Encounter at Farpoint
Lt. Worf at aft sensor stations of bridge with Lt. Yar 
Reports on condition of frozen conn [right station] officer Lt. Torres in sickbay. 
“Permission to clean up the bridge” 
“Our only choice is to fight . . .”  Q 
Worf goes down to engineering to inform them to prepare for high speed saucer separation. 
Mans Ops [left hand station] with Data on Conn [right hand], reads off Enterprise velocity. 
Worf ordered to command saucer section. 
Worf -  I am a Klingon, Sir. For me to seek escape while my Captain goes into battle -   Picard – You are a Starfleeet officer Lt.   Worf – Aye, sir. 
Worf in Captain’s chair of saucer section sent on to Farpoint with families. The comfy chair. 
Worf manning bridge, standing over people at front Ops and Conn stations, Data taking an Admiral (McCoy) back to shuttle, when Riker comes on bridge. Worf is aware “the Admiral is rather a remarkable man.”  McCoy also an old ami of Picard. 
Worf, at Conn [right station] tries to phaser image of Q in forward viewscreen. 
Fast, but futile reaction. “I will learn to do better.” 
Worf announces perimeter alert while standing at ramp, after Wesley does it. 
Worf at Conn [right station]. Hailing with no response. Shields up, phasers ready. We were just scanned.  Announces being firing at old Bandi city. 
Worf takes Conn [right station] to maneuver ship but Q thwarts him. Ship controls don't work. 
Worf at Conn [right station], Geordi at Ops [left]. Worf points out change in alien space being.
Worf at aft sensor console at end. 
The Naked Now
Worf at aft station, behind Yar
Reports sensor scans report no life on ship Tsiolokovsky now, as he moves from aft to front to take over for Data at Ops [left] station. 
Not part of away team to Tsiolokovsky 
Worf keeps Ops [left] chair, Data takes the Conn [right].
Worf monitors messages from around ship, while sitting at Ops. 
“I don’t understand their humor either.”  To Data as they sit up front re: Venus limerick 
Yar gets disease; Captain sends Data after her. 
At Ops [left] station when Picard tries to reason with infected Wesley blocking access to Engineering 
Worf, Klingons, not susceptible to this Psi 2000 virus??
Wo/We slash potential
Code of Honor
No Worf for Yar’s big fight scene with Yareena over Lutan on Ligon II, a culture that values ritual honor above all else, and is not a member of the Federation.
Betazed also has a matriarchal oligarchy

  Double Helix Infection by John Gregory Betancourt 
P7  the General can alter his communications transmission to make himself appear like a Klingon
P46 serviced for departure at Archo City spacedock, Archaria III, within the last 30 days, Zythal’s Revenge, a Klingon freighter, along with 262 other ships.
Falcon’s Talon, another Klingon freighter, that was supposed to pick up 500 metric tons of grain.  Absent from its berth at Archo City spacedock, Archaria III after quarantine, without leaving any record of departure. 
P59 one ship on landing pad at small research base on moon Delos had almost Klingon lines. Could it be one of the two missing Klingon freighters?
Klingons might well explain the silence from the base, if they decided to move in and take over. Picard can see them smashing all the communications equipment. He could also see them killing everyone in sight if sufficiently provoked.
Worf picks up 36 life forms, 10 Klingon.
Klingons are down there. Picard instructs Worf to lead the away team of security officers. Please bear in mind that this is a fact finding mission, not a military assault. Picard thought he detected a note of near glee in Worf’s Yes, Sir!
P66 who would want to sign a genetically designed virus? Not the Klingons, they wouldn’t bother, even if they understood the underlying technology. Klingon medicine had barely advanced beyond leeches, in Crusher’s opinion. An attack on innocent half-breed humans would be incredibly dishonorable. No, it couldn’t be the Klingons.  
P70 though he had been raised among humans, Worf felt his Klingon heritage most keenly in one-on-one meetings and social situations. It happened more and more as he ran up against what he considered the human mysteries – the little social nuances he never quiet seemed to pick up on. It should not matter to a warrior. But somehow it always did. 
Worf – what do you do when you are inside a human female’s cabin and she isn’t dressed yet?
Worf gave a mental snort to Tasha’s Make yourself at home, though he recognizes he could use a friend here.
Perhaps it was his prickly Klingon nature, but it took him a long time to warm up to strangers. He still felt like an outsider among the officers, even when they went out of their way to include him in their social banter.
Worf recognizes a small Vulcan kinetic sculpture in Tasha’s quarters.
Perhaps she feels as alone as he does.
Taking refuge in duty he began to fill Yar in on the details. Yar is going on an away mission to the planet, Picard wants Worf to lead an away team to the smaller moon, Picard thought they should coordinate
Yar – Worf, you and I both know you’re more than capable of dealing with this situation on your own. I’m going to leave it up to you. This is a good chance to impress the captain – don’t blow it.
Worf bristled at the very idea.
Yar suggests Schiltz, Detek and Wrenn. Worf has already assigned them, an Ens. Clarke.
Yar – Go with my blessing. Bust some skulls. I know that’s’ what you really want to do.
Worf – my people. Yes, I would like to meet more of my people and bust some skulls! He felt his blood surge at the thought of combat. 
P78 Klingons are not meant for containment suits. Worf felt an itch starting in the middle of his back and gave a growl of displeasure. His faceplate fogged over. 
Worf tells his team – And remember – this is a good day to die!
Worf gave a mental snort – Humans. It really was a good day to die. If you went into combat fearing nothing, you walked the path to glory
Worf has already coordinated with LaForge for a out of the way beam in site. His plan called for securing the dome, then using it was a bases of operations as they made their way through the complex. 
Energize! He said, loud enough to be heard even through his helmet
Shields had been known to hide ambushes and he never took unnecessary chances
Nothing leaped out with fangs bared and claws ready. Diseases were far more insidious than that.
Only after assigning people positions did Worf relax enough to take his finger off his own phaser’s firing button.
The Klingons here would not be affected by the plague
First he had to address the problem at hand – securing this dome.
Sometimes he though humans would eat anything, if it came in an attractive package
P81 The jumble of crate might conceal anything from a cloaked Romulan death squad to the lost treasures of Fret’vok. 
