the bed. Then Mom would acknowledge that there was a real Brownie in the house by returning it to the refrigerator. It was an excellent tool to teach our new Brownies about Girl Scouting and that service begins at home.

Brownie Scout
Materials needed: 3" x 5 " light pink felt (or fun foam; 2" x 2" tan or brown felt; 2" x 3" orange felt; small pieces of white, brown, gold felt; felt tip pens (red for mouth, black for eyes and freckles)

Trace patterns onto felt (or fun foam)and cut out as follows: PINK-body; TAN-jumper, 2 pockets; ORANGE-hair (two pieces); WHITE-blouse, collar; BROWN-2 socks, buckle, beanie; GOLD-2 shoes. Glue hair (larger piece) on head keeping outer edges even. Glue hair (smaller piece) on backside of head. Glue the hat(beanie or beret) on head. Glue blouse on body. Glue jumper on body. Glue collar at neck edge slightly over jumper straps. Glue tie on blouse. Glue buckle on jumper. Glue 1 pocket on each of jumper having straight edges even. Glue shoes on narrower ends of socks. Glue shoe/sock pieces on legs. With black pen make 2 small dots for eyes. With red crayon lightly color 2 small circles for cheeks. With black pen make 6 very small freckles. With red pen draw mouth. Glue magnet to back of figure.

Junior Girl Scout
Materials needed: 3" x 5" light pink felt; 4" x 4" green felt; 2" x 3" yellow felt; small pieces of red and white felt; felt tip pens (red and black); red crayon. Trace patterns onto felt and cut out as follows: PINK-body; GREEN-jumper, 2 socks, sash, beret; YELLOW-hair (2 pieces), wings, 2 badges; GOLD-2 shoes; RED-tie, 2 badges; WHITE-blouse, collar. Instructions are the same as for Brownie except for freckles, buckle and pockets. Add a sash across the jumpber. Glue wings and 4 badges on sash.

HINT: When trying to print the pattern, if the whole page does not appear, download the pattern to your computer, then print.
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