UNIT TITLE: Stone Fox/Iditarod





Author:  Susan Finn

E-Mail Address:
School:  Lieb School: Bridgeview, IL
School Home Page URL:  

THEME:  Stone Fox/Iditarod

BROAD CONCEPT: Determination and Perseverance

GRADES: 3rd and 4th

INTEGRATED SUBJECTS: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Technology


Students and teachers will gain an appreciation for what can be accomplished when one approaches difficult tasks with determination and perseverance.  They will also gain an appreciation for family/loved ones who care about you and are there to help you.  A connection/comparison will be made between the dog sled race in Stone Fox and the Iditarod race in Alaska.  Students will see how Willy’s determination and perseverance is similar to that of the mushers in the Iditarod.  Students will use the Internet as a tool and source for gathering information.  Computers will be used throughout the unit for word-processing, research, and publishing.  Information will be collected and analyzed for different purposes.  Some of the information will be organized on spreadsheets, graphs, and/or tables.  The digital camera will be used to chronicle various activities throughout the unit. Throughout the 3 to 4-week unit, students will research and learn about information related to the novel Stone Fox.  They will investigate and learn about potato farming, Wyoming, Shoshone Indians, Samoyed dogs, dog sledding, Iditarod etc.  Students will use map skills to follow the Iditarod trail, track mushers as they compete in the Iditarod, and measure distances on a map.  They will apply math skills including prediction, estimation, statistical analysis (range, mean, median, mode, etc.), basic mathematical facts and skills, and using logic and critical thinking to solve and explain math situations. This novel Stone Fox will be read to teach several comprehension strategies (prediction, character analysis, vocabulary, and summarizing etc). Students will also be asked to write for a variety of purposes (to inform, to entertain, for creative expression). There will also be opportunities for students to use artistic expression as a means to facilitate learning.   Evaluation of the unit will be both formative and summative. Most formative assessments are performance-based, including presentations and/or products.  These products/projects follow the model of engaged learning.  Students will work cooperatively, make choices, and present information to others.  Rubrics and point values will be used to assess the unit.


TIME FRAME: 15 lessons


In this lesson, students will:






Laser Printer

      Computer presentation projector

      Digital Camera


__Desktop Publishing- Microsoft Publisher                      __ Brainstorming  - Inspirations

__Word Processing – Microsoft Word                                  __ Spreadsheet – Excel, Cruncher

__CD-ROM Encyclopedia (Encarta. Encyclopedia        __ Multimedia – PowerPoint, KidPix,

Britannica, World Book)                                                                                Storybook Weaver





STATE GOAL 1: Read with understanding and fluency.


A. Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections.

1.A.2a Read and comprehend unfamiliar words using root words, synonyms, antonyms, word origins and derivations.

1.A.2b Clarify word meaning using context clues and a variety of resources including glossaries, dictionaries and thesauruses.


B. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency.

1.B.2a Establish purposes for reading; survey materials; ask questions; make predictions; connect, clarify and extend ideas.

1.B.2b Identify structure (e.g., description, compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence) of nonfiction texts to improve comprehension.

1.B.2c Continuously check and clarify for understanding (e.g., in addition to previous skills, clarify terminology, seek additional information).

1.B.2d Read age-appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.


C. Comprehend a broad range of reading materials

1.C.2a Use information to form and refine questions and predictions.

1.C.2b Make and support inferences and form interpretations about main themes and topics.

1.C.2c Compare and contrast the content and organization of selections.

1.C.2d Summarize and make generalizations from content and relate to purpose of material.

1.C.2e Explain how authors and illustrators use text and art to express their ideas (e.g., points of view, design hues, metaphor).

1.C.2f Connect information presented in tables, maps and charts to printed or electronic text.

STATE GOAL 2: Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras and ideas.

B. Read and interpret a variety of literary works

2.B.2a Respond to literary material by making inferences, drawing conclusions and comparing it to their own experience, prior knowledge and other texts.

2.B.2b Identify and explain themes that have been explored in literature from different societies and eras.                                                                                         

2.B.2c Relate literary works and their characters, settings and plots to current and historical events, people and perspectives.

STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.

A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and structure.                                                                                               3.A.2 Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling, capitalization and punctuation.

C. Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes. 

