The Lost Era The Sundered by Michael A. Martin, Andy Mangels
Page 4 Sulu forced into bat’leth combat during Curzon Dax’s impulsive hajj into the Klingon Empire. Sulu considered Curzon Dax a loose cannon
Tholians usually as territorial as Klingon targs
Peace with the Klingons had brought about a quiet ‘cold war’ within the Federation’s innermost circles of power. Tension between the civilian and military spheres.
Romulans and Klingons are farther away from Tholians than the Fed.
Page 32 black coffee grown on Klingon Homeworld making its appearance on Starfleet vessels
Page 48 sessilent, a thin curved knife, ritual Vulcan blade
Page 99 monomolecular blade, illegal on most Fed worlds, even glancing blow lethal, cause severe damage to bulkheads
Page 208 young Hikaru Sulu lived in village of Ishikawa on Ganjitsu, a wild border world which was frequently the target of Klingon raids
Page 310 Sulu’s Kobayashi Maru – he opted to allow the few hundred aboard the doomed freighter to die rather than risk war with the Klingons
Page 355 Fed Ambassador Aiden Burgess [f] contemporary with Sarek, Curzon Dax, C’letta Rinz.
Page 363 saying ‘Klingons are violent’ is self-evident

  The Lost Era Serpents Among The Ruins by David R George III
page 5 it remained unclear whether or not the Klingon Empire would fight beside the Federation if war erupted. 18 years of peace. The Allegiance of the Klingons could only be characterized as uncertain
for months Fed, Rom and Klingon representatives had been attempting to find way through ever deepening and dangerous morass
Foxtrot VII asteroid base near the Klingon and Rom border on the first line of defense for the Fed
Page 52 Ambassador Kage grizzled and two aides negotiate with Rom [f] Ambassador Gell Kamemor
Qo'noS will never permit outsiders to inspect our weapons facilities
Chancellor Azetbur, leader of the Klingon High Council for nearly two decades now. Faced increasing opposition at home.
Azetbur's policy of promoting peace and accepting charity from the Fed had not been particularly palatable to the Klingon military.
Page 54 Ditagh aide to Amb Kage [male] young, puppet of KDF
Kage one of Azetbur's disciples
Negotiating new treaty Fed, Rom and Klingon
The Klingon Empire against meta weapons, but not interested in signing treaty they might have to break in order to survive
Kage had quit KDF for mental challenges of civil engineering
The artful combat of diplomacy
Kage had furthered Klingon objectives with Lorillians, Tholians, Vedalar, Lissepians, the Otevrel.
Page 63 Ditagh replaced Roneg. Maneuvered by members of High Council. Roneg's father had been killed in an industrial accident. Roneg had to return to Qo'nos to lead the House.
peace lover
it is a weak man who works in the dark for another
there is no dishonor in not fighting. There is only dishonor in not fighting well
page 68 General Gorak is a great man. On High Council. Maneuvering to take over from Azetbur. Commands large segment of KDF leads his men in the front. Sabotaging peace process, traitor
Page 116 Gorak crushed a major uprising on Ganalda IV, a Klingon possession
Do not underestimate this old man
Tomed, Romulan flagship, Adm Aventeer Vokar
Klingon internal security guard Chancellor Azetbur
Page 113 Brigadier Kuron
Gorkon taught Azetbur that tactics is a weapon
Triangular silver teeth on gloves
Page 114 Councillor Kest, not in KDF, Klingon intelligence, senior council member.
Entire council more than two dozen members
Page 115 General Kaarg commander large segments of the KDF, battlefield tactician. Defeating enemies through careful planning and clever strategy, not force. Two years ago forestalled a Tholian incursion. A thinker who lacked the ability to genuinely lead
Page 119 ritual flames of the temples of Rogax and Molgar distant visible from First City.
Great bronze statue of Kahless and Morath in 12 day battle over honor
Page 119 Rinla, Azetbur's aide
Page 130 Gorreg, Kage's other aide
Romulans and Klingons nothing but antipathy and distrust for decades, after a series of technological trade agreements
Page 190 Captain John Harriman Enterprise-B has vast experience with Klingons. And Romulans
Page 217 Revik. Aide to Azetbur
Tomed, Romulan ship's containment field failed, releasing microscopic black hole at warp, destroyed ship and Foxtrot outposts in Neutral Zone. Fed ship Agamemnon destroyed. Fed intelligence plan. No Fed actually died in the destruction of the Foxtrot Sector. Looked like Romulan Adm Vokar acted alone.
Lines of confluence of Fed, Rom, and Klingon territory hung in space not far from Foxtrot sector.
21 Klingon vessels respond to Demora Sulu's announcement that Rom vessel Tomed unprovoked attack on Foxtrot station.
Multi-tiered Klingon bridge. Dark atmosphere almost brooding. A raised throne-like chair.
Page 332 General Kaarg of the I.K.S. NuH Bey' large thickset silver metal torso of uniform strain along seams, dark beard and mustache. Swarthy complexion.
four Klingon warships, on patrols near Klingon- Romulan Fed border registered the Tomed's cowardly attack on long range sensors
they witnessed the attack
Klingon vessels fall into formation with Fed vessels
'The Klingons are people of their word, and you are a man of honor' Damora Sulu's response to Kaarg
if not for the uncertainty about what the Klingons would do, the Romulans would have attacked the Fed long ago
the Klingons had made their choice of allegiance and they would not forsake it Kage – Even the Klingon High Council requires some time to battle their way to concurrence.
Azetbur guarded by Kaarg's officers. Certain members of Klingon Internal security normally protect Great Hall and the Chancellor. Kaarg convinced Azetbur the internal Security forces were untrustworthy
Sheathed ritual sword lashed to his side
Horde of medals adorning his chestplate
Gorak had kept his designs in the shadows, demonstrating his cowardice, no matter his military record
Minor dishonor of omitting his rank
Planning a defensive sweep along the Gorn border
Page 359 Morahg, aka Ditagh, tall heavily muscled guard loyal to Kaarg, kills Gorak and Azetbur, saying Gorak was attacking Azetbur, on orders from Kaarg Gorak was popular in KDF and high reputation. Would have succeeded Azetbur. 

  Lost Era Well of Souls by Ilsa J. Bick
page 138 Nigel Holmes had been with Garrett since she took command of the Enterprise 2332. the Enterprise had been too far away from Holmes' shuttle when it came under attack from renegade Klingons and Nigel Holmes died.
Klingon smugglers. Not widely known that there are Klingon smugglers. Dishonorable profession. The Klingon High council dealt with them harshly. No exile to Rura Penthe for smugglers. Death instead. The Klingons had attacked the ship they were dealing with, then Holmes' shuttle. Garrett chose to protect the other ship and Holmes was killed.
Page 201 the rumor was that the Breen had developed cloaking technology superior to the Klingons.
Breen made weapons, good weapons, advanced weapons, such as type-3 disruptors Deneb V, Farius Prime, hotbed for illegal smugglers
Page 256 Trill saying Uncork week-old fermented klah. Very unpleasant. Similar to 'put your feet in it.'

  Lost Era Art of the Impossible by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Page 1 gIntaq spear hunting lIngta' metal tip
You are a hunter. You have taken another step on the path to becoming a true warrior
Victory over the Romulans at Klach D'Kel Bracht
Captain Kang's victory over the creature that fed on warfare
Page 5 Ch'gran after the Hur'q left, a great warrior named Ch'gran urged Klingons to move to the stars. Seven great ships disappeared. One ship found in Betreka Nebula
Page 21 Captain Qaolin of the IKS Wo'bortas, bird of prey.
Doorchime on tiny office
First officer Commander Narrk
Follow Cardassian ship the Sontok on Imperial Intelligence
Page 22 I. I. agent Yovang
I.I. always has the authority to commandeer Defense Force vessels
Page 22 General Korit, KDF
I.I. are honorless cowards who hide in the shadows instead of facing their enemies head-on
I.I. is the scout that precedes the attack party, the swordsmith who sharpens the bat'leth
Only a fool goes into battle blindly
Cardassians have been coming closer to territory that interests Klingons. Cardassians are predators. Feds are explorers.
Pilot's console
Crest was a tie to family
I.I. claimed no allegiance to any House, removed from mainstream aristocracy
Ops console behind command chair
Yovang in charge of mission, captain in charge of ship
A statue is generally posed heroicallyv I.I. agents exempt from challenges. Not permitted by tradition or law to challenge an I.I. agent. No agent could issue a challenge.
Mission is to obtain information about Cardassians because we believe they may poise a threat in the future.
Bring glory to the people by finding the Sword of Kahless
Page 27 or the Hand of Kull or the lost colony of Ch'gran
Your deception offends me
I.I. Our methods are not always honorable, but they serve the cause of honor Klingons send two ships to back up Wo'bortas against the Sontok. Klingon fleet assembling in Betreka Nebula, two days to drive Cardassians off Reknal V
Cardassian put force field around wreckage
two brother ships
page 39 fleet of six Birok-class cruisers, strike ship
page 39 Narrk, son of Mariq, killed by Qaolin
there is only one fate for liars
death ritual for worthy warriors who fell in battle
Yovang killed by Qaolin
Page 45 Kreel and Kinshaya, enemies of Klingons known to Cardassians
Page 48 Tolkor, gunner on Wo'bortas, an old grishnar cat
Page 48 Kazin, Klingon ship, captain G'Zar, Birok-class. Damaged, ram Cardassians to take out as many enemies as they can with their own demise
Page 50 ship the Dogal, also rammed Cardassians
Klingon resources are still limited 30 years after Praxis
Cardassians want Raknal because it has zenite
The Klingons were an Empire that had been bringing worlds under their heel for centuries. They had a reputation for fierceness and cruelty
USS Cartage, Captain Vance Haden, First Officer Rachel Garrett, site of negotiations between Klingons and Cardassians over Raknal V
Klingon smoking beverages
Elias Vaughn – We may be allied with Klingons, but that doesn't mean we're going to do something so silly as to trust them
Curzon Dax wore bright outfits, knew Lwaxana
Curzon – Betazoids, wonderfully open minded
Curzon drinks warnog
General Worf sent to negotiate with Cardassians over Raknal V
Klingons do not drink with the enemy
Page 71 Worf's aide Lorgh, young man, I.I.
I have spent my life observing people. The battlefield on which I wage war is that of the courtroom and the negotiating table. Language is my weapon.
Language of the body speaks as loudly as that of the mouth.
I.I, requires a level of martial skill
KDF has a place for those less qualified than front line warriors
Chang's statue on Ty'Gokor had been all but built
Chang's name spoken only as a curse
Chang chose Worf to defend Kirk and McCoy
Worf was passed over for promotions after Chang's disgrace. Given the worst assignments in the office of legalities
Azetbur considered Worf part of the cover-up of her father's death
Azetbur fell from power. Worf became a general. Obeyed his superiors.
Kirk was a warrior born, not one to hide behind assassins. Not in McCoy to kill.
Curzon not great in Worf's opinion
Curzon has taken advantage of warrior's of lesser intellect and great ego to insinuate himself into Klingon society. All in air of furthering his cause as a diplomat
Curzon respects Klingon ways as few outsiders do
Worf prefers Riva, also an arrogant petaQ
The courtroom and negotiating table are as much theatres as they are battlefield
The High Council preaches that we fight this battle at the negotiating table Let others dictate where the d'k tahg is to be thrust. I am content simply to be the blade
Qaolin served with Captain Koloth. Koloth spoke highly of Curzon
Koloth, mad old razorbeast. Many have tried to send his soul to Sto'Vo'Kor. None have lived to make a second attempt
Curzon understands the Klingon mind and the Klingon heart
Rachel Garrett's service record included more than one trip to Qo'noS
Curzon – Destruction of Praxis best thing that ever happened to Klingons and Federation
Floor length cassock
Curzon had been Sarek's aide, knew Amanda.
