Survivor: Africa -- Samburu Tribe Recap

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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

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By Gordon Pepper
Reality Editor,

We start on the morning of Day 16, with Club Hard Work (Lex, Tom, Kelly) taking their nice 5 hour shift on night guard while watching the others sleep. Lex is griping about how they've done this for the past 2 and a half weeks and that the other group isn't taking enough hours. Listen, Lex - don't you think that you should have woken them up...oh..around 3 and a half hours ago if you wanted them to take a shift? Instead, they take their time to plan strategy - while they let Club Med (Brandon, Linsday, Baby Kim) sleep - they are going to target either Lindsay or Brandon - leaning towards Brandon because they are sure that he has votes. Unbeknownst to them (yet), it is Lindsay that has the votes, while Brandon doesn't have any.

The next morning, the tribe is discussing who they think Boran booted from camp - the Samburus think that its Frank, the Borans think that it is Mama Kim. When they get to the reward challenge - they realise that it is Silas, and just like that, the Beanie Baby Alliance has gone Bye Bye. The Samboran (my new slang for the Samburu members who are originally from Boran) members look happy, while the original Samburu realizes that if they don't win the immunity challenges for the rest of the way, they will be following Silas and will be checking all of the neat African malls.

Club Med say that Frank sold Silas out - what they are not saying is that they probably sold them out, too - Lindsay finally understands the error of her ways when Uncly Jeffy warned them about a tribe divided is going to fall. Brandon said he knew it all along - where were you when the group was starting to fracture?

But the sleep helped the tribe out when it came to the MOUNTAIN DEW reward challenge - the 2 tribes stood on a MOUNTAIN DEW bleacher - each MOUNTAIN DEW question answered gets them one step further down the MOUNTAIN DEW bleacher - if they get to the bottom, the winning team gets to eat a MOUNTAIN DEW buffet with sandwiches and cookies (Buffet sponsored by MOUNTAIN DEW *TM).

The MOUNTAIN DEW question of the show - which of these animals, in safari terms, is a member of the Big 5? Samburu says Keopard, Boran says Hippo - the MOUNTAIN DEW answer is Leopard. That is the only answer that Boran misses, but it turns out to be a big one, because Samburu doesn't miss a single question, and our team gets the MOUNTAIN DEW feast.  Boran gets to watch our team eat the MOUNTAIN DEW buffet. (Well, I figured since MOUNTAIN DEW spent so much to plug the spot, I may as well give them their money's worth).

Boran didn't get to see Kim get sick after the MOUNTAIN DEW buffet, though. Baby Kim was probably hoping that the MOUNTAIN DEW buffet would be sponsored by ALKA SELTZER instead,  since she ate too much. But at least she didn't yak (which is good, because I don't think there are any yaks in Africa).

The Immunity challenge is Archery - and Frank on the was-Samburan-now-Boran tribe is a hunter. Uh-oh. Samburu was actually up and Lindsay (she of the most vulnerable) had a chance to win the challenge - but she misses the final target. Ethan of Boran doesn't, so it's game over, make sure you have all of your belongings before leaving the immunity challenge area, and drive home safely.

Being that Tom sat out the trivia challenge, the original Samburu thinks that he would be the weakest link to go after - since the tie-breaker would be about trivia questions in the manual. Meanwhile, Samboran realizes that Mama Kim was trying to give signals on who to vote for, but they're not sure if  she made an L for Lindsay or a B for Brandon. What about an I for Illiterate or a C for Clueless?

Brandon thinks that:"I can't imagine him knowing a question that I don't', but leave it to Brandon to make the Dumbass move of the episode. Him and his mouth yaps to Lindsay about the voting - and Kelly picks up on it. A pair of loose lips - Brandon's and Franks - will lead to the end of the Samburan (original) tribe. The Samborans try to entice Kim and Lindsay to turn on Brandon, but they both refuse, leading to this vote on Tribal Council:

Big Tom
Big Tom (did I miss something here? Was there a Little Tom on the Island that we haven't been noticing? And no, I will not make the joke about what on Tom is so big, since all 3 original Samburu members would be noticing it - oops, I just did, didn't I?)
Big Tom

Lindsay starts to hug Kim and Brandon, and they all burst into tears (and a round of Kumbaya - ok, they don't do that). Uncle Jeffy tells her to sit down, since anything can happen when they make their final spiel, but the voting was done on Tribal lines. they know it, Uncle Jeffy knows it, and we the audience know it, and nothing changes on the revote. Lindsay and her 4 previous votes are history against Tom and his no previous votes. Lindsay:"I'm leaving with my pride" - and you're also leaving with plenty of time to buy all of the latest African Bushman fashions at the Kenyan Shopping Center. And Brandon and Kim will be right behind you if Samburu loses the next 2 immunity challenges.

To Be Continued...

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