3.C.2b Produce and format compositions for specified audiences using available technology.

STATE GOAL 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.

B. Speak effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience.

4.B.2a Present oral reports to an audience using correct language and nonverbal expressions for the intended purpose and message within a suggested organizational format.

4.B.2b Use speaking skills and procedures to participate in group discussions.

STATE GOAL 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information

C. Apply acquired information, concepts and ideas to communicate in a variety of formats.             5.C.2a Create a variety of print and nonprint documents to communicate acquired information for specific audiences and purposes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                5.C.2b Prepare and deliver oral presentations based on inquiry or research.

STATE GOAL 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers, including numeration and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), patterns, ratios and proportions.

A. Demonstrate knowledge and use of numbers and their representations in a broad range of theoretical and practical settings.                                                                                                                     6.A.2 Compare and order whole numbers, fractions and decimals using concrete materials, drawings and mathematical symbols.

B. Investigate, represent and solve problems using number facts, operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and their properties, algorithms and relationships.               

6.B.2 Solve one- and two-step problems involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

C. Compute and estimate using mental mathematics, paper-and-pencil methods, calculators and computers.                                                                                                                                                             6.C.2a Select and perform computational procedures to solve problems with whole numbers, fractions and decimals.                                                          6.C.2b Show evidence that computational results using whole numbers, fractions and decimals are correct and/or that estimates are reasonable.

D. Solve problems using comparison of quantities, ratios, proportions and percents.                                                                                                   6.D.2 Describe the relationship between two sets of data using ratios and appropriate notations (e.g., a/b, a to b, a:b).

STATE GOAL 7: Estimate, make and use measurements of objects, quantities and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.

A. Measure and compare quantities using appropriate units, instruments and methods.                                                                                                                                                                   7.A.2a Calculate, compare and convert length, perimeter, area, weight/mass and volume within the customary and metric systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                             7.A.2b Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems using currency

C. Select and use appropriate technology, instruments and formulas to solve problems, interpret results and communicate findings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7.C.2a Describe relationships in a simple scale drawing.

STATE GOAL 10: Collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict results; and interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability.

A.   Organize, describe and make predictions from existing data.                                                                                                                 10.A.2a Organize and display data using pictures, tallies, tables, charts, bar graphs, line graphs, line plots and stem-and-leaf graphs

B. Formulate questions, design data collection methods, gather and analyze data and communicate findings.                                                                                                                                                                   10.B.2a Formulate questions of interest and select methods to systematically collect data.                                                                                                                10.B.2b Collect, organize and display data using tables, charts, bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, line plots and stem-and-leaf graphs.                                                                                                                                                                                             10.B.2d Interpret results or make relevant decisions based on the data gathered.

STATE GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences.

B. Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12.B.2a Describe relationships among various organisms in their environments (e.g., predator/prey, parasite/host, food chains and food webs).                                                                                                                                                                                 12.B.2b Identify physical features of plants and animals that help them live in different environments (e.g., specialized teeth for eating certain foods, thorns for protection, insulation for cold temperature).

STATE GOAL 17: Understand world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an emphasis on the United States.

A. Locate, describe and explain places, regions and features on the Earth                                                                                                                17.A.2a Compare the physical characteristics of places including soils, land forms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, natural hazards.                                                                                                                                                                                                         17.A.2b Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places and environments.

C. Understand relationships between geographic factors and society.                       
Describe how natural events in the physical environment affect human activities.

17.C.2b Describe the relationships among location of resources, population distribution and economic activities (e.g., transportation, trade, communications).                              
Explain how human activity affects the environment.



National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Whole-Number Computation

Students select estimation and computation techniques appropriate to specific problems.

•develop a sense of whole numbers and represent and use them in flexible ways, including relating, composing, and decomposing numbers; Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another

•understand various meanings of addition and subtraction of whole numbers and the relationship between the two operations;

•understand the effects of adding and subtracting whole numbers; Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates

•develop and use strategies for whole-number computations, with a focus on addition and subtraction;



Students make and use measurements in problems and everyday situations.


•understand such attributes as length, area, weight, volume, and size of angle and select the appropriate type of unit for measuring each attribute;

•understand the need for measuring with standard units and become familiar with standard units in the customary and metric systems;

•select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area, volume, weight, time, temperature, and the size of angles;

Data Analysis and Probability

Students formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them

•represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs.

