Service List Table of Contents

Section 01: Malware/Virus/Spyware Removal
Automated Malware Removal

If you fear your computer might be infected with viruses or spyware, we can either use your up-to-date existing antimalware software, or provide it to you for free then use it to scan your computer, removing anything the software detects.
Time: 2 Hours

LiveCD Malware Removal

For peskier viruses, trojans, rootkits, and spyware, our LiveCD can scan your hard drive before Windows even boots. This scan is far more thourough and may require a 2-day visit.
Time: 6 Hours

Manual Malware Removal

If malware is identified and an Automated Malware Removal cannot remove it automatically, our technician can. This service should only be requested if all other scans have failed. *$20.00 for the removal of each individual malware infection.
Time: 1/2 Hours

Advanced Online Security

Aside from dealing with malware, we can also configure your computer to resist malware infection by scheduling malware scans and installing a firewall and port blocker.
Time: 4 Hours

Digital Cryogenics

RapidTek can "lock" your operating system and make it practically impervious to all malware threats. The boot partition is essentially cleaned on each system boot up and the software doesn't add any more than an extra thirty seconds to boot. Never have to run another clunky or slow antivirus software again. Don't let your antimalware software get in the way of your work load any more.
Time: 3 Hours

Post-Malware Cleanup.

Sometimes your antivirus software removes malware but won't remove the effects of the malware. If you've found yourself mysteriously unable to install software, access the task manager, change your system time, or switch your desktop wallpaper, chances are you're dealing with the left-overs from an infection. Post-malware cleanup restores all of your Windows account credentials and fixes any internet connection issues like proxies.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Section 02: Hardware Diagnostic / Replacement
Basic System Diagnosis

Your RapidTek technician will run software tests on your RAM, hard drive, processor, and video card. We also offer a full diagnosis on a single component.
Time: 1~2 Hours

Advanced Hardware Diagnosis

This is not the simple hardware diagnosis we offer for free. This test goes far more in depth checking the hard drive, RAM, video device, audio device, and networking card running multiple tests and multiple passes on each component.
Time: 4+ hours

Common Hardware Replacement

We not only install your basic hardware components. We test those components afterward to ensure they're running properly.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Advanced Hardware Replacement

For processor, power supply, and video card installations because they're a bit more complicated to install.
Time: 1 Hour

Basic Driver Installation

Single driver installation and configuration. Does not include hardware installation.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Section 03: Networking
Small Wireless Network Setup

Your technician will install a wireless router and test connectivity, set up network security, then ensure that up to two PCs, 1 perpherial device, and 1 network printer are successfully conncting and communicating. Your friendly RapidTek technician will show you how to add other devices to your network and leave you all of the access information.
Time: 1 1/2 Hours

Small Wired Network Setup

Your technician will set up a wired router and up to two computers, 1 peripheral, and 1 networked printer, then ensure each device is connected and communicating. They will also teach you how to add future devices to your network or upgrade it.
Time: 2 Hours

Add a PC to your Network

This service simply connects one more computer to an existing wireless network and ensures connectivity.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Add a Network Peripheral

Most networked devices are applicable excluding printers. Tablets, PDAs, smart phones, mobile gaming devices, NAS (network attached storage) devices, game consoles, TVs, and network connected audio/video components.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Add a Network Printer

Most printers require a manual driver setup before communicating over a network. If your printer automatically applies a driver over the network you'll only be charged for a networked peripheral installation. Otherwise, this service ensures that all of your applicable networked devices can print to your networked printer.
Time: 1/2 Hour

VOIP (Voice over IP) Setup

VOIP is a technology that utilizes the internet to complete PC-to-phone calls. This service will set up one PC and up to 6 standard handsets to use a VOIP account.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Section 04: Software
Email Configuration

We install an email client, then configure it to display mail from your email address so you don't have to visit online email providers to check your messages.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Basic Software Install

We install the software of your choice and provide shortcuts in your start menu, on your desktop, and in your quicklaunch bar on request.
Time: 10mins

