RapidTek has been serving the Gladstone, Oregon City, Milwaukie, and South East Portland areas for 12 years. We specialize in computer troubleshooting, repair, upgrades, new builds, and basic wired and wireless networking. Our average in-house turn around time is three days, and we offer on-site services for clients in a hurry.


Service Technicians:

Grim Kolibaba
Grim Kolibaba
Grim began his obcession with computers at age 7, plucking away on his Commodore 64/128/Vic20 combo coding simple BASIC text games. Middle school saw his introduction to Macs, and by high school, he had already built four custom computers and aided countless friends and family memebers with their computer issues. Today, he spends his time working on creative projects like website design, audio and video editing, and 2D game programming. Despite being an all-around Geek, he still has no problem speaking plain English.