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Last Update:  1/18/2004
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Reality Editor Gordon Pepper and News Editor Chico Alexander provides commentary.

(This show was recorded on Feruary 23, 2004)

Chico: Alright... Sup, dawgs, this is Randy Jackson alongside Simon Cowell...
Gordon: You suck, you suck, you all suck. That's pretty much Simon's opinion of the past AI week - and I completely agree with him.
Chico: That and more on this week's WLTI show... But first, obviously, big news tonight, the Super Millionaire... More money, more lifelines, new set? Gordon, what's that all about?
Gordon: Well, I was in the audience for the first night of the new Super Millionaire tapings - and I had an absolute blast. The taping was over 3 hours long, and Regis, who was suffering through his malaise, was in fine spirits. The show looks great and the new Lifelines look hot. The Lifelines are the 3 Wise Men, which combine 3 experts (including a previous Millionaire Winner) to help the player out with a question, and Double Dip, which gives a player 2 shots at an answer.
Chico: Other than that, it's the same old game, and... Malaise, what malaise?
Gordon: Regis was suffering through food poisoning, and he admitted that he threw up 4-5 times during the day, which sparked the audience into applauding him.
Chico: Ah. Well, it's deserved. I betcha that you won't even notice during the taping.
Gordon: Regis was almost on top of his game. He still was a little unclear about the strategy, especially at the 11th question, but from a hosting standpoint, it's the same old phenomenal Regis. You'll notice it because of his voice - it's clearly not as strong as he usually is. And he does mention it in the intro
Chico: Ah. Well, he fought it, and that's the best thing.
Gordon: He sounds good - and it should look very good for the first episode. Tape the VCR's because this one is a classic - especially the 11th question, which I won't go into but it's hysterical. The first player was very good - but he didn't grasp the complete Millionaire strategy. The first person who does that will go VERY far in this game.
Chico: Are you calling that right now?
Gordon: Yes I am. The game has now made an extra layer to it - and knowing when to use what Lifeline is even more crucial than before. The first person to know when to use what Lifeline will be leaving there with 7 digits.
Chico: I can't wait to see. I'm hoping that it catches on, but not to the point where ABC starts to depend so much on it.
Gordon: They were talking about a 4 times a year, weekly stint - which I think is the best way to do it.
Chico: I agree. Overkill is bad. You know what else is bad?
Gordon: The week of American Idol singing?
Chico: Very bad.
Gordon: UGLY
Chico: HORRENDOUS, even. It was bad to the point where five of the eight got ravaged, but one of them gets in the top two. Not even by a distant margin. What's up with that?
Gordon: This competition has ALWAYS been about the making of a pop idol/icon. It has NEVER been about who is the best singer - and the past 2 weeks have been painfully evident by it. This competition is 50% singing and 50% charisma. Although someone who is the total package will always win, someone who isn't all there in the singing department can always go far if they have a good back story. Season 1 - Nikki, Season 2 - Josh, Season 3 - Matt Rogers. Matt is a very good singer - and I like his voice - but he got in with a half-assed singing effort and a boatload of charisma - including wearing a pin for cancer, etc. Matt is truly playing this game the way that it is meant to be played - and his win should have everyone sitting up and taking notice on how to play AI.
Chico: Nikki was the stripper, Josh is the Marine, and Matt is the psychotic football player. Feel the love, everyone.
Gordon: Psychotic football player who can sing Italian opera - how many guys can do that?
Chico: Well, I've got half the formula, I can't play football.
Gordon: I can be the psychotic bowler who can sing Carmina Burana.
Chico: But it's interesting you mention AI as a game. You know, eventually, the game stops and it's all about who rises to the top (should the public vote right).
Gordon: The game never stops. Charisma is all about it - the best players in both categories win. Ruben beat Clay because he marketed himself better with 205 and the teddy bear - plain and simple.
Chico: Better by 130,000.
Gordon: Yep - Kelly blew out Justin - but Clay and Ruben were very close - and in that game, charisma was the blatant deciding factor.
Chico: That and deciding to go forward instead of backward. Like Rob last week on Survivor (you like that set up, don't you).
Gordon: I'll give it 4 stars.
Chico: *thubs up* Rock star =p
Gordon: Rob, the best player to never win, played a rotten game this time around. He made the cardinal error of being the follower and selected the wrong ponies.
Chico: The other Rob, on the other hand, is picking up exactly where he left off. Saying one thing, doing the other; ponying up on the right shoulders; getting the right minions; manipulating them... This guy's just king.
Gordon: Boston Rob has learned a lot about this game from watching the previous episodes - you can tell that he came back to win - and he could very well do so. Someone who I also think is playing a great game is Mr. Hatch - I do think that his bulls-eye is a bit too big for him to get out of - but he is playing a masterful game.
Chico: He's trying. And he didn't drop trou once... last episode.
Gordon: We really didn't get to see much of him on the last episode - but he's there to play.
Chico: He's cocky and arrogant, but at least he can back it up, but he better hope that no one finds the keys to the rice, because then he might be seen as redundant.
Gordon: He may realize that - and I want to see how he counters it.
Chico: Me, too... Speaking of counters, (there I go again!), TPIR is nearing 6000, and we're nowhere near seeing some permanence on the show... I mean, we can only take interim announcers and phone-a-beauties for so long.
Gordon: Why? If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Chico: Again, that's just me. I mean, I've heard the best and the worst out of Rod's absence and I'm personally lobbying for Randy to step up for a more lasting gig, you know?
Gordon: I don't mind seeing different beautiful women paraded across my screen each day. I like Randy - but I also like Art and I wouldn't mind seeing them do a tandem. The announcing gig, I think, needs to be consolidated. As for the women - if they don't have any personality, I may as well see different ones every day.
Chico: We never get a chance to see that, as they're constantly going from one group to the other... and I honestly think that Art and Daniel Rosen both made me question as to where they're getting these people.
Gordon: Daniel has the personality of a brick - but I like Art - and he does a good job in bursting out with 'A NEW CAR!'
Chico: Yeah, but it takes more than just A NEW CAR!!! to land this job.
Gordon: He also pronounces the names better than Randy
Chico: As far as game show announcing is concerned, this is the Holy Grail right there.
Gordon: Well, honestly, right now they are performing the Monty Python rendition of it
Chico: I'm waiting for the invisible horses, myself.
Gordon: All of the voices aren't really distinct enough for me - I need someone clear, distinct - and maybe a little darker in tone
Chico: Burton Richardson?
Gordon: Look out - KILLER BUNNY! Killer BURTON BUNNY! Burton is too high - I know he'd never do it, but Chuck Woolery's voice would be great
Chico: He's got work, already. And a nice piece of ... You can vote for your favorite at CBS.com. 6000th TPIR is March 1. We've got a break while Gordon kills bunnies. When we return, the eight simple rules for scoring at an AI audition, as demonstrated by... the auditions themselves.
Gordon: Come here little bunnies - want some candy?

