Survivor: Africa -- Samburu Tribe Recap

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By Gordon Pepper
Reality Editor,

Just woke up from the huge party we had last night over here in Samburu - we had fire, and even more importantly, we didn't get rid of anyone - bwa ha ha ha ha. Of course, we already had fire first, thanks to the fact that we were smart enough to look in our med kit and utilize the lenses in our handy dandy telescope.

But I digress. Let's go back to the beginning, After having a (rather rude) dismissal from our bus driver, we grabbed out stuff and started to head to camp. Frank kept us in line by barking a lot of orders to us as we finally got to camp - then I learned a little bit about our new tribe:

Brandon - Our tribe gets the token gay guy. But he's a bartender, and he looks like he's going to be our 'Can't we just all get along?' guy, so he's cool.

Carl - Strong dude - really hasn't said much. But he's strong, so he's cool. I'll get to know more about him later.

Frank - Ex army dude - likes to give orders a lot, But he gets our asses in gear, so he's cool.

Kim - Freelancer - free willed, but seems to be obsessed with looking for the lost tribe of Tampono. But we need the Tampono people to give us tampons, so she's cool.

Linda - She seems like the educator of the group - was explaining everything about Africa - like how we all came from there, so she's cool. But she also wasn't happy that every one was looking for the lost tribe of Tampono and disrespecting the people of Africa. We may need Brandon to calm her down - maybe mix her some shots.

Lindsey - Also looking for the tribe of Tampono - looks like she'll get along with Kim, two babes who get along together are always cool in my book.

Silas - One of the muscle guys, Also a bartender. He makes drinks, so he's cool.

Teresa - Another woman I dont know too much about, but she seems cool - hey we won our immunity challenge, so everyone is cool - tee hee!

So we take our stuff to camp, but some of the water falls out and some of our jugs are loosened - which makes our water smell like elephant dung. So we have to go find some more water - which we do - but we find it in an area that looks like elephant dung. We go get the water and bring it back to camp.

Now we have a second problem - no fire. This is a real problem, since we need to heat the water in order to not catch any of the fun African diseases that are around here. Our woman Kim gets into the med kit and uses the lens of the telescope to make us fire!!! Yee-haw! No elephant dung for us! So we got drinkage, and we got fire!

We also got ground to make up in our first immunity challenge, which required all of us to drag a cart carrying fire around and light up a bunch of torches. Frank, of course, is our torch bearer and away we go. But it wasn't looking so rosy for us. We were trailing the whole way until one of their blond chicks fell and the team had to rescue her. Oh well, sucks for you. But its good for us! Whoo hoo!!

We're going to run the table, knock all of those Boran people out and then they'll have to declare it an 8 person draw and give us all a million bucks each!

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