.select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data.

•describe parts of the data and the set of data as a whole to determine what the data show.

Problem Solving

Instructional programs from pre-indergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to-

•build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving;

•solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts;

•apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems;

•monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving.


Instructional programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all

students to—

•organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication;

•communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others;

•analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others;

•use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.


Instructional programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all

students to—

•recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas;

•understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole;

•recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.


Instructional programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to—

•create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate   mathematical ideas;

•select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems;

•use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena.

NETS – National Curriculum/Content Area Standards/Technology

  1. Use keyboards and other common input and output devices (including adaptive devices when necessary) efficiently and effectively. (1)
  2. Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, remediate skill deficits, and facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. (3)
  3. Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)
  4. Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)
  5. Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (5, 6)





Note:  This unit should begin prior to the start of the Iditarod in March.  The novel should be read and lessons 1 through 4 should be completed prior to the start of the Iditarod (March 1).  The unit will continue throughout the duration of the Iditarod race.   Many lessons will take more than one day, and some are ongoing and will overlap each other.  The unit should take about four weeks to complete.  The digital camera will be used on a daily basis to chronicle the various activities, projects, products and presentations.


Lesson 1:  Stone Fox Research Project    http://www.wayland.k12.ma.us/claypit_hill/classrooms/grade4/griffin/web/stonefoxweb/st...

This is an introductory web quest activity that students will complete prior to reading the book.  This activity was created by Ms. Griffin from Claypit Hill School.  Students will be assigned to groups to research and build background knowledge prior to reading the novel, Students will be divided into groups to research potato farming, Wyoming, Shoshone Indians, or Dog Sled Racing.  Each group will be given web links, specific questions to look for, and a research planner.  The web site provides all the information and links that children will need in order to research their topic.  Students may also use computer reference sources (ex. Encarta, Encyclopedia Britannica etc.)   Students will be given a choice of projects to complete (ex. diorama, poster, model, skit etc.).  Each group will share their work with the class.  A scoring rubric is also provided on the web site.               






Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. Indicates all sources used in research.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. Indicates most of the sources used in research.

Occassionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. Indicates some of the sources used in research.

Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites. Does not indicate sources used in research.

Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic and completely answers questions. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic and mostly answers questions. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main topic and answers some of the questions. No details and/or examples are given.

Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic and answers little of the questions.


Group works well together to find and organize information. Group organizes and shares project with the class in a superior manner.

Group works well together to find and organize information. Group organizes and shares project with the class in a good manner.

Group works somewhat together to find and organize information. Group organizes and shares project with the class in a satisfactory manner.

Group has difficulty working together to find and organize information. Group does not organize or share project effectively.

Paragraph Construction

All paragraphs include topic sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Most paragraphs include topic sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Paragraphs include related information but are typically not constructed well.

Paragraphing structure is not clear and sentences are not typically related within the paragraphs.


No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors

A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Diagrams & Illustrations

Diagrams and illustrations and all other parts of the project are neat, accurate and add to the understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations and all other parts of the project are accurate and add to the understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations and all other parts of the project are neat and accurate and sometimes add to the understanding of the topic.

Diagrams and illustrations and all other parts of the project are not accurate OR do not add to the understanding of the topic.








Lesson 2:  Character Analysis (Little Willy, Stone Fox, Grandpa)

Students will select one of the character names out of box.  They will create a character web for their character by using Inspirations software.  The character web should include a minimum of 4 character traits.  An example for each character trait will also be given.  Students will illustrate a picture of the character to display with their character web.  Using a comparison web may expand this character web activity.  Students could compare two of the characters from the story, or one of the story characters and a musher from the current Iditarod. 


Lesson 3:  Potato and Recipes – Power Point





                        Part 1.

Students will use the above web sites to research one or more

topics about the potato.    Groups of 3-4 students may choose:

·        history of the potato

·        science and the potato

·        how to grow potatoes

·        types of potatoes

·        potato nutrition


The information will be presented in a 4-5 slide power point presentation.  The final slide will contain a potato recipe the group selected.  The teacher must approve this recipe since it may be prepared during class.  The teacher and students must be realistic when selecting the recipe(s). 