Sarek always felt Curzon could incorporate more discipline
Curzon felt his inability o commit to any long-term relationship was due to feeling Torias' death. Curzon's roving eye predated his joining, caused scandals as an initiate.
Subspace variances that could indicate a fleet of cloaked ships, or simple background radiation
Page 112 bloodwine from Ozhpri vinter, one of the finest in the Empire
Page 112 Mogh, son of Worf, mate Kaasin, daughter of Prella
Ships held together with targ guts and wishful thinking
Many fine Houses have fallen into debt since Praxis
House of Duras once brokered many technological exchanges with the Romulans when we were allies
Dax solves problems of Raknal V similar to Organian treaty. Whoever develops it best gets it.
Council chambers built on top of First City's highest point in dim past. Refurbished and rebuilt many times
Page 133 Chancellor Ditagh
Page 134 Councilor Kravokh
K'Tal, young councilor
If Klingons divert resources from elsewhere to fight Roms or Cardassians become vulnerable to Tholians, Kinshaya
Kaarg had banned women from serving on High Council
Fed has shown Klingons nothing but honor and respect
Klingons cowardly to betray their allies by hiding cloaked fleet at negotiations for Raknal
Page 145 merchant Kall on Raknal V
Qaolin made governor of Klingons on Raknal V
Like a pipius – its tentacles spread everywhere
Page 153 Klingon passenger ship the Chut heading from Raknal to Qo'noS 100 capacity
General Worf killed on the Chut orbital accident over Raknal with Cardassian freighter
Insta-link was a tight-beam subspace system that enabled live communication between Raknal and Qo'noS, used an appalling amount of energy
Small viewer on desk workstation
Page 159 Captain K'mpec of the IKS Pu'Bekh
Commander Mogh first officer for less than a year
Routine patrol Donatu system, a flashpoint of Fed-Klingon conflict almost a century ago
Cardassians had made sneak attacks in Archanis and Cursa systems
Klingon forces have attacked Cuellar and Trelka systems in Cardassian space
Page 160 Klingon ship the Korvale skirmished with Cardassian fighter last month
Helm control to the captain's left
Floor length coat of office
Mogh simple yet strong crest, a crack shot with disruptor but awful with a bat'leth
Ultimately it was disruptors that won battles
Mogh considers Genereal Worf died in an accident caused by carelessness. Cannot seek vengeance against dead captain of Cardassian cargo ship. Matter is closed. General Worf died in the line of duty. The best way to honor his memory is to continue to serve, as he did
Many family members of the Chut victims are seeking vengeance against random Cardassians
It is not true vengeance if it is against someone unrelated
Page 161 mneh a grumble
Snarled and spat in assent
Page 162 Lieutenant J'tal on Pu'Bekh
A data spike loaded into work station
K'mpec frowned, his complex crest furrowing
Councillor Kravokh
A Cardassian Akril-class ship, the Boklar, attacked Klingon communications relay in Donatu system, ship destroyed by Mogh on Pu'Bekh
K'mpec currying favor with Kravokh to further his own ambitions
Remind lower ranks of their place and the foolishness of questioning orders Deck plates behind him exploded
Sounded like a plasma fire
Mogh simple a recitation of duty
Page 170 Kurrgo, Klingon restaurateur on Cardassia Prime
Fresh pipius claw via Ferengi who made regular trips
Racht is best served live
Klingons believe in conquering our food, hunting it
The hunt should not end just because the food has already reached the plate Kurrgo parents restaurant on Qo'noS. Kurrgo incurred massive debts failed attempt to open Klingon restaurant on Tellar. Thrives on Cardassia Prime for 10 years
Page 173 bowl of taknar gizzards, fresh supply of targs, shipped in stasis
Page 176 restaurant decorated with fake SoSnI' tree
Klingon soldiers were warriors, creatures of honor and duty, worthy of the highest place in society
Cardassian soldiers were just thugs with uniforms
Page 173 Larkan, young Klingon man, waiter at Kurrgo's restaurant on Cardassia Prime. Beaten up
Page 177 tlhInghan'a' Klingon-ness
Page 179 fell down like a sack of HaroS
Kurrgo killed on Cardassia when restaurant shut down, curfew against Klingons on Cardassia
Page 180 Sutor mountains on Qo'noS
Klingons had a fondness for preservation of nature
Wilderness of Sutor left mostly untouched by industry and technology
Klingons all tended to snarl and bare their teeth and shout
Klingon High council expels all Cardassians from the Empire
Page 183 Ruuv, Kravokh's aide, lanky, tell but skinny, honesty his best quality. Becomes councillor when Kravokh becomes Chancellor
Ditagh's been dying for years
Page 184 the Qora forest, sepia leaves and red bark
When a chancellor died in a manner other than in combat, an Arbiter was chosen to determine two most qualified candidates
K'Tal named Arbiter for Ditagh
K'Tal young, from a strong House, new chancellor will be in debt to him Page 185 B'alikk, another councilor
Page 185 Grivak, another councillor, up for Chancellor
Five petitioned to be considered for the chancellorship
Grivak, large, muscular, canny, appallingly unintelligent. Record in battle is excellent. Record in politics unspectacular
Page 187 female Altrom, an agitator who wished to reverse Kaarg's decree that women could not serve on the council
Ditagh era known as era of doing nothing
K'Tal chooses Kravokh and Grivak
Kravokh kills Grivak
Scream, warning the Black Fleet that another Klingon warrior was crossing the River of Blood to Sto-Vo-Kor
Chancellor Kravok, "We will be strong. We are Klingon and we will achieve our destiny."
Klingon-Cardassian border skirmishes on the rise
Klingons very good at holding grudges
Klingon military build-up impressive under Chancellor Kravokh
K'mpec on High Council nine years. Pu'Bekh K'mpec's first and only ship command It was like your first kill – nothing else tastes quite so sweet
Mogh Captain of the Pu'Bekh, son Worf age 3
K'mpec designs to have Imperial Intelligence disbanded
Lorgh was a friend to Mogh's father. That makes him a friend of Mogh
Mogh was passionate about few things, but family loyalty was one of them
Destruction of Praxis led to economic ruin for many strong Houses and opportunities for smaller ones to improve their fortunes. Many Houses with ample representation on the Council owe a great deal to Romulan assistance over the last four decades, fostered by House of Duras
Rivalry between House of Mogh and Duras went back several generations
K'mpec had chosen Morg as first officer over Ja'rod
Page 215 Romulans are like wam serpents, they can sense weakness and then they strike
Civilians. They are not warriors. If they lived dishonorable lives then Fek'lhr will escort their spirits to the Barge of the Dead which will take them to Gre'thor.
Ian Andrew Troi killed in building collapse on Raknal V, Klingon building sabotaged by Romulan bomb
Tribble plague started on K-7, threatened several Klingon worlds
A warrior would rather die than be forbidden combat
Lorgh remains in contact with Elias Vaughn
Unfit for a warrior to be without one
Page 244 t'qIla'
Kravokh's recruitment drives for enlisting in the Defense Force, construct newer ships
Romulan Praetor Dralath suffers from blood disease called T'Shevat's syndrome K'mpec a consensus builder, a charismatic leader
Kravokh obsessed with Ch'gran, Cardassia. Ignoring Romulan threat
K'mpec had heard stories about the Great Curzon mostly from Captain Kang
The true heart of a warrior cannot be seen with the eyes
As if it were some great revelation that the universe was cruel
Klingons have rejected every trade overture made by the Federation over the last ten years
Page 256 General Krin
Few outsides had the ability to thrive in Klingon accommodations
Hundreds of warriors and civilian population died defending Narendra. Rachel Garrett's name spoken with level of respect
To the dead, may they battle in Sto-Vo-Kor for all eternity
Death was life's side inevitability – how one faced it was the most important thing anyone could do
Six councillors visit Dax after Narendra. In fervor of ceding Raknal V to the Cardassians
Contortions I.I. eavesdroppers would go thought attempting to decode Dax's transmission to Sarek
Sarek – Klingons do have a tendency toward single-mindedness, especially when it relates to something they hold sacred or something they fear. Since warriors do not admit fear that makes them all the more fanatical when confronted with it
Post Narendra new trade agreements with Fed
K'mpec in favor of I.I. now
House of Mogh walls hung with weaponry, primarily from Third Dynasty, fine tapestry that took up entire wall rendering Kahless and Lukara at Qam'chee, the work of Danqo
Page 264 Danqo, an artist renown for sewing tapestries from fur of animals he killed with his bare hand
Only the richest Houses had Danqo's work
Young Worf has his Grandfather Worf's eyes and hard-lipped mouth, and deep voice
K'mpec made no secret of his desire for Kahlest
Both stomachs rumbled at the prospect
House of Mogh has at least three Danqo pieces. Mogh treasures them
Kaasin a mok'bara master
Month old Kurn threw diced racht
After Praxis, Romulans wormed their way into Klingon houses like Kreel picking over the remains of our slaughtered enemies
Kaasin going to Khitomer to teach mok'bara
Page 268 Colonel, General Worf had been beaten down by life
I am old enough to wield a bat'leth. I can fight.
Kaasin, gray eyes
Mogh laughed, a harsh sound, as if the man's larynx was unaccustomed to it
Mogh going to Khitomer to root out the traitor
Voluminous pockets lined K'mpec's coat of office
Page 268 K'mpec, code wa'maH Soch
Red transporter beam
Lorgh, I.I. feared the worst might happen on Khitomer and could not endanger both sons of Mogh. He owed it to General Worf, long term back up plan
The one least able to fight was the one who needed to stay behind
Ja'rod, Mogh's greatest rival, in conflict for generations
Huraga was a shipmate of Mogh's on the Pu'Bekh
Ja'rod's ancestors sold ships to the Romulans decades ago and brought together rich Romulans with destitute Klingons
The House Head is responsible for the actions of his House
Lorgh has a mate
Page 272 Dirak of the House of Kultan attempted to develop biogenic weapons against the wishes of the Klingon High Council. High Council has reversed their sanction. House Kultan has been commissioned to develop a biogenic weapon on their base at Khitomer, secret lab. Circumvent the Khitomer Accords. The Klingons had established a research outpost at Khitomer over fifty years ago.
Mok'bara brings mind and spirit into harmony
Maroon stripe indicates mok'bara master
If you wish to distance your House from the past, change your name
My esteemed father ascended to Sto-Vo-Kor
Ja'rod's father died after Ja'rod's son Duras was born
House of Duras for two centuries
Ja'rod's brown eyes
Two control-room officers, L'Kor and Gi'ral on Khitomer
Her crest furrowing in annoyance
Mogh and family on Khitomer lived in ten room cabin 6 qelIqams from the main base, near forest teeming with wildlife
Young Worf and Kahlest went hunting overnight
Page 278 he is a wam serpent, that one, waiting for the moment to strike
Ran her fingernails across his bearded cheek, drawing blood
Inflamed by the small of her mate's scent, she leapt into his arms
Ja'rod weekly contact with Romulans. Investigating biogenic weapon rumor for Tal Shiar
Romulans planning to attack in two days
Ja'rod – our future lies in an alliance with a strong empire, not with a weak collection of fools. The Fed alliance is an affront to me as well and many other Klingons
Klingons and Romulans understand what it meant to die for one's people. Without a willingness to give one's life there was no strength. Fed crowd the galaxy with weaklings with their policy of preservation of life
Old ion cannons being replaced with new shields on Khitomer
Ion cannons could disable a ship in orbit
Page 282 Commander Moraq supervisor of Khitomer base. Moraq considerable number of Romulan kills
Page 284 Kang, commanding the Sompek, one of the new Vakk-class ships
constructed as part of Kravokh's ship construction initiatives
Three of the council's own strike ships
His mate Mara
Page 285 the IKS Konmat is under attack by Cardassians in the Morska system. A distraction to get them away from Khitomer area
Page 285 ships the Aktuh and the Gowlak
Kang – Execute
Kinshaya pulse blasts
Mogh felt his heart sing as it always did in her presence
Mogh's mother gave blessing to union of Mogh and Kaasin
A warrior's preference not to be helped in any way
The stench of burning plastiform
Served to get his blood boiling
Page 290 SIp a gas that rendered one comatose, could lead to death. Part of security system to incapacitate intruders. Dense green color, stench like rotting meat.