You couldn’t cover your back if you didn’t know what was behind you
Better to die in honorable combat than to succumb to a disease.
He began to study the bodies with the dispassionate attention of a born predator
He studied the long clean sweep of the death blows on the humans. A strong arm had delivered those cuts. The wounds looked exactly like the marks left by a mek’leth, or several mek’leths.
Only Klingons used that particular type of short sword, he knew, with its razor-sharp edge and deadly point – perfect for slashing and thrusting. He liked to use one himself. Unlike disruptors, it made combat a personal experience, but it also made for messy corpses.
Control yourself, he snarled to his human team. You must have seen death before.
Worf rose and pivoted on the balls of his feet, furious with the breaches in protocol. This is going in their personal files, he vowed. Simpering over a little blood! No stomach for a little blood. They are only human, they cannot help their weaknesses. Still, he had expected more from them. After all, he was leading this mission. 
P94 Worf, treading as softly as a Klingon could
He felt a brief surge of pride. By coming here, they had already made a difference – these two women would have a chance for survival
Too late! Worf thought with the glee of a predator closing in for the kill. He felt the roar of his blood. He voiced a wordless battle cry A-a-a-a-r-h-
Even as they began to crumple he closed the distance between in a heartbeat, still yelling.
His Starfleet training took over and Worf dragged himself back from the berserker’s abyss. It would have been easy to let himself go in the fury and passion of the moment. To kill and kill again while his blood sang the music of violence in his ears.
The humans are crew from the Middlemarch. The Klingons have attacked them twice in the last three days. Sniping at them. The Klingons smashed the base’s comm. equipment. 
You are welcome to come with me, I am going to see the Klingons next.
P144 a boisterous Klingon song, a popular old drinking tune with a rousing chorus:
Comrades in death, in death we live!
Drink up my brothers, tomorrow we give!
Death to the humans! Death to your foe!
Death to the Romulans! Strike a deadly blow!
Worf knew it well. Legions of Klingon warriors had sung that song for more than a hundred years, drinking to victory in their wars with Earth and Romulus. On blow they would drain their tankards of blood wine, then slam them down.
Form the way they slurred their words, Worf knew the celebration had been going on a long time, a very long time. And there was nothing more dangerous than a drunken Klingon.
Knowing the dangers he could not let his three young ensigns face these Klingons. They were too inexperienced. 
These are Klingons! They are singing songs about killing humans and Romulans. Do not question my orders again.
He saw all 10 Klingons in various stages of drunkenness. They were lounging on chairs, benches, and the floor holding tankards aloft, singing at the top of their lungs. A large keg of bloodwine sat before them and it was more than half gone.
The singing trailed off as they noticed Worf. Several fumbled for mek’leths, one, their leader? staggered to his feet.
Worf - You are a disgrace to our people!
P146 I am Krot of the House of Mok! No one insults me! Worf took three quick steps forward and backhanded Krot across the face. 
Krot staggered to his feet, grinning. Worf? I have never heard of you, and a Klingon serving aboard a Federation ship? I spit on you and your house, you simpering would-be human!
Worf backhanded him again, but this time Krot was ready. Shrugging off the blow he punched Worf in the head with the full strength of a Klingon warrior.
Krot tears off the cracked helmet of Worf’s containment suit.
Roaring in rage, Worf tried a head-butt.  He caught Krot by surprise and the Klingon leader reeled back, this time laughing like a demon. A thin line of blood ran from a cut over his left eye.  Worf glared his rage.
Join us, Worf! Krot shouted. Maybe you are a real Klingon! He picked up a tankard, dipped it into the keg of blood wine and held it out. Drink up! Sing the old songs! Let us know what kind of warrior you are!
Worf had exposed himself to the virus. Perhaps that is what I wanted, he thought, to see my own kind. At least for a day or two. 
Worf accepted the tankard from Krot and raised it high in the air. To the emperor! he cried.
To the Emperor! the others roared. They chanted as he raised the tankard to his lips. He drained it in a few deep gulps and when he slammed it down and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm they cheered.
P177 after his third tankard of blood wine Worf felt himself getting as plastered as the rest of his new found Klingon friends. His tongue kept tripping over itself, but between bouts of song, fistfights, and bragging matches, he managed to piece together most of the details of what had brought Captain Krot and his men to this place. 
Captain Krot had realized his ship would be caught on Archaria III as soon as the plague broke loose if he did not move quickly. Their cargo – 50,000 tons of grain, destined for the qagh farms on Kra’togh IV, had already been delivered. They just had a few repairs to make to their warp drive.
Bah! Bad luck follows me
After cunningly bribing the docking clerk in charge of their vessel they’d lifted off. Your life will be spared if you delete our departure record! Krot had said. He burst out laughing when he tried to describe the clerk’s horrified expression when faced with a mek’leth at his throat!
Unfortunately their emergency warp-drive repairs had not held up. Due to primary warp-core failure, they had only gotten as far as orbit.
Then they picked up a transmission to the Enterprise. Immediately Krot ordered a landing on one of the moons, and they were fortunate to sop this old base. It already had two ships parked here, they figured they would wait out the plague while they made repairs.
Worf silently congratulated himself on discretely returning his human away team to the Enterprise shortly after his first cup of blood wine.
The captain raised his tankard. To Klingons everywhere!
To Klingons, Worf echoed
The rest of Krot’s crew began to chant, again, and Worf drained his blood wine in two long gulps. 
Why should I care about a human quarantine? This plague does not affect Klingons!
It is better to cooperate, Worf said sagely
Perhaps Picard will listen to reason, or a mek’leth, eh?
Do not pull a mek’leth on him, though, or I will have to kill you!
Just try!
Worf struggled to his feet. He couldn’t quite get them to work. Too much blood wine, maybe I have said enough. That was the last thing he remembered.
P212 Klingons lay sprawled everywhere around Worf, snoring. Krot, Skall, Karqq.
Worf’s head felt like a split melon. He had forgotten to check in with the Enterprise and make his report. He knew a human captain wouldn’t kill him for such an oversight, but he felt he deserved execution.
He had lost track of his mission. He had neglected his duty. Never again, he thought. 
Where No One Has Gone Before
Worf reports main engineering is ready to begin warp experiments from aft station 
Worf sees childhood pet targ from aft station on bridge.  His pet from home when he was a child. Like a kitty cat. 