Basic Software Install & Configuration

We install and configure settings within any single software title you ask us to.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Software Suite Installation

We install a suite of software like Microsoft Office or Norton Security and provide shortcuts wherever you request them.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Software Suite Installation & Configuration

We'll configure every application in your software suite to suit your needs and requirements.
Time: 1 Hour

Section 05: Operating System
Basic Optimization

During a Basic Optimization we remove any unnecessary or unused software on your PC freeing up hard drive and RAM space. Afterward, we disable any unnecessary software from booting along-side Windows which comes close to halfing the amount of time your computer takes to start up.
Time: 1 Hour

Advanced Optimization

Advanced optimization includes a Basic Optimization and a long list of Windows tweaks aimed at making Windows respond faster and preform better. We also disable any unnecessary Windows services increasing your PCs boot and response times.
Time: 2 Hours

Operating System Password Reset or Recovery

Lost your Windows login password? Other computer users with accounts on your PC which haven't been used in months? We can reset the passwords and gain entry.
*This service is offered by our disgression. Attempts of gaining entry to a computer you do not own is against the law.
Time: 1 Hour

Recovery Disc Installation

We use the recovery discs which were provided with your name-brand computer to format your hard drive and reinstal Windows.
*This service will reformat your hard drive. Think about backing up your files first.
Time: 2 Hours

Windows Installation & Driver Setup

Provided you have your own copy of Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7, we will format and install it to your hard drive, then reinstall all of your hardware drivers.
**This service will reformat your hard drive. Think about backing up your files first.
Time: 3 Hours

Section 06: File Backup and Recovery
1 GigaByte File Backup

Great for simple, small file backup. 1GB usually covers pictures, documents, and application settings.
Time: 1/2 Hour

4.5 GigaByte File Backup

We'll burn a small audio and movie collection to a single DVD for you.
Time: 3/4 Hour

9 GigaByte File Backup

Have a large music collection, several albums full of pictures, and a good deal of multimedia? You'll get 2 DVDs worth of data backup.
Time: 2 Hours

File Backup (50 GigaByte Limit)

If you have an external hard drive, we can selectively transfer up to 50GB of data.
Time: ~2 Hours

Unlimited File Backup

If you have a large portable hard drive, we will transfer an unlimited amount of files and data to it.
Time: Hourly

Backup and Swap

Saves a selective file backup to an internal hard drive, then installs it as a second hard drive inside your computer.
Time: 1/2 Hour

Recovery Disc Creation

If you don't have a recovery disc, we can make you one which will back up your computer in it's current state. The recovery disc will allow you to restore your computer without having to call us. Recommended as a last step in a Windows installation.
Time: 3 Hours

Section 07: Classes and Instruction
Windows Instructional Basics

Learn how to move, copy, and cut files and folders. Learn basic keyboard shortcuts which will speed your productivity.
Time: 3 Hours

Advanced Windows PowerUser

Learn how to use invaluable keyboard shortcuts and built-in Windows utilites to speed productivity. Learn how to tweak the operating system to minimize the amount of system resources Windows utilizes and provide more overhead and preformance to running applications.
Time: ~5 Hours

Internet and Google Basics

Learn how to surf the internet with security in mind. Learn how to take advantage of Google to maximize search results and be more productive.
Time: 2 Hours

Avoiding Malware Online

This course will teach you common browsing practices which will help thwart malware infiltrations. The course also introduces you to several software titles that can further secure your internet connection, and you will learn how to identify and avoid malware from P2P sources and software vending sites.
Time: 3 Hours

Basic HTML and CSS Website Design

Trying to create a website? We can help you fill in the blanks and teach you how to script in both HTML and CSS, tutor you with web design software, and show you how and where to host.
Time: 5+ Hours

Running your own Website

There's more to a website that comes after the design and scripting. This class teaches you how to purchase a domain, link it to serverspace, access your hostspace from an FTP client, set up necessary MySQL databases, and make backup. This course will also teach you about CEO practices, advertizing, and google page ranking and how they can all affect your site traffic.
Time: 3 Hours

