Star Trek Generations
Novelization by J.M. Dillard
P4 Kirk massaged a muscle recently injured while working in the mines on the Klingon penal colony of Rura Penthe.
The media were calling it the Khitomer mission.
Carol Marcus had been almost killed in an apparent Klingon attack.
Carol was told the Klingons charged Kirk with Gorkon's murder and shipped him off to that terrible prison. Carol is going to rebuild Themis research station, now that things with the Klingons are settling down.
Kirk thinks McCoy looks haggard after the hardships on Rura Penthe.
A nineteenth-century three-masted sailing vessel.  ON THE MAIN DECK
Picard and Riker are standing before the assembled crew of the ship. Everyone is dressed in full-dress naval uniforms of the period, complete with cocked hats, epaulettes, etc. The crew is standing at attention.
Picard grimly looks over his crew, then nods to Riker.
Riker - Bring out the prisoner!
long drum roll.
Worf is brought on deck by Troi and LaForge. Worf is shackled by hand and leg irons. Troi and LaForge hold him by either arm and shove him toward the Captain. 
The drum roll stops. Picard moves to Worf and peers at him closely.
Picard - Mr. Worf. I always knew this day would come. Are you prepared to face the charges?
Worf doesn't answer and Troi jabs him in the side.
Troi with mock ferocity - Answer him!
Worf with dignity - I am prepared.
Picard looks to Riker, who then pulls out a large, rolled piece of parchment. He opens the scroll and begins to read from it. In the b.g., LaForge removes Worf's shackles.
Riker - "We, the officers and crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, being of sound mind and judgment, hereby make the following charges against Lieutenant Worf - One. That he did knowingly and willfully perform above and beyond the call of duty on countless occasions. Two. That he has been a good and solid officer on this ship for one score less twelve years. And three. Most seriously, that he has earned the respect and admiration of the entire crew."
Riker puts away the scroll.
Picard - There can be only one punishment for such crimes. I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the rights and privileges thereto. And may God have mercy on your soul.
Everyone roars in approval. Picard smiles at Worf and shakes his hand.
Picard - Congratulations, Commander.
Worf - (smiles)Thank you, sir.
Riker - Extend the plank!!
Worf's face registers surprise as everyone grabs him and hauls him toward the side, where a long plank is being pushed out over the water. a naval officer's three-cornered hat dangles 10 feet above the end of the plank.
Picard - Don't you think you're taking this a little too far, Number One
Worf is put on the plank and Crusher prods him with the pike until Worf is nearly at the end. Worf stops and gazes up at the hat, gathers his muscular bulk and leaps. He snatches the hat in one hand and landed hard on the board. Worf waved his arms in an effort to keep his balance, stays on plant.
Picard - If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's never underestimate a Klingon.
Riker - Computer, remove plank.
Worf falls into the sea with a huge splash. 
Everyone laughs and cheers. Worf swims toward rope ladder.
Com Voice - We're picking up a distress call from the Amargosa observatory, sir. 
They say they're under attack.
Riker - Red Alert! All hands to battle stations! Captain Picard to the Bridge.
A small solar observatory with a complex optical array. The observatory bears scorch marks and other signs of recent battle. 
Picard in command. Riker, Troi, Worf and Data at their stations. They didn't have time to change, so they are all still dressed in their costumes from the ceremony. The image of the burnt-out observatory is on the viewscreen.
Riker - It looks like we're too late.
Worf - There are no other ships in the system.
Data - Sensors show five life signs aboard the station, Captain.
Riker - The station complement was nineteen.
Picard gets up and starts heading for the Ready Room. Worf and Riker go to turbolift.
The station is a smoking ruin- consoles flickering, lights dim, damage everywhere. Only a few minutes have passed since they were attacked. Riker, Worf, Crusher and Security Guards, Paskall and Mendez, materialize, holding phasers and palm beacons. Worf has a tricorder. 
Worf - These blast patterns are consistent with Type III disruptors. Brutal weapons, capable of burning through skin, muscle, bone.
Riker - Well, that narrows it to Klingon, Breen or Romulan.
Crusher - I'm picking up lifesigns about twenty meters ahead.
Worf - That rules out Klingons.
Riker gives him a look.
Worf - They would not have left anyone alive.
They pick their way carefully through the carnage of the station and come to the body of a Starfleet science officer.
Riker - Worf, you're with me. Paskall, you and Mendez search the upper deck.
The security guards climb a nearby ladder while Riker and Worf head down a dimly-lit corridor. There is a sudden banging from the far corner of the room. Worf and Riker quickly move to a collapsed bulkhead.
Worf - Under here.
They both grab hold of a large metal plate, pull it aside and begin to dig through the debris. Finally, a hand can be seen grasping about from within the pile of rubble. Riker and Worf work faster.
Worf - It's all right. Do not struggle.
Worf holds the man's hand as Riker shoves away a final console. Where had he learned tenderness? Riker wondered. From Deanna? If Worf had gotten something good out of the relationship, so much the better.
Riker - I'm Commander William Riker of the starship Enterprise.
Soran - Soran. Doctor Tolian Soran.
Riker - Who attacked you, Doctor?
Soran - I'm not sure it happened so fast.
Security Officer - (calls out) Commander- you'd better take a look at this.
Riker and Worf move over to the two security guards who are kneeling over a dead body which is obscured from view. One guard turns over the body, revealing a Romulan soldier. Worf looks at him in disgust.
Worf low disgusted growl - Romulan.
Riker - We found two dead Romulans aboard the station. We're analyzing their equipment to see if we can determine what ship they came from.
Picard nods absently.
Picard - There's still no indication of why they attacked the station?
Riker - We think they were looking for something- they practically tore the place apart. Accessed the central computer, turned the cargo bay inside out. 
A Romulan tricorder is connected to some diagnostic equipment near a console. Worf is talking to Riker.
Worf activates a monitor which shows a complex diagram of sensor information.
Worf - One of the dead Romulans had a tricorder. We analyzed its sensor logs and found they were scanning for signature particles of a compound called trilithium.
Riker - Trilithium?
Worf - An experimental compound the Romulans have been working on. In theory, a trilithium-based explosive would be thousands of times more powerful than an anti-matter weapon. But they never found a way to stabilize it.
Riker - Why were they looking for it on a Federation observatory? It doesn't make any sense. Have Geordi and Data go over with the next Away Team. Tell them to scan the observatory for trilithium.
Worf - Aye, sir.
A short corridor connecting the Ops Center with other compartments. LaForge suddenly stops in front of what appears to be a standard bulkhead.
LaForge - Wait a minute there's a hidden doorway here. I can see the joint of the metal with my visor.
LaForge runs his finger in a vertical line along what appears to be a smooth bulkhead.
Data - (off tricorder) There appears to be a dampening field in operation. I cannot scan beyond the bulkhead.
A small room with several probes stacked in holding racks. LaForge and Data scan.
LaForge - I'm still not picking up anything. Someone went to a lot of trouble to shield this room.
LaForge - Whoa my visor's picking up something in the theta band. It could be a trilithium signature.
SORAN standing in the room. LaForge didn't hear him come in.
LaForge - Oh, Doctor Yeah, as a matter of fact, there is. There's a damping field in here blocking our com signal. 
Soran glances over at the solar probe LaForge was inspecting. He notes the opened panel and a disturbed look crosses his face. 
Riker's Com Voice - Red Alert! All hands to duty stations!!!
Picard and Troi enter from a turbolift. Riker and Worf at their stations. The star is on the viewscreen, getting darker by the second. More flaming debris is being ejected into space.
Picard - Report.
Riker - A quantum implosion has occurred within the Amargosa star. All nuclear fusion is breaking down.
Picard - How is that possible?
Worf - Sensor records show a solar probe was launched from the observatory a few moments ago.
Riker - The star's going to collapse in a matter of minutes.
Something beeps on Worf's console.
Worf - Sir, the implosion has produced a level twelve shock wave.
Troi - Level twelve? That'll destroy everything in this system.
Transporter Com Voice - Transporter room to Bridge. I can't looocate Commander La Forge or Commander Data, sir.
Riker - Did they return to the ship?
Worf - No, sir. They are not aboard.
Picard - How long until the shock wave hits the observatory?
Worf - Four minutes, forty seconds.
Picard looks at Riker, who then quickly heads for the turbolift.
Riker - Mr. Worf.
Riker and Worf exit.
Soran is standing at a console watching a graphic depiction of the star's collapse on a monitor when the door suddenly opens. Soran whirls around and fires his phaser at Riker and Worf. They dive for cover just outside the room. 
Riker - What the hell's he doing?
Worf dodges another phaser blast and sees LaForge lying unconscious on the deck. 
Picard's Com Voice - Enterprise to Commander Riker, you have two minutes left.
Riker - Soran, did you hear that? There's a level twelve shock wave coming. We've got to get out of here!
Soran's only answer is another phaser blast.
Ensign Hayes is at Worf's Tactical. An alarm suddenly beeps on the Tactical console.
Hayes - Sir. A Klingon Bird of Prey is decloaking off the port bow.
Picard - What?
as an old-style Class D-12 Klingon Bird of Prey decloaks near the observatory. The hull bore a hundred differently hastily patched battle scars.
Soran is continuing to shoot at Riker and Worf. Suddenly Soran's communicator beeps. Soran reaches down and grabs the unconscious LaForge by the collar and the two of them dematerialize. (Soran has the visor in his hand.) Riker, Data and Worf react.
The Bird of Prey cloaks and vanishes.
Transporter Com Voice - Transporter room to Bridge. I have theee Away Team aboard, sir.
Picard - Helm, warp one, engage.
Soran made his way through dark, claustrophobic corridors, ducking to avoid overhanging cables, recoiling at the grime-smeared bulkheads, the sticky deck. The aging ship groaned and shuddered unceasingly, and stunk of warm, wet animal. None of it mattered, the unpleasantness with the Duras sisters would soon be over and forgotten. Soran emerged at last onto the dimly lit bridge. The Klingons turned to regard him. They smelled the same as the ship, this particular species tested his limits. All male bridge crew dwarfed him. Two women in the command seats. 
On a monitor where we can see a graphic depiction of the darkening star and shock wave. It's beaten up and patched in several places. Watching the viewscreen are Lursa and B'Etor, two powerful-looking Klingon women, aggressive, seductive and very dangerous. Several male Klingons man the various stations.
The sisters stare at the image of the destroyed sun in awe.
B'Etor - Toh-pak-cha (Glorious)
Lursa - HoS qorDu. (A great power.)
Soran now enters the Bridge. His expression is dark and angry. strides up to the sisters.
B'Etor with a leer that revealed protruding, jagged teeth - You've done it, Soran.
But without warning, Soran hits B'Etor squarely in the jaw, knocking her back over a console. Several Klingons leap to their feet, drawing their weapons, but B'Etor holds up a hand as she gets to one knee.
B'Etor - Wait!
She touched the back of her hand to a trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth, frowned at the violet stain there. Her expression is angry and threatening.
B'Etor, the edge in her tone dagger-keen - I hope for your sake that you are initiating a mating ritual.
Soran, utterly unafraid of the disruptors, disgusted by the thought of intimacy with this female, clad in metal and skins and drunk  with territorial power - You got careless. The Romulans came looking for their missing trilithium.
B'Etor - Impossible. We left no survivors on their outpost.
Soran - They knew it was aboard the observatory. If the Enterprise hadn't intervened, they would have found it.
Lursa - But they didn't find it and now we have a weapon of unlimited power. Her voice was calmer, deeper, her manner more reserved, but she could be, Soran knew, just as treacherous.
Soran - I have the weapon, Lursa. And if you ever want me to give it to you, I advise you to be a little more careful in the future.
B'Etor grabs Soran with surprising strength and holds a double-edged Klingon dagger to his throat. An evil smile played on her lips.
B'Etor - Perhaps we are tired of waiting.
Soran is unfazed by this threat - Without my research, the trilithium is worthless, as are your plans to reconquer the Klingon Empire.
Lursa reaches out and calmly pushes her sister's knife away.
Soran - Set course for the Veridian system. Maximum warp.
The implacable Lursa turned to the helm and issued a guttural command.
Lursa - (to Helm) Bosh-ta-JaH Veridian (Set course for Veridian)
A Klingon Guard enters dragging the unconscious LaForge - What shall I do with this?
Soran moves toward LaForge, a grim look on his face.
Soran - Bring him with me. I need some answers from Mr. LaForge.
Soran exits.
Riker and Worf are on the move down the corridor.
Worf - I have spoken to the Klingon High Council, sir. They identified the Bird of Prey as belonging to the Duras sisters.
Riker - Lursa and B'Etor? This doesn't make any sense. A renowned stellar physicist somehow uses a trilithium probe to destroy a star, kidnaps 
Geordi and escapes with a pair of Klingon renegades. Why? What the hell's going on?
Worf emitted a silent sigh - I do not know, sir.
A dimly-lit room somewhere in the bowels of the Klingon ship. Like every other 
room on this decrepit ship, the room looks well-worn and ill-maintained. The floor vibrated and hear the groan of aging engines.
Lursa and B'Etor in command as Soran enters. Gruesome leather-and-metal mirror images. Lursa, the elder, husky-throated one, the one who seemed most often to have the last word.
Lursa - Did you get anything from the human?
Soran - No. His heart just isn't in it.
Klingon Helm - We have entered orbit of Veridian III.
Soran - Prepare to transport me to the surface.
B'Etor rose, distrustful and swaggering - Wait. When do we get our payment?
Soran hands B'Etor a small computer chip. He despised having to deal with such small-minded, power-hungry creatures. 
Soran - This contains all the information you'll need to build a trilithium weapon. 
B'Etor greedily seized the deadly gift and gazed down at it with glistening, predatory eyes.
Soran - It's been coded. Once I'm safely to the surface, I'll transmit the decryption sequence to you. Not before.
Klingon Helm cried abruptly - Mistress! A Federation starship is entering the system!
Lursa - What? On viewer.
The Helm works. The small, dust-covered, grainy, not-quite focused viewscreen now shows the Enterprise at impulse entering the system. 
Klingon Helm - They are hailing us.
B'Etor, lip curling - Du'cha (On speakers.)her command was fffollowed instantly by the sound of a familiar voice on the intercom.
Picard's Com Voice - Klingon vessel. We know what you're doooing, and we will destroy any probe launched toward the Veridian star.
Soran's expression darkens.
B'Etor - What do we do?
Soran checks his watch.
Soran - There's no time for this. Eliminate them.
B'Etor gaped at him - That is a Galaxy class starship. We arrre no match for them.
Soran thinks for a moment, then he gets an idea. He pulls LaForge's visor out of a pocket. He eyes it with intent.
Soran - I think it's time we gave Mr. LaForge his sight back.
Lursa and B'Etor curious.
Picard is pacing. Riker, Data, Worf, Troi, at their stations. The ship is at Red Alert. 
Riker - Maybe they're not out there.
Picard - They're just trying to decide whether a twenty year-old Klingon Bird of Prey is any match for the Federation flagship.
Worf turns to Picard.
Worf - Sir, according to my calculations, a solar probe launched from either the Klingon ship or the planet's surface will take eleven seconds to reach the star. However, since we do not know the exact point of origin, it will take us between eight and fifteen seconds to lock our weapons onto it.
They exchange a grim look.
Riker - That's a pretty big margin of error.
An alarm goes off on Worf's console.
Worf - Captain, Klingon vessel decloaking directly ahead.
On the viewscreen, the Bird of Prey decloaks.
Worf - They are hailing.
Picard - On screen.
On the viewscreen, the toothily images of Lursa and B'Etor appear.
Lursa in a tone of feigned warmth - Captain. What an unexpected pleasure. She leaned forward in her chair, her long dark hair streaming down onto metal-and-leather warrior regalia.
Picard - Lursa, I want to talk to Soran.
Lursa grew coy - I'm afraid the Doctor is no longer aboard our ship.
Picard - Then I'll beam down to his location. Just give us his coordinates.
B'Etor spoke with the same unctuous, faintly mocking tone as her sister - The Doctor values his privacy. He would be quite upset if an armed Away Team interrupted him.
Picard - Very well. I'll beam to your ship and you can transport me to Soran.
Riker - Sir, you can't trust them. They'll kill you just like they killed Geordi.
Lursa and B'Etor exchange a glance.
Lursa retorted with such indignation that Picard believed her - We did not kill your Engineer. He's been our guest.
Riker - Then return him.
B'Etor demanded - In exchange for what?
Picard - Me. If you let me speak to Soran.
The two sisters appear to consider this for a moment.
B'Etor - (to Lursa) The Captain would make a much more valuable hostage.
Lursa - (to Picard) We'll consider it a prisoner exchange.
Picard - Agreed.
The transmission ends. Picard heads for the turbolift.
Picard - Number One, you have the Bridge. 
Geordi in humid, overheated cabin. Huge warm hands grasped his arms and steadied him, another pair of hands put his tunic on over his head. Geordi saw he was flanked by two towering guards, their bronze skull ridges terminating in shaggy waist-length manes of dark hair. The guards pushed him toward the exit, they entered a cramped dimly lit corridor. They entered a transporter room. One of the guards stepped behind the console and transported Soran to the planet. The transporter whined shrilly. Soran began to dematerialize, then reappeared with a sputter of sparks. Soran's face darkened with rage as the guard furiously worked the console controls. 
P156 The Klingon Navigator Qorak - I have established the link.
