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Last Update:  10/17/2001
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Recap by Gordon Pepper
Original Airdate:  October 17, 2001

Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Race. Last time, we have teams with new nicknames -  The Frat Pack are now The Fatties, Team Guido is now Public Enemy Number one, and Paul and Amie are team Iloveyoubuhbye. What is in store for the surviving teams?

So we are now in the Sahara Desert, where the teams move to Gabes in Tunis because of an impending sandstorm that threatens to engulf the camp that the teams are staying at. The teams have to go to the Palace in Tunis. The Frat Pack start first - and try to look for a taxi in the middle of the night. The husband and husband couple are next, with both teams sniping at each other while they're looking for a cab.

Both teams find a cab - before Nancy and Emily show up - they are smart and walk to a Taxi shelter. Rob and Brennan are next, who are all praise for Nancy and Emily. 'They are kicking butt - they are kicking our butt now' Frank and Margarita are next, followed by Lenny and Karyn, who now call themselves the buttheads. Well, that's rather appropriate.

Team Guido finds the clue - which is to go to Rome and to find a spot outside of the Colosseum. The Frat Pack are right behind them. Team Guido get the tickets - and cut past half of the line in doing so. They tell the airline people about the other contestants, and the flights are mysteriously full by the time the rest of the teams get there. All of the other teams who arrive at the airport get shut out of the tickets, and they all realize that the
excuse that they are getting is a bunch of steaming monkey crap. Gee, can Team Guido make the bullseye on your butt any bigger?

The Frat Pack do finagle their way on a plane - and bring the mom and daughter team and the lawyers with them. Not only do they get the plane, they get the flight to arrive there 3 hours before the husband and husband team. The Frat Pack give a necklace (his girlfriends necklace) as thanks to the airline people - awwww. Meanwhile, Karyn finds out that if they wait, they can get a direct flight - which will also get them quicker than the gay couple. Frank and Margarita get a direct flight to England and they leave first. The three teams go in front of Bill and Joe, who get a nomination for dumbass move of the episode by deciding to play hardball and attempt to sabotage the teams by blocking the way to the airplane and slowing down the teams into missing their flight. They even push the mom out of the way, which pisses the rest of the teams off, (and gets team Greek threatening to break Team Guido's legs), but all of the teams do make their flight. When they all get back to the states, you have a feeling that the Lawyers will be trying to patent Joe and Bill dart boards?

Lenny and Karyn do get the direct flight and they are now the leaders. Team Guido also makes it to Rome. The other three teams run into disaster - their adjoining flights have been cancelled, so now they have to take a flight to Milan.  F/M runs into an even bigger disaster - they are stuck in Geneva until 7am the next day because their flight also gets stuck - and this could constitute the dumbass move of the episode.

Lenny and Karyn get there first and find the flags. Team Guido is in hot pursuit. The 3 team alliance take a train to get to Rome. Frank and Margarita do some sleeping. There is a detour to take - either find a foot  (and walk to the next clue) or find a hoof - with taxis right nearby. Joe and Bill tell their taxi to wait there - but its no use to them, since the places where they need to go are closed. The triple team threat get into Rome - and so do Frank and Margarita - who get there at 9, which is ok since nothing opens for them until 10am. Nancy and Emily find and tail the Guidos - who run into the frat pack.

You want to know how much these teams love each other? Let's listen in...
Guidos: "Good Morning"
Frat Pack "Don't even think about saying good morning. Never say good morning to us again".

Can't you just feel the love?

Meanwhile, the triple threat are staring at the Guidos. Team F/M find the alliance, who tell them about how the Guidos were trying to stiff them from the flight. Lenny and Karyn find the alliance, and then they find Team Guido, who feed them a line of steaming monkey crap. Lenny and Karyn decide to go to the foot and get the directions to go to the Pagani Auto Factory - which they have to get to via the train. While Lenny and Karyn go to the train station via the subway, the other teams run to the hoof - and run out to the taxis to get the train.

All of the teams take a taxi to get to the train station - except Lenny and Karyn, who say that they may have gone the wrong way - but it was actually a production screw up, and it costs them a train - but they do get extra time that will be made up. While the train has stopped in Bologna, Team Guido take a cab - which the other teams accuse of cheating, since the clue says take a train, not get there via taxi. The husband and husband team say that all is fair in love and Amazing Races. F/M also take a cab over there.

Once the triple alliance get there, there are three teams - and 2 taxis. The Frat Pack and the Lawyers take cabs - Nancy and Emily will wait for another cab - hoping that they don't come in last - and that could be a nominee for the dumbass move of the episode.

Frank and Margarita get there first - and get a roadblock - one person drives a small car to a small village (there is NO way that I'm pronouncing the name of the village). The map is written in only Italian - but Frank hires a Taxi driver so he can follow him to the village. The other person on the team gets to ride in style in a sportscar going over 100 miles an hour. Team Guido gets the car next, and the Guido gets lost immediately. Frank gets out of the car and they come in first by a wide margin. Team Guido do manage to come in second. The Lawyer gets lost (figures) and has to ask for directions. The taxi finally comes for Nancy and Emily and they get into the car - and the mom immediately becomes lost.

Lenny and Karyn finally get there, but don't forget that they get extra time. The Lawyers and the Frat Pack both get lost - but the Frat Packer gets some bicycle assisted aid. The Lawyers figure it out first and come in third. Team Greek comes in fourth. Lenny and Karyn finally get the car - and its a question of who finishes first between the two women. the mom and daughter team do - and supposedly finish in fifth - but do they finish ahead enough of Lenny and Karyn by enough time? (Don't forget that they do get extra time because of the production problem). Karyn does get help and they do make it there...but they come in last.

But, surprises for everyone. This is a non-elimination point, so NO ONE gets eliminated. In addition to that, Lenny and Karyn get more time, and Bill and Joe and F/M do get penalized for taking the cab - which puts everyone in a clump. So we have love for everyone this episode - except Bill and Joe, who do win the Dumbass move of the episode. By trying to block everyone from making the plane. They have officially become the running bulls-eye for all of the teams. Will the competitive drive to win ultimately be their downfall?

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