(This break has been sponored by American Bunny. Come support a bunny for pop Superstar - and let's face it - they sound much better than what we heard last week on tv).

Chico: And then Gordon gets to kill it!
Gordon: American Bunny Iron Chef?
Chico: American Bunny Iron Chef. Yeah, that's a good idea right there. But later. Right now, it's easy to play on a game show. It's even easier if you follow the rules. We've got eight of them in "8 Simple Rules". Today, analyzing the audition trail at American Idol.
Gordon : Seems to be a good place to stick the BIG BOARD
Chico: Well met.
Chico: After all, this is a singing competition, right? And if you can't sing, don't do something else... Paul An, I'm talking to you, Mr. 8-Month Monologue-then-Raps-instead-of-singing.
Gordon: Maybe he was auditioning to be the next guy on the Geico Commercial.
Chico: "I've got good news. I've saved a lot of money by switching over to Geico."
Gordon: 'I think youre better to taste the sloppy chow....' ok - next one.
Chico: But let's just say you do know how to sing, what do you do with it? Enter 2) Don't just sing the song, tell the story. Put simply, you know you're in deep when you hear the word, "AFFECTED".
Gordon: Charisma, Charisma, charisma, Matt, Nikki, Enough said.
Chico: And make it your own. Own it, sell it, work it. Diana DeGarmo used it, and now she's in the top 12. Kiira Bivins didn't use it, and she's... in a trailer park somewhere. Leading us conveniently into rule 3) Don't think you're the second coming.
Gordon: There is nothing that turns off an audience more than overconfidence
Chico: Sure it's entertaining for us, but it's embarrassing for you should you not make the show. But look on the bright side. It's entertaining for us!
Gordon: Just remember that the audience loves to comfort the afflicted and make the unafflicted uncomfortable. Next one?
Chico: 4) Don't question the judges on their sexuality (or anything else for that matter). Kira Scott? Yeah, right here. Would've been a hands-down favorite had she just kept her fool mouth shut.
Gordon: Even if Simon is or isn't gay - how much of the gay audience have you now alienated by that comment?
Chico: I'd have to say... a great majority. But that still remains to be seen. She did creep into the top 32, didn't she?
Gordon: No she didn't, but even if you get to the final 32, you're toast when you get to the audience.
Chico: But let's say you did get to the final 32, that's when you use rule 5) The best person you can be is yourself. Goes back to charisma, charisma, charisma.
Gordon: Do not be or represent a previous American Idoler - if you don't live up to the hype, the audience will notice, and down you go.
Chico: Matt Metzger. Couldn't really sing THAT well, but he just worked it to the best of his ability, and MAY come back as a wild card. Could be a dark horse if he builds up his game, I say.
Gordon: I don't see him coming back as a wild card - he just wasn't that good
Chico: We'll see. But if you don't make the show, what the best way to take the news? Enter 6) Don't beg. Begging just makes it worse.
Gordon: That does not show a good side of you at all - and that turns off us, the voting public
Chico: And it completely makes you look desperate. Idols aren't desperate.
Gordon: Exactly - show me you want it bad by singing well - not by singing badly and then pleading your way out of it (ie Michael Keown)
Chico: You keep saying "but but but," and you're just sounding like an outboard motor. More important than that, 7) Keep it nice and legal. Two words: Jonathan Rey.
Gordon: Remind everyone what happened with Jonathan Rey.
Chico: Splashed Simon with a water cup, and nearly escaped an assault charge. What can you say to that?
Gordon: I thought Simon was wearing Docker splatterproof pants?
Chico: He probably was, but he's still wearing the same $20 JCPenney white shirt, so you be the judge there. Needless to say, the worst ending you can think of is being escorted by security off of the premises.
Gordon: Well, it happened for Edgar - and he's a STAR...sort of.
Chico: Yeah, we're lucky we didn't have to hear him this year. Actually, we still had to see him, but we didn't hear him.   Leading us to the big rule of all... 8) When in doubt, schmooze. Again with the charisma. You're singing. You're singing well. You need to do something that makes you stand out. You start making sweet camera lovin'.
Gordon: Schmoozing with the camera helped Clay - it really hurt Vanessa Olivarez, who alienated herself.
Chico: And it really hurt Erskine Walcott on the Group 1 show. He was a good singer... He just couldn't make the camera lovin'.
Gordon : Yep - that separates a lot of final 32 people from the Final 12.
Chico: Then it's an outschmooze fest and all bets are off... Yep. Follow these rules and you too may be on the right foot to placing second, then selling an abysmal 400,000 CDs and being dropped by your label.
Gordon : But it's 400,000 cd's more than what I've released singing Carmina Burana. If I make a bad movie and only sell 400,000 CDs, I still have enough to retire if I'm smart about it.
Chico: Good point there. Anyway, after the break, we've got the Trios, the big finish, and more Carmina Burana. Gordon, play us out.
Gordon: Oh Fortunaaaaaaa.....