B'Etor shared a swift glance with her sister and smiled with relief. Until now, she had not trusted Soran too far. Too much kindness lurked behind the madness in his eyes. Yet his intensity attracted her. Despite the fact that he was a puny human, a race she had never found attractive. Physically Soran was short by Klingon standards. But there was something intriguing about him, the bright silver hair, translucent shin, pale eyes. Those eyes held an intensity she had rarely seen, even in the most determined of Klingon males. His eyes had blazed with it when he had struck her. She respected that intensity, for she knew few that shared it, except herself and her sister. Her life, her being, was consumed by one passion, seeing the Duras family restored to power. Now, with Soran's help, she would see that passion consummated. And more; with the trilithium weapon, the sisters Duras could conquer far more than the Klingon Empire that was their birthright. With such power, the entire galaxy would soon be theirs.
B'Etor had come close to killing Soran when he had struck her, but even in her anger, she was forced to bear grudging admiration for anyone who dared last out at her on the bridge, in full view of her soldiers.  She hoped she could trust him. For if not, despite her attraction, she would personally see to his death. 
Lursa - Put it onscreen.
Lursa and B'Etor move to one of the consoles with a large monitor. The screen shows static for a few seconds, B'Etor felt a stab of fury, then clears to a distorted view of a ceiling on the Enterprise- this is LaForge's POV. 
Lursa - It's working.
B'Etor - Where is he?
Suddenly, Crusher's face looms large in the picture, as if she's leaning over LaForge. She smiles and starts talking. 
Lursa and B'Etor pull back in surprise at the image.
B'Etor - Human females are so repulsive.
The human woman's face was so pale and smooth, it seemed to B'Etor naked, unfinished, as a gestating child's. abnormally even, tiny teeth.
B'Etor shifted restlessly in her chair and mumbled an epithet beneath her breath. B'Etor fell silent as Lursa struck her arm with the back of a hand to get her attention.
B'Etor sat scowling at the viewscreen. She glanced up as her sister, who had given up in impatience and left the bridge, returned. Lursa sat beside her with an unhappy groan. The POV shows LaForge's view of walking down a corridor. 
Lursa - Where is he now?
B'Etor - I don't know. He bathed, now he is roaming the ship. He must be the only Engineer in Starfleet who does not go to Engineering!
Riker in no way trusted the Duras sisters, he knew Lursa and B'Etor were capable of great treachery. 
Riker's gaze met Worf's at Data's singing, a look of such long-suffering martyrdom.
Lursa and B'Etor are watching the monitor of LaForge's POV with irritated expressions. On the monitor, LaForge rounds a corner and enters Engineering. The sisters lean forward eagerly.
B'Etor - Finally!
B'Etor tried to read the human's lips. Her skill in speaking Standard was formidable and she was able to make out the words diagnostic and generators. 
On the screen is the large cutaway view of the Enterprise
Lursa suddenly reacts to something on the screen.
Lursa - That's it! (to B'Etor) Replay from time index 429.
B'Etor's finger's flew swiftly over the controls on her console arm. The image on their monitor runs backward for a moment and then freezes. On the screen, we can see several of the monitors in Engineering. On the left side of the screen is the large cutaway view of the Enterprise. Lursa touches the diagram.
Lursa - Magnify this section and enhance.
B'Etor works. The picture zooms in on the cutaway graphic and sharpens in focus. 
There are several blocks of numbers and text visible. Lursa studies the image.
Lursa - Their shields are operating on a modulation of 257.4.
The sisters exchange an excited glance, then move toward the command area. 
B'Etor, her voice rising with excitement - Adjust our torpedo frequency to match- 257.4!
The two sisters smile eagerly. With those words she had just secured the destruction of the Enterprise, and victory for the house of Duras. 
Data - (to Riker) Sir, I am detecting an anomalous subspace reading in Main 
Engineering. It may be-
The ship is suddenly rocked violently. Alarms go off on the Bridge.
The Klingon ship is firing four torpedoes at the Enterprise. The torpedoes pass straight through the ship's shields and hit directly on the hull. Another violent hit.
Worf - (shocked) They have found a way to penetrate our shields.
Riker - Lock phasers and return fire!
The Enterprise fires at the Bird of Prey, but the phaser shots are stopped by the Klingon shields, which flash on when they're hit. The Bird of Prey returns fire. The shot carves a jagged tear in the Enterprise's hull.
The Enterprise turns and leaves orbit, but the Klingon ship is right on top of them, firing at the defenseless starship.
Data - Hull breach on decks 31 through 35.
Riker - Worf, that's an old Klingon ship. What do we know about it? Are there any weaknesses?
The ship is jolted. They all hold on.
Worf - It is a Class D-12 Bird of Prey. They were retired from service because of defective plasma coils.
Riker - Plasma coils is there any way we can use that to our advantage?
Worf - I do not see how. The plasma coil is part of their cloaking device.
Riker suddenly gets an inspiration as the Bridge is rocked.
Riker - (to Data) Could we access the defective coil and trigger their cloak?
Data (considers) Perhaps (suddenly enthusiastic) Yes! If we sent a low-level ionic pulse, it might reset the coil and engage the cloaking systems.
Worf - As their cloak begins to engage, their shields will drop.
Riker - Right. And they'll be vulnerable for at least two seconds. Data, lock onto that plasma coil.
Data - No problem.
Riker - Worf, prepare a spread of photon torpedoes. We'll have to hit them the instant they begin to cloak.
Worf - Aye, sir.
Riker - We're only going to get one shot at this. Target their primary reactor. With any luck, their warp core should implode.
Worf works. 
The Enterprise rolls and turns back toward the planet, tries to get away from the Klingon ship. But the Bird of Prey follows its every move.
Data - I have accessed their coil frequency initiating ionic pulse.
The ship is hit again. An aft console explodes.
Riker - Make it quick!
Lursa and B'Etor in command, savoring their imminent victory. Soran had proved himself a worthy ally. Not only had he given them a weapon of incredible power, he had also come up with the plan which would now provide them with the added pleasure of destroying the Enterprise. Who would dare stand up to them now? B'Etor allowed herself a fleeting daydream: Herself, white-haired and wrinkled, telling again to her kinsmen and followers the story of how she and her late sister had, with nothing more than an ancient Bird-of-Prey, destroyed the great Galaxy-class starship. She watched with unutterable delight as the torpedoes found their target. B'Etor thought, You were wise to tell your captain not to trust us, Commander Riker. Are you contemplating your own words now?
Lursa laughed softly - Target their Bridge.
B'Etor - Full disruptors. They had savored their advantage long enough; time now to make a clean, swift kill.
The Navigator suddenly reacts to something on his console.
Helm released a soft yelp, one full of such mortal surprise that B'Etor whirled swiftly in her chair, her euphoria turned abruptly to unease - We are cloaking!
B'Etor - What?
Klingon Helm - Mistress- our shields are down!
The ship begins shimmering- engaging its cloak.
Riker - Fire!
Worf works.
Lursa and B'Etor react to the sight on the viewscreen as the spread of torpedoes heads directly for them. The two sisters exchange a look. The ship is suddenly rocked hard and we can see the beginning of an explosion.
There was no time for her to issue an order, merely to stare, stunned, at the viewscreen, which showed a pack of torpedoes streaking toward them, then share a final gaze of stunned defeat with her sister. 
The ship implodes, completely destroyed. Pieces of the shattered vessel float past. The bridge shuddered beneath the blows, which came so fast and hard that B'Etor could not keep her balance, could not remain in her chair, but fell, clawing for purchase, to the deck. Around her, consoles exploded into flame, bodies flew, men screamed, and then a rumble began, deep in the ship's belly, one that grew until the deck beneath her trembled, until the very teeth in her skull chattered. She knew by instinct that the warp core had begin to implode, that there was no chance of survival. She and the ship and everyone on it would be reduced to dust. Even so, she felt no sorrow, it would be a good death, a warrior's death, only deep frustration at having come so close to victory, and a good amount of irritation at a human called William Riker. 
Deanna glanced at Worf, who did not allow himself to meet her gaze. Troi understood. She sensed no fear emanating from Worf, only resolve to meet death bravely and a stirring of pride. If death came, it would be an end fitting for a warrior. He would waste no time in remorse, but Troi could not help feeling disappointment that there might be no more time for them. 
Worf was thrown over the tactical console. 
Worf quietly beside Deanna - So, The captain was right, the future is changed. It is not a dishonorable way to die. he turned to Troi and said, even more softly, If you are to die, I am glad to die with you.
Deanna staggered and clutched Worf's arm to steady herself. He put it around her and held her tightly. 
Deanna thought of the future Picard had told her of, her death and the years of enmity between Worf and Will. 
The shuttle has just landed, and the door opens as Picard enters the clearing. 
Worf, LaForge and security guards jump out to meet him.
Worf - Captain, are you all right?
Picard moves toward the shuttle, then stops as he notices that the shuttle is damaged. Picard turns and notices for the first time that LaForge has a bandage on his face and Worf's uniform is torn.
Picard - Was there a problem with the Klingons?
Worf and LaForge exchange a look.
LaForge - You could say that
Deanna had spoken to Will and Worf. Both were simply grateful to have survived, and willing to let any relationships unfold naturally. 
P283 picture Nine man Klingon crew, plus Lursa and B'Etor.
  Reflections, Strange New Worlds I
no Klingon content
  SNW VII Full Circle by Scott Pearson
Trilithium a nuclear inhibitor
Scotty – Klingons don’t explain, they growl
Ten to one they’ll say it’s a rogue ship. They always do.
Ambassador Korrd, female, Granddaughter of General Korrd.
General Korrd helped pull Enterprise out of the fire at the galactic core.
17 casualties when Enterprise crashed on Veridian III

  The Change Of Seasons, Strange New Worlds III
Denebian Slime devils are amphibians, live near lakes and marshes, 30 kilos and a meter in length max. Their nests are made into twisted sculpture. ?Geordi La Forge has joined Worf in his calisthenics program
Maquis Kalinda and Temal help Tom Riker steal Defiant and kidnap Kira.
Badlands 6 hours away at warp speed. Meet other ships with the rest of the team. 
The Roms gave the Fed the cloak on condition that it only be used in Gamma Quad, and all info on Dominion be shared with Roms.
Cardassian Outpost 61 is attacked as diversion by Maquis
Outpost 47 attacked by Defiant
Maquis obtained info on secret build up by renegade Cardassians
Kira considers Maquis terrorists, not freedom fighters
Kira personally responsible that Maquis get a fair trial in Federation. 
  Triangle: Imzadi II by Peter David
P3 Worf howled the Klingon death scream over beloved Jadzia. Even though she had net been a true Klingon in many ways she had attended to the teachings and standards of his race more diligently than Worf. Jadzia’s death futile, pointless, sudden. Speaking of having a child that very day. 
Once upon a time, the Klingons had had gods. But they killed the gods because they were too much trouble. As a result the Klingons knew that once one was put into the universe one was on one’s own.  No looking to the gods for answers. No court of higher appeal for the unfairness in life, no prayers to be served up asking for personal gain, support, or understanding. Worf wished there were gods again, so that he could find a Klingon god, wrap his fingers around the god’s throat and demand whatever explanations there were to be provided before he crushed the deity’s windpipe and slaughtered all the bastards personally this time. Worf did everything right, it wasn’t right or fair, he tried to change, to learn and grow, do everything they taught me and it made no difference. 
Worf in their quarters preparing for funeral. Fairly stark furnishings. Jadzia’s scents, makeup, souvenirs, irreplaceable knickknacks. Worf wonders if the new Dax would still love him, whether he would love her, or him
The pain, the anger, the rage was unprecedented for him. Wants to strike out at anyone and anything. Never felt like this before, but not his first loss. First loss his parents. Had lain awake at Rozhenko’s thinking – first blame his parents for leaving him, then blame himself for surviving them. Grew out of it. Occasional sleepless night and flicker of condemnation as an adult.
Next loss K’Ehleyr – on again, off again romantic relationship. K’Ehleyr killed by Duras. Worf mourned her loss. Worf embarked on a tempestuous relationship with his son, who even now served the Klingon Empire to the best of his abilities. K’Ehleyr had seemed in every way a match for Worf. Worf had proposed, she declined.
Third loss Deanna – Deanna, he grunted. Recollection of the name was enough to rekindle burning anger within Worf. Worf’s first impulse once aboard Enterprise after evacuation of Defiant during battle with Borg over Earth was to stay down in sick bay, but his pride and sense of duty would not allow it. The prospect of seeing Riker and Troi together was almost more than he could tolerate. Did not show it, unprofessional, childish and weak. Riker knows the bad blood and anger between them. Once the emergency was over he couldn’t get back to DS 9 fast enough. Apparently, despite the time Worf had spent with the clerics at Boreth, the anger still burned within him for more fiercely than he realized. If he hadn’t lost Deanna, things could have been so different. It was as if all the fates in the galaxy had conspired to find a way to totally destroy the intended relationship between Worf and Deanna Troi. Lwaxana, Riker, Romulans, the damned gods who were supposed to keep their noses out of everything. Worf determined to make sense out of the senselessness of it all. 
After Jadzia’s death Worf numb, shut down. 
P18 Saket, Romulan prisoner on Cardassian labor camp of Lazon II, feels Romulan Empire took a wrong turn somewhere in its development, he particularly blames the Klingons for the modern-day situation. The alliance had an effect on both races. Learned form each other, not equitable however. Romulans were better, stronger, more decent race before allied with Klingons. An entire generation of Romulan Leadership grew up during the alliance and learned from the Klingons their thieving ways, their duplicity and fundamental lack of trustworthiness. The Klingons saw the way other races regarded the Romulans, saw Romulan honor, strategy, breeding elevated Romulans in eyes of others. Klingons mimicked those attributes in order to raise themselves up to other races, discarding Romulans once they had stripped them of weaponry and character. Klingons are parasites. Saket of the opinion Klingons will destroy the Federation the same way. Romulans trusted Klingons and that was foolish. 
P25 the Enterprise crashed on Veridian III after an assault by a Klingon Bird-of Prey
P29 Deanna thinks of Worf as being so Worf. Worf would see Deanna’s emotionalism as weakness. Worf and Klingons in general have a problem with weakness. Deanna acquired an increased sense of inner strength and determination from her relationship with Worf. Worf valued strength above all. Deanna did not desire to show weakness to Worf, and that makes her stronger, but not herself. Couples learn from each other. Worf’s Klingon stoicism, unflappability and sheer raw powerful personality. Worf and Deanna feel right together, worked hard as a couple, come too far. Deanna hears slightly animal growl that sounded distinctly Klingonese, Klingon profanities, which Deanna recognized all too readily and all too well. Klingon emotions are so close to the surface Betazeds have no trouble reading them. 
Alexander in pain and cursing. Broken leg. Trampled by fleeing people. Alexander trying to bind his own leg, bone snaps in place, his father was busy.  His eyes became twin orbs of glistening steel and he willed himself to remain conscious. Do not, he said between gritted teeth, ask me if I’m all right. Alexander angry that Worf made no effort to look for him to make sure he was safe. Worf doesn’t care about Alexander. 
Alexander crawled off to tend to his leg because it is the Klingon way. If a warrior is injured he tends to himself. If he can stand, fight, then he deserves to continue. If he cannot tend to himself, then he becomes a burden on others, a drain on resources. Worf taught Alexander that. Alexander lived on earth for a year. Alexander thinks Rozhenkos good people, for humans. 
Do not, Alexander said sharply, make me ask you for help. Deanna hauls him up and supports him.
Alexander’s development nothing short of astounding, fairly standard for young Klingon males. Still light in weight. Once they reach certain age undergo growth spurt that covered in one year human growth over two or three years. As if, once a young Klingon survived the normal travails of extreme youth, thereby proving himself worthy of survival, the body hastened development so that the Klingon would be less vulnerable and for a shorter period. 
P35 a Klingon would never say no man is an island or that another’s death diminishes him, because they believe that aside from serving your companion in a war situation, we are all on our own, from birth to death, whatever we gain or obtain for ourselves is purely through our own devising and dependent upon our own wits. Klingons kill in self-defense, in war, or in glory. To slay another is to insure either honor for another or continued survival for one’s self. Emboldened by death. 
P36 Worf doing thorough perimeter search, no signs of life to attack the Enterprise crew. Picard hopes the Duras sisters didn’t manage to get off a message to any allies who might come seeking revenge for their rather violent demise. Worf agrees that would be most unfortunate. Need to be wary. Always. 
Worf’s perpetual frown deepened at Deanna’s news Alexander injured. Worf moves quickly, but his voice stays steady. Stubborn Klingon pride makes Alexander head toward assistance, instead of just waiting for help to arrive. Worf’s thoughts and concerns entirely upon Alexander. Worf’s heart swells with pride at Alexander’s actions. Son’s obvious desire to prove his mettle. Klingons do not run.
Deanna – they hobble with dignity.
Alexander did a good job field dressing his own broken leg, Dr Crusher says. 
Alex- was that a grunt of approval, father?
Worf would not leave his post or insult Alexander by looking for him as Enterprise crashed, implies lack of faith. Alexander has participated in emergency drills on Enterprise, he is no longer a newling who requires constant maintenance. He is a young Klingon now, rapidly approaching the day when you will be warrior stock. 
In time of stress Alexander acted properly. Deanna takes Worf aside to tell him Alexander’s feeling slighted is important, important for Worf to make clear that he is proud of Alexander. Deanna gives him patient, stern look, and wheels in his mind turn. Oh, very well.
You bring honor to yourself and to me. You are and always will be of primary concern to me. I take utmost pride in you and your accomplishments.
Worf looks to Troi, amusement in her dark eyes, waiting for him to add on one more thing. 
And, I love you. Muttered as    and I uvu.
I love you too, father.
Deanna laughs at the stiff, formal body language. She encourages them to maintain their sense of fun. It seems an eternity ago they were dressing up as cowboys. 