Mogh killed by Romulans transporting down to Khitomer, antecenturian Belear
Ja'rod killed Commander Moraq
Kaasin had mastered several martial arts forms, including some from the Fed. She had every faith in her ability to take on even an armed foe with just her hands, feet and teeth.
Page 294 tova'dok the moment of clarity when warriors spoke to each other without words
She doubted a Romulan-lover like Ja'rod was much of a hunter
Kaasin kills Ja'rod
Klingon transporters silent. Fed and Rom transporters hum
Kaasin killed by female Romulan centurion
Sergey Rozhenko grew up on Gault. Aunt Lilya and Uncle Isaac.
Attack on Khitomer worse than one on Narendra III
Khitomer distant from Breen Confederacy
Kor – Organia, a planet full of grishnar cats. Organians claim to have evolved beyond us, yet they have no joy, no passion, no lusts!
Kor grabbed an attractive Caitian female, who was about a quarter of old razorbeast's age and gave her a friendly snarl.
Kor – if not for what the Organians did that day I doubt we would have been in a position to gain Fed assistance when Praxis was lost to us
Nobody liked to be reminded of Praxis
Curzon Dax likes Klingons because they know how to party
Page 304 the Klothos in orbit at B'Alda'ar, a base deep in Klingon Empire
Kor – Kravokh is a good man and has made us strong again. He is a descendant of one of the original colonists. Obsessed with Ch'gran
Curzon likes Earth beer
Page 305 Kor served with Kravokh's father J'Doq
One tine after defeating Tholian raiders Kor and J'Doq came to Captain's Table bar and J'Doq went on at some length about great deeds of his family
Heroes of ch'gran
The whole family knows the truth. Klartak was no hero. The truth would destroy the Empire
Story of Kor massacring Romulans at Klach D'Kel Bracht
Curzon Dax and Elias Vaughn investigating together on Qo'noS
The best tool to use in interrogating a Klingon is often a case of bloodwine Klartak was second-in-command under Ch'gran. Led mutiny.
Kang's fleet had been two hours from Khitomer. Morska about 10 hours away from Khitomer
Disaster beacons can not be faked, easily, as opposed to disaster calls. Several layers of identity markers. Praxis was a disaster beacon
Kravokh's position crumbling since Narendra III.
K'mpec challenges Kravokh, 12 years chancellor
The dead cry out for vengeance
If I am to die this day it will be with my eyes open and a weapon in my hand Let the final memory of your reign be that you died with honor – in combat
Ruuv cheers for K'mpec
K'mpec yielded to no one in his ability to wield a d'k tagh
K'mpec home planet Mempa IV Mempa Knife Duels. K'mpec champion for 7 years Mempa Knife Duels.
K'mpec kills Kravokh on bridge of Sompek
Young Worf suffered brain damage, surgery at SB 24, Dr. T'mret. Memory loss
Helena, Lenotchka
Page 320 Lorgh's home overlooked HoSghaj river, mighty river, empties into ocean
Klingons could not forget their past
It was I.I.'s job to make sure the Empire had a future
May you battle continue ever onward in Sto-Vo-Kor
Council Building Floor made of rodinium
Klingons don't stall
Records from the Ch'gran wreck were sealed by I.I. not the High Council
Ch'gran colony lost because of a mutiny led by Klartak
Page 324 Klartak, of the House of Boral, known these days as the House of Kravokh, sealed by I.I. operative descendant of Klartak's
Klartak did not mutiny until he was given the order to turn back. Ch'gran had no intention of colonizing space. He built fleet as weapon to take over Qo'noS. Got six other ship captains on his side
Kravokh was trying to preserve honor of one of Empire's greatest heroes
Ch'gran prompted Klingons to vault forward in to space
K'mpec – Our people can survive the tarnishing of the occasional legend. We have our share of fallen heroes
K'mpec cedes Raknal V to Cardassia, repeals ban on Cardassians traveling in Empire
Romulan Praetor Narviat condemns actions of traitors who attacked Khitomer. Offers their lives to Klingons
Curzon Dax – too many important Klingons owe too many important Romulans too much money
End of Betreka Nebula incident
Cardassia provided false info regarding High Council involvement about Khitomer bioweapon facility to Romulans. Chancellor Kravokh was developing those weapons without knowledge of High Council or I.I. all members of House of Kultan produced several prominent Klingon scientists, was on Khitomer, for use against Cardassians
Cardassian Legat Zarin had arranged sabotage of the communications systems on the Klingon vessel Chut
Chut didn't hear panic signal from Cardassian ship Gratok
Fortune sees fit to spit in my drink
Qaolin governor on Raknal for 18 years
Wo'bortas picks him up after planet ceded to Cardassia
A battle that should have been won is instead ended by politics

  Starfall by Brad & Barbara Strickland
Page  59 During Jean-Luc Picard’s Starfleet Academy entrance exam in 2322, the  Command section of the exam consisted of a planetary survey in a circa 2220 starship, which is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a Klingon warship. Its commander claimed the planet for his empire, warned the Earth ship away, then opened fire without giving Jean-Luc the chance to reply. Young Picard tried to fight back, but the Klingons defeated him, contributing to his failure in his first attempt to enter Starfleet.
  Nova Command by Brad & Barbara Strickland 
Page 10 Picard, a year older than most of the other Starfleet Academy cadets, sticks out like a Klingon at a Vulcan wedding
  The Valiant by Michael Jan Friedman
P57 Unless a man smolders with a warrior’s passions, Idun Asmund, a human woman raised among Klingons, doesn’t find a man attractive. The Asmund twins joined the Stargazer crew with adventure in mind
P60 Lt. Gerda’s Asmund’s Klingon exercises involve punches, kicks, spins in complex maneuvers, harsh guttural sounds. Attack across air as if full of enemies. End suddenly and howl with triumph
P90 Gerda 7 months on Stargazer, prior to that on da Gama, graduated Academy with honors. Raised in Klingon household. Twins Idun and Gerda only survivors of Fed colony disaster. After several days Klingons intercepted colony’s distress signal. Sisters impressed Klingons with their resourcefulness.
P113 Description of Klingon – protruding brow ridge, bony forehead, preference for facial hair. Strong and fierce. 50 years ago Klingons were almost constantly at war with Fed. Signed non-aggression treaty.
P139 Idun considers Commander Picard a warrior after attack on Stargazer, but he moves around the bridge like a caged targ, not sitting in center seat. A Klingon would not have hesitated to sit down. A Klingon might have put a dagger in his superior to secure such an opportunity. Asmunds swore allegiance to the Federation and ideals it holds dear. But raised as a Klingon, part still thinks as Klingon. She doesn’t like leader who shies from leadership
P216 Klingons look forward to challenge of battle
P224 Klingon saying – Some saber bears aren’t happy until they’ve eaten the entire targ.
P257 What do you want? She asked, as blunt as a Klingon. Gerda comes to blows with Dr. Greyhorse. She admires him for fighting back. She’ll teach him how to fight.
  Gauntlet by Michael Jan Friedman
Gerda Asmund teaches Carter Greyhorse kave'ragh, three times a week
Gerda had to see him as a warrior before she would see him as a lover
s'naiah, wood, burned as incense. Sharply scented smoke. Small iron receptacle.
Uroph son of Warrokh, father of Weyto.  Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Warrokh deceased progenitor of the proud House of Warrokh. father of Uroph.
Weyto  son of Uroph, father of Ukray'k, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Ukray'k  daughter of Weyto, mother of Jitakh, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Jitakh  son of Ukray'k, father of Hojeen, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Hojeen  son of Jitakh,  father of Qerresh, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Qerresh  son of Hojeen, father of Royyebh. Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Royyebh  daughter of Qerresh, mother of Dobrukh, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Dobrukh  son of Royyebh, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Rejjakh   male, Deceased member of the House of Warrokh.
Turgis   male. Long time second in command to space pirate the White Wolf
Turgis and the While Wolf have dealt with many pursuers. 
Knife sharp teeth.
p'takh  an animal that mews
I'm tired of hiding here like a mewling p'takh.
My heart yearns for battle, for blood.
It's been too long since I raised my hand against an enemy!
Turgis stalked off to drown his defiance in a bottle of bloodwine.
Glory was what made the difference between bloodwine and water, between life and mere existence.
kave'ragh   fighting posture, basic position knees bent, elbows up, one hand forward, one hand back, knuckles extended, coiled and poised to strike. It is traditional to cry the word kave'ragh before striking.
Klingon culture made aggression a virtue.
For more than a thousand years the warriors of the Clan Warrokh had recited the names of their known ancestors before taking their evening meal, tradition passed from father to son and mother to daughter. List nearly 100 names long. To forget a name would have brought dishonor both to her and to the mother who taught her. 
Idun considers them her forebears.
With all the right sand privileges accorded progeny under Klingon law.
Raised in strict Klingon household, provided exhaustive Klingon education
Idun and Gerda truer warriors than many who had been born Klingon.
She had been trained by her adoptive family never to admit defeat
Klingons didn't flinch when an adversary attacked them head-on.
A warrior didn't allow a defeated enemy to slip through her fingers.
  Progenitor by Michael Jan Friedman
P30 A Klingon's appreciation for the drama and spectacle of life. Gerda's adoptive Klingon father had been an impressive individual. He had carried himself with confidence, with dignity. One had but to look at him to know one was in the presence of a warrior.
His spirit had gone to Sto-Vo-Kor
Gerda - navigator
Idun - helm
P129 Klingon rituals usually not restricted by gender. When it came to fighting, to killing and being killed, males and females were on the same footing.
Gerda and Idun had always shared everything with each other. Even their deepest secrets.
P129 The two were taken in by the House of Warrokh
Huge menacing warriors who roared and snarled at each other for no apparent reason.
A gang of sneering boys had thought to push the human girls around. The twins had stood back to back and endured their beating together. And obtained their revenge together cornering the offenders one by one and returning their injuries measure for measure.
Their adoptive father had died defending his family's honor, they had howled together over his ruined body and shared the joy of knowing he would go to join Kahless in Sto-Vo-Kor.
Curing like a drunken Klingon.
P256 She raised her hand in a kave'ragh posture, elbows up, knuckles extended, right hand coiled and poised to strike. 
A warrior does not beg, a warrior takes.
Klingon stances 1] hands curled like claws, left hand forward and right hand back near chin. Right hand shoots out.
2] palms inward, hands in front of chest. Right foot lash out at opponent head.
  Stargazer: Three by Michael Jan Friedman
Page 2 Sex with two people at once i.e. threesome, dangerous among Klingons. Humans significantly gentler sex life than Klingons
Gerda and Idun Asmund, raised on Klingon Homeworld, their sexual hungers and behaviors had been formed in the steaming cauldron of their adoptive culture
A matched set of bat’leths, valuable only because they’re exactly the same
Nothing put a damper on a Klingon-style love affair like a perception of weakness in the male
The Balduk, a fiercely proud and intensely territorial species
Balduk territory must remain inviolate. Balduk High Order military level vessels, Middle Order military level vessels. Balduk prayed to the gods of blood and fire.