  Ghost Ship by Diane Carey 
page 26 Worf growling on the quarterdeck about sensor readings from gas giant they are studying 
page 26 Picard pulls an extra measure of calmness up when he deals with Worf 
page 26 Worf covers the space between  aft sensor station and aft rail in one step 
page 27 Worf says something 'coarsely.' Picard says 'Don't use that tone with me, Lieutenant. There is no crisis yet.' 
page 27 the riblike cranium is part of his Klinzhai racial background, the strain which had emerged dominant during the last Klingon purge 
page 28 fellow crewmembers can see Worf working hard all the time to control himself 
page 28 Yar not hesitant to argue with Worf about sensor readings 
page 28 Worf doesn't like the feeling of being watched 
page 32 Riker makes joking comment about Worf reacting with laughter to Deanna's bridge appearance 
page 41 Worf and Yar are both ill-suited to tracking down sensor blips, Picard thinks of them as hotheads 
page 46 Worf constantly works to control his Klingon explosiveness 
page 70 "Ghosts are fables!" 
page 81 Riker wonders about Worf - is he lonely? What keeps him in Starfleet when he could easily go back to his Klinzhai tribes and be completely accepted? Why doesn't he go home? 
page 81 it isn't a Klingon trait to reject one of their own blood, no matter the circumstances of his separation 
page 94 Worf double checks Yar sensor reading 
page 111 Worf is described as a great warrior, prowling the ramparts of technology. 
page 111 Worf smells battle 
page 111 Worf tastes the raw meat of challenge upon his tongue like blood and ripped flesh 
page 111 Worf hears the song of warriors in his mind, shrieking through his instincts 
page 111 Worf can't abide the price of peace 
page 111 Worf knows there will be trouble before there is peace 
page 111 Worf prepares for trouble so he won't be surprised 
page 111 it takes great effort, in his prepared for trouble state, to speak civilly instead of growling 
page 111 Worf was adopted by human parents in Starfleet who told him boring childhood stories 
page 111 Worf's adoptive parents soon started telling him meatier tales by Bram Stoker, Melville, Dumas, Stervasney and Kryo, stories he could chew 
page 112 Worf and Tasha work well together in figuring out the pattern in the sensor reading 
page 113 beneath his Klinzhai skull and the two downturned lances of his eyebrows 
page 114 Picard makes both Yar and Worf twitch 
page 124 Worf sends Picard's orders in a low band communiqué to Mr. Argyle, Engineer, in separated saucer section 
page 127 Worf reports report from Engineer MacDougal about star drive section warp capability 
page 128 Worf speaks clearly and fiercely 
page 140 Worf  and Geordi go to Data when he collapses. Picard instructs Geordi to attend to the helm and leave Data to Worf 
page 147 Picard orders Worf to leave Data and assist with tractor beam at Ops console 
page 149 Worf carries out order for shipwide systems power shut down 
page 151 Worf and Yar get on the first elevator with Picard and Troi 
page 208 Lt. Worf, Science Station Two, working the sensors 
page 208 "Don't worry sir. We'll figure it out if I have to slice off a piece of it and beat it to death for an autopsy." 
page 209 Riker asks Worf for any clues on fighting the thing 
page 209 As a matter of fact, fighting space phenomenon is a question of tolerance, how much energy it can take at one time 
page 209 "We" have figured this out - Worf and Tasha?? 
page 210 Worf is unaffected by the presence of an officer [Riker] at his shoulder while he's working the sensors
page 210 Worf fierce countenance, dogged perseverance, completely absorbed 
page 210 though Worf has lost touch with what Data and Geordi are doing 
page 210 Klingons are warriors, sir. Our goal is to die in battle. Some Klingons have even made wars and feuds begin so they and their clans could go out and die right. 
page 210 Worf is contemptuous of space phenomenon, a coward and bully, no honor in fighting it 
page 211 ok to escape a thunderstorm rather than fight it 
page 213 Worf hunches resolutely over the science station 
page 215 Worf tells Riker that Data can attract the space phenomenon's attention with the weapons aboard the shuttlecraft. "No problem, sir." 
page 224 Worf booms at Dr. Crusher. Crusher answers him sternly 
page 224 Two medical interns actually manage to knock Worf out of the way when they need to assist Picard 
page 228 Riker has some faith that Worf would find a way to combat the space phenomenon 
page 224 Worf, terrible scowl on fierce features, hates to have to say firing on phenomenon would be useless 
page 250 Worf announces from the upper bridge the thing has dissipated, no central mass any longer 
page 250 Worf attributes victory to Picard "You did it sir." Picard says it was collaborative effort 
page 252 Worf and Yar get busy on upper deck with repairs to phasers 
No Worf for Deanna’s mother Lwaxana Troi and betrothed Wyatt Miller at beautiful planet Beta Cassius, also known as Haven 
The Last Outpost
Worf at aft sensor station while chasing first Ferengi contact 
“In visual range, Captain” 
“They are firing on us.” 
Mutters in the back “Immobilized by the damned Ferengi” 
Searches for communication message from Ferengi from aft station. 
Worf mans Conn [right station] with Data on Ops [left] 
“Uncle who?”   re Data’s remark about Uncle Sam and Red, White and Blue. 
“I say fight, sir. There is nothing shameful about falling before a superior enemy.” 
Moves from Conn [right station] to aft sensor station when Geordi returns.
Worf in conference evaluation with others 
Agrees with Yar – full phaser and torpedo salvo. “Hit them hard and hit them fast.” 
“We ask to surrender and now they fire on us?” 
Worf at aft station, backing up Yar in confrontation with Ferengi. “If the Ferengi sensors can read us, sir, they will wait until we are most vulnerable.” 
Worf on Riker’s away team to planet in Delphi Ardu system, last outpost of Tkon Empire, as Riker wants “additional help” 
Worf and Yar together on away team. 
Worf unconscious in fog on planet, wakes up and attacks Ferengi. Two jump him. Yar saves the guys. 
“For battle, come to me!” Worf to Portal 
Picard compliments to Lt. Worf. On return to the ship. 