Deanna practically had to drag Worf to the holodeck for his promotion ceremony the other day. 
A hundred Betazoids could not have gotten Worf to the holodeck if he did not want to go
Worf did not want Alexander at the ceremony, told him it was just a lot of adults acting foolishly and he didn’t want to expose Alexander to it. 
Deanna – Worf tends to create shields around himself. People don’t know how he truly feels or what he is thinking, so they fill in the blanks themselves. 
Worf – of course I am guarded, I am a Klingon. If we do not have our guards up we leave ourselves vulnerable to attack. Life is war. Worf intoned, as if it had been drilled into him. 
Deanna senses Worf’s thoughts in turmoil, usually emotions straightforward as a tossed spear. Disturbed that Deanna feel she has been distant. He has been endeavoring to be more vulnerable, because of Alexander, because of Deanna. Worf envy’s Data’s emotion chip. 
Worf strode new worlds for many years. Nothing is easy or second nature for him as he has never fully decided what his first nature is. 
Worf feels Deanna is a help to him. 
Most Klingons have a sensitive touch, it enables them to properly search out pressure points, to stop the blood flow and disable or kill.
When one is romantically involved with a Klingon, one learns to have a sense of humor. 
P44 Worf once attended an exhibition of proficiency with the bat’leth given by K’Plok, one of the foremost bat’leth experts in the Klingon Empire. K’Plok had a cold on the scheduled day, but no self-respecting Klingon would cancel an obligation over a minor illness. K’Plok demonstrating the famed overhead reverse thrust, sneezed and cut off his own head. Worf and audience laughed – the single longest most sustained laughter in the history of the empire. K’Plok immortalized as the greatest comedian ever known to Klingons. Name official changed to K’Plop in Klingon annals, in commemoration of the sound his head made when it fell. The head ricocheted and flew into Worf’s lap, and he kept it. That was a joke. Worf does have a sense of humor. He pointed out to Deanna triumphantly. Or it wasn’t a joke. Most of Worf’s treasured effects are in storage on the Klingon homeworld. He makes a mental note to have the head of K’Plop disposed of before Deanna found out. The Klingon Comedy Museum has been after Worf for years to donate it to them, as they have an understandable dearth of displays.
P49 Riker understands Klingons read and write poetry during lovemaking
P55 Worf oversees Enterprise beam up to various rescue ships. Alexander remains by his father’s side. Worf made the impatient grunting noise that Alexander recognized only too well. Worf has little patience with trying to extract information. With a hot light and an agonizer stick I could easily rip your concerns from your screaming throat. But Worf was been told that is not good parenting. As always, Worf spoke with such a grim mien it was difficult for Alexander to tell how serious he was. 
Obfuscation is not the Klingon way. 
Deanna is as un-Klingon as one could be and still be sentient. Not appropriate for Worf to discuss why he loves Deanna, with Alexander. Worf and Alexander have discussed war from every possible angle, discussed honor, tradition, combat tactics. Alexander knows how to kill someone fourteen different ways with his bare hands, at least in theory. 
It was Worf’s nature to be cautious and less than forthcoming
K’Ehleyr was a warrior. A magnificent warrior. Worf’s chest swells with inexplicable pride just thinking about her.
Alexander is forgetting things about his mother, her voice, the way she looked at him when she was angry, loving, blurry. Very different from Deanna.
Worf understands Alexander’s confusion. 
Worf speaks of the Klingon way of doing things with such pride, so forcefully. The Klingon way is the best way. The Klingon way is the best way, for Klingons.
Alexander is very like his mother
If Worf and K’Ehleyr sparred physically, Worf would always win.
But Kahless help me if we were involved in a battle of wits or an argument, K’Ehleyr was merciless and Worf never ever won.
K’Ehleyr told Alexander she had beaten Worf in combat at arms a couple of times.
She remembers matters differently than I
Love is not a trait Klingons embrace. Klingons are not gentle. Different races have different forms of combat, different ways of love. Love often results in war – Klingons should be the greatest lovers in the world
Worf has made Alexander read so many books on the Klingon way, none of them had anything about love causing war and death
Worf suggests Romeo and Juliet in the original Klingon. Warring houses, murder, suicide. It makes you proud to be a Klingon
P65 don’t sit with your back to the door. Keep a clear view of the door at all times, in the event there is an unexpected threat
Was there some political crisis wit the Klingons that would need to be attended to?
The depth of Worf’s glowering was Deanna’s clue that he was thinking very hard.
Life is very much like war, planning and strategy, optimum use of resources, solid allies most important, firm army at your back. Worf considers Deanna a most valuable ally, anticipate his concerns, understand his strategies, support even his wrongheaded plans. He does not intimidate her. 
Deanna taught Worf how to listen to Alexander. Still frequently frustrated and tremendous effort to be patient
I would like to formalize our alliance
If Worf wants to marry Deanna, he better get used to self-examination
Worf has a rather high opinion of his abilities as an officer and as an individual. He has his faults, but false modesty is not one of them. Worf believes his qualities are due to exposure to multiplicity of backgrounds. Worf is more the type of mate a Betazoid has nightmares of instead of dreams of. Security grabbed in time of insecurity
With Worf, love burned very hot, he does not in half measures. Dependable and brave and would lay down his life for her
Deanna says yes and Worf jumps up and shouts in lounge of Farragut. Riker is also there. 
P79 Worf was perpetually one of the most confident of beings, eternal self-certainty
Riker toasts the happy couple
P101 Rozhenkos live in modest farmhouse in Minsk. Worf and Deanna and Alexander go to visit Helena and Sergey. Helena had forgotten how young Klingons grow. Rozhenkos almost went bankrupt keeping Worf in shoes and clothes. Living room furnished in rich brown textures and solid old-style furniture. Tea, small sandwiches, cognac to celebrate. Alexander’s Klingon biology would allow him to outdrink must adult human males. Worf asks for prune juice
Prune juice is a true warrior’s drink. Ideal to consume when you go to fight
The Rozhenkos heard there was some sort of trouble with the Enterprise, nothing about warp core breach, saucer crash, Duras sisters
Worf and Deanna have already been debriefed by Starfleet. 
Scheduled on a transport to Betazed tomorrow, to visit Deanna’s mother
From Worf’s experience in a state of quantum flux of a reality where he was married to Deanna, he began to consider the not unpleasant prospect of Deanna as a mate
Sergey – why can’t I ever get a nice normal answer out of him?
Deanna says the catalyst was Alexander, she helped settle Alexander into shipboard life and she and Worf just formed a sort of bond that drew them closer
Worf admits he was not a very good father, not in touch with his feelings, choking on the word as if it were a chicken bone
Worf speaks darkly of Lwaxana Troi, she can be daunting
Helena of the opinion that Alexander needs positive female influences
Helena determined to teach Deanna how to cook Worf’s favorite dishes. Later Worf told Deanna he never really liked anything Helena made, not her fault, just not suitable for Klingon taste. He never told her. Worf can be very stoic. 
Worf and Deanna would like Captain Picard to perform the ceremony, ideally on whatever new ship they get. Worf will be ecstatic, something tough for Picard to picture. 
Riker says he’s happy for Deanna and Worf
P114 small porch in the back of Rozhenkos’ farmhouse. One night, early in Worf’s life with Rozhenkos, young Worf went outside one night, stripped off his clothes and barreled off into the darkness to go hunting. Found next day, contented smile. The neighbors protested, they were afraid, very difficult time for Rozhenkos. Worf asks Sergey if he regrets taking Worf in. Sergey found Worf battered and pathetic under pile of rubble, his decision to bring Worf back to Gault, to adopt him, was made on the spur of the moment. That is the way Sergey is. Helena always the rational one. She knew what Sergey was getting them for. Worf has impulsiveness from his Klingon heritage. He learned how to size up a situation, to make a reasoned choice from Helena. She taught him how to act from the brain instead of the heart. Helena adores Deanna. Worf and Deanna are opposites in many ways, but it gives them a good deal to talk about. Worf feels Deanna completes him. Worf does not seek Sergey’s blessing, but he would appreciate it. Sergey often finds Worf’s cold eyes unreadable. Worf had been hurt time and again, first by other children, then by adults who feared burly Klingon as if he were a walking pile of explosives. Worf would have considered it the height of humiliation to let any of that pain show, became very adept at hiding it. 
When Worf took on formidable challenge of being first Klingon in Starfleet, he had done so partly to emulate Sergey. Sergey believes Worf and Deanna are too different, but he gives his blessing. Worf presented that rarest of phenomena, his smile. Not the feral cross between a grin and snarl that sometimes adorned his face when combat beckoned. Sergey gave young Worf vodka from time to time. 
P142 Betazed custom to slap and then kiss engaged girl. The slap to remind you of the pain of married life, and the kiss to remind you that, with love, all can be solved. 
Worf Rozhenko, the security guard, we sat in a mudbath together, young son Alexander, cute as a  -
Lwaxana starts to laugh, Deanna does not regard this as A Good Thing. You and Mr. Woof. Completely wrong for Deanna. She would be Deanna Rozhenko. Half Betazoid, half Klingon children, half telepath, half warrior. They’d go around telling everyone what to think. Lwaxana against the match, and will not allow Deanna to drink from the Sacred Chalice of Rixx at her wedding, breaking a tradition six centuries old. Lwaxana did adore Alexander, a most soulful child, enduring a world of hurt with utter stoicism. Lwaxana made some serious progress with him. Deanna pleads with Lwaxana to spend some time with Worf and Alexander to give them a chance. Dinner tonight. 
At inn nearby casa Troi on Betazed, Alexander finds mattress insufferably soft and sleeps on floor covered with blanket, tired from traveling. Betazed city a tapestry of smoothly integrated buildings, monuments to symmetry, make Worf itch.
Deanna one of the worst liars Worf has ever known, one of her more endearing qualities. 
If Worf were Lwaxana, he would not be pleased about their union. Is a Klingon the ideal choice for a Betazoid son-in-law? Worf is Deanna’s first choice, that’s all that matters
Lwaxana arranges a banquet for Deanna’s return. It is all over the city that Deanna has brought home a fiance. Worf painfully aware that he was center of attention for silent Betazoids, communicating telepathically, it irks him.
Worf has rather impressive peripheral vision
Worf thinks it would be best if he and Alexander left. Lwaxana says she adores spending time with Worf and especially Alexander. Alexander says it is like running away. Silent Betazoids make it like a morgue for Worf. Deanna suggests they all walk out. Worf – we will stay because it is the right thing to do
Most Klingon gatherings have the sound of bone striking bone scattered throughout. 
Lwaxana makes a point of introducing Alexander around, has taken a shine to the lad. 
Worf knows where he stands with Lwaxana, he thinks it is her problem, not his, but also knows that is an easy answer. 
Deanna drags Worf around to all her old friends. Worf finds Betazoids not used to talking out loud, or dealing with Klingons.
Worf is extremely well read, in strategy, combat tactics, history, warfare. The purpose of reading is not to relax but to learn and to plan for whatever situations may arise. 
Klingon philosophies exist, though not many people know it. Integral to Klingon way of life. 
Worf flashback to Khitomer – himself buried under rubble, sobbing and furious at the weakness implicit in his fear. The Starfleet symbol came to be synonymous with life, hope, a second chance. His desire for a life in Starfleet was born from an act of war. Peace never factored into it. A life dedicated only to peace is a pleasing fancy for children. Adults know better. Worf believes Betazoids, who have known only peace, are ripe for conquest. 
Mr. Homn gets Worf a prune juice,
Worf - At times of war, you know your enemy, you test his resources. In peace you deceive yourself into believing there is no enemy. but there is. And your enemy prepares, while you think the peace will be everlasting. It never is. Peace is a luxury purchased for a brief time through the efforts of war. Compassion, though praiseworthy, has been the downfall of a number of races who thought they had no enemies. There is always an enemy. That is the way of things. 
AMUSE? Worf practically roars
Worf told them Klingon philosophy. We believe in vigilance, in readiness, our philosophy is one of strength, and that has enabled our people to survive for centuries while other races have vanished beneath the bootheels of conquerors. 
Betazoid Gart Xerx counters he thought the Klingons survived through the sufferance of the Federation and the Khitomer conference a century ago, a time when your race was weak and helpless and the members of the Federation who were concerned over Klingon barbaric ways, if they had thought like Klingons, would have left you to die as a race and thus have one less enemy. Betazed was on the Federation Council at the time. How fortunate for the Klingons that we believed in that praiseworthy compassion that might yet be the downfall of Betazed. 
Worf glowers so furiously that it seems his eyes might leap from his skull at the term barbaric. Worf walks out. Worf knows when he is not wanted.
Worf somewhat of the opinion that a wife should follow husband on matters of opinion, especially when he is called a barbarian
Deanna asks what  names Klingons have called other races, how clean are Klingon hands, Worf’s hands? Only a loved one could get her so angry.
The Worf Deanna knows has never flinched from a challenge. Worf acts differently when with Deanna. 
Lwaxana makes it into their room at the inn undetected by Worf. 
Lwaxana’s take on Worf – Worf went through childhood feeling an outcast. Lived in a world that prided itself on having outgrown racism yet did not hesitate to ostracize him because of who he was. Starfleet insulates him, but the raw wounds of his childhood are with him always. Young Worf reacts to every taunt, every harassment, every challenge to his heritage. 
Worf warns Lwaxana to get out of his head. It’s a big head, there’s enough room in there for everybody. 
Lwaxana says Worf, to understand Betazoids, will receive full training in Betazed philosophy and harmony to understand them, from Lwaxana. Alexander in favor of the idea so the adults will stop arguing and he can get some sleep
P169 Romulan operative Sela has fallen on hard times. Her attempt to reprogram Geordi La Forge to assassinate Klingon governor Vagh did not work out. Her attempts to destabilize the Gowron regime by supporting the Duras family did not succeed. When she speaks of mutual enemy of Romulans and Federation she means the Klingons and the Klingon Empire. The Federation is out of touch to consider the Klingons their allies. The Klingons are users. They used the Romulans until it no longer served them, and then they allied with the Federation when their own resources were destroyed. Now, with the powerful, galaxy-spanning Dominion, inevitably the Klingons will ally with them and turn against the Federation. It is their nature. Sela planning to end Federation Klingon alliance, by using Worf. Romulan intelligence notes Worf’s and Deanna’s trip to Betazed. 
Sela – Klingons do what they want, care nothing about loyalty or decency, wants what he can take because he is stronger.
P179 Worf aware of Odo, Security Chief on DS 9. Worf not fond of space stations, stationary targets. Everything with him is defined in military terms.
Worf – Happiness is irrelevant. The first obligation of life is duty. Happiness is not a factor in that. Happiness comes from knowing one’s duty has been fulfilled. 
A Klingon mother would have a child to fulfill her duty and nothing beyond that.
Lwaxana teaches Worf Betazed fighting game of B’thoon, with staffs with lights at the ends. Moves can be anywhere but only a strike between neck and waist counts as a point. Betazed had wars and violence, learned the importance of growing beyond that. Worf will too. Lwaxana, B’thoon champion of her graduating class, is instantly knocked down by Worf. Each time he deflects her blows or dodges them. Nails her over and over after a few exchanges. Lwaxana doesn’t quit. Worf genuinely concerned that he might kill his prospective mother-in-law. Worf not accustomed to moderating the force of his blows.
Klingons did not, as a rule, fight for the purpose of wounding. 
Worf, battling demons from his childhood, knows you don’t deal with that by giving up.
Worf considers letting Lwaxana get in a hit for her vanity, grabs her staff inches from his chest, shoves it back at her so it hits her in the forehead and she passes out.
Mr. Homn moves silently without Worf being aware of him
Worf felt to allow Lwaxana to score a hit on him would do her a dishonor. She deserved only his best effort.
Lwaxana – Oh, tribblefur.
Lwaxana says his actions have nothing to do with her honor, to quit or allow her to score would have threatened your Klingon pride.
Klingon honor can neither be seen nor touched.
Lwaxana – believing and following Klingon way of life is results-orientated. By attending to that code the result is title, properties, higher rank, more desirable to opposite sex, or at very least minimizes the ways another Klingon can try to kill you since any number of ways would be dishonorable.
Lwaxana read up on Worf’s’ service record. Picard’s official reprimand for Worf killing Duras is there. 
Worf killed Duras because Duras killed K’Ehleyr, Alexander’s mother. He claimed the right of vengeance. So that K’Ehleyr would be avenged. Duras framed Worf’s father as a traitor, deprived Worf of honor.
Lwaxana gets Worf to roar that he killed Duras because he wanted him dead. 
Worf is shoved back down in his chair by Mr. Homn, behind him, with no apparent effort
Lwaxana – Worf wanted Duras dead because his murder of K’Ehleyr compromised is sense of maleness, his ego, his pride. Duras had taken something away from Worf.
Worf interjects – and Alexander.
Lwaxana – Worf would have killed Duras even if Alexander had not been born. Killing Duras for his offenses solved nothing. His sisters perpetuated the cycle of vengeance, a cycle that ended with the destruction of the Enterprise through the efforts of Duras’ sisters. Innocent people died in the crash, who never knew K’Ehleyr or cared about Klingon honor. 
Worf rises carefully and nonthreateningly. He does not want Lwaxana to mention K’Ehleyr again.
P199 Riker dreams of Worf and Deanna, his older self regretting losing her. Riker figures he owes it to Worf to be frank with him, in person, about wanting Deanna back.
P209 one does not become leader of Klingon High Council without learning to watch one’s back.
