Survivor: Amazon
Tambaqui Tribe Recaps


CBS Survivor Website


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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

For 39 days, 16 castaways were stranded in Asia.  Every 3 days on the island became a 1-hour show.  The first contestant eliminated pockets $2500.  Each successive eliminated contestant wins more money, through the next-to-last Survivor, who receives $100,000.  The final Survivor wins a million dollars!

Images (C) 2003 CBS, Inc. and Mark Burnett Productions. This page is in no way associated with CBS, Mark Burnett Productions, or the Survivor production.

Christy wants some answers. She wants to know why Jeanne went off. Roger responded that she had better qualities that the team itself. That is not the answer that Dave, who talked to Roger and Butch, expected. They got rid of her, according to Dave, because she was going to be the person voted out by the girls anyways.

Heidi decided that she made the switch because if it was 3 on 3, the women wouldn't be able to look the guys in the eyes, and vice-versa. Christy is just happy that she isn't the person who's being voted out.

Survivor has always been like a human game of chess. Christy is the pawn, Heidi is the queen, and David is the King. But always be on the look-out for the knights who are looking to topple the throne. This would be Butch and Roger, and Christy, could have been saved for another reason - she could be a very strong power broker.

Tree Mail - and it's another sort of game that we may be playing...

"Looks like your dinners
are getting pretty bland.
Keep your focus and your balance
and give your meals a helping hand."

It's an old fashioned log rolling contest - whoever gets to 5 points first wins. The reward us garlic, salt, pepper, and a huge platter of fresh fruit. Nice. Since it's men vs. men and women vs. women, Deena sits out.

Round 1 - Matthew Vs. Roger - no contest here, Into the water goes Roger. 1-0 Jabaru.

Shawna Vs Heidi - a littls struggle, but Shawna wins it and we are down 2-0.

Alex Vs Dave - This one takes a while, and Dave comes up the victor. We finally get on the scoreboard.

Butch Vs. Rob - This one isn't close, as Rob falls on the log and it's only a matter of time until Butch pushes him in. The game is tied at 2.

Kenna Vs Christy - Christy is much more athletic - down goes Jenna as we take opur first lead.

Alex Vs. Roger - Roger takes the second plunge in, and once again we are tied.

Shawna Vs. Heidi - Heidi goes in again, and we are down 4-3.

Butch Vs. Matthew - if we lose, they win the goodies. Butch sends Matthew in - Hard. That ties the score, which leaves us to...

Christie Vs. Jenna for the Reward. Another long fought battle - but Christy also wins for the second straight time and we get the food! Yippeeeeee!!!

We have a lovely feast. 'Winning that chalenge - that was a big one.' says Heidi. Christy was happy that she got the winning points and she believed in herself. AwwwwwwBARF. Butch says that last night, when Christy realized that she knew about her value, 'that was on my list as a defining moment - you don't have a disability.' Awwwwwbarrrrrrrretttttttchhhhhhhhh.

As a personal note, though, I will say this - as someone who had to learn sign language at an early age because over a quarter of my family was deaf, what she is doing is nothing short of amazing. Go Christy, Go!

Unfortunately, an immunity loss will probably mean that Christy's worth will be limited to being the pawn that is sacrificed. Here's the tree boe - I mean e-mail

Feeding frenzy
Who's up to the task?
Are you voracious?
Three more days will you last

Here's the frenzy - there is a huge piece of meat tied to a string. the team has a certain amount of time to rip pieces off of meat and throw it on the scale. Whoever gets the most amount of weight on the scale wins immunity.

This has got to be one of the silliest immunities that I have ever seen on Survivor, as we get all sort of silly happenings - Butch taking meat out of Rogers mouth, and meat being picked up off of the floor.

In possibly the dumbest challenge ever, Jabaru is under 9 kgs and Tombaqui is over 9kgs. We win the immunity and we are safe from the vote. Can Christy maneuver her way to Queen of the ball? Or will it be checkmate for her and her tribe? Time will tell as we stop the clock on our time and throw the timer for the next 7 days.

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