Balduk renowned as a savage-looking breed. Dark skin, mare holes for ears, tiny eyes under jutting brow ridges, thick white hair, long narrow tongue slithered across short sharp teeth
Asmund twins Klingon by temperament if not by blood
Page 95 a couple of Klingon chairs fashioned from wrought iron
A short Klingon laugh
Asmund parents private cargo haulers. Well beyond boundaries of Fed space. Routinely ran into Orions, Athaban, Talarians. Dangerous work, excellent pilots. A squadron of Pephili raiders attacked them, forced them to land on planet, killed parents, stole cargo, left eight-year old twins.
A Klingon scout ship, a squad of Klingon warriors found the surviving girls. Planet long part of Klingon empire. Captain a warrior named Warrokh. The Asmund girls were pathetic, cringing, mewling little girls too frightened to look Warrokh in the eye.
Page 100 Chithar, wife of Warrokh, childless. Warrokh took twins into his House and made them legal heirs, according rights and privileges as if they were their own blood. It was a rigorous, painful, terrifying and more
Idun thinks there are still some in the Klingon Empire who would like to be enemies of the Federation
Members of the same house didn’t keep secrets from each other.
Page 123 Gerda and Idun spar together in the gym on Stargazer. Both trained by Warrokh, their adoptive father. Warrokh, over a lifetime, had made himself an expert at a variety of Klingon martial arts
Page 123 W’heiya Exclaimation to egin sparring session
Page 124 dafakh’rit posture. Warrokh’s favorite. One hand held high and other low. Kick at chin and follow with long high hand jab
Page 125 the kave’ragh stance in preparation for an attack. Hand back
Page 126 chok’tiyan position. Elbows close to body to emphasize defense
Page 140 men, human or Klingon, were timid creatures at heart
Page 178 pacing like a caged targ
Like a blind she-targ suckling a rodent
Our father would have been ashamed to call you daughter – the worst insult for Asmunds
The Asmund twins only reward as they struggled to survive in Klingon culture was Warrokh’s approval.
Alternate Gerda Idun Asmund visits Stargazer from Mirror Universe. Klingons and Cardassians have formed an alliance to wipe out humans. Mirror Gnalish Phigus Simenon, engineering skill helping humans survive. Mirror Montgomery Scott also engineer marvel. Scott re-created circumstances that sent Kirk across to send Gerda Idun across to kidnap Simenon. Alternate Gerda Idun says alternate Kirk died fighting Klingons in Mutara Sector, but she was generally dishonest.
Blood of Kahless
When Klingon warriors refuse to talk to each other its because they’re competing for the right to claim victory
Warrokh taught the Asmunds to be generous, to open their hearts.

  Stargazer: Oblivion by Michael Jan Friedman
page 150 tiny week old targ already as vicious as it would be as an adult 
  Together Again, for the first time, Strange New Worlds I
Picard deals with a member of a race that makes Klingons look like beauty contest winners 
Stargazer Enigma by Michael Jan Freidman
Gerda, as a lover, thrives on risk
Fed vs Ubarrak
Fed vs. Cardassians
Nizhrak’a, a low-density lifeform evolved in chaotic upper atmosphere of a high-gravity gas giant in Sonada Sin system
They were ferrying an admiral from one ship to another, not smuggling tribbles across the heart of the Klingon Empire.
The Federation is not at odds with the Empire these days, still, one never knows.
Aristaani, a belligerent species, one with which the Fed butted heads on occasion. Not into spying. Even more bullheaded and battle-hungry than the Klingons. It had always been their practice to meet their enemies head-on.
Anyone raised on Klingon virtues despised the notion of treachery.
It made her skin crawl like a plate of serpent worms.
Page 50 stories told by Klingon fathers to their children about those who betrayed kin and comrades. There was Lifdag, who appalled by his brother Farrl’s treachery, not only killed Farrl but took his own life, too.
Page 50 Tupran, son of Tuprox, who opened the doors of his father’s house to its enemies and ironically became their first victim.
Traitors were even worse than cowards
Tradition said that cowards were to be shunned but traitors had to be killed on sight
Ejanix, Prandrilite on Wayland Prime, Starfleet’s think tank for weapons development, improve phase tech.
Large thriving black market for Starfleet ordnance
Klingons don’t look kindly on failure or those guilty of it
A warrior doesn’t make excuses, it only makes things worse
Captain Sesballa, a Rigelian, red eyes, hairless silver head, had distinguished himself in one of the Fed’s last clashes with the Romulans more than 20 years ago.
They weren’t blustery, in the manner of Klingons
A warrior doesn’t ask for something, he insists on it
Dedderac, striped species
Othetaran, copper skin species
Vobilite, species with curved tusks protruding from corners of mouth, ruddy face
The D’prayl, were going to invade the Fed but political party changed and idea dropped.

Stargazer: Maker by Michael Jan Friedman
Yridian cargo hauler, snub nose and widely spaced nacelles.
Pandril, Pandrilite society not the utopia it is supposed
Djillika, trading world
Ubarrak territory. Hostile to Federation. Rule hundreds of worlds. Fatal encounters Starfleet vs. Ubarrak. Thick necks, slitted yellow eyes, brow ridges.
Ubarrak, Ayatani-class battlecruiser
Epsilon Morazh III, Fed name for Ubarrak dilithium mining world
Ubarrak don't have a word for gratitude
The Ubarrak wouldn't last 10 minutes on Qo'noS
Transbarrier enhanced Brakmaktin brings fake Gerda Idun to Andreas Nikolas.
Fed colony on Arias III destroyed by Brakmaktin, 500 dead
Mirror Universe Pandrill is loosely allied with Cardassia
SF Korolev-class large ship
Kandilkari, Fed member species

  Hour of Fire, Enterprise Logs
Look at the Klingons, still making noises about war despite the long years we’ve discussed peaceful cooperation. Sometimes I think they forget what happened at Khitomer. Captain Rachel Garret left Qo’noS, petitioned Starfleet to relieve her of diplomatic assignment to Klingon Empire and return her to active duty. During her time on Qo’noS she grew to appreciate Klingon Operas. Garret felt ready for upcoming encounter, considering all her training at Starfleet and experience with other races, especially the belligerent Klingons. On Qo’noS K’mpec told Garret - Ignore nothing, everything was a potential threat.
  The Mystery Of The Missing Crew by Michael Jan Friedman
no Klingon content
  Secret Of The Lizard People by Michael Jan Friedman
no Klingon content
  Deceptions by Bobbi JG Weiss, David Cody Weiss
no Klingon content
  Loyalties by Patricia Barnes-Svarney
page 25 Cadet Beverly Howard notices a bronze statue in Admiral Miomi Muti's office has Klingon symbols on it. 
page 44 Peter Peterson, grandson of Admiral Cartwright who tried to assassinate Chancellor Azetbur at Khitomer, is a second year medical cadet. 
page 51 Commander Max Wiley went to Khitomer as a third year cadet aboard the USS Magellan.
  The Shoulders of Giants by Robert T. Jeschonek
p51 Captain Kestrel and Commander Warlog first officer, and three others, all bushy and bumpy, looked a lot meaner than those Romulans
Kestrel big and tough and always let you know it, liked to joke around 
P52 Captain Kestrel of the Qob’ral
Warlog older, sure could fight, kind of grumpy.
Kestrel answered Captain Garret’s distress call, coded signal on secure channel to Starfleet
In the spirit of Klingon – Human cooperation born in the Khitomer Accords I’ll prevail upon you for whatever assistance you can render vs Romulans.
Brave little warrior even though you are still green
Qob’ral goes to get more ships
Roms on planet Kolyati
Kestrel and Warlog tried to get the Kolyati ready to fight the Romulans 
I had the warrior spirit and once you have that you can kill any enemy
Without the glory of battle life isn’t worth living
Howled at the sky
There is no greater glory than killing a worthy opponent in battle
Kill for revenge, kill for honor, kill for victory, kill for love
There is no glory in killing the weak
There is no honor in killing the defenseless, which is why these Romulan ptakh have no place in Sto-Vo-Kor!
Klingon jumps in front of Romulan firing at Garret, saves her, dies.
Kestrel died saving Garret on planet Kolya.
Warlog said Garret owes Kestrel and his house a blood debt.
Kestrel home Narendra III
  Vulcan's Heart by Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz 
P19 ever since Khitomer Spock has been in communication with Romulan senator Pardek
Charvanek, the Romulan Commander during the Enterprise cloaking device incident, had at that time been commanding a Klingon-made monstrosity
P61 just because the Romulans are quiet right now doesn't mean they're not out for someone's blood, the Federation or the Klingons. Or possibly both. The Fed has a couple of colonies exposed, Four Corners and Melville, on the border near the Klingon Empire. 
P86 the Praetor Dralath yells at the Romulan senate that grain shipments have met with deliberate tempering, form enemies, maybe even Klingons?
P105 the new Romulan warbirds, 20 percent bigger than the old warbirds, with more graceful lines than the K'tinga-class Klingon vessels that the Empire had used in recent decades. The Praetor Dralath asks why should we send our treasure to the barbarian Klingons when we possess such shipbuilding capabilities ourselves. 
P122 Romulan Praetor Dralath to Saavik - My dear, have you ever met any Klingons? A lovely thing like you should not be exposed to such creatures. Klingons as shipwrights to the Romulan Empire is about to end. Dralath plans to reclaim the Romulan economy from the Klingons. He is minded to teach the Klingons a lesson. Not far from the Boundary between the Empire and those Klingons, even closer to the Federation, is a Klingon base called Narendra III. It menaces Romulan trade routes. It is the only civilian outpost in the entire Klingon Empire. 
No Klingon is truly a civilian, even the children are savages, in Dralath's opinion. They build nothing, are worth nothing, live for nothing but violence. If Romulans attack, quickly and with no warning, they can destroy this base and eliminate a security risk to the Empire. From an easy victory at Narendra II to a quick strike at Federation's Melville colony.
Narendra III's destruction might be the spark to turn the Klingons not only against the Romulan Empire but against the Federation.
Praetor Dralath has prepared a fleet of seven new-model warbirds.
p126  the orders have already gone out and the fleet is away. Three hours after it crosses the accursed Barrier it will hunt Klingons and kill them
p131 there is still a chance for reinforcements to come in time to Narendra III, if Saavik sets her course for Narendra III and sends a subspace message to Starbase 9. 
The Romulan generals might run riot from Narendra III toward as many Fed colonies as they can strike
P140 Romulan Commander Charvanek knows there are almost no warriors at the civilian Klingon colony at Narendra III, nothing but women, children, helpless elders - Praetor Dralath cannot possibly be unaware of that. The Praetor plans to use Narendra III, once he has secured it, as a staging point for an assault on the Fed's  Melville Colony.
Romulan Emperor Shiarkiek rules at this time. 
P158 Commander Saavik sends out a time-release message to all ships: seven Romulan warbirds approach Narendra III with hostile intent. At maximum warp, assume attack in approximately three hours after the Romulan fleet exits the Neutral Zone. A second stealth attack is projected on Melville Colony. 
Finally far enough from the Romulan Empire Saavik red-lines the engines of her small craft and races for Narendra III. She programmed a broadband distress call. Perhaps a Starfleet ship on patrol along the Neutral Zone would hear the ancient human cry of sheer disaster, Mayday! Mayday! Coming from a Barolian ship and investigate
P171 Rachel Garrett from Indiana. Aboard the Enterprise-C sensors register a distress signal from a Barolian ship. Communications officer Lt. Commander Varani, an Ochati. Helm Lt. Castillo. Science officer Commander Tholav, Andorian. Dr. Frances Steward, junior medical officer. Chief Medical officer Aristide. LoPresti med tech. Bolian med tech. 