Gowron stands in middle of council chamber. Nearby is Duntis, small and harmless looking. Growing up Duntis endured many taunts and threats to his life owing to his small stature, however, he has gift for unique weapons and tools of espionage. Developed various items for various heads of the High Council. Duntis feared and respected in all the right circles of influence, also rich. 
For Gowron Duntis has developed microthin wafer of clear material put directly on eyeball, cybernetically linked to tiny viewing scope pinned like a common ornament on back of Gowron’s cloak. Gowron able to see what is behind him. 
Duntis sycophantic coo – I knew you’d be pleased, Great Gowron. As long as Gowron pays Duntis well, Duntis will not provide convenient technology for any possible enemies of Gowron. Gowron sure there are enemies, everywhere.
P210 K’hanq, a Klingon who walked with more than normal swagger, hair cut more closely to skull. Has been away. Skilled at gathering information, informants everywhere. most dependable source Gowron has, Gowron provides well for K’hanq, too. 
K’hanq – keep in mind that I am but the messenger. Gowron’s suspicions are correct. The Romulans are in the process of building an alliance with the Federation.
Gowron – don’t they know Romulans cannot be trusted? Romulans endeavored to wipe out the Vulcans, for the love of Kahless! That hardly is a ringing endorsement!
K’hanq – Ambassador Spock continues to advocate peace initiatives with Romulan Star Empire.
Gowron – Fool! But Spock is a legendary figure, and legends are notoriously influential and irritating. Aren’t the Klingons enough allies for Feds?
K’hanq bared his teeth in annoyance. Klingons perceived as unstable by some. A warrior race torn by civil war, unable to clean up after ourselves or solve any problems without the intervention of Starfleet officers like Picard to guide us. There are those who respect the long-standing alliance, and don’t want to see Klingons as enemies once again. Others think Romulans represent the future, do not trust Klingons, or Romulans.
Gowron – no one knows the Romulans better than we. We know their betraying ways, their treacheries. Klingons have not forgotten Khitomer. Klingons have not forgotten Romulan promises of loyalty tosses aside. When Klingons began initial rapprochement with Feds, that was when Klingon alliance with Romulans began to deteriorate. As if they were our allies simply because of mutual antagonist the federation. Now Roms would switch sides. It is as if the Romulans need someone to hate before they can work with someone else.
K’hanq – Roms most definitely hate Klingons. Klingons on very uncertain ground. If the Feds come to terms with Romulans, and then Romulans attack Klingons - Feds might try to mediate, or just stay neutral, or ally against Klingons.
P213 Gowron – I would welcome opportunity to put pointy eared bastards in their place.
Much civil stress and strife has enveloped the empire recently, it would be like fighting a two front war – within and without. Gowron would be less than enthused
K’hanq – third possibility is that Roms and Feds would ally against Klingons. This is followed by a long silence as awesome challenge this represented hung in the air
K’hanq finds Gowron’s face unreadable
Then Gowron’s eyes sparkle with anticipation and he flashes a wolfen grin
The Klingon empire’s last hopeless stand against overwhelming and hopeless odds . . . gods, it would be glorious.
If none of us are left to tell the tale, what point glory?
Gowron wants K’hanq to find Worf, son of Mogh, he is beholden to Gowron. Gowron restored honor to his family, cleared the name of his father. If there is anyone trustworthy enough to tell me how the Federation perceives matters it is Worf.
K’hanq is to bring Worf to Gowron, as Gowron doesn’t want Rom or Fed spies breaking through a subspace transmission
Completely without warning Gowron’s temper flared. I am Gowron, Gowron, son of M’Rel! Leader of the High Council. If I say Worf will come, then he will come! Is that clear!
For no accountable reason Gowron felt a chill. The winds of war, perhaps, cutting to the bone. For the first time in a long time, Gowron felt old
P216 Lwaxana not having an easy time opening Worf to Betazed ways. She doesn’t feel he’s giving it his best effort, being stubborn and hardheaded. Deanna would enroll in some sort of gladiatorial school if Worf’s Klingon relatives wanted her to. Deanna asks if the problem lie with the student or the teacher?
Worf – a cloudless sky is preferable for spotting incoming ships, reduces chances of sneak attack, unless they are cloaked, of course.
Lwaxana was brought him to a high overlook near tidal Bacarba Lake on Betazed, very near Lwaxana’s house, and she is painting a picture, so they can watch it dry.
Lwaxana gives Worf credit for consistency, but surprises her with his polite comment on the plain red painting
Trying to deal in subtleties; sparring, underwater immersion for hours, dozens of books to read, essays to write, ten mile barefoot hike, having Worf try to chop down a tree with his teeth.
Lwaxana is trying to show him the little things about a person from which true love blooms. Undaunted by his evident lack of enthusiasm.
Worf lasts 5 minutes 17 seconds. Worf thinks Lwaxana is playing some elaborate game. I am a Klingon, Klingons do not sit around watching paint dry!
Lwaxana – you don’t love her, not like Riker did.  Those harsh words brought him up short. Lwaxana not the least bit intimidated by his clearly building wrath. Will and Deanna were Imzadi. 
Worf goes to Deanna, just stands there and seethes. 
Alexander is visiting with Lwaxana, they are very fond of each other. Mr. Homn attends to Alexander at Lwaxana’s house
I am a Klingon, he thudded his fist against his chest. If adopted parents could not make me human, what makes Deanna think he can be Betazoid?
Worf asks what Imzadi means – beloved, first person who captures your body and your soul. Deanna taken aback by cold burning fury in his eyes, the anger directed inward, furious with himself over something that was eating him. Worf would never admit to the hurt he was feeling, because he might consider it a sign of weakness.
Worf asks if he is a better lover than Riker. Deanna counters if she is a better lover than K’Ehleyr. When Worf makes love to Deanna, he does so differently than he would with a Klingon woman, he endeavors to use the techniques that a human male would use. He researched it, but he won’t tell Deanna how. Making love to Deanna as he would to a Klingon woman would likely either kill or incapacitate her. 
Worf walks across Betazed city watching the people, so quiet. Wonders why he is obsessed with Riker.
A Klingon city has high noise level, perpetual shouting, howls of laughter or anger, explosive arguments that oftentimes seemed launched just to have something to argue about. Bone thudding bone as heads slammed together in reckless competition. It was as if Klingons thrived on noise to remind themselves that they were alive. Silence was reserved for the grave. Noise was for when you were alive and thriving on that life.
Worf fears he is going to ruin the best thing that ever happened to him simply because of your pride.
Worf amused at the thought of taking Deanna to Qo’noS, Klingon homeworld and have her undergo some rudimentary warrior rituals so she would likewise understand. 
Deanna scaling the Flame Cliffs of Kutabi, blindfolded and with no gear
Learn combat tactics in ring
Average Klingon undergo assorted trails at the age of 10.
P227 Worf, in civilian clothes, off duty, Klingon prepared for just about anything. In the top of each boot a slim blade with thin handle and notched end, individually nasty, joined at the hilts makes handgrip in middle with blades extending either end.
Worf cursed himself for not having more weaponry, but he was worried that it might have given Deanna the wrong impression if he’d gone to Betazed armed to the teeth. 
Part of him says he’s overreacting, part of him says danger lurks everywhere and only Worf is genuinely prepared to deal with it.
Worf battles Sela and Romulans in Lwaxana’s house. 
Worf trained in all forms of Klingon combat. He roared, howled defiance, thoroughly seized by pure battle fury, fighting to save Deanna and Alexander, fighting for his pride, his honor. Being on Betazed had made him feel worthless and out of place. 
Filled with a berserker rage instead of stunning him the shock prods enrage him
Howled Klingon epithets and words of contempt. Let out a war yell that would have done Kahless proud. Never had he felt so alive, so damned near invincible. He had been right – to be prepared for battle, to be the warrior at all times, was the correct way, the smart way, the Klingon way. Peace was a luxury that was purchased with violence. 
Worf broadsided by Tom Riker, transporter duplicate of Will Riker and sent over cliff into Lake
Slow steady incline though lovely foliage on path winding up to Troi home. 
P240 Alexander asks Lwaxana why she hates him, she hates the Klingon way, everything that makes Alexander the way he is
Alexander – no one can make my father do anything
Lwaxana thinks Alexander is a wonderful young man, she would encourage him to smile more
Alexander – if Lwaxana loves Alexander the way he is, why can’t she love Worf the same way?
For once in her life Lwaxana had no idea what to say
Worf wouldn’t want to marry Deanna unless everyone’s conscience was clear
When Romulans invade Troi home Mr. Homn battles valiantly, Alexander steps forward eager for battle, Lwaxana holds him back. Lwaxana thunders telepathically in their heads, but is overcome. Soldiers grab Alexander, he bites a hand, slips free and charges Sela, whacked with butt of disruptor and restrained again. 
P254 will Riker knew Worf would look at him with pure contempt. Riker would be forever diminished in the Klingon’s eyes for his weakness and uncertainty in waiting as long as he had. Betazed Peace Keepers wear light blue uniforms
P270 Worf in personal medical facility of leader of High Council. Beeping medical scanner across chest, holding him down. Dr. Kwon, clean-shaven, an oddity, hair tied back on either side and gray flecked thick eyebrows. K’hanq beamed Worf out of lake. Romulans cloaked and left at sight of Klingon ship. Klingons attempted pursuit, but Romulans knack for stealth. Worf put in stasis and taken to homeworld. 
Gowron meets with Worf in middle of desert, talk about apparent budding alliance Federation and Romulans. K’hanq has quiet detailed information on the disappearance of Deanna and Alexander, and the capture of Tom Riker.
Worf, commendably, betrayed nothing in his face. A true warrior does not betray the impact that a loss has upon him, no matter what. Worf simply nods at Gowron’s compliment. 
Federation has never betrayed an ally. 
Worf wears full leathers and armor
The glare from Gowron seemed to leap the distance. Do not confuse our familiarity with one another with the right to take liberties. You had best watch your tone if you would prefer to continue using that insolent tongue of yours
Worf- did you intend to imply that I cannot be trusted? There was something in his voice that hinted that, High Council leader or not, Gowron had better clarify this point
Gowron – obviously I do not consider your ties to Starfleet and the Federation sufficient to challenge your loyalty to the Klingon Empire, the Klingon ethos and the Klingon way. You have shown over the years that you are able to balance both, and indeed, when there is conflict you are capable of choosing the Klingon way. 
Gowron thinks that marriage is different. It threatens Worf’s very essence. Gowron likes the different is simply Different sentiment, but he does not believe it. 
To voice disrespect for my fiance is to voice disrespect for me
Gowron, as the man who restored Worf’s honor and status, expects his opinion that Deanna is wrong for Worf to be considered. Treating Gowron with disrespect very unwise
The moment of hostility apparently having passed
Gowron believes Worf must recapture his Klingon roots. 
The head of Worf’s house, a female, would not approve the wedding if Gowron told her to, and then there would be no wedding, as Worf well knows
Gowron smirked slightly and ran a finger over his mustache
Gowron more useful to Worf as an ally than an enemy, more willing if not concerned that marrying Deanna meant Worf turning his back on his heritage. Gowron commends Worf for all that he is, but worried about what he will be. 
Worf knows Gowron will help Worf if Gowron believes it will serve his own purpose in the future.
Gowron – you know me well, Worf, perhaps too well. 
Gowron will give Worf a long-range scout ship with phaser cannons to go look for Deanna and Alexander. No cloaking device, too small and not enough energy. After he has accomplished that mission, Worf is to return to Qo’noS, with Alexander, and Deanna, and remain until Gowron is personally satisfied the marriage does not pose a threat to either Worf’s resolve or Alexander’s future as a member of the Klingon Empire.
Worf urges Gowron to inform Picard about his concerns over the Romulans. 
P 280 Alexander upset that he didn’t do more in the attack. 
When Kahless was half his age he laid waste to half a continent, engaging in single combat with over 3000 foes, and he defeated them all. 
Are you saying Klingon history is full of lies?
History written by the victors, no doubt Kahless had great and tremendous victories, but achievements are embellished.
Alexander thinks Deanna is insulting Kahless the Unforgettable, intentionally or not
At his great battle rally on the Mount of Despair Kahless said – I am Kahless the Unforgettable. Know my name and tremble in fear.
They both know Worf isn’t dead – it would take more than a falloff a cliff into a lake after battling a squadron of Romulans to stop Worf
Alexander, mad a Riker – if I get out of here, a thousand throats may be slit in a night by a running man
Deanna – in the darkness, sometimes the running man has trouble seeing who his friends are
P283 Alexander ready to defend Deanna from Tom Riker
Sela’s plan was to grab Riker, Troi, Worf and Alexander, to use Deanna and Alexander as leverage to get Worf to do something for her. All the pressure was going to be on Worf, he would have cooperated rather than let Deanna and Alexander die. Tom Riker doesn’t know Sela’s ultimate plan
P287 Tom Riker has seen Worf in action more often than Sela has. Considering Worf’s state of mind, the speed he was moving, Sela had endangered his fiance, the disruptor would not have been able to stop him. He would have snapped Sela’s neck in an instant.
P292 Worf comes to question Tom Riker at Cardassian prison on Lazon II. Cardassian jailer Mudak to Worf – considering the Klingon reputation for information extraction, my assumption was that you were going to hurt him. Are you sure you’re a Klingon?
Worf – if that was meant as humor, I did not appreciate it
Mudak - The Klingons and Romulans have a historic alliance, perhaps it is being restored and Worf’s presence here is an indicator of that
When Riker toasted Deanna and Worf’s engagement on the Farragut, he really wanted to put his fist down Worf’s throat
Mudak is the fastest draw Worf has ever seen
P296 a Klingon scout ship smashed through the front of Mudak’s office, pinning Mudak under the vessel. You’re going to need some new guards.
The entry port irised open and Worf leaps out, picks Riker up, leaps into ship, door irises shut, moments later, with a roar, the Klingon vessel angled upward and shredded the ceiling of the office building and was gone
Deanna and Alexander share cell
Shower facilities on Klingon scout vessel, cramped and rather spartan, which was more or less the way everything in a Klingon vessel was. Storage chest in back holds simple black tunic and pants and boots, for a Klingon merely the base layer of clothing upon which they piled on their leathers, armor and assorted accoutrements. 
Worf’s irritation was starting to grow beyond his ability to control
P300 when Worf was young, living on earth, there had been a girl next door who had some sort of ancient game called a Ouija board, supposedly to communicate with the dead. The girl used to work the board for hours. It seemed patently absurd to Worf. If the deceased wanted to talk, why couldn’t they simply take over someone’s body and talk in a straightforward fashion?
You will follow your heart
Though space
And if it be ripped from your chest
You will follow the trail of blood
- a poem from The Klingon Book of 300 Love Poems
Riker never saw Klingons as poets
When Klingon males read poetry to females during foreplay they throw large objects
Worf to Riker, snappishly – Why. Were you. On. Betazed.
Riker – didn’t mean what he said about putting fist down Worf’s throat, came to Betazed to visit, to wish them well, to make sure Worf really loved Deanna. 
Comm system on Klingon scout is too weak for long distance communication
P304 Picard travels to Klingon homeworld, uncertain what sort of reception to expect. The request to speak to Picard had come directly from Gowron. Gowron had been uncharacteristically vague. Starfleet only able to tell Picard that Gowron apparently bothered about something and wanted to deal directly with Picard. 
Gowron and Kahless fight each other with bat’leth in main council chamber, Gowron cries out loudly. Kahless giving ground before the rapidly whirling blade. Gowron let out triumphant laugh as the emperor and head of the Klingon spiritual community appeared on the brink of defeat. Gowron brings blade down with enough force to knock Kahless’s weapon from his hand. Suddenly Kahless dropped his bat’leth, brought his hands around and slapped them together on the descending blade. The move was perfectly timed. He held the bat’leth immobile. A stunned expression crossed Gowron’s face, and then Kahless ripped the bat’leth right out of Gowron’s grasp, and brought it right to the base of Gowron’s throat. 
Gowron let out a coarse laugh – I almost had you! Admit it!
Kahless – I let you think you almost had me. You will keep your word.
They have been deciding the negotiations for a land deal for the Boreth monastery.
As always, Emperor, a challenge doing business with you.
Kahless – in point of fact you almost did have me, and if you repeat it I will of course deny it utterly
Gowron – just as I will deny that, since childhood I have fantasized what it would be like to hold my own against Kahless
Picard pleased they have found means of cooperating successfully. 
Gowron wants Kahless’ input on the matter he wants to discuss with Picard
Kahless nodded in deference to Gowron as the chancellor
Conference room just off the main council chamber
Gowron and Kahless are cooperating because they share concern about Feds and Roms. 
Gowron - The Klingon Empire has had no more consistent ally than Picard. If not for Picard, Gowron’s ascension to chancellor would have been a bit more difficult
If it hadn’t been for Picard and the Enterprise stepping in at key times during the Klingon civil war and Gowron’s struggle with the house of Duras, the odds were sensational that Gowron would never have gained control at all.
Recently the Feds have acquired a cloaking device from the Roms. Picard thought that might disturb Gowron. 
Picard – our alliance with the Klingon Empire remains one of the centerpieces of our current state of peace. 
Gowron – Current state of peace? Picard, are you in the same galaxy as I am? There is more consternation, more tumult nowadays than ever before. At times like these, alliances are in question
Gowron wants the Feds to immediately cut off any talks with the Roms, and return the Rom cloaking device. 
Kahless warns the Romulans are not trustworthy, the Klingons, as allies of the Federation, feel threatened that they are being dealt with in any capacity. Not only an insult to our honor but also a threat to our internal security. 
Gowron has not forgotten that the Romulans aided the Duras family in their attempt to overthrow him, and the Feds shouldn’t forget it either. 