Part 2.

Students will bring in the necessary ingredients and supplies to prepare their potato recipe.  All ingredients will be peeled, sliced, or cut up at home.  Students will follow the recipe to prepare the potato dish as directed.  Sequence of steps, ingredients, measurement, and mixing will be an important part of this lesson.  Students will work in their research groups so that each student has the opportunity to participate.  Each student must measure at least one ingredient.  Groups will share their completed dishes with each other.  Students will select which dishes they would like to sample.


Lesson 4:  Final Chapter Storybook Weaver

Upon completing the novel, students will discuss and react to the final chapter (conclusion).  Students will then be given the option to create an additional chapter to the novel, or they may rewrite the final chapter.  Students will use Storybook Weaver to create their chapters.  Chapters must be 3 to 4 pages in length and must include illustrations.  Students will have the option of reading their chapters to their classmates.    


Lesson 5:  Dog Sleds



This is a creative art activity.  Students will be able to create their own dog sled and team before beginning the Iditarod.  Students can create the “rock” dogs and popsicle sled from the web sites listed above.  Creativity will be encouraged. 

When students select their Iditarod musher in Lesson 6, the name will be added in a prominent place on the sled.  These sleds will be displayed in the classroom throughout the unit.


Lesson 6:  Musher Biography/Journal – handwritten or Microsoft Word

http://www.2.grand-   forks.k12.nd.us/ms/Iditarod/muserjournalwebquest.html




Each student will select an Iditarod musher whom they would like to report on and journal for.  Prior to the race, each student will use the web site to create a mini-biography for his or her musher. They will assume the identity of their musher and write the mini-biography in the first person.  Students will present their musher to the class and predict how they will do in the race. They will provide information to support their predictions.  When the min-biographies are completed, students will begin the daily musher journals.  The journals will also be kept in the first person.  Students will use the race updates to report on their standing, location, speed etc.  Students will also keep the “Musher Checkpoint Sheet” in conjunction with their journal.  While keeping the journal, students should remain aware of the concepts of determination and perseverance.  They should comment on how their musher exemplifies these character traits.  Examples of how their musher exhibits determination and perseverance should be given. 


Lesson 7:  Mapping Skills and Measurement



The class will create a large map of the Iditarod Trail (recommended size minimum of 6’ wide). The map will be created to scale based on the map found at the Iditarod web site.  Students will problem solve to determine the appropriate scale to use, and the scale of miles will be recorded on their class map.  Students will carefully measure the distances between checkpoints.  All checkpoints and important landforms will be labeled clearly on the map.  Students will work in small groups (3-4) with each group responsible for measuring and labeling a portion of the map.  Students waiting their turn to work with their group to complete a worksheet containing word problems about the map and the Iditarod Trail.  These questions will compare distances between checkpoints and require students to compute using basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). (ex.  What is the greatest distance between two checkpoints?  How does this compare to the shortest distance between checkpoints?)  Each group will write their own math word problems (4-5) based on the Iditarod Trail mileage.    


Lesson 8:  Iditarod Advertising Brochure-Microsoft Publisher

Students will be asked to create an advertising brochure for the Iditarod Race.  They may use magazines, web sites, encyclopedia data-bases, newspapers articles, photographs etc.   The brochure should contain basic information such as: location, dates, interesting facts, interesting people (try to relate to determination and perseverance, purpose of Iditarod, history, information about Alaska etc.  The brochure should try to “sell” the Iditarod and encourage people to come to Alaska to view the race from one of the checkpoints.  Students may try to “sell” the race as a whole, or they may select a checkpoint.  Students will be encouraged to include clipart and photographs to make their brochure appealing. 


Lesson 9:  Weather Tracking


This activity will be completed as a class.  The temperature and weather conditions from the Iditarod website will be recorded and charted daily.  The chart will be in the form of a large calendar kept at the front of the class.  At the conclusion of the Iditarod, students will work with a partner to compute statistics and create a line graph for the temperature.  A line graph for humidity, wind, and barometric pressure will also be created if information is significant.  Excel software will be used to create the line graph. 