  The Peacekeepers by Gene DeWeese
page 4  the Klingon monitors the science stations, finding lifesigns, power fluctuations, the age of objects in space
page 8 Klingons would not require the pampering of suspended animation for travel between the stars in a sublight ship [pre T’Ong]
page 11 Worf monitors away team, notes antimatter mass activating, and urges Picard to bring away team back before explosion.
page 15 Worf reports the explosion of the object
page 16 Yar corrects Worf’s assumption about other, nonnuclear weapons
page 17 but they agree about the self-destruct nature of the first
page 17 Worf can only scan for weapons with which his sensors are familiar
page 25 Worf analyzes deflector field and locates the generators to destroy them
page 26 Worf analyzes radiation levels
page 35  Worf monitors shield
page 37 Worf’s implacable features and Yar’s equally tense ones
page Worf’s instruments find another transporter trace
page 60  Riker, Yar and Worf beam over to derelict ship to find missing Data and Geordi
page 73 Worf takes Enterprise conn and initiates search pattern under impulse power which lasts several hours
page 152 back at the science station monitoring radiation levels
page 153 monitors another transporter on the derelict, and sends coordinates to Enterprise transporter room
page 240 Deanna senses Worf’s emotions as a dark, turbulent pattern, though deeply submerged beneath its Federation imposed veneer
page 241 Worf monitors sensors for planetary systems as Enterprise searches for Data, Geordi, Riker and Yar
page 242 Worf responds immediately to Deanna’s urgent request to scan for subspace activity and finds something
page 256 Worf reads off the stats on the planetary system they are approaching
page 256 Worf scans for Federation level technology and finds another antimatter power source
page 257 a Lt. Brindle takes over tactical in Yar’s absence
page 259 Worf, with a frown that made his Klingon features seem even more than usually menacing
page 260 Worf monitors shield around satellite
page 267 Worf’s impressively menacing features startle elderly Shar-Tel
page 274 Worf monitors power readings from the satellite
page 279 Worf reports that the huge ship is a sensor illusion
page 280 Picard questions Worf about the possibility of taking Enterprise inside illusionary vessel
page 296 Worf gets to dress up in metal-studded glove and heavy leather barbaric battle garb, with preserved head of small fanged animal on massive ornamental chain around his neck, to frighten Lyn-Pron and the others to stop before they destroy their world. He acts like a superbeing toying with the planet’s inhabitants for his own amusement until Lyn-Pron and five others jump on him and ‘defeat’ him and he ‘vanishes.’ With a deafening roar.
page 305 the illusion was made up partially of a century old Klingon battle cruiser
page 306 Picard critics Worf’s performance – too melodramatic
page 306 Worf enjoyed his first dramatic improvisation
page 306 no Klingon would ever be so foolish to turn his back on six enemies
page 306 Deanna had been relaying the emotional states of the natives to Worf during his performance
page 307 the people from the Peacekeeper’s World will soon be venturing out into space on their own – looking for the monster that toyed with them!
Lonely Among Us
Worf down with Geordi doing routine maintenance on sensor assembly, simple reason because our captain wants his junior officers to learn, learn, learn. 
Worf attacked by energy blast sensor feedback from Beta Renna cloud 
Violent with Crusher before sedated. 
Entity leaves Worf for Crusher, Deanna comes to look in on restrained Worf 
Worf back at Conn [right] station. Warp power fails. 
Worf comes across zapped Engineer Singh, dead, in engineering 
Worf stands over Geordi in engineering. 
Reports warp power restored. 
Worf comes to Sick bay at Crusher’s request. Deanna waiting there. He has a memory block out, which he doesn’t remember having.
Deanna wants to try hypnosis on Worf and Crusher about their memory block outs 
Worf watches Deanna hypnotize Dr. Crusher after he has been hypnotized himself. Worf revealed, under hypnosis, he felt another presence in his mind after being zapped. 
Worf in Riker’s chair [right of center] when others in meeting with Picard. 
Worf reports loss of helm control to Picard in meeting. 
Worf moves to aft station when everyone comes out of meeting. 
Worf and others restrained by energy bolts, unable to move. 
Worf ?”I’ll help if you let me?” 
Worf alerts Riker that something is on his sensor controls. 
Worf on aft rail 
Worf has already reported a faulty reading, identified as a glitch in the system 
Worf beams down with first away team to planet Rubicun III, inhabitants the Edos 
Blonde girl Rivan, one of the leaders of Edos “I welcome this huge one.” Hugs Worf.  “Nice planet.” 
Jog everywhere Riker – “When in Rome” Worf “When in where, Sir?” 
I am not concerned with pleasure, Commander. I am a warrior. For what we consider love, sir, I would need a Klingon woman. Need plain old basic sex, of course, but with the females available to him, earth females, he must restrain himself too much. They are quite fragile, sir. 
Bragging, sir?
Worf goes to Yar to tell her they’ve lost contact with the ship. 
“We’d better find Wesley.” 
Pulls phasers with Yar to protect Wesley 
Worf takes position at aft rail upon return to ship.
Potential baby index for Worf - with Rivan, and other fragile Edos ladies from nice planet of Rubicun II
Wo/We slash potential
The Battle
Worf at aft station 
“I can’t believe they’re coming here” when Ferengi Rata and Kazago agree to beam over to Enterprise 
Steps to forward when Ferengi beam over 
Investigates Stargazer with Yar, Geordi, Data, before Picard comes over 
Worf transferred a rather heavy chest from Stargazer to Picard’s Enterprise quarters 
Brings chest with Thought Maker object to bridge
Hide and Q
Worf at aft sensor station 
Worf jumps rail to aim phaser at Q as Aldebaran serpent glowing floating three headed sphere 
Q calls Worf Macro head with micro brain. Worf growls. 
Transported with Riker, Yar, Geordi and Data to play Q’s game on planet 
Worf pours drink out “Drink not with thine enemy” Q says, the rigid Klingon code. 
Worf goes out alone to investigate enemy soldiers “viscous animal things” 
Jumps at Riker testing his phaser “A warrior’s reaction.” 
Q returns them to planet unarmed 
Worf rushes animal things, bayoneted, Wesley rushes to his aid, Wesley is stabbed. 
