Kyra's Fic: Part One

Quatre is running through the woods screaming, "Help! Help! HHHEEEEELLLPPPP!" and yelling "BLOODY MURDER, BLOODY MURDER!" The Koromon are saying the same dumb thing: "We love you Quatre, we love you Quatre, we love you Quatre," and, "Do you want to be our friend, do you want to be our friend, do you want to be our friend."
I gotta find a place to hide, I gotta find a place to hide! Quatre keeps saying to himself. The bouncing noise is getting louder, and the voices are getting closer. "WE LOVE YOU QUATRE."
"AHHHHHHH!" Quatre runs faster, shouting and yelling all the way.

"That guy yells too much," Kyra mutters. She is having an easy time following; Quatre's yells can be heard a mile away.
"Save the Koromon!"
"What?" Kyra stops and looks back.
"Save the Koromon!" Dorothy blows right past Kyra, knocking her down.
"Hey, what was that for?!" protests the now mud-covered girl.
"I have to save the Koromon!" Dorothy yammers back, still running as if nothing has happened.
"I hope you hit a tree, you brainless blonde!"
Dorothy wasn't looking where she was going, and hit a tree.
Kyra stares blankly at the now unconscious blonde. " know...I didn't really mean for you to actually go ahead and do that."
Kyra looks over her shoulder and sees Kat and the others coming from behind. "What?"
"What are you doing sitting around?"
"Bizarre eyebrows here pushed me," she says, pointing toward Dorothy. Everyone stops and looks at Dorothy, then back at Kyra.
"I don't care who pushed you, get up and help us save Quatre."
Kyra glares at Kat. "Who died and made you lead--AHH!" in mid-sentence, Kat grabs Kyra by her braided hair and takes off, draging Kyra along.
Just then, Duo shows up, huffing and puffing. "Hey...guys," says Duo between breaths. "What's...going...on?"
Kusanagi runs down the path after Kat. "I must protect the Kushinada. I have to protect her. And I have to save Quatre!" He yells as he runs off.
Everyone stares after him like he's some kind of nut that should be wearing a strait-jacket.
"What the hell was that about?" Ranma asks.
In a very high, super-fast voice, Veggie answers his question. "KatisaancientprincesscalledKushinadaputontheearthtosavetheworldfromtheinvasionoftheArigami." Veggie pauses to take a breath. "She'spartof theFugimiyatripletsallthreeofthemwerebornwiththepowerof theKushinadahersistersarenowdead."
"Ahhh..." Ranma blinks. "Right...can anyone tell me what she said? I think she was talking in Spanish."
"Veggie said "Kat is an ancient princess called Kushinada, put on the earth to save the world from the invasion of the Arigami," Heero repeats. "She's part of the Fugimiya triplets; all three of them were born with the power of the Kushinada. Her sisters are now dead."
Everyone stares at Heero in amazement.
That's what I said!" Veggie yells. "Don'tyouguysunderstandthewordsthatarecomingoutofmymouth?"
"No," Heero says with his usual, emotionless voice.
"But you can understand me...why not them?"
"Because I had special training that no one else could master."
"Oh, don't flatter yourself," Duo says, annoyed.
"Am I forgetting something?" Groonkbob asks, looking around.
"I don't think so," Inu said, cocking his head to one side. "Why?"
"I don't know...but I feel like I forgot something."
"Was it your makeup?" Angel asks.
"Was it a sword?" Inu asks.
"Don't have one...but I think Kyra lost one."
"Was it your dojo?" Ranma ponders.
"I don't think I could lose a dojo if I don't have one to begin with."
"It was nunchucks, wasn't it!" Wufei yells, clapping his hands.
"Is that some kind of soup?" Groonkbob asks, confused.
"No, no, no, nunchucks are a pair of hardwood sticks joined by a chain. They're used as a weapon."
Veggie says something but nobody could understand her.
"She said, 'Like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,'" mumbles Heero. (another lawsuit ;_;)
"So you've watched it, then?" Ranma asks.
"Um...I...ah..." Wufei says, with a sweatdrop forming.
"Nevermind," says Ranma, smiling.
"Oh, great Buddha spare me."
Veggie starts babbling gibberish again. Everyone looks to Heero.
"She said, 'maybe we forgot that we're here to save Quatre from those pink bouncy things.'"
Groonkbob snaps her fingers. "That's what I forgot!"
"I was going to say that," Inu stated. "I was about to, before this human did.
There is a short pause...everyone is thinking the same thing.
"OHMIGOD, WE FORGOT QUATRE! OH MY GOD!" they all say in unison, and start running down the path.
"Come on, Duo." Angel grabs Duo by his braided hair and takes off with the others, dragging Duo along.
Note from Kyra: Note the similarities between Duo and Kyra ^_^

By this time, Quatre is almost out of breath.
"Ahhggg...I think that...I might...pass...out..." And he is very close to passing out, too.
Something in the corner of the blonde Arabian's eye catches his attention. He sees a clearing through the trees, and a small pool about thirty feet away. A great big smile crosses his face. "Maybe I could get a drink of water." Feeling a lot better, he starts walking towards it.
Halfway there, he trips on something.
"Ouch!" Quatre says.
"Ouch!" the thing he trips over says.
Quatre's blood runs cold, and he forces himself to look behind him.
A little pink Koromon sits behind him, smiling.
"Hello, Quatre!" It bounces to sit beside him. "Do you want to be my friend?"
Quatre's face turns blue, and he starts screaming. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!" he runs in place, waving his arms like a scared teenage rich that has seen a tiny
When he gets there, there isn't just one pool, but hundreds of small springs and shallow pools. Some of them have poles stuck into the ground at various places.
Quatre jumps on one of the poles by one of the ponds, crying, "Leave me alone! Go away! LEAVE ME ALONE!" 1
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