Statistical information will include:

Temperature – range, mean, median, mode

                        Humidity – range, mean, median, mode

                        Wind – range, mean, median, mode

                        Barometric Pressure – range, mean median, mode

Students may also track general conditions, sunrise, and sunset information.


Lesson 10:  Time Line – Top racer/Important information

A class time line will be created beginning with the starting day of the race.  Students will go online to the Iditarod website at the same time every day to follow the lead racer.  The time line should include the name of the leader, where they are at, and any other pertinent information that is of interest (ex. number of dogs, average speed).  Each day a picture from the race will be downloaded and printed.  This picture will be placed on the class time line.   The class time line will be constructed on a large sheet of paper at least 6’ in length.

Students will also keep a time line for their selected musher.  They will include their current location, average speed, number of dogs etc.   The individual time lines can be graphed on Cruncher software. 


Lesson 11:  Graphing – Iditarod Comparisons

Students will be divided into groups (3-4 students) to work on various comparisons from the Iditarod.  Each group will tabulate information for their comparison group and create a graph(s) depicting the information.  Two sample questions are given for each group, but students will be required to create at least 2 more questions for their comparison group.  (ex. how many men checked in at Kaltag?)  Microsoft Excel will be used for graphing, and students will be encouraged to depict their information in more than 1 type of graph.  Each group will create questions based on their graphs.  Students will use the Computer Presentation Projector to present their graphs and ask questions.

Sample questions:

Group 1: Men vs. women

How many men started the race?  Finished the race?         

How many women started the race?  Finished the race?

Group 2:  Novices vs. veterans

How many novices started the race?  Finished the race?    

How many veterans started the race?  Finished the race?

Group 3:  States Represented in the Iditarod

Which state had the most mushers?                                          

How many states are represented?

Group 4:  Dogs in the Iditarod

How many dogs did the mushers start with?                           

How many dogs did the mushers finish with?

Group 5:  Speed

What was the average speed of the winning musher?        

What was the average speed of the last musher to finish?

(additional groups may be created if necessary)


Lesson 12:  Results analysis

http://www.iditarod.com/2003 standings/data/include/details.html – Standings and final results

                        http://www.iditarod.com/2003 standings/data/include/topten.html

Top ten mushers

                        http://iditarod.com/03-awards.html - Awards (including monetary


The above web sites contain standings and final results of the Iditarod.  Students will use the above web sites to compare and contrast numbers, compute statistics (mean, median mode, range), determine percentages, compute elapsed time, and solve problems involving money (monetary awards).  Students will be given a scavenger hunt worksheet.  They will work with a partner to complete the worksheet.  Students will read each question (word problem), choose the web site to look at, locate the information needed, select the computational process(es) needed to answer the question, and answer the question.  Students should show their work, including any tables or graphs they construct.  When students have completed the worksheet, each pair will develop two additional questions that can be answered from the above websites.

Sample questions:




Lesson 13:  Role Playing

Students will give a brief presentation describing their musher and how they did on the Iditarod.  Each student should include basic information from their musher’s journal, as well as information from the competition results.  A handout with sample questions will help them prepare for their presentation.   Examples of what may be included are:  Where are you from?  How old are you?  How many times have you been in the Iditarod?  Did you finish or scratch?  How many dogs did you have left?  What was your average speed?  What was the best part of the race?  


Lesson 14:  Cereal Box Book Reports with interactive games/projects







Students will create a cereal box book report for Stone Fox.  They will have the option to work individually or with a partner.   Students will use KidPix to create the front and back of the box.  KidPix may be used for the sides by measuring and creating text boxes that will fit.  The cereal box book report will follow the following format:                                              Front – Title, author, picture, and summary

                                                            Back – Description of game/rules

  included in box

                                                            Side Panel – Characters in story

                                                            Side Panel – Iditarod Advertisement

                        Students may decorate the top of the box however they wish.


Students will create and construct a game to be placed in their box.  These games must relate to the novel Stone Fox or to the Iditarod.  Games may be original, or students may expand one of the games found on the web site.  The games must relate to a concept from Stone Fox or the Iditarod.  Students may use the computer to create their game, or they may hand construct them. 


Lesson 15:  Game Day-Culminating Project

Student created games will be placed at various stations throughout the room.  Students will have the opportunity to play each game as they rotate from station to station.  Other classes may be invited to play some of the student created games.  Projects and products will be on display throughout the room for the other classes to see.  Students may present some of their projects and products.  