Riker returns everyone safe to bridge 
Riker uses his Q powers to provide Worf with aggressive female 
“No, she is from a world now alien to me. This is sex. But I have no place for it in my life now.” Growls at Q. 
Wo/We slash potential
Too Short a Season
At aft station at beginning
At aft station with Adm. Mark Jamison in his supportchair. Jamison gets up and walks to conn. 
On Jamison’s armed rescue mission down to Mordan IV, with Yar and Picard and Jamison 
Worf and Yar use phasers to cut through steelplast 
Saves Jamison by crossing hallway and pushing him down during phaser fight 
Shoots over barrels defending position 
On bridge after beam up 
Not on bridge at end
The Big Goodbye
Worf in briefing when Picard describes Dixon Hill program.
“Automobiles?”  Data has to explain 
Worf at Conn [right station], Wesley at Ops [left], when holodeck traps Picard 
“Standard orbit, Mr. Worf” 
Worf at aft station, Geordi up front at Conn at end 
Worf busy at aft station 
Worf and Yar on away team to Data’s planet Omicron Theta
Takes point with Riker and Yar into cave 
Explores corridors of underground complex with Yar 
“Were you ever this anxious to please, Data” watching Lore on the bridge 
With Riker, Yar and Picard looking at crystalline entity 
Worf has report of Lore’s movements – Picard’s movements
Worf reports to Riker that ‘Data’ is sending subspace message. 
Shows Lore his ‘warrior fierceness’ in fight in turbolift 
Lore knocks wind out with first blow, unconscious with second blow 
Angel One
“Klingons appreciate strong women” from the aft station 
Worf in turbolift with Picard. Instructions to prepare for warp 6 excursion to the neutral zone – Romulans detected near border post. 
Worf and Picard hit by snow from Wesley exiting holodeck 
Smell slightly reminiscent of Night-Blooming Throgni, from home. 
Quite stimulating, wouldn’t you say? Picard disagrees strongly. 
Worf at Ops [left station], Geordi at Conn [right]. 
Klingon sneeze – the only kind I know – both Worf and Picard suffer from chill 
With all respect sir, others can do that job – to Geordi when Geordi is in command. Geordi thanks him for the advice
Worf, with echoing sneeze, sent to Sick Bay by Geordi 
Wo/We slash potential
Worf at aft station coming into Starbase 74. 
“Rest assured Commander, we will be victorious, at whatever the cost.” Worf going to represent Enterprise in Parrises Squares tournament on Starbase 74 with Yar, another woman and man, in tight blue suits. 
“If winning is that important, than Commander, why keep score?” 
Yar to Riker – “Believe it or not, Worf is developing a sense of humor.” 
Yar and Worf come into starbase control, back in uniform, Worf asks all the questions 
Yar sends him to get a security team together 
Worf shoulders his way back into starbase control “Did you see the Captain and Riker?" to Data and Geordi - the last ones off 
At aft station at end. 
Potential baby index for Worf - how long were they on the station after the Parrises Squares match, and did they win?
Home Soil
At aft station, leaves to take over Ops [left station] when Data goes on away team to Velara III 
Back at aft station, reports remote power feed to terraforming station 
Points out that microbrain is a computer, and that maybe it has reached its limit 
On aft station most of story 
When the Bough Breaks
On aft bridge tracking Aldea 
Standing by Troi when she senses thousands of minds
Reports “Captain I’m recording a distortion in quadrant . . . from aft station 
“we’re being scanned” 
Aldeans transport on to bridge, Worf goes to alert 
Reports Aldean scanner focus on children all over the ship 
Aldeans have planet cloaking device, can push ship far away, upper arm transporter device 
At aft stations most of the time, including the end 
Wo/We slash potential
Coming of Age
Worf at aft station as Enterprise orbits Relva VII 
Worf with Wesley in holodeck 
Wesley – I thought I wanted to be alone, I guess I don’t. 
Worf makes conversation – How was the testing? 
Worf – the psych test is no more or less important than the rest of the process. 
Worf – thinking about what you can’t control only wastes energy and creates its own enemy. 
Worf – they were very accurate with everyone I tested with, including myself. 
Wesley – I thought nothing could frighten a Klingon warrior 
Worf – only fools have no fear. 
Worf – it is very difficult for me to depend on anyone for anything, especially for my life. 
Worf – it is still my enemy 
At aft station when young Jake Kurland steals shuttle 
Worf suggests tractor beam to save shuttle – too far away for positive lock 
Worf interrogated by Remick – you don’t like me – is it required, sir? 
At aft rail at end
Wo/We slash potential - DoH!
Heart of Glory
From aft station Worf reports Starfleet message sent to Enterprise. There has been a battle in the Romulan Neutral zone and Enterprise ordered to investigate. Quite excited. 
Worf reports possible life signs, near engineering, interference from damaged engine 
One Klingon on slab, Kunivas, barely alive, two standing. Korris and Konmel. 
Klingon Korris demands to carry injured companion 
Worf requests, and is granted, permission to go to sickbay to see survivors 
Very critically injured Klingon gasping on medical bed 
Captain Korris, Lt. Konmel Klingon Defense  Force 
What is your name? 
I am Lt. Worf 
As adversaries, the Ferengi are not very worthy. 
Still, your weapons were limited, and their vessel superior 
We are hungry and tired 
Permission to show our guests to their quarters. Granted
Worf can deal with anything that might arise 
Sit, friend,  let us eat. 
Korris did not know there were Klingons serving on human Starfleet vessels
As far as he knows, Worf is the only one 
What is it like for the hunted to lie down with the prey 
Have they tamed you, or have you always been docile 
Does it make you gentile, fill your heart with peace 
Do glorious battles no longer inspire your dreams? 
Wish to anger Worf, only to see if it is still possible 
Ill Klingon Kunivas goes into convulsions, head wound 
Pry open eyes of dying, yell upwards, eyes left open, boot spike removed by Konmel [part for concealed weapon]. Howl warning to the dead – beware, a Klingon warrior is about to arrive 
The body is only an empty shell, treat it as such 
Death would have been more glorious in battle against a better enemy 
The opponent that killed him Kunivas should have been an enemy
We are brothers, lost among infidels, and should not anger each other 
Before the age of inclusion – very young 
Klingons know Gault is a farming colony 
Worf has spent hardly any time among his own kind 
When the night is still and quite, the sound of the blood rushing through your veins fills your ears, the only way to silence it was to slip out into the night and like the hunter that spawned you join in the struggle of life and death 
Klingons Driven, can not relent, repent, confess or abstain 
Other Klingons lead young Klingons to knowledge 
Warrior feelings still part of Worf, he controls them, they do not rule him. 
