Survivor: Thailand
Drake Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

The signs are there -maybe the curse is coming to an end. The Cubs are in the NLCS. The Red Sox are in the ALCS. Maybe jinxes are meant to be broken. Maybe I can actually cover a tribe with a winning member. We won the first 3 Immunity challenges. There's no way we can go into Tribal Council short-handed. And if we win again - hey, that's four wins - that's what you need to get into the World Series, baby! (Of course, being a Yankee Fan, I'd rather not see the Red Sox get into the World Series, but you understand what I mean...)

The only way we can be that stupid to go down in numbers would be to throw an immunity challenge. But we're not going to do something that stupid, are we? We're not going to do that - but we're going to have Jon and Burton arguing, as Jon complains that he's been working to the bone. Trish says that people are starting to get testy with each other, while Christa is saying how they want someone to leave - that someone probably being the very annoying Jon.

Shawn thinks that Christa wants to get rid of him, while he wants to get rid of her. Christa says that she doesn't get along with Shawn, Michelle and Burton, who is making fun of Rupert's butt-crack. The men make fun of Rupert, who are finding the 3some annoying 'I don't think that they realized that they alienated themselves with the whole entire tribe.' warns Trish.

We need a reward challenge to get away from the bitching and moaning. Here's the challenge - both tribes have 16 pieces to a puzzle. 8 of them are in the water, while 8 of them are buried in the sand. The people on the teams pick whether to go in the sea or go burying in the sand to get the pieces. Whoever finishes the puzzle first wins...sewing equipment, worth...wait a sec, this ain't The Price Is Right. Of course, the winning team also gets another clue to the treasure and a chance to loot something from the other tribe.

We sit out Shawn, Michelle and Christa. We take the early lead with Burton and Sandra goes into the sand. She easily gets the piece and we have the lead. The Morgan team turns out to be nudists as we see boobies from Tijuana. We're up 7-3 and we could have sit out Burton, Rupert and Shawn. We seal it when Osten, the non-swimmer, commits the dumb-ass move of the episode by going into the water to get a piece. Duh. He pulls a Ryan S. and we cruise to the challenge victory.

e get the sewing machine, and in the words of Rupert, 'I don't care, as long as I have something to cover my ass.' With the skirt, Shawn and Burton of course make fun of him - and they offer him jewelry for the skirt. They are setting themselves up for a major loss...

...but we get a major find with the last piece of the treasure chest, which is located 15 steps from the Devil's Fork. 'I've hare dreams about the treasure than any girl in Playboy.' says Jon. He may need to fantasize a bit more - they can't find it at first, but Christa and Burton discover it, and they find that inside the treasure is what? A bacon Cheeseburger? New Underpants? Inside the chest

'A Stench so awful, it smells like Death.'

Thanks, Sandra.

Apparently, the intern assigned to the chest didn't make it air-tight, as mold came in and wiped out most of the edible food. They did get some nets and silverware and candles, and they did salvage some chocolate to eat, but in the words of Jon, 'I call it a ghetto Christmas - it's like asking for an Incredible Hulk doll, and instead getting your sister's Ken doll painted green.'

That's not the only thing green, as Morgan is green with envy as it's Trish's turn to take something. The guys just HAPPEN to be away with the fishing gear, so she can't take that. She winds up taking some light - a lamp to be specific, which probably doesn't work - but then again, if what they found in the chest is a Ghetto Christmas, then Morgan is living in a Crystal Waters song.

The light doesn't help us at night, and Burton takes Rupert out for a talk 'I was scared to talk to him, because he's a little Drake Gung-ho.', says Burton, as he explains to him that it may be in their best interest to LOSE a challenge. No, no, no, no, no, you big dummy. Rupert's reaction? 'If this was a Pirate's Culture, then he'd be dead.'

While THAT'S going on, we get Sea Mail -

Familiar with the game of checkers?
Familiar with the game of chess?
Heard of Professional Wrestling?
Combined makes a worthy test

Formulating Strategies?
Take some time to think
To avoid the next Tribal Council
Send your opponent to the drink

Burton tells everyone 'Throwing a challenge is the stupidest thing you can ever do.' says Rupert, ad he's right. He is so upset that he tells Trish and Jon about it - and tells them that if they do go to Tribal Council, they have to get rid of the cancer - Burton. Conversely, since the alliance of Burton, Shawn and Michelle know Rupert will not throw a challenge - they sit him, along with Burton and Trish. Oh yeah, we're done.

This challenge, if you've seen Combat Missions, is 'The Grid'. If you haven't seen it, the people have to move from one boat to the other by moving across spaces. Whoever gets everyone into the other person's boat wins. If 2 people have to cross paths, then they duel, with the first person to get their opponent in the winner. In addition, the winning team gets a 'little something else.' Oh yeah, we're soooooo done - and I have a feeling that we are going to regret the 'little something else.'.

Let's see - all of the men from Morgan wipe out the Drake women, and this is turning into a slaughter. Jeff asks Burton why they are sitting out, and a visibly upset Burton says 'rotation'. Jeff says 'That works, but he's clearly not buying what Rupert's selling. This is a Fait Accompli, and we lose our first challenge.

As for the 'Little Something Else?' Well, the other team gets to loot something else - any player they want. Uh oh. They stay with them - and compete with them in the next tribal Reward Challenge. Who do they pick? The strong man who will not throw a challenge, of course. They pick Rupert, and instead of a decisive 8-4 edge (which they would have had), it will now be an even 6-6 going into the next reward challenge.

Rupert goes to Morgan immediately, which means that we have 7 people to vote. Burton thinks that he has an alliance with Jon, Shawn and Michelle - but as we saw, Rupert has already talked to Jon with his alliance with Christa, Sandra and Trish. Jon has decided to ally with...the liquor bottle. He gets a little tipsy and imitates wrestlers, and then imitates...Lady Godiva, as he goes skinny dipping into the ocean. 'I'm the puppet-master!' If he's still drunk for the council, then this should be a very interesting ceremony...

Jeff asks Jon what he thinks, and after Jon says 'Awesome, awesome, awesome awesome tribe.', Jeff asks him if he's loaded - and Jon says yes. Hoooo boy. Jeff asks about the choice to 'rotate' people, and he's not getting anywhere. He's also not getting anywhere with Jon, who tells Jeff that his vote is based on 'whatever the astrological signs tell me.' Jeff has the look like he would shiver Jon's timbers himself, if he was allowed to.

It's voting time - and Christa votes for...Burton. Burton votes for Christa, and he see that it will be one of those 2. Jon is indeed the person in power for this episode (as he says 'Can you Dig that, Sucka?' when casting his vote. Thank you, Booker T.

The first vote goes to...Christa. Then Burton. Christa gets the next vote - and Burton gets the rest - including a vote from Shawn. Hmmmmmm.....Burton is the first person from my tribe gone, and Burton does indeed get his wish to get someone off the island. Oops.

So what does this tell us? It says that my tribe is thinking a little bit too far down the road, since in order for us to claim a majority when the tribes merge, we need to HAVE a majority of people to get there, and now that we have lost 2 strong people for the next challenge, I am starting to wonder how that is going to happen.

And, oh yeah, the Red Sox and Cubs both lost.

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