(The Big Board is brought to you by the American Express Black Card. You can't afford it. You can't use it. You can't even apply for it. An invitation is being sent to whoever wins the $10,000,000 this week.)

Gordon: The card is designed to make people in the black go in the red?
Chico: It's designed to make RICH people in the black go in the red. That's why you have to be invited first. We are back, and it's time for the game seg. What are we playing today?
Gordon: We bring back the return of TRIOS. Chico - remind us how we play this.
Chico: I basically give out three items and one question.
Gordon: like, for example, the first question -
Chico: which is?
Gordon: Celeb Spelling Bee, The Littlest Groom, or Man Vs Beast - which one of these One Shots will have the best shot to come back as a series?
Chico: Well, if you're talking about feasibility, I say Man vs Beast, simply because it already came back. If you're talking about logistics, I'd say Celeb Spelling Bee, because there're a lot of celebs out there hurting for more work (see "Celeb __________"). I don't see Groom coming back at all, so I'm going with Spelling Bee.
Gordon: I agree with that - if they can spell out ratings, it could be a hit - but do you see any of these shows coming as a regular series? I mean MVB has specials - but as a regular series, it could work too.
Chico: If they find enough beasts. I mean, you could find a million freaks of nature for one or two beasts. Wait, you only need one or two beasts, don't you? And if not, there's always the man vs dog staredown.
Chico: I miss Banzai. Anywho, next question: "Cousin Danielle", "Mrs. Meek", or Adam Mesh. Question: Who is a more convincing woman?
Gordon: OH that is cold
Chico: Thank you, thank you...
Gordon: Adam is more convincing then Melana Scantlin?
Chico: As an ordinary guy, but not as a token woman. So that's out.
Gordon: I'll take the high road and say Cousin Danielle.
Chico: But they're both put to shame by the easily-pissed off Mrs. Meek...   Not even my own mother is that scary.
Gordon: I'll give you that one.
Chico: She's a very scary woman! And she's not even real! She's a very scary fake woman!
Gordon: OK - next up - The Apprentice's recent apartments in the last challenge, The house in House of Dreams, or the show My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance - which one is the most fixed?
Chico: Fiance... Definitely. So many fixes, it's not even funny anymore... Or at least it won't be. It's still kinda funny to watch now.
Gordon: Its funny - but you can't help but think that everyone is now in it - including the supposedly oblivious family.
Chico: All I know is... I can't wait to see how it ends.
Gordon: It's getting the ratings - do you think that FOX can get a successful sequel?
Chico: If they know what's good for them... No. They won't even try.
Gordon: lol.
Chico: But this being Fox... I dunno.
Gordon: They'll do it - and it will tank, just like Joe Millionaire 2 - European Boogaloo.
Chico: Okay. Celebrity Lookalikes, Ex-Husbands vs. Ex-Wives, or the Stars on Ice. Question: Lamest Family Feud idea... ever!
Gordon: I like the exes with the twist in there, and I think the stars on Ice isn't that bad. The celebrity look-a-like idea seems like they tore it right from Hollywood Squares - so I'll go with that one.
Chico: You think so.... That's exactly right.
Gordon: Goodie - what do I win?
Chico: Plus, the Stars on Ice gave us a first... the first six-man Feud ever.
Gordon : Yep - and it wasn't that bad. Now if they can only get rid of the one question sudden death tiebreaker...
Chico: As for the prize, you get to read.. the next question!
Gordon: Excellent - 'Pulling a Tammy', 'Hatchiavellian' or 'Camilleified'. I heard all three of these phrases mentioned at the Millionaire tapings last night. Which one of these phrases has the best shot of being used in common everyday game show language?
