Survivor: Africa -- Samburu Tribe Recap

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By Gordon Pepper
Reality Editor,

Will there be a Feast tonight? Will there be a merger tonight? Will there be another ousted mall rat tonight? One thing is for certain - someone will be feasting on MOUNTAIN DEW and sushi and other stuff tonight when they get booted off of the foundation (can't really say island, now, can we?). I went against the grain tonight - everyone online says it's Teresa - but I know better - heh heh heh - I (under my own EZ-Board name - which you know what it is if you read my columns during Jason's vacation) had my own prediction - let's see if Im right...
Last week - Brandon was dumb enough to talk  and loud enough for Kim to eavesdrop, and Lindsey and all of her ticks get to have all of the MOUNTAIN DEW that she wants - as she hath been eliminated. Left on Samburu - Tom, Lex and Kim (safe original Borans) and Brandon and  Baby Kim (not so safe original Samburans).

Brandon was so upset last episode that Lindsey was gone - he was crying and weeping - but now we realize that the weeping was more because of a loss of power from within the tribe. As far as the ejection of Lindsey is concerned, Brandon is actually rejoicing.  "I am so glad that Lindsey is gone" and Brandon was upset because of her whining and is glad that she won't be going to the merger. Wha? Lindsey was your ticket to the final four. Has Brandon had too many mudslides?

Brandon is trying now to separate from Kim and sleep with the enemy. Tom is having nothing of Brandon's steaming line of monkey crap. Tom: "They're nerevous as a whore in church - they made their bed and now they have to lie in it - and now they're getting the wiggles."

Lex - "Things loook really good - we're pretty much locked and loaded" as the group is ready for the merge. Brandon can't wait for the merge - but will there be one? Lex makes an Uberspoon for Tom - 'The Ultimate Spoon'.  Kelly is getting sick of Lex playing politics. Uhhhh - win Survivor by playing politics. But Kelly would vote Lex off in a heartbeat of there was no merger coming up. Foreshadowing maybe and new life for the Mallrats? (Nah, this is Marc Burnett we're talking about here - but fun to think about for
the Mall Rats supporters - all 4 of them - and after Brandon's I hate Lindsey spiel, his mom probably shut the TV off, so the 3 of them.)

Mail time - message in a water bottle - and vague as to whether or not its a team or immunity challenge. Uncle Jeffy gets to explain - they have now merged into a full team - with light green buffs. And this challenge is an immunity one - people keep their arm over their head - attached to their arm is a bucket filled with water. If they drop their arm, a bucket of water comes down on their head and they are out of the challenge. Last dry person wins immunity. Uncle Jeffy talks to the people  - and Kelly and Kim get soaked. Meanwhile, the Borans who got soaked are chatting with each other and are discussing strategy. Brandon and Kim are out next, then Tom. Frank goes next - "Good Job Frank", says Brandon sarcastically. We are down to Ethan, Clarence, Teresa (who is so delusional that she is singing Broadway show tunes) and Lex.

2 hours and 17 minutes later - uncle Jeffy is tempting the last 4 people with a cheeseburger. Will we see a repeat of Jeff Varner, where he throws it away for a jar of peanut butter? No - as no one bites (nyuk nyuk nyuk) and Uncle Jeffy feeds it to the eliminated castaways. 3 Hours and 10 minutes mark - and now Uncle Jeffy is tossing out a slice of Pizza - again no one bites, and again, the food gets to go to the eliminated people - I bet the eliminated
people are hoping the group stays out all night.  Ethan and Lex go out next - its now between Clarence and T-bird, which is ironically the 2 people that they think are next.

Clarence is trying to make a deal with T-Bird - since she really feels like she needs the immunity (and she's pobably right), she's not buying Clarences steaming pile of monkey crap.  Clarence is trying to make a deal with his tribe - and the tribe isn't buying it either. Clarence challenges to a Rock-Paper-Scissors match - Teresa agrees - and wins  - as paper beats rock. Clarence does the honorable thing and dumps the water on himself - and an original Samburan wins immunty as T-Bird gets the hideous looking necklace.  If Clarence does get eliminated, this is the stupidest way that I've seen someone go out of the show. At least Jeff Varner won a can of peanut butter for his troubles.

So the merger is in - and its 6 borans to 4 Samburus (talking original lines). The team has to create their own name and flag - and they are greeted with a housewarming barrel of food and fruit. Not everyone is thrilled - Frank:"It's like going to a Wagner family reunion - and you're last name is Smith". So Frank Smith goes out to collect wood while the rest of the group is chatting by the campfire. Kelly is describing Frank as a loner - and it's those traits that will get you ejected off of the island.