P170 if the Enterprise-C diverted to Narendra III at warp 9, the Klingon base was some 9 hours away. Alone, against a fleet of brand-new warbirds with unknown capabilities that Saavik regards as formidable. Garrett diverts to Narendra III without orders, maximum warp. Yellow alert. 
Garrett to Captain Walker Keel - I've just diverted course to the Klingon base at Narendra III on the word of a possibly deranged Vulcan woman. She's telling me I'm going to face seven Romulan warbirds solo. Tell me she's wrong. 
Elderly Admiral Lynn - staff indicates that if you divert now you'll reach Narendra in 5 hours. 
Garrett - I diverted one point five hours ago, sir. ETA now at four point three hours. By the time Enterprise-C arrived, Narendra III would already be under attack. What's the time horizon until you can send reinforcements?
Lynn - the protection of Melville Colony must be top priority if we're to have any hope of avoiding all-out war. Under the circumstances, you're on your own. If my physician wouldn't knock me down, sit on me, and certify me unfit for command, and if I had a ship I could commandeer in time, I'd come and back you up myself. I'll get you reinforcements as soon as I can. So hold out. You don't need old-style Fourth of July speeches about how important this situation is. But do your best. 
Garrett - I must go inform my crew
Godspeed, Adm. Lynn said again. He knew better than to wish her good luck.
Discussion in Garrett's ready room had been brief. Fine-tune weapons systems. 
The Enterprise-C has a crew of 700. Frances Stewart, 2 security guards and a pilot leave in a shuttle with Saavik. 
Garrett takes the long way from the shuttle bay to the bridge, to take a last look at her ship, and to let her crew see her.
P176 Romulan Commander Charvanek is pleased to be aboard her old Romulan bird-of prey, not some Klingon trash
General Volskiar, on the Victorious, part of fleet headed for Narendra III
Charvanek explains the Narendra III situation to her crew. What, exactly, Narendra III was, the hazards and the political situation, and the cost to the Empire. they find it dishonorable. One sided massacre, it will be the blackest stain ever to mar the Romulan Empire's name
Charvanek has never murdered an unarmed foe, has never yet and never will slay children, no matter what race, what species. I will not slay the helpless. I will not so stain my honor. Her crew agrees. Emperor Shiarkiek would never do anything that would harm Romulan honor. Praetor Dralath, with unrest at home, low popularity, economy less than secure, wants a quick, easy war, nicely dramatic, lovely glory for him. 
Charvanek plans to try to sway the fleet without violence, but if talk fails -
The fleet must emerge from warp some distance from Narendra III: too many navigational hazards in that sector for anything but sublight flight. 
Seven ships as one flashed out of warp speed. 
General Volskiar makes a speech to his troops, parroting Dralath's propaganda - Romulans, honorable warriors of the Empire. We are embarked upon a glorious mission, one to bring new honor to the Empire and increased security to our borders. Think, Romulans, of our colony worlds. Think of the honest, hardworking, loyal men and women who ask nothing but to serve the Empire. Now picture foreigners imperiling those Romulan men, women, yes, Romulan children. And such invaders do threaten, brutish creatures who know nothing of honor, nothing of glory: Klingons!  Klingons who know nothing but blood lust! You ask how can this be? Have we not dealt peacefully with the Klingons, even purchased warships from them? Yes! We made that mistake! We let them sell us faulty ships - but no more! That was all part of their plan to weaken us, then overwhelm us. We cannot let our own, our brave Romulan colonists live in peril! We cannot let them be murdered by these aliens! And we shall not! We strike first, my loyal warriors, we go to destroy the menace to our worlds now! We go to smash the Klingon base, the military base of Narendra III and we go now! We go to fight not for personal glory. We fight for our people, four our homeland, for Romulus! We fight for the heart and honor of the Empire! And we shall return only as victors! Is that understood? We shall return victorious!
P183 most Romulans, including a good percentage of the military, knew nothing of Narendra III beyond the one word: Klingon. If they did know Narendra III would be unarmed, undefended target, they would be obedient warriors.
Charvanek broadcasts to the fleet - Dishonor is being cast upon you, vital data withheld! Know this, warriors: Narendra III is no military base. They are civilians! Unarmed civilians! This is the truth! Our orders came not from the emperor, not from the Empire - they came straight from Praetor Dralath and he knew, he knew full well that this is no mission of defense! Yet he sent us out to win nothing but shame! If we obey, if we massacre the helpless, then the praetor has sold our honor. We will have become only his butchers - and butchers for hire. We will never cleanse ourselves or our children of the shame!
General Volskiar counters that Commander Charvanek is still the Federation's pet. 
Charvanek realizes that the Romulan officers do not want to listen.
Charvanek orders her ship to attack the seven new Romulan warbirds
Swift Kill, erupts after direct hit
Sharp Sword, careened out of control
Battle Helm, destroyed in collision with Sharp Sword
P199 Elderly Romulan Emperor Shiarkiek renowned as a scholar, interested in new things, fish are his special study
P207 an hour out of Narendra III, subspace transmissions to the stations along the Neutral Zone will not reply until after the encounter is over 
The Narendra III system now contains a sizable uncharted anomaly that is putting out bursts of chroniton radiation. Its enough to make communication difficult and to mask traces of cloaked ships. The Enterprise-C has not been about to raise the colony on Narendra III. 
The Enterprise-C has a display of the ships, crew complements, and projected firepower available on Narendra III - some scouts, a few shuttles, the occasional personnel carrier. Nothing fit to take on a warbird
The system's asteroid belt looks like a promising hideout
The assay on the biggest rocks show metallic content sufficient for the Enterprise-C to hide among
Lt. Kelper, female tactical officer, human from Alpha Centauri
Warbirds can't shoot while cloaked
Garrett had given herself a quick review course in Klingon and Romulan ordnance.
If the Enterprise-C arrives at Narendra after the Romulans have destroyed it, that gives us not only a massacre to deal with but the Klingons' reactions. They could be as likely to turn on us as the Empire. We could face war on two fronts. 
The Romulans' hatred of Klingons amounted to race prejudice
Long range sensors pick up four warbirds
The Romulans have begun to fire on Narendra III
In their ancient past Andorians had been warriors as savage as Klingons.
Three Klingon scout-craft explode into white hot fireballs
A personnel carrier still docked at the station opened fire on the Romulans and a warbird seemed to swoop in toward like one of the predators for which it was named, precision-firing disruptors. The Klingon ship cast off from the space station. Garrett's heart when out to whoever was capturing it, knowing that attempting to draw the warbird's fire was a suicide mission
Disruptors engulfed the Klingon ship. It exploded into a blinding blaze of light, debris, and slag toppling slowly back onto the station, pulled in by its artificial gravity. 
The Enterprise-C picks up a Klingon message. Garrett had never heard of a Klingon asking for aid - or even admitting needing it. <
The dagger triskele of the Klingon Empire appeared on screen, followed not by a message, but by howls of mourning. All ships! Rasped a harsh Klingon voice, echoed a moment later by computer translation. To all ships in this sector! Now hear this! Our Empire's civilian outpost on Narendra III has been attacked in overpowering numbers without declaration or challenge by enemies devoid of all honor!
Two shuttles blew up onscreen, as though underscoring his words. A small flotilla of one-man ships struggled up from the planet's gravity well. A warbird that seemed to be hovering, picked the Klingon ships off almost lazily, one by one, as they crossed the terminator between light and darkness. 
Now the warbirds had veered to fire directly on the space station. The personnel in there were taking heavy hits. 
The Klingon message broke up into static then reformed. 
An elderly Klingon propped himself up against his console. Violet-colored blood dripped from his mouth, and held his arm awkwardly, as if it were broken, but warrior pride still blazed in his eyes. Flames surged in the background, then subsided as Klingons attacked the fires with as much rage as if they fought Romulans hand to hand. 
Narendra station, this is the Federation starship Enterprise! We're on our way!
The Klingon gave her an almost gallant salute with his uninjured arm. Well met, Enterprise. Trust you to scent action. We offer you a priceless opportunity for honor. Hunt with us, Enterprise. Fight at our side. Go to the Black Fleet with us! Win such glory that warriors will howl to honor our memory! The old one's grin showed broken discolored teeth. 
Two of the warbirds open fire on the planetary installation
The image from the station broke up, reassembled as the station took yet another blast. The old Klingon clinging fiercely to his station, surrounded by swirling smoke. He bent double, choking but somehow remained on his feet.
Narendra station! Garrett shouted hoping to be heard
Yes, Enterprise? His voice came through clearly enough despite the undercurrent of physical pain and sorrow. He gave her her ship's name rather than her own. Klingon honor, Garrett knew: her ship's name was her own
We are coming, Narendra. Listen to me, Klingon. Listen to Enterprise. Hold out. Hold on.
Again the Klingon laughed. Before I jettison station records, have you a word for our poets to remember, Enterprise?
Garrett had never been much for fancy speeches, yet here this Klingon was, asking her for the kind of words it took a Churchill of Earth or a Korask of Rigel IV to invent. She had no ringing words for Klingon bards! But Earth history had, and if words could comfort a gallant old warrior about to die, she would borrow them.
She matched the Klingon's fierce grin. Tell your bards and those point-eared Romulans, she shouted, that before we're through, the Romulan language will be spoken only in hell!
He would not have understood the reference, he understood the message. The Klingon roared with laughter. 
Well said, Enterprise. Welcome to our war!
Klingons around him took up the ritual battle cry 
HeghlumeH QaQ jajvam!
It is a good day to die
The station shuddered. The old Klingon screamed in pain and rage as a piece of debris struck him, almost toppling him. Blood gouted from a gaping wound as he clung determinedly to his post. He howled once for himself, but the cry ended in a gurgle as more blood sluiced from his mouth. The Klingon looked straight into Rachel Garrett's eyes.
Qapla' The word was forced out. Success
He toppled, his head striking his ruined console, in death yielding only his life
Stations going to blow! Castillo warned. The explosion was blinding
Garrett - Romulans hate Klingons, so they're out for terror. Destruction. As much hatred as they can sow.
Gravimetric anomalies are increasing exponentially, Tholav reported suddenly.
The warbirds look like they're going to scorch the planetary surface.
Enterprise to Narendra III, ground command. We have lost contact with your station's commander. What do you require? How may we assist you?
No insignia opened the downworld installation's transmission. Instead a montage of images flooded the ship's viewscreen; dead and dying, adults and children, far too many children, some clutching the sticks and rocks they had snatched in frantic, useless self-defense when the first fires had lanced down from suddenly deadly skies. The children closest to Garrett lay hugging each other as though hunting comfort even in death.
They had died surprised.
Garrett - This is the captain to the crew of the Enterprise. What you see is what we have sworn to stop, with our lives if need be. I ask you to give me your best as you always have. And I thank you. Godspeed.
In that moment she almost envied the Klingons their fierce freedom of emotions. She wasn't Klingon, but she felt like howling too for the coming destruction of her crew and her ship.
One of the warbirds is heading toward Enterprise.
At 'Prepare to engage' the cheers poured into the bridge from speakers ship wide
Belay that! The cooler we are the longer we can hold out
Enterprise hits a warbird with two photon torpedoes
The warbird's disruptors blazed with sudden poisonous green light
Tactical officer Kepler dead
We're going to dodge that warbird and try to protect the planetary installation. 
As sapients the Klingons were worth dying for. As fighters, they were worth dying with.
Fire aft phasers. We'll cut our way through, if we have to.
Garrett thinks maybe she can drive a warbird into the anomaly forming
Singh in Engineering
Shields down to 42 percent. Hull breach on deck 3. coolant leak in engineering. Structural integrity field compromised.
Tholav killed, also Dr. Aristide.