Each student will keep a unit folder for his or her completed projects/assignments.  Larger projects will be kept on display throughout the unit.  Each assignment will have a grading rubric that will also be kept in each student’s folder. The rubric for each assignment will have the total point value indicated below.

Lesson/Project Point Values

Stone Fox Research Project                50 pts                        Unit Grading Scale

Character Analysis                                  25 pts                        720-800     A

Potatoes – Power Point                          50 pts                        640-719     B

                    Recipe                                      25 pts                        560-639     C

Final Chapter                                             50 pts                        480-559     D

Dog Sleds                                                    25 pts                        below 480 F

Musher Biography                                    25 pts

                Journal                                         50 pts

Mapping and measurement                  50 pts

Iditarod Advertising Brochure             50 pts

Weather tracking – Iditarod                  50 pts

Time line – Iditarod                                   50 pts

Graphing -Iditarod comparisons         50 pts

Iditarod results analysis                         50 pts

Role Playing                                                25 pts

Cereal Box Reports                                 50 pts

            Cereal Box Game                          25 pts

Game Day                                                    50 pts
                                                Total            800 pts


Note: grading scale will need to be modified if any lessons are eliminated.


Students will share their ideas through cooperative grouping activities, projects, games, and presentations. The class time line, weather tracking, Iditarod results etc. can be displayed in the hallway and/or in the room.  Digital photographs taking through the unit and photos from the Internet can be posted as a part of the display.  Other classes could be invited to the class to see the various projects, listen to brief presentations, and play the cereal box games.  

STUDENT AND TEACHER ROLES: The teacher will be a facilitator who introduces and explains all of the activities.  The teacher will guide students through individual and cooperative activities.  In many instances teachers and students will be working side-by-side to investigate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.  Students will work individually on some activities, but many activities will require cooperative groups of varying sizes.   Project based lessons and product based lessons encourage engaged learning.  Students will discover concepts, make connections, and apply skills as they interact with their classmates, various materials, and use technology.  Many activities are discovery oriented.  Students will be encouraged to reflect on their discoveries.    Students will become teachers by integrating what they have learned and presenting information to their classmates. 


World Book Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Britannica

Newspaper articles

United States Atlas




Dog Sled Racing and the Iditarod

The Joy of Running Sled Dogs: A Step-by-step Guide/by Noel K. Flanders

Glory Trail / by Taramesha Maniatty

The Great Serum Race: Blazing The Iditarod Trail / Debbie S. Miller; Illustrations By Jon Van


The Iditarod: Story Of The Last Great Race / by Ian Young

Storm Run: The Story Of The First Woman To Win The Iditarod Sled Dog Race / Libby Riddles;

            Illustrations By Shannon Cartwright. 
Mush! : Across Alaska In The Longest Sled-Dog Race / by Patricia Seibert; Illustrated By

Janice Ellis. 

The Last Great Race: The Iditarod / Tim Jones. 

Iditarod: The Great Race To Nome / photography By Jeff Schultz; Text By Bill Sherwonit;

            Foreword By Joe Redington, Sr.


Picture Book Of Wyoming. / Pictures By Kurt Wiese. 

Wyoming / by Ann Heinrichs.

Wyoming / Kathleen Thompson. 

Wyoming / Deborah Kent.

Wyoming / by Carlienne Frisch. 

Wyoming / Janice Parker


Spirit Warrior/ Cassie Edwards

The American Heritage Book of Indians / by William Brandon




Indian Legacy: Native American Influences On World Life And Culture / Hermina


New World Beginnings: Indian Cultures In The Americas. / Illustrated By George


Potato Farming

All The Best Potatoes / by Joie Warner.

Potatoes And People; The Story Of A Plant, / by Bertha S. Dodge. Illustrated By

     John Kaufmann.

The Great Potato Book/ by Meredith Hughes

Potatoes / Claire Llewellyn. 


The Samoyed / by William R. Sanford And Carl R. Green.

The Samoyed / by Charlotte Wilcox. 

