Survivor: Africa -- Boran Tribe Recap

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Thursdays at 8pm ET 

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By Chico Alexander
Reality Editor,

Night 15: No Silas. By now it should come to no surprise that we threw the Immunity Challenge to get rid of him. But after last round's events, that's probably the only sure thing around here. Right now, we're all questioning whether or not there's going to be a merger. Ethan is convinced that the merger will happen, but is still skeptical. Understandable.

Day 16:  With these chickens around, it's looking more like the farm than the savannah.  Clarence can't stop thinking of food. An admission! :  Kim would rather have eggs than chicken for breakfast.  Ethan says that if we're not allowed to take the chickens to the merge, it would be a waste. Frank suggests we wait till the reward challenge to make the decision about whether the chickens deal breakfast or whether they become breakfast.

The mail:

"Stick with your tribe, make your way to the bottom.
Just give us your answers, that is if you've got'em.
You must work as a team, confer with your bunch.
Make the wrong move and watch the others eat lunch."

We're thinking it has something to do with trivia. Maybe a board game of some sort.

R-CHALLENGE: Africa Trivia - Mountain Dew and a buffet. Product placement at its finest, folks.

Jeff will ask questions about Africa. For every question right as a team, the tribe moves down a set of bleachers. First one down gets lunch.

1) True or false: the closest ocean to Kenya is the Atlantic. False (Actually the Indian.  Both right.)
2) True or false: To save the elephant population in Kenya, military rangers are instructed to shoot to kill ivory poachers. True (Both right)
3) On safari, the animals of the big five are the elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, and... leopard, tiger, giraffe, or hippo? (Leopard, Samburu right)
4) Diurnal is a term to describe what? Animals that are more prevalent by day (Both right)
5) True or false: Lake Victoria is the world's largest salt water lake: False (Victoria is a freshwater lake. Both right, but Samburu is one ahead.)

Samburu gets lunch.  And suddenly, I have a hankering for chicken sandwiches.

Back at camp, Clarence has an idea of becoming "The Man's Man food critic."  He says that everyone else says that given the right environment, the chickens will lay eggs, which is a joke. He is really gung ho about having some Popeye's.  He says if they find an egg in the morning, the chicken loves.

Day 17:  The moment of truth. We get breakfast one way or another.  No eggs AGAIN.  Wait... ONE egg.  That'll do, chicks. That'll do. Everyone's pretty excited. Teresa really wants to rub this in Clarence's face. Let's see what happens.

Clarence: "Aww, HELL no!"

Bon appetit, Clarence!  Well, after being tormented, we're going to kill a chicken for anyway.  Mmmm. Tasty.  Everyone's really coming together over dinner. Frank thanks the tribe for the whole transition, but is it short-lived? 

Day 18:  While Ethan and Teresa discuss potential voting strategies, they check the mail, pierced into a tree by an arrow:

"To bring home the bounty, the key is to aim,
If you can't hit the mark, there's no one to blame.
It may seem so easy, but lest ye confuse,
The last tribe to do it will pick one to lose."

It comes with a bow and arrow.  Teresa enlists the aid of Frank to teach her the art of archery.  Frank gives her simple to follow instructions, and still, Teresa manages to misfinger after a perfect setup.  Quoth Frank: It's a start.

I-CHALLENGE:  Target Practice

Each tribe has a target from 30-70 feet. First tribe to light up all five targets wins immunity. The first match-up isn't much of a match, with Kim and Teresa missing.  Next is Lindsey and the other Kim.   Samburu's up, 1-0.   Next up:  Ethan v. Brandon: nothing.  Next, Lex and Clarence: Samburu, 2-1. A lot misses later, Ethan connects for a tie. Then Samburu hits 3-2. Still later, another hit by both. Samburu, 4-3.  More misses later. Kim ties it up.  Lindsey must connect for the win. She misses.  The next target hit is ETHAN! Boran wins it again!  Samburu makes the trek to TC. But still, will there be a merger or not? Tonight or next week's sweepsfest will hold the answer, thank you, Mark Burnett.  But if there is a merger, that will mean something else here @ Stormseeker's Survivor Island. Either myself or my buddy Gordon will have our torch put out by... well, by you. Sure, Jason's the one with the horn who'll actually put the fire out, but it'll be up to you to decide who stays and who goes.

Night 18: TRIBAL COUNCIL - Samburu. Instant prediction: Lindsey goes. I'm locking it in as of 8:45.17p.

And I, Sean Berger, D'angelo, Big Joe behind me, and Marc "I swear, I'm being impartial, here" Berman, are right.

Quote of the night: "Lindsey? Where're you going? Sit it!"

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