Survivor: Thailand
Drake Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

We have gotten rid of 4 people in the last 10 days - and more importanty, we will be getting someone that we probbly got rid of the first time. That's not a good thing - and the last person we probably want to see, we probably will, thanks to Murphy's law. The person that we dont't want to see is Burton. 'If it's Burton, I will fall out.' complains Sandra, who worries that he will come back to wreck the team.

It was a dark and stormy night (whooooooooooooooooooooooo)...and while everyone is sleeping, we are surprised and awoken by a mysterious figure - sure enough, it's Burton. Instead of a vengeful Burton, though, we get a repentful one. 'There's some making up to do on both ends.'

Well, with Burton sporting that attitude, instead of dread, everyone is happy to see each other. Rupert - 'It just pumped Drake back up - Bang! Immediately.' They started to reconcile, and everyone is one big happy fam...(Burton - 'I can not forget that they voted me off...this game is all about deception')...ily?

The next morning, Rupert calls Burton away from the group to tell him exactly why he was voted out the first time. It seems like Rupert was the person that got picked on in high school - and he tells Burton that when they made fun of him for wearing the skirt - and just made fun of him in general - he flashbackied to when he was 16 again. 'In my head, I'm the fat little terrified kid in high school that I felt I've always been all my life.' Burton realized the error of his ways and feels remorse for what he did.

Rupert also tells Burton that the nex person to go out is Jon 'He wrote my name down on the 18th day.' Burton - 'He wrote my name down on the 12th day'. Burton has a huge sigh of relief, knowing that he is not going to be the next person targeted. 'For me, it's truly a second chance at this game.'

As we try to get back to be one big happy tribe, we show Burton an tree. Burton, Christa and Rupert go out to get fruit, while they are discussing how to get rid of Jon. They think that the Morgans will get rid of Jon - until Burton brings up a very valid point. 'The Morgans may take Jon, not because they need him, but because they may not have a choice.' Foreshadowing?

We go to visit Jeff - and we discuss the food issue. We have plenty of food, and Morgan's don't have any. That is going to change, as Jeff has told everyone that the MERGE is here! We are now one big tribe - and we are playing for individual immunity.

And with that, we go right into the immunity challenge. There are 5 platforms, and each one has a rope tied underneath it. The players have to swim under the platform and then take a medallion from the other side of the platform. There will be 2 semifinal heats where you have to do this twice, and in the final heat, you have to do it 5 times. Whoever gets it done the quickest is the first person to win individual immunity.

Tijuana, Chrysta, Rupert, Jon and Sandra. Yeah - that heat's fair, like we can't tell who is in the top 2 (Jon and Rupert, of course). The second heat has Savage, Lil, Burton, Ryan and Darrah - and Ryan and Savage emerge from that group. In the finals, it's a head-to-head race between Rupert and Burton...and it's won by....Burton, who already has immunity because he could not be voted off regardless.

So what does that mean? It means that Burton has the choice of giving it out to anyone that he wants - or giving it out to no one and making the other 8 people (besides him and Lil) vulnerableat tribal council. Hmmm...

Before we get to Burton's decision, we have a chance to forget all of that with a feast which is awaiting us back at camp. While rowing back, they decide to name the tribe 'Balboa' - based on Rupert's departed snaky friend. Sandra is wondering if there will be one tribe - or 2 separated tribes living as one.

Well, the Morgans look like they are targeting Jon - but Jon notices Lil sitting there all alone while the rest of the Morgans are strategizing. Hmmmm...Jon tells Rupert and Chrysta about it and they talk to Burton. Burton likes that idea and he confers with Lil that they want her to join their tribe. A very worried Andrew goes over to talk to Lil, but it seems like the damage has been done, and Drake may have done the most damaging pilfering of them all - the permanent pilfering of a crew member from a now-sinking ship.

We will find out now as we hit tribal council. TIjuana was shocked at the merge while Lil is thrilled with it. 'I'm just glad that i now have a larger family.' That does not sound too good for Morgan's chances. Ryan says that he doesn't know how to vote - but Jeff says that Burton, who has the power to transfer immunity, will have the opportunity to give people one less person for people to vote on. He does decide to do it - and he gives it to Rupert, much to the applause of the rest of the tribe.

It's time to vote - and you can't write down the names of Rupert, Burton or Lil. Sava wasn't going to do that - he writes down Jon's name. Jon, in turn, writs down the name of Andrew Savage, doing a Randy 'Macho Man' Savage wrestler impersonation. We all know that the tribes will be voting among tribe lines - but who does Lil vote for?

Jeff tallies the votes. After the quick drama, Savaga has 5, Jon has 4. We see Lil's vote, and she voted for....Savage. Andrew is out of the game. He tells Ryan, Darrah and Tijuana to hang tough - but he doesn't tell Lil that - and that, it seems, has led to his downfall.

So what does this mean? It means that Drake now has a stranglehold on the game with the addition of Lil to our side. It also means that Ryan is in deep, deep trouble - and it may also mean that someone from my tribe will FINALLY win this game. We just need to Pagong 3 more people out of the tribe and the victory will be mine! I mean, there could be a women's movement from Drake and Morgan, but that would never happen, so I will be proclaiming victory! Ahoy, ye mateys!

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