Airs Fridays 
8pm ET/PT
This site is a not-for-profit informational site for fans of the ABC series "Mole 2: The Next Betrayal."  The images and information contained within this site were obtained from ABC and all rights to the images and information are reserved for ABC and the show producers.  No challenge to copyright is implied.
Last Update:  7/9/2002
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Relatives, jumping, and other assorted people aplenty on our last show, as the players earned more money for the pot. The big winner, though, was Heather, who scored a marriage proposal. The big loser was Katie, who scored the lowest on the Quiz, being the seventh player executed. Five players and one plant left. Will the Mole leave behind another clue? Get out your pencil and your casebook and keep track of the clues, because game is on.


"Four more losers, which will it be?
I'm counting down. Dwindling numbers are key." This has clue written all over it.

Day 28: Lucca, Italy

ASSIGNMENT 1: Neutralizer

Bill has a secret game of his own. After leaving the breakfast table last, Anderson gives Bill a sticker to implant in someone's journal. If he is successful, that player is neutralized, meaning that they can't earn an exemption. If not, Bill is neutralized. Bill, during his game below, successfully neutralized

WIN - Dorothy is neutralized.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Grape Game

Two players who like to drink wine. Heather and Al have ninety minutes to stomp on grapes to fill up five bottles. Only one must stomp grapes at a time (fifteen-minute intervals). If they succeed, they win $10,000. Al fills a bottle, which Anderson decides has a nice aroma of feet. But they fill all five bottles, but there's yet another task, later.

WIN - $10,000 ($356,000 total).

ASSIGNMENT 3: Grape Game, part 2.

Inebriated, Heather and Al must serve a goblet pyramid of wine without spilling or breaking. At the word go, Al spills a drop and contests it, prompting Anderson to try it. Neither he nor Heather could do it, so as quickly as they earn $10,000, they lose it.

LOSS - $10,000 lost (back down to $346,000)

ASSIGNMENT 4: Assembly Line

Darwin, Bill, Bribs, and Dorothy have two and a half hours to move Anderson's car to a greenhouse. But they must disassemble it first. And they can't test it. But if they're successful, they win another $20,000. At 1:55 remaining, the players are suspicious about the greenhouse. AT 1:15, Darwin makes a discovery: a combination lock. Remembering the earlier clue, the team starts descending numbers. So the team puts the car back together while Dorothy tries to unlock the lock. Then Bribs remembers the clue again. Losers' numbers? Could be key. Dorothy nails the combo at 3456: Three players at the end, four, five, six players now. They get the car in the greenhouse, and it starts to win $20,000.

WIN - $20,000 ($366,000 total)

ASSIGNMENT 5: Wine Drinking

Heather and Al must convince the other players to drink their freshly stomped wine. Dorothy fervently disagrees, then reluctantly agrees. But it was Bill and Darwin who finish the bottle for $10,000 more.

WIN - $10,000 ($376,000 total)

Day 29... 12:15a - Lucca, still.

ASSIGNMENT 6: All Night Ball

The players are awaken at 12:15a to participate. They have to keep a ball moving in a specific order until 6a. If they cannot, the game ends. Anderson stops in at 1:30a to offer Al an exemption for being the most tired... is he? No. Just offering a nap. Same with Heather. But there's an exemption looming. We knew it. But it goes to Bill, for hitting the ball out of turn (**slap** "Let's go home.").

LOSS - No money added ($376,000 total). Bill had an exemption. However, the game was videotaped, and Bribs actually ended the game before Bill was offered an exemption. Could he have known that an exemption was involved?

Another tape: Earlier, Darwin encourages Dorothy to hit the ball for him. Meaning, that HE ended the game. So, again, could HE have known that an exemption was involved? I've gone cross-eyed. Luckily, the Quiz is next, and that's near impossible to screw up.


1) What size shoe does the Mole wear?
2) As you faced Anderson, in which direction did the Mole's loved one sit?
3) What happened to the Mole during the All Night Ball game?
4) Did the Mole drive to the interview today?
5) What type of alcohol does the Mole prefer?
6) How many drinks did the Mole consume in the Grape Game?
7) In which position did the Mole have in the All Night Ball game?
8) Was the Mole neutralized yesterday?
9) Did the Mole enter the correct combination during the Assembly Line game?

EXECUTION:  To recap, $376,000 is now in the pot. Dorothy is neutralized. There are no exemptions.

Bill - GREEN
Dorothy - GREEN
Heather - GREEN

Three remain.

Bribs - GREEN

Which means...

Darwin - RED

Darwin is the Mole's eighth victim. Closing thoughts: Dorothy thinks that Darwin is a fast thinker. Everyone will miss his "push".

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