Two warbirds come straight at Enterprise
Fed Intelligence reports state that Ambassador-class ships can outmaneuver warbirds
Enterprise held course toward Narendra III then turned at bay
Now we make our stand, Garrett ordered. The survivors on the bridge managed a ragged cheer
Garrett knows Romulans give no quarter, an embarrassed Romulan was a vindictive enemy.
Another warbird destroyed by torpedoes
Three surviving warbirds had stayed with the enterprise, following ever move.
With a blaze of green, disruptor fire engulfed the ship.
Varani killed. Warp drive down. Shields down. Life support failing. 
Garrett manages to fire phasers at a warbird
Image from planet - a few buildings, charred and smokinggg,, still stood amid the ruins, a few lights still flickered within. Some survivors, then. 
The Romulans use their plasma weapon. A burst of immense power erupted from the ship, blooming, expanding as it exploded out toward Narendra III, engulfing it in blue-white fire. Nothing left on planet. 
Release the log buoy. 
Garrett's Kobayashi Maru had her fighting Klingons, not Romulans
With her exec and engineering officers dead she could not destroy the ship
The Romulans' plasma bursts would take care of that.
She opened a hailing frequency to the broadest possible band - 
This is Captain Garrett, Captain Garrett of the Starship Enterprise. We have been attacked by Romulan warships. Require immediate assistance. We have lost warp drive, life support is failing.
The Enterprise is sucked into the anomaly
P225 Romulans prepare their dead for the Last Review in the halls of Erebus, hack off hair as a token sacrifice, properly should fast until the Rite for the Dead have been performed.
Commander Charvanek and her old warbird Honor Blade arrive, cloaked, in the Narendra system in time to hear the scream in the barbarous noise that Klingons called a language It is a good day to die. The old man's voice shouted it as a challenge.
Tiny ships rose like sparks from Narendra III only to be shot down by General Volskiar's four remaining warbirds, swiftly. Charvanek could hear the mourning howls of the remaining pilots.
Once again, shouting over the disruptor static that bombarded the station circling Narendra III came the old Klingon's voice. We have been attacked in overwhelming numbers by a dishonorable enemy.
Volskiar was picking off the Klingon scouts in quick bursts of fire. The personnel carrier that had disengaged from the station died in gouts of flame. 
Charvanek watches as Enterprise speeds in to engage Volskiar's fleet in gallant, outnumbered combat. 
Charvanek decloaks, sees Enterprise vanish in anomaly. All of space just wavered. 
Enterprise was visible again, and fighting more fiercely than before, still taking hit after hit, until shields fell and it hangs dead in space.
Charvanek orders Honor Blade to attack. Takes out the most damaged of the warbirds. She orders ramming speed, but Volskiar's warbird the Victorious banks away at the last moment.
The distress calls from Narendra III died
Volskiar beams over to wrecked Honor Blade and takes Charvanek and survivors to his ship. 
Tal, from the Enterprise Incident, is now a Commander, Fleet Second to Volskiar
Charvanek wears an amulet, also a recording device, that holds the true record of Narendra III. She gives it to Tal to give to her kinsman Admiral Narviat
The Enterprise-C's engines exploded, taking the Romulan prize crew with it. 
Charvanek imprisoned with Castillo and Tasha Yar. Tasha taken out by General Volskiar.
P250 Praetor Dralath waits impatiently. How long could it possibly take to clean out a nest of Klingons? Surely it was time and past time for the attack on Narendra III to be over and for the fleet to be returning to the homeworlds - yet he had received no word at all. Volskiar could not possibly have been defeated, not by a puling group of Klingon children and elders!
Volskiar returns alone. He lost four ships but he did fully achieve the main objective. He lost five out of seven, but one to the Enterprise, no shame in that. The others were lost not to an honorable, honest enemy but to treason.
The Klingon-loving woman was cleaver
There will be a grand public festival to honor our glorious victory over the aggressor Klingons and the treacherous Federation
P262 Tal swore an oath to Commander Charvanek, when she was taken prisoner after Narendra III for being the only warrior there to protest turning honorable war into a massacre. He has proof of what actually occurred at Narendra III. 
P284 Adm. Narviat makes a broadcast over Romulus. Praetor Dralath has acted in a cowardly dangerous manner. He has attacked, and attacked without provocation not warriors, not those able to defend themselves. He was attacked Narendra III, a Klingon outpost, yes, but a civilian base! Our noble praetor murdered unarmed women, he has murdered children, he has made war on weak, helpless, dishonorable targets!
P299 Commander Charvanek - I was there. At the cowardly attack ooon Narendra II. Listen and I shall tell you of a Klingon elder - yes, a Klingon, a grandfather, who proved far more honorable than any Romulan that day. Listen, too, and I shall tell you of the Federation's gallant Enterprise, of hundreds who died that day in the effort to stave off that massacre. 
P318 the Stargazer, under Captain Jean-Luc Picard, has received the news of Narendra III, Enterprise-C dead, all those Klingon civilians massacred. Picard knew that even at maximum warp, the Stargazer, posted on the far edge of the Neutral Zone, would never have made it to Narendra III in time to make a difference. His orders are to protect Melville Colony. 
Klingon raised humans Gerda and Idun Asmund, Stargazer's helm and navigation officers, had been full of grief and rage when they'd heard the loss of Narendra III. 
Walker Keel has new orders for Picard - The Stargazer is to go on to Narendra III. Help them assay the damage. 
Neither Gerda nor Idun would want to leave without vengeance
Idun wants one good shot at the Romulan scoutcraft
Gerda wants to go meet the Romulan crew in the transporter room, the last thing Picard wants was a human with a grudge down there.
P327 the warbird's disruptor array glowed the poisonous green that had terrified intelligent beings from Q'onoS to Earth to Narendra III
Do we fight? That was a hopeful cry from Idun Asmund
The Romulan pressed forward until he leaned against the rail less than a meter from Gerda Asmund. Absorbed in minute course corrections, she did not even growl a warning
Photon torpedoes away - Direct hit! Idun added in a shriek oooff triumph
With twin shrieks that tore at Picard's eardrums, Idun fired both torpedo banks and her sister brought them into a sharp bank and full speed away from the warbird.
Hei-ya-hai  Romulan shout of triumph
The Stargazer destroys the Romulan warbird with Praetor Dralath aboard
P335 the destruction of Narendra III had shattered the peace of Sarek's town house in ShiKahr. Fed diplomats focused on the Klingon Empire's desire for permanent alliance. The Klingon Alliance should have been my son's task, Sarek thought. It would have been the crowning achievement of Spock's diplomatic career. 
The news media are screaming that the Enterprise reached Narendra III in time because one gallant officer penetrated the Romulan Neutral Zone, learned of the assault, and escaped, carrying a warning at the risk of her life.
Adm. Lynn calls that spectacular public relations
The Stargazer takes its Romulans to Vulcan.
P245 Narviat becomes praetor, and Charvanek a member of his staff, in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution on Romulus. 
P366 Starfleet has called up all its old Klingon hands, including Dr. McCoy, who could use some of the ice on Rura Penthe when he beams down to Vulcan. A massive bed in the Vulcan Medical Center looked heavy enough to give a Klingon pause
  Lifeline by Bobbi JG Weiss, David Cody Weiss 
page 1 Parrises Squares can be played up and down dorm hallways
  Capture The Flag by John Vornholt 
no Klingon content
  The Chance Factor by Diana Gallagher & Martin Burke
cover illustration of teenage Klingon boy and a bad attitude targ
p24 illustration of targ, and of sark being ridden
p49 illustration of teenage Klingon boy, targ and a bad attitude sark
p82 illustration of targ attacking
p23 targ - on a leash, horned creature with bristled hair, like a pig with a bad attitude. Squeals
p23 Cadet Kathryn Janeway has never seen a Klingon in person  before
p23 Fed and Klingons have been at peace since the Khitomer accords of 2293
p23 Klingons prefer to stay isolated from Federation society
p23 Klingons in Federation history reference holopictures have long tangled hair, ridged forehead, uneven protruding teeth
p23 targ's frenzied snarl when provoked
p23 Thorn, teenaged Klingon
p23 Thorn threatens to roast a Talarian hook spider for dinner
p25 Klingon sark - heavy beast, like a skinny rhinoceros with longer neck and narrower head, covered in hard armored plates, with a horn on forehead and three more down it's neck, same as a targ. Round tufted ears. Grunts and groans. Sarks like to have their ears rubbed. heavy feet
p25 sark named Hov nej - Star Seeker
p25 targ named Jup - friend
p30 targs and sarks bolt when startled
p40 Thorn, the Klingon boy, cruelly teases 11-year old  Betazed boy Jon and his bag of vicious sand bats
p40 Thorn has lightening quick reflexes
p40 the teasing "is only a contest of wills, a game to make Jon strong."
p42 Thorn does not understand how the mighty Federation survives, infected with so much weakness
p42 snarling, Thorn calls to Jup and stomps off
p44 Thorn dismissive at the thought of a picnic
p44 Thorn attends the major educational institution on homeworld
p44 Thorn's father is a member of Klingon High Council, and ordered his son to participate in Starfleet Captain Holbrook's mission to Diehr IV investigating the potential applications of nontechnical resources
p44 Torn agreed under protest. He does not believe the warrior Klingons could possibly benefit allied with the weak peoples of the Federation
p44 Thorn's family is powerful and he will probably sit on the High Council himself one day
p45 the hostile Talarian boy Endar befriends no one except Thorn
p48 Mev! = stop
p48 the targ stops the sark with a squeal
p50 Endar punches Thorn in the jaw, Thorn rams Endar in the stomach with his head, both fall to the floor
p51 Thorn doesn't hold a grudge
p51 Thorn has been struggling to keep his aggressive nature under control during training at Starfleet Academy for the mission
p51 The fight with Endar takes the edge off the explosive pressure
p51 Thorn plays Parrises Squares with Endar and the crew of the McMurray on the way to Diehr IV
p51 Parrises Squares a suitable outlet for violent energies of young warriors
p53 Klingons do not fail
p53 Thorn contemptuous of the make believe aspects of the experiment
p54 the Klingon boy, the sark, and the targ all tilt their heads back and smell the air when they arrive on the new planet
p54 Thorn as comfortable in primal forest as in 24th century starship
p54 Klingon race's primitive instincts did not become dulled as they adapted to controlled environments and technology
p54 "It makes the longing to hunt run hot in the blood!"
p54 rare Thorn smile
p58 if this were a Klingon mission the only objective would be getting the probe out. It would not matter how many were lost along the way as long as one succeeded in the end
p58 better to save as much time as possible when time is limited
p58 Thorn's stubborn gaze
p59 Klingons and Talarians had been sworn enemies of the Federation for a long time
p63 Thorn suggests river route, pride wounded when group votes for Kathryn Janeway's suggested route
p62 Janeway lets him take the lead, on the sark
p62 sark moves slowly and nothing stands in their way
p62 Jup the targ stays close to Thorn, scouts the area ahead for alien animals and scouts the way around impassable obstacles
p62 the three headed Sehgal serpent doesn't like the Klingon sark
p63 warriors are obligated to ride point and rear to defend the rest of the group - Thorn points this out to Endar
p63 Thorn has innate ability to calculate the time needed to go a given distance, based on terrain, incline and animals' speed are amazingly accurate
p64 Klingon fire beetles - poisonous, painful stings, nests makkkee hills
p64 a friend of Thorn's once slept on a hill of Klingon fire beetles because he did not check the ground. Humiliated and covered in poisonous stings.
p66 "We'll sleep on rocks if we have to."
p68 the Sark squeals and rears up, tossing Thorn off
p68 Jup the targ comes over and licks Thorn's reddening face. Klingons blush.
