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Last Update:  10/3/2001
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Recap by Gordon Pepper
Original Airdate:  October 3, 2001

In this episode, all three teams are being described as hitting rock bottom - and all of the teams have thoughts about quitting. Well if that happened, then there really wouldn't be a point of the show, would there? So let's assume that a team wins this thing and away we go...

So Last time we left the crew, Carla and Lando were on the way to Japan, Courtland and Joe were on the way to Moscow, and Tami and Celeste were stuck in the middle of Russia. Lando on the boat gets sea sick, while Carla continues to panhandle for money. Tami and Celeste party with a Russian family while on the train to Vladivostok, and Joe and Courtland get to Moscow in first place (yikes).

Tami and Celeste go to the same cruise office where Lando and Carla got to Tokyo on. Courtland and Joe originally plan to go to Vienna, but there is no way to get there - the option is to go to Warsaw, where they can get a flight straight to New York. Lando and Carla notice a guy with a stackful of bills and start to talk to him (gee, I wonder why). Tami and Celeste find a Russian journalist who befirends them and puts them up in a hotel. Courtland and Joe try to find a place to stay - but realize that they don't have enough money. They start to turn into team dysfunction. Having much more fun is Lando, who now sings for his supper (and money) at the entertainment lounge. He surprisingly turns out to be a hit, and the crowd loves him - you get the feeling that he'll be getting some good tips - but Carla probably took all of their tip money. Awwww....

Joe and Courtland hit rock bottom. They have nowhere to stay, and Joe is fed up with Courtland, so Joe does the dumbass move of not only the episode, but the series - he calls up the producers and quits. They were in first place, and all they had to do was to make it to Warsaw and they were home free. Joe doesn't want to do anything and decided that he doesn't want to deal with Courtland any more.

OPINION - There was zero sexual references made by Joe with Courtland in this episode, and Courtland balked at the option of them staying in a hotel together. They also didn't do any real mention on why their relationship broke down. My guess (and its only a guess) is that the only reason why they didn't explain it is because it was something that they really couldn't discuss on TV - the only conclusion that I came up with was that either Joe hit on Courtland (either verbally, or probably physically), who turned him down flat, or that homophobia finally got the best of Courtland (but that they would probably talk about on TV - since they talked about Joe's fantasy with Courtland being a porn star on TV, so my guess is it's the former). My opinion, and my opinion alone, but it's the only thing that made sense.

So back to the show - Carla and Lando racked up $400 to bring their total back over the $450 mark, and get to Norita International Airport in Tokyo. Tami and Celeste find out that Carla and Lando were already there - three days ago. Tami and Celeste decide to change directions and take a different route. After staying at the Skanky hotel (and constantly getting propositioned), the blondes finagle their way into a real nice hotel.

Lando and Carla blow all of their money just to get to the airport and they have to sleep over in the terminal. Carla and Lando go to plead with all of the airlines - they finally find a guy from Northwestern Airlines who is willing to part with 3 passes - the catch is that they can't get directly there - they need to go to Hawaii first (oh poor them - boo hoo). They stay overnight in a nice Japanese Hotel and jet over to Honolulu. With Joe and Courtland dropping out, Carla and Lando move to first, and Tami and Celeste move to (where else but second, though its really last, since there are only 2 teams left. D'oh!)

But Team Attitude can not handle prosperity for too long. After hanging out at a nightclub, Lando gets a little too much to drink and wants to hang out all night. Carla wants to make sure that they catch a plane on time and they turn into the bickering Bickersons. Lando threatens to quit, which would make Tami and Celeste the winners by default. Maybe they should name the show 'Let's see which team does not implode first'.

Joe and Courtland (remember them?) make it to New York first!!!!!!.....but they are producer aided, so they get the big DQ. Courtland goes home and cries to his female significant other, blaming Joe. Joe finds his significant other (Narquis) and blames Courtland. Oh those silly ex-teammates. Final parting shots before I no longer include them in the recaps - from Courtland - 'It's an awakening - I wouldn't wish it on anyone.' I dont know to what he's referring to, but I wouldn't wish Joe on anyone, either. Now as for Bubblehead Joe - 'I'm leaving the same way that I came in'. This is just too easy for me to make a snide comment on so we'll leave this and go on to the 2 teams that didn't think that Asians originally came from Czechloslovakia.

After getting propositioned in their hotel, the blondes go on the Japanese cruise lines for a refreshing change of pace - and get propositioned there, too. Lando and Carla kiss and make up, but can't get out of Honolulu - it seems that their buddy that they got the buddy passes from didn't have much clout, so they are on the bottom of the wait list -waiting for the trip to NYC.

Tami and Celeste have the opposite problem. They meet someone who can get them directly from Japan to NYC - which would get them there before Lando and Courtland. The problem is that they need to raise $800 for the tickets. They finally do it - but it takes them a few days - the question is do they get the money before Carla and Lando get the flight to New York?

The answer is no. In one of the most anti-climactic finishes to a reality show, Carla and Lando get there and make the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. They get to the flag and pull it up - revealing the first place flag and the victory for the team. Tami and Celeste get there a day late and $200,000 short, but they had a good time and they will raise each others children (wha?). As for Joe and Courtland - well, they quit. Oh well.

But congratulations to Carla and Lando. And such ends this show - and my commentary on it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading my blabberings, and if you did, check out my commentary on Amazing Race and Love Cruise. Until next time...
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