Survivor: Thailand
Drake Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

Just when you thought it was safe to root for my tribe, they decide to lose an immunity challenge, lose Rupert for the Reward Challenge and lose Burton on a permanent basis. All fof this losing sucks. And you guys were dumb enough to want to throw a challenge, eh?

So with all this losing, we're...happy? Well, sort of, since we did get rid of Burton. Shawn changes his vote to Burton after Jon tells him to change it. Shawn says that he wanted to get rid of Burton, but Trish isn't buying what Shawn is selling. While Shawn is trashing Burton, Michelle is worried - because only Michelle voted to get rid of Christa - and that puts her on the block. Jon says that Michelle has nothing to worry about, but she isn't buying what Jon is selling and she is nervous. 'I'm miserable, I'm here alone by myself.'

Well, Rupert is also alone by himself, and as for him, he..wait., he's in Chico's tribe. Go see CHico's recap to find out what's going on with him - but I'm guessing that he's miserable.

Christa and Trish are sort of miserable because Rupert isn't there - they are concerned that Rupert will be giving out too much info to the other tribe. They have a can of Spam left - which they will save until he comes back. Sandra s also very concerned about if Rupert will betray all of them. Hmmmmm...

Rupert isn't here to read the Sea Mail, so I guess I have to do the honors...

"A paddle as a clue, does it give it all away?
The foreshadowing of a part of what you'll face today.
Running through the jungle for the best reward yet.
Stay dry when you want to, get cleaner when you're wet."

Well, we're pretty clean around water, which of course, is what the next challenge is about. We have to paddle out to sea and get pieces of a ladder from the ocean. We then have to go back to shore and assemble it. While that is going on, another member has to go to a well and get an idol. Whoever gets the ladder built and gets the idol to the top of the ladder first wins the reward, which this time is portable showers, shampoo, hygenial products, and water gear for the rain. There will also be more looting, and if Morgan wins, another piece of the treasure map.

Just what we need, another strength challenge. With Rupert steering Morgan's boat, Jon agrees to do it for Drake - and he is as good at it as HUmpty DUmpty was at balance. Jon is using the rudder as a paddle, and he steers us off of the course. Kids, you are not supposed to throw reward...oh wait, they weren't throwing it. This turns into another rout and Morgan wins this one, too.

Rupert is given the option to hang out for the reward with Morgan, or go back now with Drake. Rupert wisely decides to go straight back, because 'I miss my home.' So off he goes and we are united again. Rupert hugs everyone 'I enjoy being back home.' AwwwwBarf.

Rupert debriefs everyone 'A hand full of rice is a meal.' he says, as he talks about how sad their camp is. 'They didn't try to recruit me, because they all know that a Drake is going to win this thing.'

Andrew comes over to loot and pillage from us. He hugs Jon and Rupert talks to him 'You can take whatever the f$ck you want, but I'm going to show you what you should take.' They go to the rice, where Rupert offers to give him a lot of it. But not all of it, because 'I'll kill you.' That truly was not a looting. That truly was friends helping friends.' Andrew's reaction? 'I'm hoping that in the next few days, that I'll be part of their tribe.' Hmmmmmm....

More sea mail - this one of the edible variety...

"The ocean yields (sic) you lots of treats.
Some pay a fortune for what you guys eat.
So prepare yourself for a seafood feast.
Down it all and earn 3 more days at least."

This seems like it's an icky eating things contest. Sandra and Trish want no parts of it, while Michelle doesn't mind. They decide that Michelle will be the decoy and make her look bad - so the other team can try to focus on her to try to be the tie-breaker - and hence win the immunity challenge. That's pretty smart thinking.

We go to the Immunity Challenge - and Probst's Survivor Smoothie Bar. Rupert brings a friend - Balboa, the snake. He found him injured on the beach, so Rupert decides to nurse him back to health. That's nice. Fortunately for the snake, he is not on the smoothie bar menu for today. Unfortunately for the people, the following ingredients are - sardines, red shellfish, mango, octopus, razor clam, rock oyster, squid, conch, coconut juice, seawater, bleeding clam, and Jeff's Special, which means that Jeff can mix up whatever he wants. 2 ingredients will be mixed together and all you have to do is get it down. Honestly, the ingredients aren't too bad, and I don't see anyone having a really hard time with it.

Andrew and Sandra start us off - and the ingredients are Sardines and Bleeding Clam. They get it down, but Sandra is taking her sweet time. Is this noticed by Morgan?

Second round - Razor Clam and Jeff's Special. Uncle Jeffy add OCTOUPUS to it. Michelle is supposed to drink it slowly, but she chugs it down and burps at the end. Shawm is putting his head in his hands and Jon is even looking distressed about it. Uh oh...

Jon and Darrah go next - and we have some coconut juice - along with some squid.

Next up - more squid - and some rock oyster. Osten and Christa get it down easily. So do Trish and Tijuana, with Squid and 'Jeff's special'. We all get through eating, and we are tied at 7-7.

It's tie-breaker time - and we pick Darrah. Morgan picks....Sandra. That's NOT who we wanted to see get picked, We get squid, clam, seawater and sardines. Darrah is slow but doesn't regurgitate. Sandra stalls out twice - and those 2 close-to-upchucks mean that Morgan wins immunity. That also means that we have to upchuck one of our own from the game.

Well, we can either not be true to Michelle, continue to lie about judging people by merit, and get rid of her, or we can be honest, get rid of people due to merit, and we would boot out...Michelle anyways, since her bad acting made them pick Sandra and cost us the immunity challenge. Either way, Michelle looks like toast.

Sandra is blaming herself, but Christa and Trish come to cheer her up. Jon? '1. A Sardine was bigger than Sandra's mind.' Ouch. He is also pissed at Michelle, and I don't see her staying. Michelle talks to Rupert about getting rid of Shawn, but Rupert sees that she is pleading for her existence in the game. Do you keep the person who works harder? Or do you need the person who doesn't work, but who's strength may be vital for the last immunity challenge?

We go to tribal council, and Jon is noticeably sober. Sandra is worried about her status, Jon admits that he is clueless with a boat - and he admits that he threw the first challenge - which gets the ire of Jeff - and Rupert, who says that it's the worst thing in the world to do. He did get info on Morgan, which means that he can use it against them later. The question is, will someone take what Rupert just said and use it against HIM later? Hmmmm...

Voting time - Michelle votes for Shawn - but Jon, who's the head of his own alliance, votes for Michelle, and this vote looks to be anti-climactic. It is - Michelle gets voted out 6-1, and away she goes.

Ok kids - Survivor 101 - DO NOT EVER EVER EVER throw a challenge. You will wind up in Professor Jeff's Study Hall. Did the kid learn, or will they be going back to detention? We'll find out next week.

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