Picard point out that enemies can become friends, like the Feds and the Klingons
Gowron points out that allies can become enemies, like the Klingons and the Romulans. Our opinion is that the Roms are manipulating the Feds to continue their vendetta against Klingons, against the Vulcans, and ultimately against the Federation. 
Kahless comments that the Federation is being played for a fool
There was a long pause and suddenly there was a knife in Kahless’ hand. He swung it up, around and down and it slammed point-first into the tabletop with a deafening thud. It quivered there long after Kahless removed his hand. 
Kahless has something of a flair for the dramatic. He prefers to express himself with visual aids
Kahless – there is no retaliation we will rule out up to and including a declaration of war. I am the emperor and the spiritual guide of my people. It would be an affront to our very spiritual core to think that the Romulans, the instigators, the assassins, the betrayers – are to be considered allies. 
Gowron – perhaps better to declare war now and get right to it. 
Picard – Gowron and Kahless have stitched together an entire array of possibilities and are reacting to them before any have actually occurred.
Gowron – that is how one avoids ambush and sneak attack. When one is a Klingon, that is how one stays alive.
Picard – the Federation does not generally respond well to ultimatums
Gowron – Ultimatum is such a cold, passionless word.
Kahless – we prefer the term ‘threat’ 
The two Klingons smiled, which was not a pleasant sight
Picard given rather generous quarters by Gowron. Knives and swords of every possible shape and size everywhere. Starfleet tells Picard to try to keep a lid on things with the Klingons. Fed resources stretched thin enough, last thing they need is flare-up with Klingons. Federation mandate requires that several member species be part of a formal diplomatic team. If a cross –section of Fed governments apprised of the Klingon’s concerns, Klingon angst would become a situation, crisis, incident, confrontation. 
P312 Worf had planned to go to possible supplies, scan the area for warp signatures from Lazon and Betazed, to search for Deanna and Alexander
Riker’s psychic connection to Deanna bothers him tremendously, jealous. Not worthy of him. Worf must really love Deanna to be this jealous, or just territorial. Lwaxana had magnified Riker and Deanna’s Imzadi connection. 
Lintar system, 4 planets, none habitable, moon of Lintar IV minimal atmos.
Romulan warbird decloaks in front of scout ship. 20 times fire power
P316 Worf, good junior officer that he was, was looking to Will as to how to handle things
Klingons do not deal. Nor do Starfleet officers
Worf recalls Sela trying to reprogram Geordi to assassinate then-chancellor Vagh [editorial error]
Sela wants Worf or Riker to attempt to assassinate Gowron with poisoned bottle of Romulan ale ‘captured’ from Romulan vessel. She thinks Gowron will appreciate the irony, the smug bastard. He will trust Worf, whom he regards highly, or Riker, trusted second officer of the blessed Picard. One swig will make him deathly ill rather quickly. Two would be fatal. not even a subtle attempt at assassination, overt and unsubtle, as if daring the Klingons to do something about it. 
Deanna and Alexander strapped down to table in view of Worf and Riker to get them to agree to Sela’s plan. Both cry out in pain from injected poison. Alexander does everything he could to repress the shouts of agony, looks at Worf. Bodies convulse. Worf is stoic. 
Death before dishonor. Deanna is Starfleet. My son is Klingon. They will understand. They know I would rather die than bow to terrorists. That is the Klingon way. A Klingon child and a woman who would be the bride of a Klingon understand that. 
Will Riker caves in and antidote is administered. Worf clearly angry. To die with honor is the Klingon way. 
Riker has known Worf for almost half Riker’s adult life and Worf is still a mystery. Doesn’t know what Worf wants, what goes through his mind. 
Worf- what is more important than life is the way that life is lived.
Worf commits to the Klingon code of honor, to Deanna and to their life together. Riker too self-absorbed to commit to anything but himself, afraid to risk his career. 
Worf was afraid when he first approached Deanna, courted her, the risk of rejection, humiliation was overwhelming, but Worf believed the prize was worth the risk. 
Riker punches Worf on the chin, which breaks one of Riker’s knuckles and sends Worf to the floor. Worf swings wildly and misses. Riker gets a knee into Worf’s gut. Worf doubles over long enough for Riker to double-slam a blow to thick muscles in the base of Worf’s neck. Riker had used the same move before, on the Pagh. Worf not affected. Worf picks Riker up and throws him across room. Snarling in fury in his ear. Head-butting growling Worf not a good idea - Riker falls down from the impact. Riker kicks Worf in the crotch. It was everything Worf could do not to moan. 
Alexander feels Worf’s choice not to give in to Sela was not Starfleet or Federation or the Klingon way – it was his own stubborn pride. Worf wants to shout at Alexander, but tries to be patient and understanding. Worf’s action taught Alexander how important his life is to Worf, Alexander doesn’t give a damn if he never sees Worf again. 
P335 Tom Riker sees Worf as acting on impulse a lot. 
Tom Riker goes to Klingon homeworld in Federation runabout Sela captured. He gets a fairly surprised greeting from the local officials. ‘we assume you’re here to join Picard.’  Sela had repeatedly said that Romulans have people on Qo’noS watching every move, could or could not be true.
Starfleet keeps Picard’s being on Qo’noS rather quiet. His discussions with Gowron and Kahless have been less than exemplary. Scheduled to meet with Gowron, Kahless and whoever else at 1500 hours the next day. Gowron had other business earlier in the day. 
The computer in Klingon guest quarters speaks with harsh guttural voice. 
P346 Sela knows the Klingon mind set all too well, a Klingon would not cooperate with Sela’s plan. The bottle of Romulan ale is not poisoned, it contains an airborne virus genetically engineered and crafted, developed by a little known race called the Redeemers who reside primarily in Thallonian space and obtained for Sela by old mentor Saket. The virus will kill everyone in council chamber, spread, and obliterate every Klingon on the face of the homeworld within 36 hours. what is left of the Klingon Empire will be eager to annihilate anyone or anything having to do with Starfleet.
Worf gasped audibly, even stoic Klingon horrified
The Klingon Empire is far reaching, not all Klingons will die. 
Gowron, Kahless, and the entire council meets with Picard
At the ‘captured’ Romulan ale the council members laugh, guffaws and cheers, several Klingons thudded fists on their armrests in approval
These are dangerous times, one can not be too careful
A Federation starship comes to Lintar system. Sela sends guards to get the prisoners. Alexander sticks foot out and trips one, Riker and Worf shoot the guards. Alexander helps his father enthusiastically, almost blows Worf’s head off. Deanna mows down a row of Romulans.
Commander Shelby of the Excalibur rescues Riker, Worf, Deanna and Alexander.
P356 K’hanq left Qo’noS rather quickly after attempt on Gowron’s life a few days ago. Now he has returned for audience with Gowron
Worf, recalling Lwaxana’s endorsement of DS 9’s Odo as utterly reliable. Worf and Riker sent word of their going after the Romulans via Odo to Picard. Odo came to Qo’noS to deliver the message in person as he feared any messages arriving on Qo’noS might be subject to scrutiny by Klingon authorities. 
Odo is a very suspicious type, perhaps Gowron should have him on his staff
Picard and Odo thwart the bottle of Romulan ale ploy, wanted to make sure Gowron did not come to harm, most considerate of them. 
Tom Riker has escaped from the Klingons, Gowron has chastised his guards severely.
Even Starfleet officers who are in disgrace have enough strength of character to honor alliances. 
Gowron spoke to Worf in some detail. Worf told Gowron that Sela had detailed knowledge of Gowron’s concerns
K’hanq has a small disruptor tucked away in his belt
Gowron shoots backward and kills K’hanq with a shot dead center, using his seeing behind him device
P362 Worf fought like a madman to protect Deanna, Lwaxana could be wrong about him
Worf packs his things at the inn on Betazed but leaves Deanna’s things. Worf sits very still in the middle of the room. Worf thinks about Adm. Riker coming back from the future, reordering the universe, to save Deanna. Worf could not find it in himself to save Deanna from Sela. Alexander has requested some time away from Worf, he wants to return to his grandparents, he has already left. Worf thought he had taught Alexander well, obviously he did not. If that the pupil’s or the teacher’s fault? Worf concerned that Deanna does not love Worf the way she loves Riker. He should have been concerned that he did not love her the way Riker did. Worf can not hope to find peace in his current state of mind. He still believes he was right and Riker was wrong. he recognizes that Riker was right, but he doesn’t understand why. He must learn. Worf and Deanna will never work. Worf angry that he can never love Deanna as Riker does. Must deal with this anger. Worf will be returning to Qo’noS to serve in whatever capacity Gowron needs, but he will ask to be released to the clerics of Boreth, there Worf will study and learn, and very likely stay. 
Worf says love hurts too much
Captured a number of known Romulan terrorists and busted up a conspiracy to commit genocide on the Klingons
P373 Worf cries liquid tears over Jadzia’s picture
Worf thinks of their adventure on Soukara, when Jadzia was injured and he abandoned the mission and everything he had ever learned about duty for her. He was still Klingon. Honor was as important to him as ever, yet his first duty was to his beloved. Their plan had been to be together forever and ever. His first impulse had been to close everything off. But their life together had made a difference. Worf feels things now, depth of emotion, passion and the ability to covet a loving relationship. It would be wrong for the legacy Jadzia left him, he was now the man he had always wanted to be thanks to Jadzia. It was a good hurt. Jadzia had been the first to get to his heart and soul. Now he has to live for her. Jadzia – a fragrant flower, but Worf still has the sense of her.
Worf – Good journey, Imzadi. 
Jadzia and Kira two years doing Gratitude festival
Molly O’Brien plays with Piggy, her stuffed targ
  Badlands II Part 3 by Susan Wright
P3 Selva. The old raider Chakotay commanded for the Maquis. 20 crew. Seska with Chakotay for 8 months.
P7 Dozens of photon torpedoes smuggled to Maquis by Eddington, security chief DS 9. Tuvok arrived a month ago.
P16 the Maquis was war custom made for B’E. her Klingon mother was probably still on Kronos, though B didn’t have contact with her anymore. And she hadn’t talked to her human father since she was a little girl.  She was missed by nobody and had no other place to go. B never good at making friends, neither on the human colony worlds where she had been born nor on the Klingon Homeworld where her mother had taken her after divorcing her father. B had found out the hard way how difficult it was to survive without a family name or fiends. B had once thought Starfleet offered a way out of that dir-scrubbing misery but she had been wrong. Starfleet rigid and had no need for individuals.
Weightlessness didn’t make B sick.
Standing between the impulse generators B threw back her head and screamed in absolute fury.
P26 B happy to attack Cardassian station on Opek Nor. Out target is whatever we can find. B let out a little hurrah as she returned to her seat.
P32 B on a battle high and probably wouldn’t have noticed a direct phaser blast. Chakotay was accustomed to her Klingon style rage during a fight and usually he found a way to turn it to their advantage.
Kasidy Yates smuggled stolen specs of Opek Nor to Maquis several months ago. Opek Nor destroyed. B actually laughing out loud at victory.
P40 telepathically, Tuvok picks up B’s rage at the injustice of their situation.
P84 Gul Aman Evek, one of great Cardassian modern soldier artists, poet, impressive military record in years of war with Fed. Poem Long Voyage to Hutet, Ode to Lycoris.
  The Laertian Gamble by Robert Sheckley 
P115 Klingons are among those traveling to Laertes, a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, on the Lucky Star, a freelance luxury passenger cruiser
P176 the Klingons are especially enraged. Anomalies caused by the Chaos Machine have hit them twice. They’ve mobilized their fleet and are looking for someone or something to fight.
P229 Changu was Dax’s teacher of hyperspatial mathematics, centuries ago.
Pasts Tense
no Klingon content
  Strange New Worlds 9 Rocket Man by Kenneth E Cooper
The House of Duras believes themselves descended from Kahless and claim to be the only true heirs to the Empire
Dr Hannah Bosworth had been Dr. Tolian Soran's assistant on the trilithium torpedo. She realized what he intended and abandoned project. Toral located Dr. Bosworth in the Empire and took data from her mind. Bird of prey Executor found her on Rigel Four. Rescued by Aegis Agent K.
Page 303 Klingon Commander Kling interrogates Agent K

  The Return by William Shatner
27 Krul, an exchange officer from the Klingon Defense Force, member of Picard’s Borg infiltrating team. 
Years of working with Worf were responsible for the sense of confidence Picard felt now in the presence of a Klingon on a mission such as this
Human battle gear, too much protection, not enough weaponry.
Krul carried extra Klingon munitions, just in case, he said
Beyer held up his fist, Krul reached up to meet it with his own. The salute of warriors ready to face death
A small Klingon tricorder
46 auroto, the living dead of Romulan myth
67 Klingons had clearly had no love for Kirk, nor he for them
78 Worf groaned with pleasure as the fangs of the krencha lanced into his shoulder. Ravenous beast, four running legs, two killing legs, tongue, reptilian lips. Three meters long. Thick stubby powerful tail. Razor-sharp claws. Shrieks. Square pupiled yellow eyes. Razor fangs. Dense fur. Two hearts.
Almron Preserve, boundless tract of pristine nature encircling the First City of the Klingon Homeworld, Qo’noS. here in Almron, Klingons could live as Klingons had always been meant to live, always in that space between heartbeats, between death and life, defeat and victory. Graft and cloning first-aid station at the entrance to the nature preserve
Tightly bound warrior’s queue of hair
Simple belt and loin cloth
That nectar of the gods, prune juice
Worf was alive, as he had not been since the saucer of the Enterprise crashed.
Rich soil of Qo’noS
Blas rika, the flying scavengers of Qo’noS. leather-winged creatures of the night. 
The sacred still moment from one heartbeat to the next, when a warrior could step into the perfection of K’ajii – the warrior’s path. The way of the K’ajii silent and still within him. Focus, maintaining K’ajii
For a Klingon, no fight was ever so meaningless as just to the death, it was a fight for honor. For if a Klingon did not have mastery over nature, then how could he expect to protect and preserve it?
Worf had been coming to Almron since he was a teenager
He locked eyes with the beast, saw its soul
Worf pulled open the creature’s jaws and inhaled deeply of its dying breath, infusing its spirit and its strength into his own body, honoring the beast as Klingon hunters had for millennia
He stood respectfully beside his fallen foe, drew fingers through the wound on his shoulder and traced the blood around the krencha’s lips, giving his valiant opponent its final reward
Worf knelt and said the words of the hunter’s bargain; if Worf had lost this battle, he would have fed the creature. But Worf won, so he graciously accepted the creature’s matching offer to feed him. Don’t deny the krencha its reward by wasting its death. The flesh of the beast he had killed must be eaten, or else the death had been wasted. 
82 jIyajbe’  the warrior’s tongue of Qo’noS
warrior’s first position – d’k tahg held ready 
he wore the ceremonial silvery purple and brown camouflage robes and gloves and carved wood eye shields and cloth mask of a k’hartagh, a holy man, one who sought peace in maintaining the balance of predator and prey. They were common enough in Klingon nature preserves. The ceremonial combat Worf had just undertaken was based in part on a belief system of endless cycles in which the hunter and the hunted traded places. The k’hartaghan offered themselves up to nature as prey in order to return as predators. Provided a predator could be found which cold defeat them.
Worf did not use his knife against the krencha, as that would be a violation of the balance
Worf’s retreat had been confidential
Some of the more ancient Klingon ceremonies were not ones of which Starfleet might approve
Stylized pose of the position of Heaven’s Centered Balance, First Level, with bat’telh, a difficult move and pose part of the raLk’jo bat’telh discipline, an ancient school of martial combat that had not been practiced in the Klingon Empire for almost a century
From his study of history Worf knew that warriors of the raLk’jo discipline viewed the bat’lelh largely as a ceremonial weapons
Worf instinctively bared his teeth, appalled by the k’hartagh’s lack of respect for an ancient school of combat
The bat’telh was not a plaything.
