Survivor: Amazon
Jaburu Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

Day 13: Well, no one's singing any praises; Joanna must be gone.

Deena wakes up with a new and vigorous spirit, having gained the title of alpha-female from Joanna's vote-out the previous night. One person who needs a vigorous spirit though is Shawna, who has "reached the lowest of the low. It is truly ironic that the people who I set up an alliance with are now trapping me inside the game."

Didn't I call that mentality? I swear I did.

Anyway, the tribe calls a rally, as Jeanne addresses a conversation that was had the previous night. Basically, Deena said that "You're problem is that you're not part of the team!" In Deena's case, "you" referred to Christy. Jeanne goes on a paranoid-schizophrenic bit and decides to stay as close to the entire tribe as possible. Of course, that'll be impossible as the mail (with a bottle of vino) will suggest. Maestro?

"Prepare yourself for a little fun,
Unfortunately, for only one.
The map will show you the place you're after.
Send your youngest for wine and laughter."

After a heated argument over the meaning of the term, "youngest", we come to a conclusion. Notice if you will: Youngest = cutest ass = Jenna. Trust me, it'll make sense later.

So the pin-up girl is headed to a mystery location, where she'll meet Dave from Tambaqui and Jeff from Wichita.

Later that day: "History belongs to the old, the village belongs to the adults, and opportunity belongs to the young."

Jeff tells Dave and Jenna about their sleepover: food, wine, shower, amenities, and beds. After touring their digs, they get started on the wine and cheese. "It's like heaven in the Amazon," Dave notes. (*writer thinks for a moment*) Nah, too easy. Jenna and Dave begin discussing their respective tribal lines. Now just for a moment, let's take the word, "discussing" and put it into its respective context.

JENNA, the oft-misguided swimsuit model: "Discussing" means giving the entire dish on all of the tribal politics, right down to the tooth and nail.

DAVE, the steady-as-she-goes rocket scientist: "Discussing" means discussing the tribe not in terms of faction, but in terms of age, occupation, and who thinks what is sweeter: Jenna's can or Heidi's rack.

Night 13: The Trading Spaces folk go haywire.

Jenna and Dave take turns showering and watching each other being showered, totally not taking full advantage of the fact that the shower itself isn't that concealing (either that, or not minding the fact).

Jenna: "You're going to be able to see my... boobs!"

Well, there goes that theory.

Day 14: And I said, what about "Breakfast at the Tiffany Network?"

Dave woke to find breakfast already made for them. Dave's relieved. "She didn't kick. She didn't bite. She didn't... snore." Jenna wakes up to Dave's news that there is more food (better hurry, girl... I just saw a bug crawling on your roll). But in Survivor, as in life, everything has its price. And here's Jeff with the bill. Or, in this case, a bucket.

Jenna told Jeff that the two pretty much knew everything about each other's tribes. "I am glad to hear that you shared some information, because that's going to come in handy. We're going to have a little draft, and you two are in charge of picking new tribes."

Jenna's facial expression just screams out, "WHAT?!"

Dave seizes the opportunity to break up the popular girl clich� clique by drafting out Heidi, Jeanne, and Christy. Having absolutely nothing to work off, Jenna drafts out Alex, Matthew, and Rob.

The two return to their respective tribes with three new buffs. And leave it to Jenna to give the obvious: "It's like the game started again!"

Heidi took it as a shock, as Jenna told her that she tried to keep the alliance together. Jeanne was happy to be leaving. The three new Tambaqui pack up and leave for Gordon's part of the GSNN Survivor coverage. Meanwhile, we prepare to welcome Alex, Matthew, and Rob.

Much to Shawna's... excitement?! "Amazing what a little testosterone can do for somebody," Deena observed. "Boys arrive to camp and Shawna's 180 degrees better." Well deserved pick-me-up or big mistake on Shawna's part? Only time will tell. Rob, on the other hand, assess his chances on a much grander scale: "I'm going to wait before I attempt any proposition to any of the girls, but should Shawna or Jenna walk around naked, I promise that I will not cast a vote in their direction until after the merger."

Day 15: Dig Dug...

Shawna really "digs (Alex)'s sense of humor" after he proclaims that she was voted Hottest Girl in Jaburu. Which means that she moves onto the finals next week on ABC... Wait, no, that's in about 30 minutes. Sorry. Anyway, Alex and Shawna play the game of "Oh my God, are you serious?" You know the game. You say something about yourself and the other player goes, "Oh my God, are you serious?"

Then the mail comes: A word find with the words "paddle," "practice", "brawn", "animals", and "immunity" circled.

I-CHALLENGE: Up the Creek

The Survivors must scramble (bad pun) to find five animals represented by five flags floating in the creek. Before they can retrieve the flags, they have to find all five animals. The catch is that there are ten animals on the board to choose from. Tribe that collects all five flags and mounts them up shore wins Immunity. The Jaburu and the Tambaqui are deadlocked to the fifth word, when the Jaburu takes the lead. They hold the lead to the win, sending Tambaqui to Tribal Council.

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