- DMS 4.0 PRO/LITE :

Η 4η Γενια της οικογένειας DMS διαθέτει δύο εκδόσεις το DMS4 PRO και το DMS4 Lite είναι απο τα πιο εξελιγμένα τεχνολογικά τσιπάκια και συνεχώς υποστηριζόμενα με προχωρημένα προγράμματα (Τoxic Bios) διαχείρησης και λειτουργίας της κονσόλας αλλά και του DMS4 μέσω της μνήμης του τα οποία αναβαθμίζονται όποτε αυτό θεωρείται απαραίτητο από την ομάδα προγραμματισμού του. Υποστηρίζει ΟΛΕΣ τις εκδόσεις από ν1 έως και ν13! Αξιοπιστία, σιγουρία, ευεληξία και σταθερότητα είναι ορισμένα από τα βασικά του χαραχτηριστικά!


- DMS 4.0 PRO:

Specs DMS4 Professional

DMS4 PRO - DEV.olution Memory System 4 Professional


The fourth generation has arrived. DMS4 professional offers amateur coders and developres the ability to boot

"Homebrew" applications on their console, for development purposes. Furthermore DMS4 Pro allows you to watch
Multi-region DVD's on your system. Compatibility is comprehensive (Jap/USA/Asian V1-V10).
The feature packed big brother of the DMS4 Lite has a 2MB flash to store Homebrew ELF files within the internal flash
memory. The DMS4 Pro has all the features of the Lite, further it boasts enhanced security, larger flash memory and will
have extra features added in software at no extra cost in future update builds.

Auto-detect and boot of all media types

DMS4 will automatically detect whether a PS1, PS2 CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD9 or DVD+RW (Homebrew Elf's), original domestic CD/DVD is inserted and then boot it without any interaction from the user.

Reduced wire Count

17 wires for v1-v7 PAL/USA or 18 wires for v1-v7 Japan/Asian
18 wires for v9-v10 USA and PAL (19 with DVD+/-RW support / T wire) or 19 wires for V8,9 and 10 Japan/Asian (20 with DVD+/-RW support / T wire)

High capacity flash

We now use a 2MB flash in our design to accomodate future flash upgrades with enhancements and extra integrated features.

Unrivaled boot success rate and compatibility

The boot rate of DMS4 is nigh on 100%. The DMS4 Supports V1-V10 USA/ASIAN and PAL

Flash upgrade via CD

The popular CD flash upgrade first introduced by DMS3 and has been retained offering a choice of firmware upgrade options.

DVD region Free with RCE support.

Watch all region DVD movies on your PS2.

Colour Fix

Force the colour mode to your choice.

Screen Fix

Green screen removed for Playback of DVD Movies.

DEV.olution Mode 1

Load appliactions and software from your PS2 Memory card using our specially integrated DEV.olution mode.

DEV.olution Mode 2

Load applications and software from your PS2 HDD using our specially integrated software. DEV.olution 2 is the successor to DEV.olution 1 mode.
Software Modchip disable

Disable the Modchip in software by pushing Square on the Joypad.

- DMS 4.0 LITE:

Specs DMS4 Lite

DMS4 LITE - DEV.olution Memory System 4 Lite

After the amazing success of the DMS3 Modchip, we decided it was time to offer innovation, reliability, ease of installation and superb compatibility but at reduced cost.
The DMS4 Lite is ideal for users who require a reliable and feature packed Modchip at a reasonable price. Check our specifications below:

Auto-detect and boot of all media types

DMS4 will automatically detect whether a PS1, PS2 CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD9 or DVD+RW (containing Homebrew Elf's), original domestic CD/DVD is inserted and then boot it without any interaction from the user.

Reduced wire Count

17 wires for v1-v7 PAL/USA or 18 wires for v1-v7 Japan/Asian
18 wires for v9-v10 USA and PAL (19 with DVD+/-RW support / T wire) or 19 wires for V8,9 and 10 Japan/Asian (20 with DVD+/-RW support / T wire)

Unrivaled boot success rate and compatibility

The boot rate of DMS4 is nigh on 100%. The DMS4 Supports V1-V10 USA/ASIAN and PAL

Flash upgrade via CD

The popular CD flash upgrade first introduced by DMS3 and has been retained offering a choice of firmware upgrade options.

DVD region Free with RCE support.

Watch all region DVD movies on your PS2.

Colour Fix

Force the colour mode to your choice.

Screen Fix

Green screen removed for Playback of DVD Movies.

DEV.olution Mode 1

Load appliactions and software from your PS2 Memory card using our specially integrated DEV.olution mode.

DEV.olution Mode 2

Load applications and software from your PS2 HDD using our specially integrated software. DEV.olution 2 is the successor to DEV.olution 1 mode.

Software Modchip disable

Disable the Modchip in software by pushing Square on the Joypad


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