Survivor: Amazon
Unified Tribe Recaps


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

Last time on Survivor, Matt goes psychotic, Rob tries to be symbiotic (with Heidi and Jenna) and Dave was idiotic - and since he's no longer with us, he can relax and be an alcoholic. We'll see if this makes the tribe more quixotic, the women more exotic, and Rob more diabolic.

Day 25 has emerged upon us - and Rob has already started on Matt - telling him that the women are upset with Deena. 'This is highly confidential' - and the reaons why it is confidential is because Rob is full of it. He is trying to pollute Matt - and for the most part, it is working.

Or is it? Unbeknownst to Rob, Matt is telling this same stuff to Butch. It's a 'chain' between him and Butch. Butch is looking to jump up links in the chain.I'm wondering if Butch is more out of is than Matt is.

Unbeknownst to both Matt and Butch, Rob is telling the rest of the troop that 'The fact of the matter is that Matt is the person that the group would like to vote out next - because he's we think that he's mentally unstable we're afraid that he may kill us.' says Rob.

We get tree mail, but I don't think it's of the unstable variety - or is it? We get a bow and arrow, a spear and a blow gun, along with the traditional goofy note:
Practice, Practice, Practice
Don't compete in haste
Smell the aroma of victory
Get Brazil's most famous taste

'How smart is it to give us a bow and arrow?' ponders Rob, I'd have to agree with that logic - not just with Matt, but with Rob incredibly off. Matt almost hits every single bulls-eye and it looks like it's time to concede the reward to Mr. Psycho.

But does Mr. Psycho want the challenge win? Matt tells Rob that he may not try his hardest - and Rob says that he's finally starting to learn how to play this game. Too bad it's a little late, and I keep thinking back to Of Mice and Men (which I did last season, with Robb playing the gentle idiot). I don't want to repeat that one, so maybe we'll do Dyno-mutt and the Blue Falcon.

The three challenges are Blow Dart,then the Spear, then he Bow and Arrow. The field gets divided into half with each challenge. The reward? A trip to the Survivor Coffee Bar.

We start with the blow darts. Matt, the man who says that he wants to be inconspicuous, goes up - and gets a bulls-eye. Yep, definately Dyno-mutt. He does well even though he may not purposely try to. The top 4 who advance are Matt, Alex, Butch and Deena.

The next obstacle is spears - and Matt throws a Bulls-Eye. That's him not trying his hardest? For the record, Alex joins Matt to the final exercise - the Bow and Arrow round. Matt tries - and hits the outer circle. So Matt goes this far and he decides NOW, after everyone's seen him to screw it up? 'This guy is a nincompoop' mutters Rob. (I can hear Matt going over to Rob, and saying, hey BF old buddy, old pal - did I do good?' No, you didn't). Alex, almost by default, gets the win - and he selects Jenna to join him on the trip to the Coffee Bar. Everyone else goes back to camp.

Alex and Jenna take a trip to the Amazon Cafe. It's the usual cafe experience, coffees and pastries of all sorts. They toast to Alex - and Jenna was a vry happy camper. Back on Jacare, Deena gets scared that Alex is going to be a major threat - and tells the women that if Matt should happen to win immunity, then Alex has to go. The look on Rob, Heidi and Christy's faces show that they are not happy with Deena's decision, and Deena may have made her one fatal flaw in the game.

Back at the coffee house, Matt and Jenna plan to solidify their bond with Heidi and Rob. Jenna doesn't know where Deena's head is at - and neither does Matt. It turns into a Deena bashing trip as they wonder why she is still in the game.

Deena does do the rationalization - if Alex and Matt are both in the game, they will have a huge problem winning immunity challenges. Rob agrees - and he says that people don't know about his secret alliance with himself and Deena. Uh...word to Rob - Heidi knows, because you guys pledged each other as a final threesome, remember?