I need answers and how can I be sure you’re telling me the truth, if I haven’t beaten you in combat
It would be dishonorable if he did not dress the krencha before sunset and take measures to preserve its meat
New model government issue disruptor, golden beam
Fight me or die without honor
There is no honor in fighting the insane
There is no honor in dying without combat
Mass produced model bat’telh, of offworld manufacture, no Klingon would dream of owning a bat’telh that was not handcrafted and thus imbued with its maker’s spirit
Worf had pulled his bat’telh from the ruins of the Enterprise
Ancient pose called the Dragon’s Passage from Thought to Action, Third Level, meant to be a conservative opening, showing respect for opponent
Remembering his history tapes
The Position of Unwavering Determination, Third Level, in the symbolism of this specific bat’telh discipline, Worf signified he would not give in to idle threats
The arc of the Gentle Cut, ending in the Repose of the Dragon’s Teeth, First Level
The underlying philosophy of the raLk’jo discipline required that no presentation could be made unless the warrior had perfected that move in combat
The Dragon’s Teeth was an especially savage attack
The point forward pose of the Mountain’s Scorn, Fourth Level, indicates that one does not believe the other’s expertise matched the boldness of his posturing
The simple, fourth level alignment of the hand implied that Worf believed the k’hartagh could be beaten at that juvenile level, a grievous insult
A modern evasive step
A spray of sparks as the bat’telhs slid along each other
The two curved tips met and momentarily locked
He held his bat’telh straight forward in the Whelping’s Lunge, tenth Level. In the raLk’jo, it was one of the first pose taught to children, no deadlier insult in this battle
Worf bellowed a Klingon death cry and lunged forward
Embrace death as K’ajii demanded, unrepentant
89 rough purple trunk of an arhksamm tree
hit with the flat of an attacker’s bat’telh, the ultimate act of mockery, what  a teacher did when instructing a novice
Worf’s thoughts of honor and death receded as his Starfleet training claimed him in their place
A sudden flash of rage, his immediate reaction to a threat against his commanding officer
Both sets of carotid arteries in the throat
Worf had scanned history tapes of Kirk after hearing of Picard’s encounter on Veridian III
Disruptor on stun setting crumples Worf, leaves his breathing rough and erratic
Full disruption
Press the stud
Full disruption setting on tree, blooms with a wavery light, then vanished into quantum mist
95 Starbase 804 had 78 people, humans, Vulcans, a family of Klingon archaeologists, destroyed by Borg
126 Krul fired a Klingon thrustergun at the Borg, an antique, hand-tooled with intricate engravings of Kahless battling Molor, fired simple projectiles of explosive-packed metal, propelled by a centuries old chemical-reaction technology, gets through Borg’s forcefield
From Krul’s throat rose a Klingon victory cry, as he drove his fists into the air
A beam from the Borg sliced through Krul’s legs, mid-thigh. The Klingon fell. His armor’s life support will cut off the bleeding and deliver stimulants. Krul scrabbled in the dirt next to the body of the Borg. He was roaring threats in Klingon. Battle cries. No sense of giving up. Dies battling the Borg, not assimilated
Hand disruptor
Vulcan pulse wand
A Klingon shriek of defiance cut the night
142 this patak piece of flax is no damn good. In case you a re not fluent in the Klingon vernacular, I was staying that this tricorder, due to bad design, was no longer functioning
218 the Bajoran wormhole opened again to admit a Klingon mining survey vessel
220 Starbase 324 is where Borg defenses are being developed, with the cooperation of the Klingons and a Romulan team of cloaking specialists
276 Since Worf’s encounter with Kirk, as the k’hartagh in Almron Preserve on Qo’noS, Worf has studied Kirk’s historical record quite extensively. He does not seem the type of individual to slip up.
288 Worf was able to communicate with the Borg scoutship only through Linguacode
294 Worf had arranged for a Type-6 personnel shuttle to be locked down, attitude thrusters rigged to fire at the landing platform cleared for the second scoutship’s landing, and transporter control was keeping a real-time coordinate update on every commbadge
335 five Romulan classes of Bird-of-Prey
  Ship of the Line by Diane Carey
5 - Bridge of the Klingon ship SoSoy Toj
Kozara - Today, my excellent warriors, our success will be etched on the gravestones of 50 thousand Federation dead. Today, my excellent warriors, you and I will fall upon nothing less than a fully populated starbase.
Supercharged warship
Even their space is better than ours. Look and appreciate what should have been ours, look where we must live. 
His crew had never seen Fed space before
Navigation panel was particularly warm in this overpowered vessel, sensor grid controls
6 – Gaylon – We live where we have always lived. The Fed took nothing from us. We lived where we evolved.
Kozara – the Fed plots to keep us there.
Gaylon threw a gesture to the sensor officer and the two crew members at the warship’s complex helm
A refitted heavy cruiser, one of the old-style Klingon fighting vessels, very old very strong, thick, ready to fend off bolts of disruption from the earliest days of conflict with the Fed, in the days before modern shielding and advanced tracking sensors. Old, large and powerful, bridge strictly utilitarian, most of the positions barely leaving room for elbows to move freely. Whoever designed this ship knew what ships were for, and that there was little need for space in space.
Helmsman, navigator, sensor officer, tactical specialists on the bridge
My new son will have a famous father, Zaidan, son of Kozara, destroyer of an entire starbase, victorious disruptor of an entire sector, all will bow before him.
Kozara was looking at glory and there was no turning his eye
Months of preparation and plot, operatives, spies introduced into the workings of Starbase 12, on of Fed’s longest established starbases. Operatives have fulfilled their purpose and evacuated the station. SB 12’s power is flickering, shields down
Second stage of events
Fed’s Benecia sector, two hours from Klingon ship, six hours from Starbase 12. borders Neutral Zone. Info leaked there will be a border dispute, Starfleet HQ got word of a Klingon fleet mustering, Starfleet vessels on their way. Several Klingon heavy cruisers have been seen massing just beyond the Neutral Zone, along with at least two dozen birds of prey. No communications. Cut across Typhon Expanse and decimate SB 12. more than three full hours at warp five. After this the Klingon Empire would be taken seriously by the Fed.
Kozara eerie green eyes, The commander’s craggy face flexed with envy, war-injured crippled left hand, not old but deeply experienced, over the years of service glory had escaped him. Most of the crew somewhat disappointed with their assignment with him. Awareness among the crew that their commander greatly needed a victory. The names of every member of crew would be elevated in the imperial hierarchy. 
We have my son’s legacy to ignite!
Fries-Posnikoff Sector, Klingon Neutral Zone Border. Just outposts and storage links. About as far from Federation central as possible but populated and growing.
Records show Captain Morgan Bateson has had more hand-to-hand experience with Klingons in the last six years than any other single commander in Starfleet, more than Kirk. The Bozeman has earned a strong reputation keeping the integrity of the Fries-Posnikoff Sector.
Bateson – if Klingons would concentrate as much on improving their own territory as they do on taking ours, we’d have two strong neighboring civilizations. They can’t seem to get that through their knobby skulls.
Bateson never met a Klingon in person, only in battle. They’re predictable in battle, and when they try to be unpredictable, they’re even more predictable. Never faced a full sized warship. Birds of prey, scoutships, recon cruisers and many daring smugglers, pirates, wild souled individuals with a personal goal. All rules suspended, treaties ignored
Bulbous forward hull linked to a pair of backswept wings by a long thin funnellike neck. Bridge bulb stuck out in front, as if to threaten whatever it pointed to. Like most Klingon ships hull plates were drizzlegreen. The color of envy. 
Klingon ship is standard full-bore design except 32 percent more raw tonnage and roughly 50 percent fewer crew, fully armed, strange configurations in the cargo bay. Jettison salvos. ID code on hull.
31 Ship’s name is SuSoy Duj or mutoy muj
Bateson – he’s always dogging the Neutral Zone without really coming over the line. We’ve had to rescue a couple dozen border ships from him. Kozara. He usually flies a bird-of-prey
SoSoy tuj is Kozara’s mother’s name. She must’ve died.
The Klingon fleet had notified Kozara that all known Starfleet ships were accounted for. Kozara knows Bulldog Bateson. They had expected a clear path.
Kozara – Always a mistake stands between me and glory
Pacing like an animal Kozara thrashed back and forth before his command center
The mission of the decade. Truly Kozara’s fortunes were shortfallen. Saw roaring disappointment in their faces.
Instantly dropping his rage for something more functional
Everything was inhibited for silent running as Kozara ordered, weapons systems need to be charged
34 Rusker, crewmember, male
Kozara the butterfly and Bateson the dog have stood before each other before
It was her time to die
We request your merciful cooperation
The massive Klingon ship dipped its forward bridge bulb and came charging at them shooting streaks of energy. Couldn’t get a straight shot.
The Klingon ship fell far behind, to heavylegged to effect so tight a turn
Bateson - Klingons aren’t very imaginative
Exposed underside of the Klingon’s bridge bulb
Bush hoped Kozara’s crew weren’t efficient enough to pay attention to outlying space while thy had prey at their fingertips
The merchant fleet in these outskirts will move in and stand Kozara down themselves if they know how to do it
On any straight course the Klingon ship could come up out of an arch and shoot right down its nose at them
Greasy-green hull
Kozara’s ship outgunned the Soyuz class cutter 15 to one
The Enterprise-D was triple or more the size of Kozara’s ship
By standing down Kozara Bateson and the Bozeman saved over 50 thousand people. The incident was investigated for months. Kozara was chased out of Fed space by Admiral Kirk on the Enterprise, who responded to Bozeman’s comm buoy. The Klingon plot was exposed and condemned as cowardly espionage rather than noble challenge, which embarrassed the entire Klingon Empire and shook the High Council to its bones. They went through several turnovers of power. Several families fell out of influence, including Kozara’s. he was saved from execution by his one nominal victory, the supposed destruction of the Bozeman. His one credit. He never recovered from the incident. He spent his life clinging to the one shred of respect.
89 Commander Kozara and Gaylon on tank ship, stuffy and unenlightened bridge
long years and many grinding sorrows
Fortress Zgoda, Zgoda Ring. Umbilicals screw out from station’s housings and latch onto the tank ship. Three warships at station. So different from theirs long ago. Those new ships were much more like the blunt-winged birds of prey that soared Klingon skies, more massive and stronger. To look at them was a pain in the heart. They were painted with feathers and had only the slightest echo of the long-necked warships of Kang and Kor. They reminded Gaylon of Romulan wing-attackers
Sharp eyed patrol ship on the outer expanse had forced them to identify themselves
Everyone on the station and half of Klingon Command structure knew Kozara and his gloryless crew were finally coming home. Kozara’s crew had taken ignoble duty, gone out to explore, to absent themselves fro the empire they had mortified and they had contacted Klingon Command only twice, each time they had been told to stay out there, remain exploring the Great Waste even longer. They had stayed. That had to mean something, entail some credit, some bank of favor.
Shh-CHUNK, the final tether drew into its mount and locked there. The tank ship was plugged in afterend first, so her cargo hold could be unloaded. Clanking of clamps and buzz of adjusting gussets
This forsaken pot of a vessel
Humiliating voyage to collect useless bits
They had come upon a few civilizations but none of any use. Only one had proved dangerous, not a fighting ship, the Klingons had been forced to run away.
Seven grim years they had been wondering, supposed to be only five years but contacts with Command extended their assignment each time
Ship full with bits of trash in stasis.
91 Zaidan, son of Kozara. The boy’s life had been bedeviled by ridicule. Kozara had willingly taken the chance to go off into the big nowhere and relieve Zaidan’s plague of nominality. Zaidan had been plodding along in a construction career, making buildings, bridges and spaceports. Only two things had saved him from the crushing weight of his father’s failure. One was his natural skill with architecture. The second was his fathers only success, destruction of the Bozeman. Kozara had retained his rank and Zaidan had been spared the stain of complete dishonor. Big, even for a Klingon. Massive arms of someone who had done considerable lifting and daily physical work. Neatly braided hair. Nearly a century old now. An age when most Klingons should be just reaching their highest goals. Black and red clothing of a construction specialist in the employ of the imperial government, but not the jacket of a supervisor. 
forgiveness will be on his lips
Zaidan’s open arms will welcome us back to honor
Sitting like a stone carving
They had missed a considerable rearmament of the Klingon fleet. 
Gaylon had only be able to cling to his rank by staying with Kozara
Were there nothing but young men in charge now? Or were elders more respected? Who was in power now? Which families? Which sect? Which province now dominated?
Now the humiliation had been rubbed clean
The crew could begin again. rebuild their lives, negotiate for wives. If they were not too old, perhaps they could have sons. 
All were old, grayed and crusty, their skull ridges pronounced and spiny.
Moments passed as the ship was secured by the technicians outside. 
93 Veg, wife left him after the Bateson incident. Bridge officer
Zulish, had been anticipating transfer to service with a favorite former captain had been rejected. Bridge officer
Kuru and Losh, had expected to be accepted to the finest warriors’ advanced training facility on the main continent. 90 years ago.
The imperial government could not economically support the training of more than a special few warriors and skilled experts in advanced fields. The private structure had been deliberately held down. There were many positions of useful unimportance to be filled. Once trained as a warrior, one would find only agony in taking a manual position
Bridge-direct access vault, vault port on the side of the bridge clanked and rolled open
Out in the Waste
Pick up plants, carcasses, minerals, survey primitive planets
Fortress Zgoda Ring
Kozara – My son
Zaidan – My pain.
The contempt. The son shriveled the father with his glare. 
His eyes began to water and he had to look down at the deck
Pestilent disappointment shot through the crew
The son, the skilled laborer, the lower, suddenly became superior to imperial trained warriors
Self-control, an effective method of torture
Your one victory was snuffed out, the destruction of the Bulldog and his crew.
Kozara and crew had searched for Bozeman, to make sure there was no trick. Even with the cloaking device there were methods of detection. There had been nothing. We drove him into a planet. He went into a time anomaly. Emerged three years ago.
This was not his time to speak
This was Kozara’s moment and Gaylon could not interfere
Zaidan’s voice was controlled, his words prepared
Since thin the empire has been the laughing stock of the galaxy. Pilloried by the lowest of the low, the weakest of the weak. The empire has been blistered by ridicule with every celebration for Bateson and his men. A warship, and entire invasion, was turned back by a single border ship and its 40 man crew. In Starfleet, to stumble on a pebble is now called a Kozara maneuver.
Dashed to blindness
Zaidan - Your one victory saved me from scraping animal dung from imperial streets
Kozara was still a warrior and I could work, I could command teams of laborers, I could design complexes and show my designs to respectable Klingons. Until Morgan Bateson came alive again. son of a warrior who won not a single encounter. I have borne the wretchedness that should have been yours. My career has spiraled down until I am scarcely able to build a shelter for a dog. I am no longer the son of Kozara. I will go away, I will be a pirate or a hired weapon. If I could scrape this degraded face off my skull I would do it. 
A sewage station
Communication lines open throughout the ship, simple docking procedure, so all systems could be coordinated and no one could subvert the process of entering a port or province
Gaylon’s eyes were boiling
The faces of the other crew members were dusky with hopelessness
Surely one of them would surge forward and slaughter Kozara where he stood. 
He saw Veg’s hand slip back to grip his hungry dagger
Kozara, who could not make a single victory, who never had a good day to die and who could not keep a son
Kozara tried so hard to think that the old scar on his skull turned darker. There was every stress on his face short of blood coming from his eyes
There is a Klingon operative on Bateson’s staff. The spy was assigned to the Typhon Expanse. Kozara and others knew that even if Bateson were drawn away he would be there when we tried to return.  A human doing Klingon business.
His satisfaction ran deep and cold through his crew
Zaidan had spent his life scheming to overcome his father’s shortcomings and as such was no stranger to cleaver schemes
A chance was a chance
101 Kuru, bridge officer
we will stay together and escape failure’s maw with a victory such aw none has ever seen. Our enemy has returned. No Klingon will deny us a chance to defeat him. We will give the ship a name that will ring in history. The empire will not stop us from this chance to reclaim our honor! I will go before the High Council and they will give me a ship. We will snatch our names back from the gullet of shame! The loyalty of this crew of the forgotten
a spontaneous cry of willingness rose from the crew, blasting forth like the shot of some great old weapon
their enemy was back and they were warriors again
the one characteristic that had made Kozara worthy of the rank of command, stunning flexibility.
I promise, I vow, I swear on the blood of our fathers
111 Bateson - got to have some fighting ships ready, with the Klingons making so many angry noises these days. We don’t ignore Klingons where I come from.
124 Picard, assigned an undercover mission to Gul Madred in Cardassian territory, has already contacted Sisko at DS 9, to stop off there and borrow Commander Worf. 
Picard – Whether we like it or not, Morgan Bateson’s attitude about Klingons is back in fashion.
Madred specializes in villages, culture textbooks, with all the little details he’s tortured out of people over the years. Rumors he’s got Madred Villages for Romulans and Klingons too. The Cardassians are preparing to go to war with everybody.
147 Gabe Bush’s fiancé searched for Bozeman for years, had word that Gabe was prisoner of the Klingons. Took single ship out herself, headed straight for the Klingon border, was captured, tried as a spy, convicted, sentenced to Rura Penthe Prison Planet. The Fed tried to get her back, but she had trespassed on restricted territory. The Klingons were about to let her go on a technicality, but they found out who she was, the fiancée of the Bozeman’s first officer, the Bozeman, the ship that wrecked their invasion ands sent the High Council into a tail spin. They sent her back in ten small boxes. The same number of dignitaries who were purged from the High Council
Riker, Picard, and everyone else had protected Worf during all his struggles between his Klingon heritage and his Starfleet loyalties.
194 the Klingon Empire has not lain idle during the ill-advised peace with the Fed. We know how to take the Enterprise-E. Kozara accessed Starfleet library net, found info on Data. Starfleet is a friendly child.
Kozara still has connections in the High Council. Though they would not meet my eyes they had to listen to me. The contact with the spy on Bozeman was reactivated when the ship came from the past.
Scowled with dripping contempt
I have made my own mark upon the empire and not clung to pity as my crutch. I worked ninety years in hard servility. 
Shame can be struck away or it can be worked away.
Many have overcome worse obstacles than a gloryless father
There are other kinds of warriors than those with weapons
Adm Hayes and Adm Farrow think The war games near the Neutral Zone will demonstrate to the Klingons that the Fed is not intimidated by their recent martial prancing. 
Bateson – Klingons are Klingons, they can’t have changed that much. You have never fought Klingons.
Riker – Maybe not, but we have fought alongside them
In the Klingon Empire it’s perfectly acceptable in political situations to gain by murder. A simple disagreement can men a fight to the death. The Fed actually recognizes that as a legitimate government
Riker – The Federation recognizes the High Council because it is the de factor government. We try not to make value judgments. 
Bateson – Believe me, the Klingons are always thinking about the real thing. [real war, not cold war]
Those aren’t phasers hitting us, they’re disruptors
Identify yourself as the plague you are, and prepare to lose everything
The whole crew was nervous, knowing what a chronic failure Kozara had been
If there is a failure it will never come because we failed to follow or he failed to lead. His shame is ours.
Honor may be luck. How do you fault a man for that? Your father is no coward. It was the Klingon way that only sees winning as a victory that took away our honor.