Graphic Design in Photoshop or Gimp

Have a one-on-one with our graphic designer who can show you how to create art, logos, web layouts, or photomanipulations in either Adobe Photoshop or Gimp (a free alternative to Photoshop).
Time: 6+ Hours

Advanced Photoshop PowerUser

This course is offered soley for users of Adobe Photoshop who would like to learn productivity-increasing keyboard shortcuts. The course also teaches how to use layer masks, quickmask, pen tool, advanced image selection, and other advanced photomanipulation techniques.
Time: ~6 Hours

Web Profile Overhaul

If you have a profile on myspace or any other website which allows for limited CSS profiles, we can teach you how to do more with your layout than you've ever imagined... and we don't require you to link to our site afterward.
Time: 1+ Hour

Digital Video Editing Basics

If you have home movies laying around you would like to edit and consolidate, this class will instruct you through simple cuts, basic transitions, overlays, and timing effects which will have you editing like a pro in no time.
Time: ~4 Hours

Photomanipulation Basics

Learn how to edit and manipulate digital photos, use filters effectively, utilize layers and layer effects, and use selection tools.
Time: ~4 Hours

Digital Video Editing Basics

If you have home movies laying around you would like to edit and consolidate, this class will instruct you through simple cuts, basic transitions, overlays, and timing effects which will have you editing like a pro in no time.
Time: ~4 Hours

Basic Concepts of Programming

This course will take you from writing your first "hello world" program to authoring a 2D PC game. The course doesn't focus on any one programming languages, but rather attempts to teach how object-oriented programming languages work. The knowledge from this course can then be applied to nearly all modern programming languages.
Time: ~10 Hours

Concepts of Video Game Design

If you'd rather not learn how to program applications per-se, but would still like to get into game development, this course not only approches game creation from a programming standpoint, but aids in developing rich storylines, pixel-art prowess, game-engine concepts, and game art. You'll also get an introduction to the competitive indie-development community and learn how to make a game targeted at the interest of PC gamers.
Time: ~12 Hours

Section 08: New PC Builds
Custom-Built RapidTek Desktops

Currently, RapidTek will only accept new computer builds on part review and delivery. That means we help you pick out the parts, you buy them, have them shipped to us, and we hand you a new computer and only additionally charge for the labor. We cannot cover the purchase cost of new parts ourselves. There are two exceptions to our normal hourly charge for new system builds. Additionally, there is a flat-rate charge for PCs which featuer liquid cooling or low-profile case design (really small PC cases). The extra fee is $30.00.
Time: ~24-48 Hours

Section 09: Miscellaneous
Desktop Cleaning

If you've owned your computer for a few years, it's probably pretty dusty on the inside. Dust can cause your computer to overheat or in rare cases, it can get lodged in the complex circuitry inside and slowly kill your components. We recommend having your desktop cleaned every six months to keep the hardware running in peak condition, but once a year is certainly acceptable.
Time: ~24-48 Hours

Laptop Cleaning

Most shops just use a can of compressed air to blow out the fan vents on your laptop which is ineffective. RapidTek technicians carefully remove the case and keyboard insert to get access to the motherboard. Using a laptop stand or a lapdesk to avoid nearly burning your legs is only a temporary fix. Built up dust can cause electrical shorts and issues with overheat.
Time: ~24-48 Hours

Smart Phone Modifications

RapidTek offers cell phone and smart phone modifications. Call us for details.
Time: ~24-48 Hours
Quote on Call

Game Console Softmodding

We can "softmod" most popular consoles. Softmodding means making changes to the stock operating system to add functionality. It doesn't include mod-chips or any kind of board-level soldering.
Time: ~24-48 Hours

Buyer Capacity

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and from somebody who has spent the last 10 years working in high-tech retail stores, it's very easy to be broadsided by unnecessary purchases by store staff. Bring someone along who understands the technology and can refute misinformation and the barrage of warrenty and service requests. You can avoid being upsold to a gaming PC if that's not your aim and avoid being undersold on a bargain which doesn't meet with your criteria or needs.
Time: 1 hour