Matt and Jenna come back, and the faces of all of them look like that they just not only ate, but split the canary up amd hid it from them. What makes it even worse is that Alex and Jenna come out with cookies for everyone. 2 cookies each. There are 4 cookies left though - because of Matt and Butch, who are still on the fishing boat. Rob decides to eat the half of the cookies anyways, since he figures that none of them will know.

Going back to the boat, Butch grabs a pirahna - and it bites him. Ouch. I wonder what is more treacherous - the pirahna in the water, or all of the sharks on the shore that are waiting for them to come back to land.

They come back to the island - and are greeted by cookie crumbs. Jenna and Alex were greeted by Heidi - and it turns out that Heidi's alliance with Rob and Deena is not nearly as strong as her alliance with Matt and Jenna. Now all of them know about Deena's plan and Matt confronts Rob about it. Rob, all of a sudden, thinks that he is still pulling the strings, but he knows that he can secretly be in deep doodoo. The real person who is pulling the strings? Heidi, who is the only person to have ties to both power alliances.

Meanwhile, Heidi has her own problems. She is bit by a spider and her knee has swollen up to balloon size. She may be thinking of spiders in a different way once she sees the tree mail:

What do you crave more
Immunity or food?
The thought of going home tonight
May put your palette in the mood

Deena believes that Matt or Alex is in trouble. Deena is taking a page out of Roger's book of cluelessness - she may need the immunity more than either Matt or Alex.

This tribal challenge is food related. The people have to eat delicasies that are common in the Amazon. The 2 slowest eaters are eliminated. The first course for the Survivor Dinner is Amazonian Grasshoppers. Matt and Deena are quick - and the rest are taking their sweet time. Butch and Alex are next. Rob and Christy are the final two people to make it - and she promptly upchucks once she is deemed the last person to make it to the first round.

Next course - 10 Coconut worms. Deena, Matthew, Alex and Christy all advance.

The third dish is 5 beetles. Matthew is in - and so is Deena. Alex is out - and he is wondering if it is his last challenge.

The final course is a living beetle larvae. The battle is between Deena and Matt - and the loser of this one may be in serious trouble at Tribal Council. Deena doesn't even bother trying to get it down as she points to Matthew, who swallows it down whole. Deena can't beat that and psycho-boy gets immunity. Everyone bows down to him. Of course, if the work burrows a hole out of Matthews belly before tribal council, then it could be easy to determine who's leaving.

It will still be easy to figure out who's going - now that Deena has proposed a strategy that it not favorable with Jenna, Heidi, Matt and Alex. That's 4, and I'm sure that Butch and Christy will be more than happy to add their votes onto it. But Deena does not know that. 'My ass would have had to be on the line for me to have eaten that worm'. Pride cometh before a falleth, my deareth.

Time to go to Tribal Council. Heidi says that her assets are her intelligence and her athletic ability (though Alex shaes his head in disagreement - boobies!). Deena says that the game is on, and Alex thinks that ethics enters into the game. Matthew didn't think that immunity was essential - and Deena stares at Alex, who gives a little smile. Uh-oh, Deena. Deena still says that she thinks that she's safe, and away we go with the voting.

Christy does follow Deena and votes for Alex. Jenna starts this way - 'You lied to me. You betrayed me, you screwed me, now screw you.' I think she's voting for Deena. Deena follows Alex, but here comes Alex's speech - 'Deena, you couldn't stick by your word for three days. I'd actually love to go up against you in court any day because I think that you are the worst liar I have ever met in my entire life.' OUCH. One thing I can say for sure, these parting shots are some of the better ones in Survivor history.

Uncle Jeffie tallies the votes. Deena's and Christy's votes are the only ones that Alex gets. Everyone else votes for Deena, and she follows Roger into the clueless void of infinity.

"These last 12 days will raise one very simple, but important question - how badly do you want it, and what will you, or won't you, do to get it?" That comes from Uncle Jeffie - and we will find out if the alliance will truly hold, or if the 4 people in power commit another Survivor first - to be the first team to self-implode BEFORE knocking off everyone else out, thus being the first tribe to grab defeat from the jaws of victory. Should be a very interesting next episode...

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