Cannot change basic nature of a Klingon, but, because you are a warrior, you do change. Mark of a warrior. 
Against whom do you test yourself, against what enemy do you charge into battle? 
This peace, this alliance, is like a living death to warriors like us 
In search of a place to live their lives like true Klingons 
Three battled one of the KDF’s own cruisers, the T'Acog, sent to bring them back – destroyed it. 
Did not want to battle our brothers, but no choice 
Corrupted by the illusion of peace 
They traded our birthright so they could die in their sleep 
That makes my Klingon heart wither and die
What magnificent battles we could have in this ship 
Perhaps your dreams of glory no longer fit the time, belong buried with the past 
Our instincts will lead us, instincts that have not been dulled by living among civilized men 
Outsides never before witness Klingon death ritual [no Curzon or Janeway] 
Klingon cruiser, Commander K'nera. Demand return of renegades 
Korris a criminal, a renegade. 
Yar leads security team of 5 in yellow, while Worf is red shirt [?] 
Klingons have heard that the ship can separate in time of battle 
Listen to the voice of your blood. 
Klingons do not take hostages. Cowards take hostages 
“Reario” ?? 
Klingon renegades will be tried and executed. 
Worf attends to aft duty station, even though he is torn 
Worf requests permission to address Captain of Klingon vessel. Against standard procedure, but there is something he must say
Worf and Klingon Commander Knera exchange words in Klingon
What is it you want? 
To plead. 
You waste your time. Their actions threatened the alliance, they disobeyed and must be punished. 
Yes. Must be punished, but not executed with dishonor. 
Why do you care? 
What burns in their eyes fires my soul. Part of me longs for that time. 
It is bred in the bone. We all do. 
Meet death on their feet with a weapon in their hand. Not tied and helpless. 
When one of us dies that way, it diminishes us all. 
Brother, I feel as you. Wish they could Fly free, but no choice 
Klingons make one double barreled blaster from both their belts and boot spikes 
Konmel killed by three blasts from security, who dies also 
He is a trained Klingon warrior – perhaps more than you can handle. It is not a disgrace to ask for our assistance 
Korris holds weapon on dilithium crystal chamber – will speak only to Worf, his countryman 
Yar against Worf speaking to Korris – her opinion is to let his adrenaline run out, cool down
Worf advises that once things are not to his advantage, Korris will fire into chamber 
I would rather die here than let the traitors of Kling peck the meat from my bones 
Together we will light up the galaxy. Imagine the fear that will roll before us 
I have tasted your heart 
Do not deny the challenge of your destiny 
Get off your knees and soar, open your eyes and let the dream take flight 
You look for battles in the wrong place 
The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within, here is where we meet the challenge. It is the weaknesses inside that the warrior must overcome. 
Duty, honor, loyalty – without these a warrior is nothing 
My words were dust upon the ground 
Your blood has no fire 
Glory, conquest, legends we will write, birthright of every Klingon 
Worf holds Korris’s eyes open, howls 
They died well 
Knera to Worf – consider serving with us. Your training and experience would benefit us, and perhaps there are some things we could teach you 
Worf is honored. “I was just being polite, Sir.” No desire to leave the Enterprise. Back to aft station. The bridge wouldn’t be the same without him. 
No Deanna this episode 
  The Children of Hamlin by Carmen Carter 
P19 Enterprise receives an automatic distress signal during ship’s night, when Riker and Worf are on the bridge, Picard and Yar are asleep. Riker orders course and speed change before calling Picard, and Worf sends out a hail, too busy to call Yar. Yar pissed, she should have been on the bridge to initiate Yellow Alert.
P19 The emotional storms of the human race are little more than a mild summer rain to Worf.
P19 Worf just keeps replying I was busy.
P28 Yar sends Worf from aft stations to tactical console. Worf and Yar divide defense and assault responsibilities with short telegraphic gestures. Worf fires phasers. Yar opens hailing frequencies.
P29 Picard’s dropping hand signals Worf to fire phasers
P31 Worf eagerly reprograms the weapons console to Riker’s suggestion to narrow the phaser beam
P32 Way to go, Worf
P32 Picard orders tractor beam on alien vessel, though he suspects Worf would have rather kept firing until the enemy was annihilated. Worf obeys without comment.
P33 a wave of Picard’s hand has Worf cut the tractor beam
P38 Picard orders Worf to launch every shuttlecraft, even though such a rescue attempt would be futile
P54 The bridge crew, including Worf, press Troi to tell them what she is sensing from Picard in his ready room
P67 in the conference lounge Lt. Worf arrives early and secures a seat with a wall at his back
P69 Worf growls in anger at the fate of the children of Hamlin
P95 Worf scorns Dr. Crusher’s offer of a horizone injection for motion sickness, makes odd gurgling noises when nauseous, Klingons just as prone to nausea as human, just less willing to admit discomfort
P111 Worf had stoically withstood the insult of Captain Picard’s insistence that he rest. Klingons follow orders to the letter. Klingons feel free to violate the spirit of orders if they don’t agree with them. Worf stays in his cabin for two minutes, then returns to duty.
P112 “Humans sleep too much. It dulls the reflexes.” Sleep, being enjoyable, is another reason to avoid it.
P112 Worf working for days trying to figure out how Choraii ship overloaded the tractor beam
P113 Worf alters the parameters of the tractor beam and shares his answer with Data.
P113 knowledge that he can catch his enemy is more refreshing than sleep
P137 Worf tractor beams work
P147 Ambassador Deelor orders Worf to open hailing frequency to Choraii ship, but Worf looks to Picard for confirmation
P171 Tasha says she feels  fine, even after a game of Parrises Squares with Worf, when she’s black and blue
P211 the night shift bridge crew is Worf controlling aft deck, Data supervising helm, Riker in the Captain’s chair.