An olive-colored head, a truncated neck, and battle-molded wings in a threatening arch
Kozara has design info on Enterprise-E, knows where to hit
Data continued firing, surgically cutting Kozara’s ship down to the bone at least in that one quarter
Riker didn’t know the configuration of that ship’s guts
Kozara - My years have been spent in shame because of you. The fates will sooner or later get me again. I am doomed to dishonor. I accept that. My honor is nothing. I know now that not everyone gets honor. My name is smashed. Only the name of Zaidan can be saved. 
Kozara beams over a positonic neutralizer to take out Data, then grenades
246 the Klingons have their sights on Cardassia for war. Cardassia will need Federation on their side or neutral
254 Madred’s young daughter Jil Orra comes in, flanked by a massive Klingon. The Klingon reached into a small utility bag and took out a gleaming metal device with a glowing red panel counting down from 100. A K’luth device. Klingons warriors use it as a test of bravery. When the number counts down to zero it sends a wave of neural disruption in a 50 foot radius. It is a most unpleasant way to die. Only one person can stop the countdown. The device emitted a buzzing sound then stopped. The counter reset and began counting down again.
Kozara’s really indulging himself, he called Bateson names even Bateson doesn’t know. Got into personnel files, put Bozeman crew in his wrecked ship. Set it adrift. Others locked up on E-E. it’s Kozara’s way of insulting us by not letting us die in battle. Gave Bateson a stimulant.
Riker - You had a one dimensional distrust of Klingons because that’s what you needed to survive in your time. In your time there weren’t many older Klingons fighting. Since then, they’ve learned the value of their older warrior’s experience. They had to get smarter or we’d have put a stop to them long ago. Peace can do funny things. They’ve learned a lot about us., we’ve learned a lot about them. 
Kozara’s no rogue. He has the sanction of the empire. They saw an opportunity and thy took it. their advantage was that he knew you personally and he’s had 90 years to think about your methods. He made an offer and the High council took him up on it. 
Bateson – They’re basically fearless. They never hesitate when there’s an opening. Even when they should hesitate. They want individual glory. Our problem a century ago was how do you fight a race of beings who are big, fierce, stronger than you are, used to prevailing physically, who want to die in battle and who are notoriously sore losers. They just come at you and they’re very good at it. they never back down. They never think twice. They’re single minded and purposeful. Retreat is the wrong message to send to people like that. Klingons tend to get angry and stay angry. 
Scotty – You got ten Klingons, you got ten Klingons.
Bateson –Ten humans, ten different methods. That’s why the Klingons were never able to beat the Fed. We’ve got them all figured out and they can’t make sense of us. We always it as given that Klingons were uncooperative and uncoordinated, grim and immovable. And so bigoted they forgot to understand their enemies. Kozara and his men have basically the same backgrounds, that of a warrior. They aren’t specialists. Kozara won’t have an scientists or tech guys with him. He’ll have brought only warriors with him. There are lots of things on a big ship that can confuse the very devil out of them. What Klingons have trouble understanding is that muscles don’t matter. Their hand to hand predilection is silly. One blue-haired old lady with a phaser could hold off an army with bat’leths. A sense of humor can be a formidable weapon against somebody who doesn’t have one!
Kozara’s planning to fly into Cardassian space and unleash quantum torpedoes on millions of innocent people!
Bateson – Klingons understand killing perfectly well. Nonlethal assault will leave them baffled about the Fed’s intent. This is much bigger than you, me, and Kozara. We’ve got to keep the empire confused about us. Kozara has a cautious streak. He doesn’t do things he doesn’t have to do. He’d have boasted about it if he killed them. He wouldn’t want the empire saddled with the slaughter of a whole ship and crew if things go sour. 
Six Klingons, sticking of sweat and panting with blood hunger
Enterprise-E under Kozara cuts up 16 automated signal outposts on its way to Cardassia Prime from the Typhon Expanse. Few killed. All Cardassian ships are on the Dominion and Klingon defense perimeters.
Klingons thought Cardassians were slightly more than reptiles. Cardassians thought Klingons were overspined children.
The Klingon sense of smell is stronger than humans
Scott fed a combination of methane and various other fetid odors into the chamber to disable the ten Klingons. they’re not armed, Kozara is smarter than Bateson gave him credit for. 
Bateson had been right, instead of two or three, all seven were going after the glory, competing with each other, not thinking about how to efficiently cooperate
The Klingon’s teeth  were gnashing, hoping to get a bite out of Riker’s ankle.
7 Klingons disoriented in gravity fluctuation. Six in holodeck chasing chickens. 10 in closet. 17 left.
The Cardassian subspace communications crackle with terror at out presence. We will strike at the heart of Cardassia Prime and erase their government seat. They will have to deal with the empire, and the empire will have to deal with me. 
The interior of the Enterprise-E was like artwork, like brushstrokes, like the Klingon sky before a storm.
Klagh reported from the helm
Wearing the markings of a first officer on his body armor
These men have fought their way back to their bridge, they deserve to keep it. 
A fool’s promise is not binding. 
What have you done to help yourself but be born alive?
What kind of civilization do we have that the child cannot honor the family until the father’s shame is dissolved?
Whatever turn the fates vomited upon me, I never whined like a brat.
Commander Kozara of the Klingon Advance Assault Squadron.
A Klingon warship on approach vector, fighter class. Coming in with it’s fins down like a shark about to attack. Battle mode. Gabriel Bush and Bateson’s crew commandeer Kozara’s ship.
John Wolfe, the saboteur on Bozeman working for the Klingons.
Picard will forward a record log of Kozara’s honorable actions to the Klingon High Council on Kozara’s behalf, with Picard’s personal seal. Despite open hostilities and extenuating circumstances, you comported yourself in an honorable manner and did not kill arbitrarily. We in the Federation do not forget such things. You are honored among your enemies.
I accept. It was about as close as a Klingon could get to a thank you.
Transport all Klingons back to their vessel.
Under attack by Gul Evek and Cardassian ship, B’Elanna suggests all power from weapons to engines to get them out of there. Sits to right of Chakotay up front. Gives him the 30 seconds of impulse needed to get safely into the Badlands. Heading for Terikof Belt, beyond Moriya system
B’Elanna, Chakotay’s engineer, is missing when they’re released from Array.
B’Elanna wakes up, fights to get out of Ocampa hospital ward, doesn’t make it.
She hits things when she wakes up from sedative. It is the Klingon half of me, it’s just that it is hard to control it sometimes. 
Others did not recover from the disease that Kim and B’Elanna have
Weak B’Elanna and Kim head up to surface  - Don’ t let it beat you, Starfleet! Come on.
B’Elanna assures Kim he doesn’t want Klingon blood – It’s more trouble than it’s worth. 
B’Elanna was in second year at Academy when mutually agreed it wasn’t the place for her. Survival course from Professor Sneezy, Commander Zakarian.
Paris and Kes save Kim and B’Elanna
B’Elanna gets Maquis crew ready to transport over to Voyager while Chakotay prepares to ram Kazon – no questions, no protests.
B’Elanna challenges Janeway when she plans to destroy the Array, the only way for everyone to get back to their families and loved ones. Chakotay stops B’Elanna with an arm out. Janeway is the Captain. 
B’Elanna stands at Bridge side engineering station, in Starfleet uniform, arms crossed, during Janeway’s pep talk at end.
Novelization by L.A. Graf
P2 B’E’s voice fairly dripped with the Klingon anger she’d unwillingly inherited from her mother. Her thick brow ridge wrinkling as the fluid mind beneath her black mane darted through more engineering options than Chakotay even knew. 
P47 Kim, on DS 9, got sick at a Klingon restaurant
P135 B’E a boil of movement exploded and a powerful figure leapt over the downed man with no effort. Kim couldn’t believe anyone could look so graceful in a thigh-length hospital gown
P152 Klingons smell positively sensual to other Klingons at certain points in their development.
P160 anger, embarrassment, then anger again on her dark face. She paced in time with her growling breaths. It’s the Klingon half of me. I just can’t control it sometimes.
Klingon. That explained both the strength and her exotically darkened features.
P212 Kim – Maybe I’d do better if I had a little Klingon blood in me.
B’E – Trust me. It’s more trouble than it’s worth.
B’E took Survival Course from Commander Zakarian. She actually made it into the second year at Starfleet Academy before it was mutually agreed it wasn’t the place for her.  She fit in a lot better with the Maquis. 
P221 Torres barked a Klingon oath. Torres hovered over Kim like some sort of hellish Klingon angel, her big knuckles white where she clutched the stair. 
Paris flicked an embarrassed glance at the glowering female. Noting her fiery eyes and heavy brow ridge, he recognized the strong influence of a Klingon heritage in her features, and realized that she must be Chakotay’s missing Maquis crew member. Paris wondered if she knew she was pretty, or if she even cared. 
  Distant Shores Command Code by Robert Greenberger
Tuvok witnessed Chakotay out thinking and out fighting the Cardassians on more than one occasion while undercover with the Maquis.
  The Escape by Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch
P1 B’E hadn’t flown a Starfleet shuttle much since her Academy days
P10 it seemed as if the near brush with death had lightened B’E’s outlook on life a little this morning
P35 Klingon appearances vary, but rarely in hair color
P46 B’E traveled a lot throughout the Federation. 
Neelix – we can be mean-mean. We have B’Elanna here.
P99 the flowering plants’ odor was rich and pungent, reminding Torres of ointment her Klingon mother used to use to polish her breastplates. The anger she had been storing was seeping out the edges. Perhaps the thought of her Klingon mother had sent her over the edge. 
P131 Torres frowned. She remembered Kim’s dark sense of humor from when they had been trapped in the Ocampa Hospital. I think my Klingon side is beginning to become dominant. Torres said each word slowly and with emphasis. And for once I don’t believe I’ll fight it. Maybe her Klingon side was dominating, because she was hungry. Her stomach was growling. 
P168 It was not a good day to die. Torres used to hate that phrase of her mother’s. her mother, staunch Klingon that she was, sometimes went into a difficult situation saying, Today is a good day to die. And little B’Elanna never agreed. There was never a good day to die.
B’E unaware of flower petal game she loves me, she loves me not.
P171 B’E broke both guards’ jaws before she could be restrained. She would go out in such a way as to make her Klingon mother proud.
P189 B’E once told a friend she could find the loopholes in any bureaucracy. Only two had thwarted her: Starfleet and now Alcawell. Starfleet had allowed her to leave – not peaceably, since that was not her way. 
P191 the sweet drink tasted very familiar. My mother used to make something similar, a Klingon specialty called Vleq. I always called it Yuk. She served it hot. Even though it was sweet, it didn’t completely quench a thirst. It only promised to do so. The idea of pastries after a drink that sweet made her vaguely nauseated.
B’Elanna broke Carey’s nose in three places. Impact fractures along cranium severe, almost drove bones into cerebellum. 
Arguing about the power grid, as usual she wouldn’t listen, Carey told B’Elanna to step aside, she pushed him, he pushed back, next thing he found himself on the deck, blood pouring. “Sorry, maybe you should go to sickbay.” As a Maquis sometimes you had to push people out of your way to get things done. Seska and Alaya come to support Chakotay over B’Elanna.  B’E paces, heavy breathing, throws things. B’E has never found Chakotay’s twisted sense of humor very funny. Hot cup of pejuta, bond with the man.  B’Elanna has the ability, Chakotay knows her skills, to be Chief Engineer. B’E can not control herself and couldn’t make it through the Academy. B’E best engineer Chakotay has ever known, she could teach at the Academy. B’E and Chakotay have been in a few scrapes together. Janeway questions B’E ability  to command others. B’E not bothered by what people think of her. 
B’e’s Academy record – Tuvok got the names of Chakotay’s crew to Voyager before they left DS 9. Turbulent two years – 4 disciplinary hearings, 1 suspension. The problem was a system that doesn’t give anyone a chance to breath. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Starfleet at that time. B’E knows frozen pond simile. B’E apologizes for loosing her temper, Janeway was hitting close to home. She quit Academy because she realized she couldn’t make it in Starfleet. Professor Chapman thought B’E one of the most promising cadets he ever taught, put permanent letter in her file. B”E fought with Chapman every day, questioning him, challenging his ideas. Many of her teachers thought she had the potential to be an outstanding officer. She never realized this. B’E will try not to break the noses of any of her Engineering staff. Do that – please. Asks Carey for his assistance during adjustment. Two crewmembers file protests. Because of her temperal initiative and creative approach to saving the ship, Torres is given the Chief Engineer's post and a field commission of Lt.
  Ragnarok by Nathan Archer 
P61 after years of making do with whatever decrepit equipment the Maquis could beg, borrow, or steal, it was a delight to get her hands on Starfleet’s latest model. Machines didn’t look at her warily because she was half-Klingon and known for her temper. She found them much easier to deal with than people. She could spend years tinkering with the warp drive, getting it tuned to the absolute peak of efficiency. 
P103 Chakotay doubted any of the Maquis back in the DMZ would say that the Federation was primarily dedicated to peace – except perhaps when speaking with bitter irony. Chakotay had been commander of a Maquis ship, fighting an illegal war against Cardassians and doing a good job of it. He joined the Maquis because he had thought it necessary to defend his home, not out of some misguided quest for power or glory or adventure.  The Maquis had been holding their own against the Cardassians and Starfleet. Every Maquis officer did a little of everything.  B’E and Chakotay had been through a lot together. B’E didn’t have enough friends aboard Voyager that she could afford to lose Chakotay or Harry Kim. 
P150 Chakotay’s war against the Cardassians had been relatively brief and largely fought openly, in ship to ship combat or air to ground raids. He had heard stories. The Maquis had delighted in recounted Cardassian atrocities to one another, to help work up the necessary hatred to maintain their fighting spirit.  In Torres’ years with the Maquis all she’d had was outmoded junk to work with. B’E knows Norse mythology Thor and Odin, but not Ragnarok. B’E angered that crewman thinks she would know about legendary, famous, battles, he couldn’t help looking at ridged brow-plate that was the most visible sign of her Klingon ancestry. She lifts him and throws him against the wall without any apparent effort. Klingons were apparently stronger than they looked. Given how formidable many of them looked, that was a rather frightening thought. 
Crewman - I thought all Klingons studied battles and warrior myths. She’s only half-Klingon. She was raised on Earth, and she likes to favor her human side. Doesn’t like it when people take her for a full Klingon. She’s got Klingon strength and a Klingon temper, anyway. 
P188 Torres studied shield theory during her year at Starfleet Academy
P207 Chakotay was Paris’s protector from the animosity of the other Maquis, who saw Paris as a traitor
P211 the phasers went through the shields like a Klingon knife through fresh meat. It was a good solid blow. A Federation starship would have shuddered. The crew of a Klingon cruiser, with its heavier armor, wouldn’t have noticed the blow as some refractory coating burned away. 
P225 the P’nir code of honor is vicious, worse than even the attitude of hard-line Klingons.  Kim says
P239 Starfleet has some stories circulating about ruthless Maquis terrorists
Time and Again
no Klingon content
  Violations by Susan Wright 
P7 The Sassaniwan Cross, a binary system  between Ferengi and Cordovian space. It’s a hot trading spot, they’ve got a healthy black market going in the secondary system, mainly in the asteroid belts. Paris familiar with it.
P30 Torres’ grace belies the strength of her half-Klingon body. After watching her work-out, Paris had vowed to stay out of her way when she was angry. She could be downright vicious.
P80 the last holographic interface Torres had tried to argue with was the tutorial program at the Academy, and when she punched the image, it calmly informed her that a demerit was logged in her file. So she kicked in the interface projector, shorting out the entire library system and ruining a good pair of boots.
P85 Tuvok protests Janeway going to Min-Tutopa space station, but she assures him she’ll have B’Elanna Torres along, and you know nothing could possibly get near me without having to deal with her first. Tuvok knows Lt. Torres is an excellent engineer; however he does not consider her to be a reliable officer. When Torres enters the Kapon yacht she says the interior reminds her of a fancy jewel box she saw once. Janeway makes a mental note to instruct the Klingon later on matters of discretion.
P109 Torres has streak and eggs for breakfast. Janeway sometimes wondered how Torres could stay so slim with the way she ate. It must be that fantastic Klingon physiology – or else it was the endless exercises she did to burn off her aggression. 
P124 B’E remembers nightmares about wandering a maze of corridors. Her dark hair and forehead ridges were getting a lot of attention, and she felt as if she were back in school, when the other kids had called her mutant and ugly. That was before she learned to strike out first, before they could hurt her. 
P174 the Tutopan nerve gas incapacitates B’E – Janeway wonders if B’E’s half-Klingon metabolism was especially vulnerable to the neural toxin.
P223 Torres woke, she rolled, automatically reaching for the phaser under her pillow, thinking she was caught in a raid in a Maquis outpost.  When she came up empty-handed, landing in a heap on the floor, she remembered she wasn’t fighting Cardassians or Starfleet anymore.  Sometimes Torres thought she fought with the Maquis because she had nothing else to believe in. their cause was never her cause. Torres identified Janeway as human, with an envious tone. 
Torres – My father was human and my mother, Klingon. Maybe I should be glad I’ve got some Klingon fire inside me.  How could she explain the Prime Directive when she didn’t completely understand it herself? The temptation was almost overwhelming. Conflicting desires swirled together, until everything resolved on the image of Janeway’s face the last time she disobeyed orders – after she and Seska had installed the transport device in Engineering. Nothing had been as excruciating as confessing her transgression to Janeway. B’E couldn’t let Janeway down again. 