Chico: Oh man. Tough choice. I mean, they all have named. I'd say "Pull the Tammy." Simply because it rolls better. I don't even know what they mean.
Gordon: 'Pulling A Tammy', which actually came out of my mouth, means to say something completely inappropriate during a conversation - a conversation killer. 'Hatchivaellian' is playing a game where the ends justify the means, regardless of what action it currently has - a la Richard Hatch in Survivor. 'Camiliefied' means someone has diva-like aspects, like Camille in Next Top Model.
Chico: Well, in that case, Hatchiavellian. Makes more sense.
Gordon: I like it - but like you said, Pulling a Tammy, or calling someone Tammy, rolls off the mouth better. But I liked all 3 phrases.
Chico: Unless you're calling a really big guy Tammy. Then you get your ass kicked. Okay, final question: David Daskal, Jenna Morasca, or William Hung. It's a match up: Most honorable loser, most valuable loser, or loser who won. Go.
Gordon: Tough tough tough - Hung, who has this newfound fame, has to be the loser who won. Most honorable is Jenna. I think that valuable also has to go to Hung, who has given Idol even more of a buzz with him even being considered to go into the Wild Card round - and I think they better not do that, because he could very well in the round. Daskal, like his stint in AJ2, gets shut out. Your opinion?
Chico: Honorable, obviously, goes to Jenna. Loser who won goes to Hung, because he scored a $25,000 contract and voice lessons out of the deal... Most valuable... I'm going to go off the board and say George Wendt.. because how can you not like George Wendt?
Gordon: Going off the board??? FIX!
Chico: You're just mad because I thought of it first :-)
Gordon: Grrrrrrrr.
Chico: Fine, fine... William Hung.   George Wendt can come, too.
Gordon : Fine. I'm happy then.
Chico: Okay. Running short on clock, so we go to the Big Finish. H2 tapes its final episodes this week. Will you miss it?
Gordon: I'll miss it just solely because we'll be stuck with...The Insider (shudder). Apprentice - has Omarosa finally worn out her welcome?
Chico: She wore out her welcome a long time ago. Next chance she gets, she better make a convincing argument, or else she'll be given the four-finger point and the elevator to the taxi. Will we get any standouts in the next two weeks of Idol-dom?
Gordon: We better, or we'll be seeing William Hung in the Wild Card Round. Rate from 1 to 10 the new shows that you are looking forward to see (10 being high)? Forever Eden, Nashvilel Star, Mad Mad House.
Chico: Mad Mad House gets a high mark from me, because I like seeing people scared to death. That gets an 8. Nashville Star is a blatant copy using my least-liked genre of music, so that gets a 4. I'll stick Forever Eden in the middle with 7, only because Fox, sooner or later, will come to the realization that it has to end somehow... You know, once it stops being profitable. Even Melrose had an ending.
Gordon: General Hospital is still going strong.
Chico: And As the World Turns, but then again, this isn't CBS or ABC we're talking about. Now if you were to bring up the Simpsons, then you'd make a presenting argument. Speaking of which, looking forward to both Super Millionaire and Simon on the Simpsons tonight?
Gordon: My ratings - MMH - 9, NS - 4, FE - 8. I cant wait to see how they do Super Millionaire - though I can do without dealing with Simon on Sundays.
Chico: Okay, anything else or are we outta here?
Gordon: I think we put in a full day's worth of stuff.
Chico: Sounds good to me. We'll start off fresh next time. For Gordon Pepper, I'm Chico Alexander and until next time...
Gordon : Be nice to your honey, or they'll turn into a bunny.
Chico: And that's what we would call... a game over.
Gordon: Bunny stew... yum yum yum...

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