P211 his heavy hands touch lightly on the communications console
P215 Worf left alone to cover aft bridge when Riker takes away teams down to New Oregon
P226 Worf and Data busy refining strategies against the Choraii
P239 Worf works sensors at tactical, and checks hailing frequencies
P240 Worf’s clawed hand hovers like a raptor, then swoops down
Wo/We potential - Wesley runs around with farm boy Dnnys, left to terraform New Oregon
The Arsenal of Freedom
Worf at aft station 
Worf knows Comdr. Riker was offered the Drake to command 
Worf stands over aft rail while Yar on away mission to Minos 
Worf tracks Minos weapons firing around enterprise 
Worf computes attack pattern for cloaked weapon “It is impossible to be sure.” 
Worf goes with Geordi to battle bridge 
Fast lock on cloaked weapon when it is revealed in atmosphere
  Survivors by Jean Lorrah 
page 31  Picard asks Worf what the Federation should do in Trava situation, as a learning exercise 
page 31  Worf responds that he would send a scout ship to investigate, or an away team from Enterprise, whichever is closer 
page 31  Yar announces that Starfleet has instructed Enterprise to send a shuttle mission to planet Treva 
page 43  on Priam IV Yar comes across place with menu in Klingonaase, as well as two other non Federation standard scripts 
page 43   Klingons recent members of the Federation, allies 
page 44  Yar learned Klingonaase via sleep tapes 
page 44   Khest! Klingon expletive. The one Klingon term every Starfleet cadet knows and uses daily 
page 126  Baravis the Incomparable ?sound Klingon but no reference point. A duly elected leader later  considered a tyrant and overthrown by violence 
page 225  Worf and fellow security officer Lt. Carl Anderson escort dangerous fugitive Darryl Adin to the brig
page 226  Starfleet Security training includes learning how to turn almost anything into a weapon 
page 229  Worf thought Yar's message was a decoy by someone else to think Yar was safe when she was really in trouble
Worf at aft rail 
Monitors sensors 
Monitors Ornaran freighter in distress 
Standing by aft station at end
Skin of Evil
Worf chats with Yar at aft rail about intraship martial arts competition to be held in three days. 
Yar wants to practice a Mishiama wristlock and break with Worf in the holodeck 
Worf mentions that Yar is favored in the ship’s pool on the events 
Worf bets on Yar – a sure thing 
Worf and Yar monitor Deanna’s shuttle in distress 
Worf locates buried crashed shuttle on Vagra II 
Lt. Worf now acting chief of security, on Picard’s left in meeting 
Worf doesn’t go back down with Riker’s away team – “I will remain on the ship – the goal here is not to engage the creature in battle but safe return of Troi and Lt. Ben Prieto, pilot. I can best accomplish this at the tactical station. 
Worf at aft station with Wesley! 
Picard beams down, Lt. Worf has the conn 
Armus is evil – left here by race of titans, natives of Vagra II, who believe if they rid themselves of him, they would be free of the bonds of destructiveness 
Worf gives orders to Wesley for critical transport 
Yar’s message to Worf - We are so much like, you and I, both wwarriors, orphans who found ourselves this family. I hope I meet death with my eyes wide open 
  The Captain's Honor by David and Daniel Dvorkin 
page 13    Worf responds to distress signal as a Klingon warrior with a thousand generations of warrior blood in his veins - he yells 
page 13    Worf recently reviewing regulations manual
page 13    "By the book, Lieutenant. By the book.” he reminds himself 
page 14    Worf receives request for assistance from USS Centurion at Tenara, Captain Sejanus' ship, famous from planet Magna Roma 
page 14    That can't happen to legends - Worf thinks about destruction of famous ship 
page 17    Worf one of the senior officers at conference table for briefing 
page 20    Worf has already raised shields before Picard asked him too. Starfleet regulations. He quotes 
page 20    Worf has recently started quoting regulations. Picard finds it annoying 
page 21    Worf congratulates Sejanus on his great victory 
page 23    Worf invited by Picard to dinner with the rest of the Enterprise officers on the Centurion 
page 23    Worf quotes regulation Zed Alpha-Nine about ranking security officer advised to remain on duty 
page 23    so Worf stays home 
page 24    Geordi suspects the real reason Worf stayed was so he wouldn't have to get into dress uniform 
page 24    Worf chooses Ensign Jenny de Luz to go represent security and liaison with Centurion. She is from a colony with values similar to Captain Sejanus' and Picard considers this not by-the-book choice a good one on Worf's part 
page 43    Worf contacts Picard that an urgent message has just arrived from Starfleet Command 
page 44    back aboard Enterprise Jenny takes position at mission operations station on upper deck behind Worf 
page 47    Worf give Jenny responsibility for all planet side security arrangements, and points out relevant sections in the Starfleet manual 
page 51    Thanks to the extensive preparation from Worf, Jenny knows more about planet Tenara than about her homeworld 
page 109    Worf comes to talk with Picard, looking self-effacing and nervous 
page 109    Worf feels he is needed on Tenara and wants Picard to reassign him 
page 109    Worf did not underestimate Jenny de Luz, but underestimated the task 
page 110    Picard is afraid Worf with terrify the Tenaran natives' 
page 110    That is what Worf wants - he can teach the Tenarans to defend themselves against the M'dok, whom they fear 
page 112    Data, at Ops, takes control of communications from Worf when Worf is busy at Tactical with upcoming action 
page 112    Worf reports M'dok weapons and shield status 
page 115    Picard orders Worf to constant surveillance on M'dok ships so no surprises 
page 115    Worf asks why not damage M'dok ships enough to frighten them away, as Captain Sejanus advocates 
page 116    Picard responds that 'we' don't do things like that 
page 154    Worf handles communications and monitors action when M'dok attack Centurion 
page 155    Worf unspoken approval of Captain Sejanus' tactics; if one were forced to fight that's the way to do it 
page 155    Sejanus cripples the M'dok ship, using huge amounts of phasers and photon torpedoes, until they are forced to turn and fight 
page 159    Worf not aware that cats have nine lives 
page 160    Worf spends half an hour trying to locate Riker on the planet via communicator
page 165    Worf finds it difficult to focus Tenarans anger into attacking him 
page 165    Worf was taught self-defense by learning techniques used to deflect his attacks on his teacher 
page 168    eventually the Tenarans get it 
page 168    Worf uses regular holodeck workouts, martial simulations, to keep himself in physical and fighting shape 
page 170    off duty, Worf lets Jenny and Gaius call him Worf 
page 170    Worf attends Tenaran theater, 
page 171    Worf has read about ancient Rome, fascinated by the empire of warriors and conquerors who still praised Greece, a defeated enemy 
page 171    The Klingons of the old days could never have been so generous to those they conquered. Nor could most human cultures. 