p69 "I will get revenge on anyone who dares speak of this - ever!" Thorn embarrassed
p71 Thorn refuses to allow a fire - might be within proscribed range and doesn't want to fail mission by default
p73 going one way or the other gives 50 50 chance of picking the best route around obstacle
p74 Thorn asks "Which way, Jup" but the targ just grunts and wags its stubby tail
p75 Thorn follows five minutes after the animals decide to go opposite of his choice
p75 Thorn holds his pride and aggressive impulses in check for the good of the mission
p77 Hov nej and Jup lower themselves to the ground to rest
p77 Thorn actually grinned at the clever placement of the probe
p79 the targ raises his snout to test the scent
p80 Thorn and Endar jump in front to protect the others
p81 Thorn prepares to fight off monstrous catlike animal with his bare hands as it leaps for him but, shrieking in fury, Jup the targ charges in and rams the cat's side
p81 Jup the targ goes over the edge of the cliff, with the monstrous cat
p81 NOOOO! Thorn yells, kneels at edge of cliff looking down
p81 the devoted targ, Jup's sacrifice, as effective as a phaser
p81 Thorn struggles to control the pain of his loss. "He's dead."
p81 Jup gave his life to save Thorn, because he loved Thorn, he was not afraid, he died instantly, without pain, the Betazed boy Jon feels it.
p81 "Jup died a warrior's death" says Endar
p83 The Vulcan T'Lor honors Jup's courage and loyalty
p83 Thorn tilts his head back and emits a powerful, spine tingling howl
p85 the howl is a Klingon ritual that honors the death of a comrade. We howl to warn the dead that a warrior is about to arrive. [obviously Janeway didn't communicate this experience to Data though they knew each other at the Academy]
p85 Thorn has always been afraid he would disgrace himself when someone close died in battle - his most dreaded fear. Now he knows ttthat he can handle it.
p86 telling the others about his fear cements the bond created among the young people by Jup's death
p86 Success of the mission will honor Jup's memory
p88 Thorn's strong emotional reaction to Jup's death broke through the Betazed Jon's block to reading humanoid minds
p88 Thorn scowls that the boy had better control his reading of minds
p88 Jon - Nice try, Thorn, but I know that you're not really mad
p88 Thorn laughs. "We must stay in contact when the mission is over, Jon Brezi. You will be a valuable ally."
p89 Thorn estimates they are 15 minutes behind schedule
p90 Thorn and others chased by giant rat-like creatures while gathering wood
p91 Thorn backs up Kathryn with flashlight when she prepares to strike a rat
p93 Thorn gently picks up wounded sandbat in his massive hands, feels its heart beating, murmurs softly to it
p94 Thorn equates dancing with sacred ritual, not fun
p95 Klingons do many things for fun - Thorn enjoys opera
p95 Mission accomplished and ahead of schedule, do something to celebrate
p96 Thorn bellows in grating baritone
p100 Jup's heroic death made them realize the one thing they had in common - concern and respect for animals
p100 Thorn firmly believes Captain Holbrook would have saved the targ if possible.
p100 The Klingon Empire and the Federation might someday learn to really trust each other
p101 Thorn would become a Klingon leader committed to making that happen
p101 the positive long term effects of Jup's death are staggering
p104 strong as he is Thorn can not get the Andorian zabathu moving
p105 Thorn assures them they have half an hour to spare
p106 Thorn finds an animal trail to follow
p107 The struggling Betazoid boy was no match for the Klingon Thorn. Thorn tosses Jon up on the sark's back and swings up behind him
p112 Thorn raised a victorious fist and laughed out loud
p113 Thorn hugs Jon when the group is congratulated for their success
p114 Thorn's eyes full of pride when he relates Jup's giving his life to save others
p114 Jup is alive, ecstatic, squirming, embraced by Thorn
p115 Captain Holbrook beamed Jup up before he hit the ground
  Quarantine by Patricia Barnes-Svarney
P27 Starfleet Academy cadets know that Chatoob is an M-class planet, first brief long-distance contact with the planet’s people was made at least ten years ago by the Klingons.  They reported the Chatoob were on the verge of solar system exploration, they lived on the surface in domed cities as the air was too polluted, humanoid appearance with white hair, olive skin, three fingers, large eyes can see infrared. Two major cultures, the Chat and the Obers.
P86 Blinar, a Tegi, a confrontational people from a planet within the Federation and Romulan Neutral Zone, complains Why can’t we be more like the Klingons? He has heard they carry weapons at all times. 
  Atlantis Station by V. E. Mitchell
no Klingon content
  Crossfire by John Vornholt 
P86 Cadet Will Riker, caught in Orion crossfire, suggests Orions think his trombone is a Klingon disruptor.
  The Haunted Starship by Brad Ferguson, Kathi Ferguson 
P54 Robert DePalma, Starfleet Academy class of 2167, the third class to graduate. Tall dark haired Caucasian. Friendly but tough as nails. Book Nine Days Behind the Line. The story of how a senior Starfleet admiral taken prisoner by a Klingon warship managed to escape. He also captured the warship, delivering it and its crew of 14 to Starfleet Command.  Happened about 40 + 2179. 
P96 Sanchez, killed aboard Enterprise-C when she was lost at Narendra III. Son Bernardo O’Higgins Sanchez Academy class of 2354, and younger daughter.
  Breakaway by Bobbi JG Weiss, David Cody Weiss
P15  Cadet Deanna Troi finds her Starfleet Academy roomie’s emotions like soft waves on a beach, not like a pack of frenzied Klingon targs trying to tear down a wall.
  Worf's First Adventure by Peter David 
p2 young Worf Rozhenko, parents Sergey and Helena, adopted, foster parents
p2 Helena speaks Yiddish, vaguely Klingonese
p3 Sergey going gray because he's raising a Klingon. Worf's comment makes his parents laugh
p3 brother Simon, the image of Sergey
p4 Simon, Sergey and Helena all very warm and welcoming to Worf
p3 Worf barely remembers a time before the Rozhenkos
p4 Worf taunted in school
p4 young Worf not interested in consolation after school fights, not appropriate. A warrior endures pain without complaint. Nothing less is to be expected.
p4 Worf shuts Helena's emotionalism out, she comes to accept it
p6 An emotional display, while gratifying for Helena, would be very embarrassing for Worf. She refrains and Worf is grateful.
p6 Worf and Helena always arguing about his hair length
p6 A true Klingon warrior's hair is long and preferably uncombed
p6 in the Klingon Empire you can be as unkempt as you like, Starfleet has codes of appearance
p6 Sergey once in Starlet
p6 young Worf, strong handshake
p7 Worf sees his first Vulcan, Soleta, excited at new things awaiting at Starfleet Academy
p7 Who could understand the mysteries of humans?
p7 Worf lives with humans almost as long as he can remember, on Gault and then Earth, Russia, since age 11
p7 with Klingon parents on Khitomer fading dream, though he tries to hold on to the memories
p7 Worf always rather self-sufficient, older Simon doubts he'll need looking after
p8 reflex for Worf to take defensive position when in someplace. Takes shuttle seat toward the back. Farthest point from the door, with back against a wall. Impossible for sneak attack from behind.
p10 Worf has heard Vulcans prize logic above all else, are disciplined and totally without emotion
p10 Worf's Academy open file lists his parents were killed when he was young, he was adopted by a Starfleet officer, raised on a farming planet, then Earth, and now he and adopted brother attending Starfleet Academy
p12 Worf asks without polite preamble
p12 Worf's first suspicion is to suspect someone trying to antagonize him
p13 Worf likes oranges
p14 Worf should be recognizable as a Klingon name
p15 Sergey has told Worf all about Starfleet Academy, but has never been there
p16 Simon was the brightest that the Rozhenko family had to offer. Worf mentally prepared to live in shadow of Simon's brilliant career
p16 Worf would do the best that he could, and that would have to be enough
p16 Worf is the first out of the shuttle ?From sitting in the back
p16 Worf aware of Starfleet legends Robert April, Matt Decker, Kirk, Rachel Garrett
p16 Worf appreciates biting sting of Russian air
p17 Brikar - hairless, usually barefoot, clothing of animal hide, hands end in three powerful digits. Brown and black skin, rocklike surface. Squared, faceted skull, small holes for ears, slits for nostrils. Genetically bred for strength and reflexes. Hostile to Klingons
p17 Worf talks to himself to not be baited.
p18 Worf likes to hit things to vent
p18 Zak Kebron, Brikar - The Klingon dog, allowing himself tooo be led away. When Simon leads Worf away
p18 Zak Kebron - all Klingons know how to do is invade, to attack, to grab territory, to go where no one wants them. If the Klingons hadn't come crawling to the Federation 50 years ago - for help and started a peace initiative, and then when they were back on their feet, thought nothing of stabbing Federation in the back. Federation allies when it suits them, enemies when you want something. Taking over planets etc
p21 Brikar rock hard, but slow moving
p21 Worf and Zak Kebron fight, pulled apart by security guards
p22 Helena prepared wonderful farewell breakfast before Worf left home 
p23 Klingons and Brikar have the same aggressive body language
p24 Zak Kebron would sacrifice his own position at Academy to keep Worf out
p24 Worf has experienced much hostility and intolerance in the past, tremendously disappointed to meet the same at the academy
p25 Worf certain short, white haired, charismatic Admiral Fincher, Dean of Students, already knows what she is going to do to them
p26 Worf first Klingon, Zak third Brikar at Academy.
p26 Fincher shipped out with Sergey Rozhenko, just out of the Academy.
p26 Academy psychological profile of Kebron and Rozhenko says they will inevitably come to physical conflict. Report prepared two months ago, when they were accepted
p26 Brikar historical dislike for Klingons, stems from rather intense border battles before the time of the great alliance.
p27 Kebron has heard impressive horror stories about Klingons
p27 Worf's record of altercations is always because he is provoked. He does not seek battle. But it would not be honorable to walk away from it.
p29 Fincher admits she would be upset at first Klingon at Academy leaving right away, a failure.
p30 Worf wants to stay in Starfleet badly enough to room with Zak Kebron
p32 Section 24, room 7, special rock-like bunk ordered for the Brikar. Uniforms for Worf hanging in closet. Zak draws a black line dividing the room
p33 Worf prides himself on not starting fights, only finishing them
p33 Worf is the only Klingon Zak has met, but he knows all about the wars from his grandfather, Klingon evil rituals, drinking human blood, eating human children
p33 if you turn your back on a Klingon for a second, you'll find a knife in it.
p34 proud moment of continuing Rozhenko tradition of Starfleet service marred by disgusted look from Zak
p34 Worf has heard about the Brikar - arrogant, high-handed, blustering cowards
p34 Worf had prepared himself to being the only Klingon at the Academy. Must not allow himself to think self-consciously
p35 Worf envies Simon's easy laugh
p36 Mark McHenry, genius, is Simon Rozhenko's roommate. Worf finds his flaky behavior irritating. Member of Worf's study group with Soleta, Tanya Tobias.
p39 Worf falls victim to bucket of water prank by Finnegan. Worf knocks out two teeth, blackens his eye, breaks his nose, and leaves him unconscious for a day. No complaint against Worf because Finnegan not sure what happened, and no one else talking
p42 Worf's first class - Prime Directive - Theories and Appliiications, Professor Lynch. Chatter stops as Worf walks to a seat next to Simon
p44 deep down Worf already convinced he would not make it through Academy. He would do his best. Too many factors against him. He would graciously accept failure when it came
p44 the Klingon-Federation alliance had a long and tortured history since Khitomer Conference of 2293. Every step forward quickly followed by two steps back
p44 barely 12 years since noble sacrifice of Enterprise C, destroyed valiantly defending Klingon outpost on Narendra III from Romulan attack. That brave act had been a turning point in Klingon-Federation relations.
