Survivor: Africa -- Recap

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By Chico Alexander
Reality Editor,

First off, props to Gordon for holding it down for Samburu.

Day 22: "I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this." That's
all I heard Lex say today.  He said to Kelly, "I'm gonna take them
out. I'm gonna slit their throat!" If I were any of the tribes, I'd
keep my mouth shut.  He even forced Kelly to swear that she was
innocent. Hmm.. what could he want? Why is he asking everyone?  Why won't
he ask me? I supposedly know all these things. Anyway, the others are
wondering the same thing (minus the asking me bit). Brandon concluded
pride as a driving force. Is Lex the only one that can't trust Lex? We'll

R-Challenge: Stomp-pede - Two goats for barter.

We met Jeff at the games field. He informed them they would need a bit
of coordination and a whole lot of persistence. Each Survivor was given
nine items to catapult into a basket atop a tower. The first to do that
wins. Basically it was a race between Ethan and Lex. It took a lot of
footwork and, to no one's surprise, Ethan made short work of it and won
the challenge (though it wasn't easy having
Mr. I-Know-What-You-Did-Last-Tribal-Council breathing down your neck).

Day 23: Ethan left the Moto Maji camp and headed to Wamba Village to make
contact.. ooooh. Before he left, he collected items from the others to
trade at the village. As he hopped into the S:A truck (amazingly the same
truck that left us here), Jeff told Ethan that he must take ONE person
with him. QUoth the footballer: "I don't want to have to choose
anyone. Huge political decision. Lex.  He came in second, and that's my
only clarification." So I guess second place doesn't mean first loser
after all.

Around three hours later, we arrive at Wamba and try to unload. I'm
thinking LEx and Ethan should get immunity for this one alone. A stranger
in a strange land vibe hung low as our party was eyed over by the
locals. We didn't find any takers until one guy offered 1600 shillings
for the two goats (the animals, not Lex and Ethan :) ).  Next
stop: the butcher. We couldn't believe it. A local man imposed himself as
their tour guide and took Lex and Ethan to the "best place in town" for
food. We had fries and drinks. LEx loved it. Ethan loved it too... to a
point. More specifically, the nearest outhouse.

Next on the list:  sweets and goods for the tribe. But with only 600
shillings left, this may be another challenge. But then we remembered that
we could also trade up from the stuff we collected before leaving. Ethan
even went so far as trading the shirt off his back. That, my friends, is
dedication. After some hacky-sack, we went home, never forgetting our
adventure here. After Ethan, in true athlete style, tossed the hacky out
the side, Lex summed up his feelings by saying, "That was insane!"


Back at camp, the Tribe took the opportunity to assess the situation. With
Lex temporarily out of the picture, people were more at ease to feel out
the allegiances. Teresa agreed that with Lex gone, "it allowed us to do
things I don't think would have happened." Then Brandon added cryptically,
"this is going to be so much fun!" The Survivors also learned that old
allegiances don't die easily (remember those 15 minutes?). Teresa
rallied former Samburu Brandon and Big Kim, with reservations from
Frank, saying that the two were "individuals I can't put any trust in,
but at this point in the game I really have not much choice. There could
be a major D-Day invasion going on." (Ed's note: Interesting that this
comes one day before the 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor... Mark, is
this YOUR doing?)

Ethan and LEx return to camp, stockpiled with treats for everyone.  Ethan
was well aware of the possibility of a coup, saying "People have a chance
to plot against you." Lex was far less emphatic.

Day 24: Mail (since the VCR was being a (^_^), poems return next
week). Basically, time for another immunity challenge.

I-Challenge: Box Your Mind

Each Survivor had one minte to memorize the contents of a barrel, and must
then recreate those items in the exact same compartments. It came down to
another dead heat, this time between Lex, Brandon, Tom, and
Ethan.  Proving once again that you have to be fast to last, Ethan quickly
took the contest, and immunity.

Back at camp, Lex's search continues. Lex convinced Big Tom to vote off
the "snake" who betrayed him. Lex pledged, "My goal was in three days to
figure out who cast that mystery vote." He then added, "After putting two
and two together, it became really evident that my worst fears were
true. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Kelly has turned." Tom
struggled with the idea of voting against her. His strategy is highly
dependent on whether or not he buys into LEx's plan.

Just as last week with Clarence, Lex was ever so astute as to take Kelly
aside and warn her of the situation. What Lex DOESN'T know is that he's
just as vulnerable now, so Kelly will have to depend on Little Kim and
Teresa's support in voting him out.

Night 24: Tribal Council

Again, no tape, meaning no details as to what went on in the "talking
phase.' So we'll cut right to the chase. Five votes is a voteout. Let's
start with the obvious ones...

Lex - KELLY.
Ethan - KELLY.
Kelly - LEX.
Frank - LEX.
Little Kim - LEX.
Brandon - KELLY.

So far, level pegging. But here's where the ambiguities factor in.

Tom - KELLY (if you remember, Tom had to think Lex's words through, to see
if they had any validity, which, for the most part, it didn't, since Kelly
did not vote for him).
Teresa - LEX. (It was HER who cast the vote for Lex in the last council.)

Tie draw. Meaning that Older Kim is the swing. Her vote is
for... Kelly. Kelly, THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN. It's time to go.

Lex's last second alliance building spares him this week. But it becomes
obvious that the tribal lines from before the "15 minutes" still run deep.

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