Survivor: Africa -- Recap

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By Chico Alexander
Reality Editor,

Day 25:  I thought we ate all those chickens. Oh well. Pretty grim mood
around camp. Frank notes that there are still two tribes. Those who voted
for Lex, and those who voted for Kelly.    Ethan says he doesn't trust
Brandon. Brandon's vote against Kelly won him favor with Lex, but lost him
the tribe's trust. Brandon explained the turn against his group by
refusing to align himself with Frank. "I would rather be out of here in 3
days than for anybody back home to say that I had aligned myself with
Frank in any way." While Brandon railed against him, Frank approached Lex
to build an alliance. Lex plainly responded, "No way." "Time for him to
go," Lex said about Frank. "The guy has just become a pain in my
butt." Lex has made a bond with Brandon, some people say, going so far as
to say that Brandon saved his skin.  Lex is beginning to regret that, I'm
thinking, enlisting in the help of everyone else to see if Brandon will be
loyal to the end. It's beginning to look a lot like "No." Ethan grabs a
snack off of the palm tree while Brandon admits to going against the will
of the tribe. Brandon just decided to be a jerk, saying that he won't
align with Frank. Lex thinks that having the guy around is bringing
everyone down. And it's time to cut the strings.

Meanwhile, there's a strange buzz in the air. Older Kim is going on about
the flies, saying that when she gets home, she's going to go crazy trying
to pick all the flies off.

Elsewhere on the medical files, Tom has a boil the size of a third
eye. It's just driving everyone crazy, especially Ethan. So everyone, like
the tribe we're supposed to be, pitches in to help out. In the end, Tom
manages to squeeze it out himself (ick) and talks about it later (double


"You'll need strength and agility and brains to contend.
You can't do it alone, so you'll each choose a friend.
The reward is for two, an evening's getaway,
So pair up and prepare to outwit, outlast, and outplay."

Pretty generic stuff. But there are eight, so it'll all work out. So we
put eight numbers in a draw and determine pairs this way.

Brandon and Frank (woo-hoo...)
Lex and Teresa
Older Kim and Ethan
Little Kim and Tom. (Heretofore known as Big Little)

Let the games begin.

R-CHALLENGE: Obstacle Course III - Private outdoor movie screening
(complete with Mountain Dew)

The order this go-about is Net Climb, Rope Ladder with Bell, Belly Crawl,
Build and Climb a Ladder. The first ones over win. This is
single-elimination, so the teams will compete in heats.

First Heat: Brandon and Frank vs. Big Little. Winner: Brandon and Frank.
Second Heat: Lex and Teresa vs. Older Kim and Ethan.. Winner: Ethan and
Older Kim.
Final heat: Older Kim and Ethan vs. Brandon and Frank. Winner: Brandon and
Frank. Who'd have thought?  Brandon has to play Task Master to win with
Frank. Again, the key was working together. So says Tom. Then come to
whip-cracking jokes.

Night 25:  Movie night. The movie: "Out of Africa."  Brandon and Frank get
hot dogs, chips, popcorn, and it wouldn't be Survivor without the Mountain
Dew.  Not much to say to each other, but you have to love the
selection. "To see Out of Africa IN Africa is unbelievable," said
Frank.  Brandon: "Frank is someone in real life I would never be
around." Fun fact: this edition of Survivor takes place where Out of
Africa was shot.

By the way, drink Mountain Dew.

Day 26: Morning. Chickens. Lex thinks that Brandon helped saved our skins,
but he's still not in agreement with Tom or Ethan. He might have to go
outside the fray with this one. Ethan and Lex are talking about it. Tom
and Frank talk about getting rid of Brandon, the latter giving honor to
the former that he'll vote for Brandon. This may be a signal of a
turnaround for alliances. Who's in alliance with whom all of a
sudden?  Frank: "People are changing their mind like they're changing
their underwear."

Mail, while Brandon reaffirms his friendship with Little Kim:

Earth, wind, and fire, elements to win this game
The object, pretty simple: be the first to make a flame.
It's done here every day, but it may cause you strife.
And with Tribal Council pending, fire represents your life.

Lex is very nervous, because he feels he has the most votes against
him. It's agreed that this is a very crucial challenge coming up.

I-CHALLENGE: Light it Up 2

If you missed Survivor Borneo, then here's how it worked. Gather as many
flammable stuff as you can, and then use your magnification glass and the
sun to make fire. None of this material may touch the wick at any
time. Only the fire may touch the wick, burning it, dropping the sand bag
and raising the flag. First one to do it wins immunity. 

After the crew grabs as much brush as they can, the wait begins. Little
Kim is the first to create a flame. She quickly hurries back to grab more
brush. By the time she gets back, Frank and Lex have fire. Kim cries out
"Come on! Burn!"  While that happened, Frank's brush touched the
wick. He's disqualified. But it wouldn't have mattered, because Lex burned
the wick first and grabs immunity. After four votes last time, he'll need
it!  Little Kim is so distraught.

Back at camp, Lex is ecstatic. "The longer you're out here, the more you
want to go all the way." Tom, Ethan, Older Kim, and Lex have to make a
final decision on Tribal Council. Lex is convinced that Brandon helped the
team out. Lex tries to convince Tom that he may be the next to go is
Brandon stays. Frank's name also pops up as a possibility. Once again, the
honor of a handshake comes into play. Or does it? Lex tried to convince
Tom to oust Frank. Unconvinced, Tom conferred with Ethan, who seemed to
agree that Brandon could not be trusted. As others' allegiances faltered,
Kim Powers remained steadfast in her alliance with Frank and Teresa, even
if it means voting out Brandon. Kim thinks that basically if you fail to
plan, you plan to fail. Will this be the key? We'll see.

Night 27: TRIBAL COUNCIL.  Jeff brings in Kelly to serve on the
jury. Before the vote, though, Ethan mentions the overriding quality in
the game is comfidence. Brandon thinks about what are the rules, and how
far he can push them. Tom thinks it as both a game with rules and a test
of morality. Frank believes that trust is a big issue.  Lex based his
votes on turst as well.  Older Kim bases hers on who she will respect and
goes on a gut feeling. Little Kim admits to her weakness being
overtrusting and being nave. Time to vote.  Again, starting with the
obvious votes.

Lex: FRANK.  He's been a real downer and you can sense an Anne Robinsonish
schtick with his tone.
Frank: BRANDON. Obvious reasons.
Brandon: FRANK. Also obvious reasons.

So far, Frank leads, 2-1. But did the alliance agree with Lex?

Older Kim: BRANDON

The proof is in the pot. 4-2, Brandon. The final two votes are:

Teresa: BRANDON.
Little Kim: BRANDON. "Sorry that it came down to this."

Final vote: 5-2, one ballot withheld. Brandon, THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN. Time
to join Kelly as the second angry tribesman.

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