Life Support
Leanne meets Jake on Prom, she was just passing the Klingon restaurant where she and Jake and Orak ordered lunch and she got the gagh and – ew
1800 tonight at the Klingon restaurant. Jake and Leanne
  Incident at Arbuk by John Gregory Betancourt 
P25 B’E had noticed Ensign Marta Dvorak’s work and brought her to the attention of Chakotay. Dvorak had dropped out of Starfleet Academy specifically to join the Maquis, after her homeworld, New Russia, had been ceded to the Cardassians. 
P50 Sperians didn’t believe much in safety features. Such a design would never have been approved by Klingons or humans. 
P61 Paul Fairman had been a mercenary, fighting with the Maquis for money rather than politics. In all his dealing on half a hundred planets he had noticed one universal. Whether Klingon or human or Vulcan or Romulan, everyone wanted food the way Mother used to make it. joined Maquis to get off New Russia after Federation blasted his ship while trying to stifle free trade, selling Reflux 2000 replicator technology to worlds without it. 
P101 Chakotay never liked flying by the seat of his pants, though he’d done more often than not as part of the Maquis
P120 B’E thinks its just like Chakotay to pull a rabbit out of his hat. 
P130 Ens. Richard N’gara, a pilot from the Maquis crew. Light brown skin.
P142 Fairman knows B’E’s been craving Klingon gruck with zpa. He brought a Reflux 2000 replicator over from the Maquis ship.
P175 B’E resorts to good old-fashioned brute force
Janeway sometimes thinks B’Elanna goes out of her way to find solutions that ignore Starfleet procedures. Convert auxiliary impulse reactor into crude dilithium refinery.
Heart of Stone
Prophet’s Landing, closest Bajoran colony to Cardassia
One man lightly armed Maquis interceptor, attack ships Peregrine class attack ships
Two days for probe to travel from edge of badlands to DS 9
The Cloud
B’Elanna knows a little about holographic programming, she could probably reprogram the Doctor. B’Elanna hopes Janeway has better luck with her animal guide than B’Elanna had when Chakotay went through ritual with her. B’Elanna tried to kill her animal guide. B’Elanna  - Paris’s holographic pool hustler Gaunt Gary is a pig, and so is Paris.
no Klingon content
Eye of the Needle
B’Elanna hasn’t seen her father since she was five. Her parents separated, father went back to earth, and that was the last she saw of him. B’Elanna thinks her mother is on the Klingon homeworld, they didn’t get along very well, out of touch. The Maquis are as close to family has she’s ever had, most of her friends are Maquis on Voyager. No one back in Federation who is going to care whether B’Elanna Torres is alive or not. B’Elanna thinks of trying to piggy back a transporter signal though the wormhole.
Prophet Motive
Curzon friend on Federation medical award board
Ex Post Facto
Chakotay and B’Elanna old Maquis trick – in Alpha Quadrant, Teluridian IV, fooled two Starfleet runabouts into believing their ship in serious trouble by venting LN2 exhaust conduits. Draw other, smaller ships in, fire phasers and escape.
Klingons just arrived on station a few hours ago. Sisko unaware of them. Two of Odo’s security guys leading drunken rowdy Klingon through Promenade. It seems their main computer on their freighter was damaged and they need a complete overhaul. Heading back to Klingon Empire. Two days at least. Romulans also on DS 9, Sisko warns Odo to keep a close eye on the Klingons – we don’t need any trouble right now.
O’Brien flash forward – quark comes to O’Brien complaining that the Klingons just destroyed two of my holosuites. This happens every time the Klingons come to DS 9. did you ever say No to a Klingon? Besides, they pay Quark double. 
O’Brien flash forward – Klingons, Romulans, Federation, Bajorans battling each other in Quark’s. one O’Brien downed by a Klingon, one O’Brien grabs a Klingon’s knife arm. 
To prevent fight Quark says he won’t let Klingons in bar, but three come laughing down from holosuites. Now they’ll pay him triple.
Klingons gather around Romulans at table
Who let these filthy p’tak in here
O’Brien ducks previous blow that feld him.
Visionary O’Brien grabs knife again
Low energy transporter beam places covert intelligence device for watching the Romulans, in wall, a delicate piece of transporter work
Odo’s first suspects are the Klingons
Visiting Terrellians also a possibility
Klingons realigned the matter imaging conversion matrix of replicator, turning it into small transporter – a very sophisticated, very professional job
Davlos III, planet on Klingon border, manufacturers of necessary device. Davlos does 90 per cent of its trade with Klingon Empire.
Odo has friend at Starfleet Intelligence who used to be assigned to Fed embassy on Klingon homeworld. He put Odo in contact with former Klingon operative who’s out of favor with the current administration. This former operative sent Odo a series of reports -. The three Klingons now on the station are part of a covert strike force that reports directly to the Klingon High Council. 
Sisko – so Gowron sent our three friends here and they’re conducting surveillance on the Romulans. Why? Here to kill them? Possibly. Just routine intelligence gathering operation, and the high energy laser that killed O’Brien just a booby trap to prevent someone tampering with the device, not meant for assassination. 
Hold the Klingons for questioning until Romulans leave
Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon.
Let me go! Third Klingon brought in by two guys, Starfleet security and Bajoran
This is an outrage! We have done nothing! Klingon already in holding cell
We will have our vengeance on all of you for this
You are treating us with dishonor. We have done nothing wrong.
Now you slander us. When my family finds out what you have done they will come here and kill you.
Odo says the only people who will come will be friends in Klingon Intelligence, and he understands they don’t like being embarrassed by operatives who fail in their mission.
Odo says, with cooperation, he might let them go without contacting their friends in intelligence.
Two light, one swarthy Klingon. Middle aged looking. Tall medium and short. Atul, Morka, Bo’rak. 
B’Elanna not a good visual observer. 
Klingons believe in an afterlife, but there is no burial ritual. they just dispose of the corpse by the most efficient means possible. Chakotay about to point out But some archaeological digs on the Klingon homeworld - interrupted
Prime Factors
B’Elanna eating with Seska in mess hall, looking at Ens Murphy. Harry would have told B’Elanna about Jenny Delaney.
B’Elanna in senior officers meeting – maybe she could figure out how trajectory platform works, but Janeway orders her not to
B’Elanna and Seska in engineering trying to figure trajectory out. Carey with her on this one, just working in theory
Harry comes to Tom, B’Elanna, Seska when he gets an offer
“Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this, it’s not going to work out.”
“Take the technology, without permission?” 
Seska surprised, not the way B’Elanna usually thinks.
“Seska, I am a senior officer now, I have responsibilities.”
“We’re under oath”
B’Elanna, as a Maquis, made a promised to stick together until the Zone was safe
B’Elanna tells Seska to calm down
B’Elanna didn’t anticipate anti-neutrinos, has to phaser the trajector
B’Elanna is going to take the blame, disobeyed orders, can’t pretend it didn’t happen, it has to do with being able to live with yourself. 
Seska says B’Elanna has changed, B’Elanna takes that as a compliment
B’Elanna, in her confession to Janeway, does not implicate Tuvok
Janeway would throw Torres in brig for rest of voyage
One more transgression and Torres will no longer be an officer
State of Flux
B’Elanna on away team to damaged Kazon vessel
B’Elanna knows only the Federation uses neosorium technology
B’Elanna no Scottish miracle worker “No, Captain. When I say tomorrow, I mean tomorrow. I don’t exaggerate.”
B’Elanna’s best friend Seska was a Cardassian agent, beams over to the Kazon
Distant Voices
no Klingon content
Though the Looking Glass mirror universe
Heroes and Demons
B‘Elanna and Janeway investigate photonic energy from proto star and trap Harry in his Beowolf holoprogram
Improbable Cause
no Klingon content
Chakotay once showed B’Elanna how medicine wheel worked, told her to perform ritual if anything happened to him
The Die Is Cast
After the Founders destroy the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian order fleet, the only real threat from the Alpha Quadrant will be the Klingons and the Federation, and the Founders doubt either will be a threat for much longer. Eddington on duty.
Klingon B’Elanna demands to know what has happened to her
Vidiian Sulan extracted and reconstituted her Klingon genome
Klingon B’Elanna will never help them
The pain of the Phage is nothing to her
It is going to take more than an infection to kill me
Klingons find honor as warriors on the battlefield, not as guinea pigs in a laboratory
Klingons are the most impressive species Sulan has ever seen
Human B’Elanna feels very weak
As a child B’Elanna did everything she could to hide her forehead, hats, scarves, etc
Grew up in colony on Kessik IV, B’Elanna and mother only Klingons there
Relations between Fed and homeworld were not very cordial at that time
B’Elanna didn’t like being different.
Then her father left, B’Elanna was five years old
One day there, next he was not
B’Elanna cried herself to sleep every night [teat ducts] for months, never told her mother
B’Elanna decided her father left because she looked like a Klingon, so she tried to look human
Klingon B’Elanna doesn’t like being restrained
Klingon B’Elanna tells infatuated Sulan Klingon females are renowned in the Alpha Quadrant not only for their physical prowess but for their voracious sexual appetite
Let her out to study her in action?
Tom almost has his face cut off to make Sulan look better to Klingon B’Elanna
Klingon B’Elanna breaks free of restraints and attacks Sulan [but doesn’t kill him]
B’Elanna has never felt such fear
Klingon B’Elanna goes through mining tunnels looking for Tom Paris
Klingon B’Elanna rescues Human B’Elanna
Human B’Elanna faints and Klingon B’Elanna carries her off
Klingon B’Elanna kills some rodent and builds fire to cook it in mining tunnels
Nourishment is necessary
We fight our way out
Were you too frightened to act?
Look! I’ll show you the way to escape! – fist and weapon
If it doesn’t work, hit it
If it’s in your way, knock it down
Human B’Elanna should be eternally grateful to Klingon B’Elanna for her Klingon instincts getting her kicked out of Starfleet academy
Your temper has gotten me into trouble more times . . .
Can’t Human B’Elanna even acknowledge that Klingon B’Elanna rescued her and they won’t be able to get out of there without her
Maybe brute force won’t work, but it is better to die in the attempt than sit here like frightened tika cats doing nothing
Klingons leap into action before thinking things through
It may not be as excited as fighting our way out, but deactivating the forcefield is a better chance, and Human B’Elanna needs Klingon B’Elanna to get her back there
Klingon B’Elanna wants to be needed
Klingon B’Elanna runs from door to door while Human B’Elanna works the computer
Klingon B’Elanna badly wounded taking Sulan’s phaser shot
You showed true courage, it makes my death an honorable one
Over the course of several days Doctor reintegrates Klingon DNA, B’Elanna needs it to live
Human B’Elanna more at peace with herself, but feel incomplete
Human B’Elanna admires Klingon B’Elanna’s strength, bravery
Curzon watched Sisko build a nursery for Jake, with star painted ceiling. Told him Dax parenting stories.
Dukat concerned Maquis might attack Sisko's solar ship
Jake wrote a story about the Maquis, but not from experience
no Klingon content
Family Business
Curzon would have stolen Captain Kasidy Yates from Sisko by now
Ferengi have Age of Ascension, too
Can Sisko get Kasidy Yates another raktajino? At the replimat.
Learning Curve
B’Elanna – Get the cheese to sickbay
no Klingon content
  The Murdered Sun by Christie Golden 
P16 as usual, Torres was the last to arrive, having to come all the way from Engineering. Graceful and slim despite the physical power granted by her Klingon mother’s blood. Chakotay had learned to respect Tuvok when the Vulcan worked undercover on Chakotay’s Maquis vessel. 
P60 B’E took any fault in her engines personally
P67 the half-Klingon grimaced, the gesture making her face look more Klingon and less human than it normally appeared
P78 Paris muses that Torres never happier than when she was with her beloved engines, she seemed more at home with them than with people. He couldn’t think of anything that would interest her more than getting her hands on a totally alien engineering system
P90 the design of the Akerian spaceship does not impress Janeway. Even Klingon vessels had more to offer their crew than this chock-a-block construction.
P131 Chakotay and B’E on the ancient Verunan ship Conviction. 
C- Out with it, B’Elanna. I’ve known you too long. She let out a frustrated, unhappy sound, somewhere between a whimper and a growl. Her breast heaved with anger, but when she spoke, there was no trace of Klingon rage in her surprisingly soft voice. 
C- that’s a violation of the Prime Directive. We made promises when we agreed to wear these uniforms. Sometimes the right choices aren’t the easy ones. With a speed that shocked even him, who ought to have known better, she slammed her fist angrily down on the floor of the vessel. Chakotay often thought that Torres had entered his life simply to be taught the lesson of patience by him. They’d clashed before, he and she, and he knew this was how she handled what she regarded as a setback. 
P169 Chakotay knew a lot about engineering systems and computers. As a commander of a Maquis crew who kept constantly leaping from one jury-rigged, stolen vessel to another, but B’E knew more about engines.
P178 a yawn escaped Torres, who seemed irritated at this show of weakness. She shot Paris a rather nasty look at his teasing comment
P190 it was just like old times in the Maquis, when everyone knew just what it was they were risking their lives for and knew, bone deep, that it was a good cause. Chakotay’s crew had some measure of fighting spirit flowing in their blood, or they never would have joined the Maquis. Starfleet might call them terrorists, they knew they were Freedom Fighters. Chakotay’s people were men and women who had not been afraid to give up lives, homes, families, security, to fight and die to protest the encroachment of the calculating, cruel Cardassians.
Nog going for six week Academy prep course. Fails preliminary test, because Quark alters program, so he can't even apply to the Academy next year. But he passes on the second try.
Curzon had a zhian'tara. 
Jadzia is an expert in Klingon martial arts, she took it up after she was joined. The symbiont improved her concentration, and coordination. 
Odo turns into a middle aged Curzon, nose, spots, fuller hair. When is Kasidy Yates coming back? Jake remembers Curzon. Orders tranyas, very cold. Curzon got Tobin drunk for the first time at Curzon's zhian'tara. Curzon/Odo plays tongo very well. 
Sisko explains Curzon as friend, confidant, teacher, manipulative, selfish and arrogant. People let him get away with it because he was so charming. Sisko occasionally had to stand up to him. Curzon always had an eye for the ladies, fell deeply in love with Jadzia when she was with him as an initiate. Odo wonders how Curzon ever got any work done
  The Long Night by Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch 
P12 Curzon thought of the joyous ritual of living, smelling bad occasionally part of that. 
P30 the Klingons punish people who sell contraband with death. Sisko and Curzon used to discuss the Nibix, one of the most famous lost ships in the history of the galaxy, at length. 800 years ago the Supreme Ruler of Jibet, Jibim Kiba Siber, religious leader, fled democratic uprising in the Nibix, full of priceless art. some of the 80 worlds the Jibetians now inhabit are about to join the Federation. In the din at Quark’s a Klingon is shouting orders and being ignored. 
P183 the Curzon part of Jadzia begs her to touch one, just one, of the priceless pieces of traditional Jibetian jewelry. Jadzia ignores it as best she could.
P199 Jepson, one of the worst mercenaries in the Bajoran sector, and his scavenger ship the Solaires.
The Adversary
Curzon would have been proud of Sisko making captain
Eddington around, tells Sisko he thinks Sisko's promotion long overdue. According to him people enter Starfleet to get to the captain's chair, That's what I wanted when I jointed up. You don't get to be a captain wearing a gold uniform. Sisko suggests he transfer. 
Sisko was last in Tzenkethi area during Fed-Tzenkethi war. 
  Station Rage by Diane Carey 
P18 the body-armor-type leggings looks like something a Klingon would wear, though O’Brien has never seen Klingons in bright red and orange and purple like these. 
P43 Gul Fransu asks reason he is being assigned desk rotation, has his mother-in-law been unmasked as a Klingon agent?
P103 forces in quadrant now – Federation, Romulans, Klingons, Orions, Ferengi, Tholians, Eridani, Rigelians, Dominion.
P127 the revived High Gul of the Crescent Order, the only person with that title ever, plans to awaken the Cardassians, divide the Bajorans from the Federation, ignite the Klingons, tease the Romulans, infuriate the Orions, combust these Terrans and all the others, and foment the war that should have happened a long time ago.
P135 the High Gul is a man out of time, he wanted to set the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Terrans at each other’s throats, but he thought he was dealing with the civilizations of 80 years ago. Today the Romulans, the Klingons, and all the others possessed strengths the High Gul had scarcely imagined in his own time, a time when Cardassians were in control of all their known space and just barely beginning to run into races who might stand up to them.
P263 three massive galaxy class starships and one almost as massive Klingon battle cruiser come up on DS 9 in attack formation. There has been a communications whiteout in the sector and Starfleet sent them to investigate. Sisko could count on Starfleet to back him up, and even the Klingons were not willing to let a whole sector go dark comm wise without investigating. Captain Gamarra of the Exeter, in charge, Potemkin and Hood, and Klingon Imperial Warship N’gat. The High Gul looks at the starships and the Klingon battle cruiser, his eyes full of appreciation for the scalding martial beauty and power he saw there. In an attempt to rescue the High Gul Cardassia will force the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans and all these to rise up and destroy it. Sisko offers shore leave to crews of the rescuing ships.
  Do Comets Dream  by S.P. Somtow
The Panvivlion, the Thanetian Sacred Text, works very well in Klingon. much of the same rigid codification of honor and caste.
Worf – A people who kills what it eats at the dinner table understands the spirit of the warrior.
Picard – There were certain constants in the universe and Worf's cantankerousness was one of them
Dr. Robert Halliday wrote a treatise on the use of glottal stops in the regional dialects of the Klingon Empire
Worf – Honor demands that we exhaust all possibilities before allowing death to occur needlessly.
A Klingon ten-opera cycle
Worf – it has chosen a glorious death in warfare and it would be dishonorable to deny it that.
Cavern of Despair

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