Survivor: Africa -- Boran Tribe Recap

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By Chico Alexander
Reality Editor,

Day 12:  After the challenge, we had the day to ourselves. No one was
happier than Kim, who was spared for another three days. We went on a
climb, which pretty much united the tribe as a unit. Quoth Clarence: "This
is Africa." (Ed: This was actually from last week's episode.)

Day 13:  Weird things. Remember all the bad stuff I said about the
Samburu? Well, it's about to come full circle.  It all starts, as most
events do, with mail:  a voodoo doll? Strange. Let's see what it says.

"Pick three from your tribe to go on a quest.
You get to decide who you feel would be best.
Vote or draw straws and send them on their way.
The other three wait, but for what, we won't say."

I bet it's those Big Brother bitches trying to tease us.

We send Lex, Tom, and Kelly and pledge our unity. The rest of us
wait.   Lex, Tom, and Kelly are sent to the original drop off point, where
they meet three of the Samburu (Frank, Teresa, and Silas) and Jeff. Jeff
begins to speak. "The game of 'Survivor' is always changing.  Well, it's
about to change again." Then he asks for their buffs. Why?  We're about to
find out  It hit like a bowling ball when Jeff announced for the general
viewing audience to hear:

"Silas, Teresa, and Frank, you are now members of the Boran.  Kelly, Lex,
Tom, you are now members of the Samburu."   Hoo boy.

Kelly was left speechless. "Oh, my God."  No one is happy about this one.

Ethan was the first to spot the new Boran. He was kind of weird about
it. "Everything I've worked for is now gone. I'm gonna have to start
over."  Ethan's probably taking this the hardest.  The general question to
the true Boran, are we ready to trust the new Boran?  Silas is complaining
about how bad it was over here. What the hell are you on? We've got
water!  Kim and Teresa were talkinga about why they were chosen to go on
the "quest:" probably because they were the next to go.  Frank stresses
never giving up, especially when he himself was facing an oust and a
possible coup from the younguns over at Samburu.  Lucky you.

Day 14: Life lesson #6: Fox isn't the only network with a Tick on
Thursdays! But I digress.

R-CHALLENGE: Goat-herd - Three egg-laying chickens and one rooster
(aka: breakfast, lunch and dinner III)

Each tribe must herd twenty goats into their respective bins.  One
gatekeeper from each tribe will keep their goats in while keeping the
other tribe's goats in.  Silas and Clarence seem to be doing most of the
herding... the hard way.  Due to their lifting, Boran is at six. Samburu
just got their first one.  At halftime, Boran is at 11, Samburu is at
9. Boran inches ever so close to the chickens! At the end, thanks to
Clarence and Silas, we take the reward challenge, and the chickens. Now
the hard choice. Do we want eggs or Popeye's?  Another larger
question: are we a team now?

Day 14:  Silence. All our efforts are on concentrating on the next
immunity challenge.   Kim's efforts are concentrated on trying to pick off
Silas, as she's discussing strategy.  Ethan hasn't done any fixing. I'm
guessing that that's a big part of the challenge. The way Clarence sees
it: "Immunity challenge: Win-win situation.  If we win, great. If we lose,
vote off the biggest threat."

Day 15:  I-CHALLENGE: Puzzle

Put the jigsaw together. But you must work as a team. If you don't, you
will lose.  Is it as simple as Jeff makes it out to be?  What's there to
be said? We've got the communication link. We've got the lead. We're going
to win this thing. Ethan narrowly dodges an attack (woops!).  Is it a
foreboding to things to come? Well, we're off to tribal council, so what
do you think? 

Silas and Ethan went off. "We needed a screen," he said as a reason to
keep Clarence. Is he really a threat to the merger? Kim says that even
with the new tribe members, there are some issues with trust. Apparently
Clarence isn't the Mr. Hot Stuff he wants us to think. But only the vote
will tell for sure. Silas seems to agree, as he tries to align with
Ethan.  "You, me, and Kim are going to vote for Frank," is what I
heard. Nothing's set in stone until the marker hits th paper.

Night 15: TRIBAL COUNCIL.  No one is looking forward to this except maybe
Clarence. And not even that much.

Jeff says it's been a busy three days. Ethan thought that the new guys
were out to steal our thunder. Well, so much for that theory. Kim agonized
over who was going to stay and who was going to go.  Was it a good
thing?  Silas thinks that it's become a new game and stresses unity over
old tribal lines.  Frank thinks his chances are improved with the new guys
and the improved communications. Clarence thinks that his role stayed the
same and stresses strength above all, especially with new alpha male
partner.  The vote

Clarence - Silas ("I love you, man, but I can't trust you")

The vote tally is...

Silas - 5
Frank - 1

The other two votes remain hidden. Silas, love to have you around,
but... THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN. Time for you to go.  And Clarence breathes a
sigh of relief.  Will he survive through the merge? We'll find out in
three days.

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