Survivor: Pearl Islands
Morgan Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.


Day 13: If this was a real pirate's culture, he'd be everyone's bitch.

We pick up where we left off, with Rupert (temporarily) of the Morgan tribe. Finally, someone who'll give an accurate assessment of this tribe who DOESN'T have access to the GSNN web servers.

Exhibit A: The tide and the shelter. Last week, the tide came in, and the tribe nearly lost everything. All they did to defend themselves was put up a few logs, which of course wouldn't last. Rupert saw that and suggested that the tribe literally move house. So really, the choice comes down to... where. Rupert sits back as Savage exercises his incredible delegation powers (after all, why do all the dirty work when you can get someone else to?). His latest idea: move the shelter close to the jungle. Osten takes offense to that because of the many haunts of the jungle. Snakes, insects, crabs, producers, you know the drill. So what do we do now? We talk. And fight. And argue. And bicker. And bitch. And Rupert just sits there saying "These guys work very hard at not working hard. They fight and argue and bicker and bitch amongst each other so much that I know why it takes them hours to do something".

Funny, I just said that. So we finally get to moving the shelter... and it collapses, leaving Rupert pining for Drake Island, and all the food and drink thereupon. I don't blame ya, Rupe.

But all is not quicksand and crap on Morgan Island, as Rupert is willing to take in Rhino as an apprentice to the order of the fishing spear. Rupert tells us that Rhino wanted to be a provider, but didn't know how. Taking in the lessons of Hagrid, Har... err, Rhino spears himself a live one. And what a live one. But in the process of capturing it, it flipped off. And then it flipped off and swam. But Rupert makes up for it by catching his new buddy a veritable ichthyologic bounty.

Quote from Rhino: "The smartest thing this tribe has done was get ahold of Rupert." And the now requisite Savage quote: "Rupert's been a godsend." Why, he could easily be... everyone's hero. Heh. Getting titular.

Well, you know what they say about giving a man a fish. I bet they don't last until the merge.

Day 14: ... and the good Lord taketh away.

But you know, all good times must come to an end, and if you remember, the deal was that Rupert would only stay until the next Reward Challenge. Rupert snags this bit of business from the treasure mail:

"A paddle as a clue, does it give it all away?
The foreshadowing of a part of what you'll face today.
Running through the jungle for the best reward yet.
Stay dry when you want to, get cleaner when you're wet."

Rupert is competing with the Morgans on this one. "I really wanna beat'em. I really wanna show'em. The reason they're winning might have something to do with me."

R-CHALLENGE: Paddle for Paddles (water package: water pot, cans, rain jackets, loofas, sponges, shampoo, portable shower; one piece of treasure map should Morgan win; one free pilfer from the opposing tribe's camp).

The tribes must paddle their way to four floating boxes, where one tribesman must dive for two ladder paddles. Once all four rungs are collected, five tribesmen will complete a ladder while one runs into the jungle to retrieve an idol from a well. First idol up wins. Drake has problem hitting the water running, and Morgan (particularly Rupert) makes a break for it, getting to the beach first. Andrew hits the jungle for the well and the idol. Meanwhile the Morgan assemble their ladder thanks to quick thinking and teamwork (final-freaking-ly), and Andrew climbs to a victory. Rupert had a chance to share in the reward, BUT he opts to return to his old tribesmates. How noble.

Later that day: It's time for a shower.

Savage is reveling in the victory and the final coming-together of the tribe. while everyone gets their clean on, including... naked... naked Darrah naked... She doesn't have a problem with it as long as no one's watching. So while Andrew steals... err, is GIVEN as much rice as Rupert will allow (which is a lot because, well, Rupe's a darn nice guy), Rhino digs the positive vibe. Word.

Treasure mail:

"The ocean yields (sic) you lots of treats.
Some pay a fortune for what you guys eat.
So prepare yourself for a seafood feast.
Down it all and earn 3 more days at least."

Spell check, Burnett. It's a good thing.

Day 15: I-CHALLENGE: Survivor Smoothie Bar

You read right. Smoothies. Probst's offering the best seafood money can buy FREE... and in smoothie form. Spin the roulette wheel, which has on it, sardines, red shellfish, mango (mm, yummy), octopus, razor clam, rock oyster, squid (rock!), conch, coconut juice, seawater, bleeding clam, and Jeff's Special, which is basically anything one, two, or even three ingredients he wants. Two roulette balls will choose the ingredients. Just need to get it down.

All twelve in attendance manage to do that... freaks. And Michelle even manages a belch. So we go to a tiebreaker. Morgan draw Sandra while Darrah gets the nod from Drake. They both have to down a conch-rock oyster-bleeding clam-squid-seawater smoothie with a sardine garnish. First one to get all of that crap down wins immunity. Sandra almost brings it back up... twice. Darrah gets it all down, taking the skull-and-battleaxe back to Morgan Island.

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