page 173    Worf disappointed that in Tenaran theatrical play the battle waged and won offstage 
page 173    Worf considers Tenaran system of values most curious - killing in self defense meant loss of honor and banishment to forest 
page 174    to Worf food is for function not a source of pleasure 
page 174    Worf solitary by nature 
page 174    Worf, over the years, has learned to tolerate eating food as a social ritual 
page 174    it is the nature of Klingons to adopt ways easily and give them up with difficulty 
page 175    Jenny admits some of Worf's security personnel have wondered about Worf 
page 175    Worf describes himself as Klingon by nature, but only part Klingon by nurture 
page 175   Gaius points out that even Klingon civilization eventually passed beyond the need of the warrior ethos for anything but self-defense 
page 175    Worf calls Klingon and Magna Roma cultures similar 
page 179    Riker communicates with Worf for reinforcements via communicator insignia in city of Zhelnogra 
page 184    Worf goes to Great Hall, where Jenny has reported heavy fighting, when M'dok attack city of Zhelnogra 
page 185    battle in Great hall sounds of screaming, yowling and phaser fire 
page 185    Worf almost as fierce looking as the M'dok 
page 186    Worf calls for injured Riker to be beamed to sick bay, Gretna Melkinata's father is already aboard the Enterprise with serious injuries 
page 186    Worf, Jenny, and Tenarans dig graves just outside Zhelnogra 
page 187    more Tenarans would have lived if they'd paid attention to Worf’s self-defense lessons 
page 203    Worf's self defense classes much better attendance after the M'dok attack
page 204    engrossed in his lecture, Worf doesn't notice Tenaran repugnance at killing or hurting others to defend themselves 
page 207    the Tendarans' unwillingness to fight infuriates Worf 
page 207    Klingons have a rite of passage, after which one is deemed an adult 
page 222    Picard suggests injured Riker should have taken Worf's self-defense class 
page 231    Worf does not believe story that Gaius Aldus committed suicide 
page 231 Picard briefs Worf on events onboard Enterprise and Centurion while Worf is planetside 
page 231    It will be Worf's pleasure to question Marcus Julius Volcinius about Gaius' death 
page 233    Worf takes clock down from wall and turns back hands an hour when Marcus says he doesn't have time to talk 
page 233    Hmmm, your clock is running fast. Now it shows the correct time.
page 234    Worf to Marcus - that is a very interesting story. Now I would like to hear the truth. 
page 234    Klingons would never swear to a transparent lie 
page 234   I see your clock is beginning to run fast once more 
page 235    From the other side of the table Worf can tell Marcus' phaser is a type I, on setting three. Powerful enough to stun most humanoids, but not Klingons 
page 235    in a split second Worf bounds over the desk and disarms Marcus 
page 236    perhaps you'd like to experience some of the physical discomfort I promised you earlier . . . 
page 240    Worf relays Marcus' information to Picard 
page 240    Picard says "Well Done." and instructs Worf to bring Marcus as a prisoner aboard Enterprise 
page 246    Worf was going to escort Sejanus from the brig to the Bridge, but stays to report Centurion firing photon torpedoes 
page 246    Picard leaves it to Worf to prepare messages for Starfleet and the Senate of Magna Roma about Sejanus and the Centurion 
page 248    several hours later Worf goes off duty after sending Picard's messages, coded as per regulations 
page 248    Jenny, his subordinate, his responsibility, he decides to deal with her without calling Counselor Troi 
page 250    Klingons were not barbarians, they reacted to a grim environment with a grim social code in order to survive. And then they outgrew that code and joined the Federation 
page 251    Jenny wants special assignment to track Sejanus down
page 251    There is nothing in the manual about how to deal with sobbing ensign, so Worf acts on instinct. He growls and lets her lean on him 
page 253    Riker and Gretna surprise Worf and Jenny on the holodeck
page 254    Picard groups Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Saladin, Napoleon, Gandhi, Hitler, Schroeder, Colonel Green, Kahless, Cochrane, Surak, Tagore - people that alter the course of civilizations 
potential Riker baby index - Gretna Melkinata of Tenara 
potential baby index for Jenny de Luz - Lucius Sejanus  and or Gaius Aldus
We'll Always Have Paris
Worf at aft rail 
Receives Manheim's emergency message from Vandor IX – in charge of hailing frequencies now that Yar dead 
In meeting with Picard, Data and Riker
Worf doesn’t like swimming, moonlight swims included, too much like bathing. Deanna inquires 
Worf at aft sensor rail 
Worf doesn’t like the Admirals on earth and their delay. He doesn’t trust them. 
Worf and Geordi run to Riker collapsed in Adm. Quinn Quarters. 
Worf battles elderly Adm. Quinn with bug inside. Thrown around. Crusher comes with phaser to knock Quinn out.
Worf with Doctor finds thing in Quinn
The Neutral Zone
Worf at aft rail 
Worf goes with Data to explore derelict cryo ship 
Worf finds canister with woman inside, preserved 
Worf in meeting with Picard, Troi, Data, Riker. “Romulans” 
“We could get out there and find ourselves greatly overmatched” 
Worf called to sickbay before people woken up. Frightens Claire Raymond 
Worf tries to establish communications with Federation outposts along  Romulan zone – with no success 
Worf agrees with Riker to take the initiative with Romulans. “this may be our only opportunity. We should seize it. 
Worf agrees with Riker – go immediately to battle stations 
border stations found empty 
Worf has a positive lock – Romulans are decloaking 
cryoship had disc drive, gravity, perhaps a Henry Starling philanthropic venture 
“These are Romulans. They are without honor. They killed my parents in an attack on Khitomer when they were supposed to be our allies. They believe humans and Klingons are a waste of skin."
Unknown entity has carried off Federation and Romulan outposts
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