Stories about determination

Gray Boy/by Jim Arnosky

Strider/by Beverly Cleary

Shiloh/by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Silver/by Gloria Whelan



 Resources for Stone Fox

URL1:  http://www.mce.k12tn.net/dogs/fox/resources-for-stone-fox.htm

Description1:  This web site provides a number of web addresses pertaining to John Reynolds Gardiner, Samoyed Dogs, Shoshone Indians, Potato Farming, and Wyoming. It also contains online questions, printable question, and open-ended printable questions for each chapter of Stone Fox.  Additional activities are also provided for each chapter. 

Title2:  eThemes Literature: “Stone Fox” by John Reynolds        Gardiner

URL2:   http://emints.more.net/ethemes/resources/S00000424.html

Description2:  This site provides more than 15 links on topics related to “Stone Fox.”  Some of these topics are potatoes, Samoyeds, John Reynolds Gardiner Wyoming, Dog sledding, Iditarod, and Stone Fox lessons.

 Teacher Cyber Guide: Stone Fox

URL3:  http://www.nashville.k12.tn.us/tsd/Resources/Cyberguides/Stone%20Fox/teachertemplat.htm

Description3:  This cyber guide provides language arts and social studies activities to accompany the novel.  Numerous web sites are provided on more than 30 topics that can be linked to the book.

Title4:  A Literature Unit and Resource List

URL4:   http://www.jjwest.net/stonefox.html

Description4:  This resource provides more than 20 links on resources and lessons related to Stone Fox.

Title5:  TeacherView: Stone Fox

URL5:  http://www.eduplace.com/tview/pages/s/Stone_Fox_John_Reynolds_Gardiner.html

Description5:  This web site provides a review of the book and an overview of each chapter.  Activities are provided for each chapter.   

Title6:  Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race

URL6:  http://www.iditarod.com

Description6:  This website provides extensive information about the Iditarod dog sled race.  This website could be used by both teachers and students.  




Title1:  Musher Journal

URL1:  http://www.2.grand-forks.k12.nd.us/ms/iditarod/musherjournalwebquest.html

Purpose of Use1:  Students can use this website when creating their musher journal.  There are additional links that will take students to the daily standings, temperatures, trail map, record sheets etc. 

Description1:  The process of keeping a musher journal is clearly detailed on this web site.  Links are provided for information they need when journaling.  A conclusion activity is also included.

Title2:  Iditarod Information

URL2:  http://www.dogsled.com/trail.html

Purpose of Use2:  Students may use this site to gather additional information about the Iditarod.  The information can be used for a number of the class projects.

Description2:  This site provides updated information about the Iditarod Trail and race.



Title3:  Iditarod Measurement

URL3:  http://teacher.scholastic.com/iditarod/home.htm   (explore the trail)

Purpose of Use3:  This sight will help students map out the Iditarod Trail.  When students “Explore the Trail,” they will be able to move from one checkpoint to another.  A description of each checkpoint and mileage is provided.

Description3: both teachers and students may use this web site.  There is a great deal of information about the Iditarod race and trail. 

Title4:  Mushers’ Journals

URL4:  http://www.iditarod.com/musher_diary.html

Purpose of Use4:  Students may refer to this web site to help them keep their musher journal.

Description4:   This web site provides examples of real musher journals.  Students can read these entries as samples when they write their own journal entries.


Title5:  Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race

URL5: http://www.iditarod.com

Purpose of Use5:  Students can use this site for many different activities.  This can be used for mini-biographies, weather, trail maps and race updates, rules, prize money etc.

Description5: both teachers and students can use this site.  Extensive information about the Iditarod is provided.

Title6:  Stone Fox Research Project

URL6:  http://www.wayland.k12.ma.us/claypit_hill/classrooms/grade4/griffin/web/stonefoxweb/st...

Purpose of Use6:  This web site provides the resources for completing a web based research project.  Students will research one of the topics, write an essay, and share the information with the class.

Description6:  This website details research projects that could be completed prior to reading the novel.  It is suggested that students select one of the four topics.  Questions and links are provided.


Title 7: Resources for Stone Fox

URL 7: http://www.mce.k12tn.net/dogs/fox/resources-for-stone-fox.htm

Purpose of Use 7:  This site can be used for additional information when completing the research project.

Description 7:  This site provides links to Samoyed dogs, Shoshone Indians, potato farming, and Wyoming.



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