Both Samburus and Boran play a game - 'I Never' - Someone says 'I never' did something - and if you did, you have to say so. Frank's response "I never broken a handshake agreement" More foretelling there? Or strategy that may get picked up by an attentive Boran member later on?

The group is gathering wood - and they all see an elephant take a dump. We are seeing more air time of animals using the bathroom than we did of Diane or Jessis. Frank was imitating an elephant - which is all well and good, as long as Frank doesn't take a dump on the screen. The elephant was hanging out with Frank - and it looks like he was having more fun with the elephant than with the humans.

Time for a name for the tribe - Motomaji was being thrown around (the Swahili term for water and fire) and that seems to stick. But whats in everyone's mind at the beginning of Day 21 is who gets to depart from Motomaji first. Now everyone is talking strategy - Brandon:"I listen better when I don't talk". Frank is staring around at everyone, wondering if people are going to vote for or against him. You are getting an awfully large amount of camera time this episode, Frank, which is not necessarily a good thing...

Clarence is creating the flag - right over the chicken cage, while Lex decided to tell the person that he is going off - and the person in question  is Clarence. Lex has told Clarence that he's gone. Kelly, meanwhile, is complaining that Clarence is a good guy, and that it is Frank instead that should get booted. Clarence is upset that he's getting booted off - while
Brandon and Kim are still there. Teresa is keeping her word that she is not voting off Clarence. Could we see a mini-Clarence revolution and Lex is gone instead?

Tribal Council time. Uncle Jeffy talks to everyone about the merge. Lex was happy about the new tribe, Brandon was happy that Frank smiled, Tom says that reality has set in and it's only a game. Jeffy talks about immunity - Teresa wanted to make sure that she has some security, while Clarence was hoping that Boran would keep their word (well, since Clarence was bitching and moaning about how he should have known more about soap operas than survival, we can see where this vote is going). Ethan, on the other hand, wants to talk
about truth and being honest on the voting.

On voting - Clarence votes for Lex, Lex votes for Clarence, Teresa also votes for Lex (due to her promise), and we don't see who Brandon is voting for. Could Clarence have successfully gotten a counter vote going?

(2 votes not accounted for - but they voted for Clarence). Only Teresa and Clarence voted for Lex. Clarence is gone - and he talks about leaving with his integrity intact. stole a bunch of cherries, youi lied about it in front of everyone, you lied about Diane behind her back, and you lied to Silas and back-stabbed him out of the competition. What sort of integrity exactly are you leaving with?

The rest of the members are now in the Jury - but Clarence gets to join the non-jury people out on an African Safari with Carl, Diane, and everyone else. And yes, my prediction was correct - do I get any fame, glory, or national media press? Nope. Sighhhhhhhhhhh.....

Rant and Rave, Part one: I went on the E-Z Board with the name that I had when I posted on this site - The Great Whamimi, telling everyone that Clarence was next - and yes, I had inside info on this (How did you think I knew Silas was gone?) The point was I spoke my mind on the issue, trying to be logical without saying that I had inside info, and all I got for my effort was being moved from a spoiler to speculation because I didn't have enough posts on the site, and people discounting me because they were set on what a contestant said, and not to logic or common facts which were coming from more than one source. With that attitude that I got from the board, it's no wonder that neither that board or any of the other boards' predictions are coming close to being accurate as they were last year.

Rant and Rave, Part 2 - So who do I think is gone next week? not for me to say (maybe I'm being pissy because no one believed me? probably - bwa ha ha ha ha), but if you take the Title of the Next Episode ("Smoking out the Snake"), add who was the only other person who voted for Lex, and take all of the other info on the net, (not to mention the only person of the three that I said was going next who hasn't gone yet) - and you may get the picture. (Or
maybe I am an evil spy for Mark Burnett - heh heh heh heh heh).

Rant and Rave, Part 3 - With the merger here, you have to vote for one of us writers to leave - myself of Chico. Now I do the coverage for Amazing Race and Lost, and Chico....well...he's not covering any shows right TO KICK HIM OFF ANYWAYS!!!!! BWA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Seriously, vote for whoever you think is the best, and may the best writer win. Chico has been doing a great job with his coverage, too. and it was a lot of fun to do this, as always. If you keep me on, I will see you next week. If you vote me off, then you're a bunch of worthless bast....uhhhhhh....errrr....I mean....thanks for reading this, and you can catch me doing Amazing Race, Lost, and other recaps on this wonderful site. =)

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