When we're bored, we like to do strange experiments. We have done... about three, well, thats at least how many I can remember at the moment. I'll put them up as I remember them, or as we do them.

EXPERIMENT #1- How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
Well, one day, Dani and I (Kat) were sitting around at her house, watching creep show, when we got hungry. We were raiding her pantry when I realized THEY HAD TOOSIE ROLL POPS! So, I thought. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? Well, we got our Pop's, and we went back to finish our movie. It took us about three hours to get ALL of the candy coating off the tootsie, and then we averaged our scores together and it takes about 605 licks! The owl was of by 602!

EXPERIMENT #2- What happens when you stick Kool-aid in Dr. Pepper?
Kat had Kool-aid one day, just the powdered sugary stuff, and we were sitting there eating it when Dani said "Hey, I wonder what happens when you stick powdered Kool-aid in Dr. Pepper..." So, we tried it. Kat stuck the Kool-aid in the Dr. Pepper can, and stupidly said "OOO, ITS FIZZINGGG!" Then the Dr. Pepper erupted and got soda EVERYWHERE. So, there is some kind of chemical reaction with Kool-aid and Dr. Pepper to where the Dr. Pepper FIZZES FREAKING EVERYWHERE.

EXPERIMENT #3- Is the Rootbeer company lying to us when they say there is 1 out of 6 winners?
Bob and Kat were buying a Rootbeer one day, or "Liquid Brown" as they call it. Bob looked at the lable of the Barq's rootbeer label that said '1-6 wins! Look under the cap to see if you've won a free 20 oz. Soda!' And wondered out loud, "Gee, I wonder if its really true that there's one in six winners..." and Kat said "LETS SEE! WE'LL BUY 6 ROOTBEERS AND THEN SEE IF THERES 1 OUT OF SIX!" "YES!" Bob agreed. So, they "borrowed" money from several people claiming that Veggie needed a labotomy and it was exactly $6. Well, by the time they got the $6 to buy the sodas, the lunch bell had rung and they had to go back to class. It was a disapointing thing, indeed, but they would save it for another day. (or the next monday, considering it was Friday...) So, the next Monday, the gathered their $6 and bought their 6 sodas from the super fly soda machine. Then they all sat down (Kat, Bob, Veggie, Mayo, and Derik) and they each opened a soda. (Kat opened two, cuz there weren't 6 people there yet...) And, to our surprise... THERE WAS 1 WINNER OUT OF OUR 6 ROOTBEERS! IT WAS AMAZING! O_O

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