p45 Klingons still viewed askance by those Terrans with short tempers and long memories
p45 among Klingons, the first name is used in all forms of direct address, including honorific such as Mister. The house name, or surname, is reserved for formal occasions. Proper form is "Mr. Worf."
p47 Worf prompts flustered Simon with a whisper about Kirk and Eminiar VII. Assigned reading before first class
p48 Worf defends Kirk's Eminiar actions as necessary, not right or wrong, speaks out of turn. One choice is no choice, murdering his crew is not an option.
p48 Worf filed with respect for his teacher, loyalty to his brother, no fear for himself
p50 Worf rarely smiles. He thinks noble Simon froze in class so Worf could rescue him
p55 typical abrupt Klingon behavior. Klingons are an extremely moody species, from bad to terrible.
p55 Worf and Zak argue, common sound in their dorm area
p56 Zak - historically no one has ever trusted a Klingon.
p57 Worf does everything he can to rein himself in, walks away from argument
p58 Zak hates all Klingons, can't understand human cadet Tanya Tobias wanting to be Worf's friend
p58 Zak knows Khitomer as planet of first major Klingon-Federation peace  conference, first in a long line of meetings with Klingons that inevitably resulted in broken promises and threats of war
p58 no one sure why harmless Klingon science outpost on Khitomer was attacked by Romulans. General speculation has it an anniversary, in Romulan time keeping, of the 2293 peace conference.
p58 Zak of the opinion that Romulans and Klingons deserve each other
p58 the break-up of Romulan-Klingon alliance was a very sore point between them, caused many years of fighting. Massacred the inhabitants in sneak attack, 4000 Klingons died, men, women, children. Romulan plasma weapons
p59 Zak doubts Klingons cared about their victims
p59 Tanya Tobias' engineer father served aboard Intrepid when they received distress call. Arrived too late. Bloodied bodies everywhere. Hundreds of crewmembers of the Intrepid beamed down to help clean up and search for survivors. Klingons still alive very brave, no moaning, no sobbing, no begging. unbowed. one woman pulled from rubble immediately started helping dig out others, with broken arm and two broken ribs. Warp-field specialist saw little hand sticking out, saw it move, Engineer Tobias helped free burned, battered orphaned six year old Worf. Worf led Rozhenko to rubble where his parent's bodies were. [this before no one survived Khitomer]
p61 Tanya tells Zak he will never be able to hurt Worf as much as he has already been hurt 
p62 special replicator program simulates Klingon foods, doesn't get things exactly right, Worf not thrilled by end result wormlike crawling things
p62 other cadets initially repulsed by Worf's lunch. Cadet Stanislaw sits near him when trying to loose weight, looses 15 pounds, then sits with other cadets again
p64 Worf no genius, but he gets a handle on warp sine ratios with his study group
p64 Simon always considerate in anticipating and helping Worf over problems
p65 Worf takes Combat Strategy with Professor Lupisky, renowned for his clipped German accent
p77 Vulcan Sulak, Superintendent of Starfleet Academy, male
p66 Worf of the opinion a captain should go down with his ship, not impressed with Picard's maneuver saving himself and crew but not vessel. Would never serve with such a man
p67 Simon has to hit Worf over the head with a rock, figuratively, for him to see Tanya Tobias is crazy about Worf
p67 Simon - you spend so much time scowling that you're totally missing what's happening in the world around you
p67 Worf not interested in being an object of curiosity for her.
p68 Commander Clark, Starfleet expert in hand-to-hand combat, impresses Worf. Trains cadets in armed and unarmed combat.
p70 Worf compares bat'telh to quarterstaff. Worf is experience with bat'telh. His bat'leth one of few possessions salvaged from Khitomer, it had belonged to his father - his Klingon father Mogh. Worf has prrracticed with it zealously every day. Helena initially terrified of it, began accidentally misplacing it, but Worf would always find it. Helena - "Fine, but if you cut your leg off, don't come running to me!" Worf sees the contradiction in her words, but doesn't point it out, too busy practicing
p70 bat'leth makes particularly vicious hissing noise as it cuts though the air [on Gault anyway]
p71 Worf knocks Clark down in quarterstaff practice
p72 Helping Clark up never occurred to Worf. 
p72 if a warrior was felled, it was considered dishonorable to extend a hand to him. The implication would be that the fallen warrior was weak and unable to fend for himself. The honorable thing to do - as long as it wasn't a life and death situation, was to stand perfectly still and wait for the downed opponent to compose himself and state whether he wishes to continue
p72 Klingons don't help each other [in this situation]
p73 mistakenly, Clark pits Worf and Zak against each other, too late to stop. Other cadets shout encouragement for Zak, none for Worf
p73 Worf calmly sizes up Zak's tactics, then gets in a blow.
p74 Worf defects kick from his stomach to his sturdy ribcage
p74 Worf knocks Zak down and straddles him "Surrender"
p76 Worf sees Zak is full of hostility, and that other students don't like Worf
p78 Rimbor Engagement of 2264. USS Farragut confronted by three Klingon vessels. Sustained heavy casualties, 79 dead, 83 injured. Farragut managed to disable one of the warships and barely escape. 
p78 Zak voices opinion Klingons generally run unless they outnumber their opponents two to one. Worf roars that is a lie
p79 out of 173 different engagements with Klingons that Zak studied
p79 other hostile races Rigelians, Cardassians, Ferengi, Orions, Romulans, Tholians, Gorn
p79 Battle of Chernobog - freighter convoy ambushed by Klingonnns
p79  Professor Lupisky's entire Combat Strategy class, except for Worf and his study group, have chosen Klingon - Federation engagements to critique. Worf walks out of the class.
p80 Lupisky bawls out class - oath of Starfleet is to seek out new life and new civilizations, Worf is the first  alien life most of them have met, completely inappropriate for Starfleet behavior. Assigns them extra homework
p82 Starfleet had been the hope for Worf that there was something better than the suspicion and hostility he always encountered
p81 Worf barrels out of Academy grounds. Meets just graduated Ens. Geordi LaForge
p86 Worf's classmates think they know all they need to know about Klingons, and are nervous about all they don't know
p86 Geordi not nervous - Federation is at peace with Klingon EEmpire, Worf wouldn't be at the Academy if they thought he was dangerous.
p86 Worf's fellow students must learn about special requirements of Klingons
p87 Worf can provide cadets with firsthand, close up example of proud Klingon race, make them realize Klingons not an enemy, tremendous service to Klingons everywhere when cadets go out on service and encounter other Klingons without their old fears and prejudices. Klingons deserve respect, dignity and honor
p87 Worf resents Geordi putting burden all on him, impact future dealings with other Klingons
p87 Geordi points out honorable thing is for Worf to stay at Academy and try to make life better for the Klingon race. To leave would be dishonorable.
p88 Geordi has also really, truly felt separate from the rest of the world
p88 Worf sees things through the eyes of a Klingon born to respect honor and strength and a variety of other virtues.
p88 Worf has to let people in, or let himself out
p88 Geordi interests Worf in Prometheus Run, historical landmark, artificial early warning satellite at outer end of solar rim. Upper classmen pick cadets to do maintenance checks. Geordi can get Worf selected
p88 Worf is thinking about majoring in security, minoring in operations
p89 Geordi a Forge most unique human Worf has ever met
p90 a week later Worf sees LaForge phrased things so Worf had no choice, annoyed that he fell for it
p90 Worf is going to hang around until they throw him out
p91 Worf's study group among higher grade achievers
p91 Study group Vulcan Soleta, human Tania Tobias, Mark McHenry and brother Simon Rozhenko
p93 Simon Rozhenko always need to succeed beyond reasonable expectations
p94 all the time they lived on the farm on Gault, early rising had been the norm
p94 Worf non-joke comment taken as a joke, joke comment that what makes a Klingon laugh is Human beings in pain is not well received. He was attempting dark irony, with Tania Tobias
p95 parents, Tania, always tell Worf to keep working on his attempts at humor. The human notion of humor is a curious thing to Worf
p94 Commander Clark in charge of 12 cadets on mission to Prometheus
p96 Worf doesn't see the twinkling of stars as a wondrous sight, he has the scientific explanation
p96 Zak raises possibility that Prometheus run might be one of those Academy situations where they make the group depend on one another. Isn't Worf a little nervous about his well-being depending on a bunch of non-Klingons
p103 Simon and Zak find a blip on back up long-range sensors, Simon calls Worf and Soleta and McHenry to double check them before contacting commander Clark
p106 Worf answers Clark's call when Simon hesitates.
p107 decloaked Romulan warbird fires at Prometheus Station
p108 Cadets hear sound of Clark being killed by crashing debris
p108 Worf yanks Soleta clear of crashing debris
p109 Worf and Zak use their strength to open door and get cadets out of fiery room before ceiling caves in
p109 Simon panics
p109 Worf - We are still alive, we quit when we are dead! Not before!
p109 Worf instructs everyone to meet in the shuttlebay
p110 Zak falls down turboshaft, Worf and Soleta pull him up. The Vulcan also has the formidable strength of a young Klingon
p112 Above the ear-shattering cacophony of Prometheus Station blowing up Worf shouts final words of defiance. "I go to join my Klingon parents! Cadets I salute you! It is a good day to die!"
p113 Worf initially confused at end - all done in a holoparlor training center on earth
p114 lesson in how to deal with difficult, even terminal situations, practical experience
p114 Simon Rozhenko leaves after 'test'
p115 years of growing up with Father's stories of Starfleet, and his expectations, Simon just assumed that was what he wanted. 
p115 Worf thought Simon was faking having difficulties to make Worf not feel inferior
p116 Simon hugs Worf, Worf was afraid he would, but very briefly, so as not to push Worf's tolerance.
p116 Worf agrees with Zak that humans do not understand Klingons and Brikar
p118 notorious Klingon stubbornness equal only to famous Brikarian stubbornness
p119 Zak notes that Worf always has to have the last word, but they are getting along ok now. Saving Zak when he almost went down the turboshaft means nothing.
  Line Of Fire by Peter David 
p1 Word and Zak battle Zendorian warriors in holoroom.
p4 Worf remembers studying Zendorians in self defense training and goes for the weak spot in the thigh. Zak prefers to battle it out blow by blow to prove he is stronger. Worf sees this as wasteful
p4 the goal was to defeat the enemy, quickly and efficiently
p4 Worf rumbles that their goals should be the same - survival.
p5 Zak - Worf, you have an absolute knack for taking all the enjoyment out of everything
p5 The Brikar have a long history of hatred for Klingons, that had not been erased merely because the Klingons were now allies of the Federation. Zak arrived at Academy with all his anti-Klingon prejudices solidly intact
p5 Worf many times found himself in hostile situations merely because of who and what he was
p5 Worf arrived at Academy with something of a chip on his shoulder
p6 prolonged exposure, and Worf saving Zak's life on Prometheus station, developed mutual respect, and liking
p6 Worf's brave act in Zak's eyes
p6 Zak has joined the study group of Worf, Soleta, Tania Tobias, Mark McHenry. Nicknamed the Dream Team around school
p6 Zak and Worf neither hot academics, but formidable security team
p7 once a Klingon was on his guard, he was not easily put off it. And Klingons were on their guard almost from the moment they first drew breath
p8 Professor Alexander Trump taking Dream Team as liaison to colony world Dantar IV, because a Klingon is a member of the Team. 
p9 Professor Alexander Trump speaks 30 languages, Klingonese. Long and distinguished career before teaching at Academy
p10 Worf impressed by aura of power that seemed to radiate from Trump
p11 Dantar IV is a Federation - Klingon co-venture colony world. There have been previous situations with Klingons and Feds on the same planet, usually growling at each other. I won't kill you if you won't kill me venture.
p12 Dantar a test case, different entirely. Designed from the first as cooperative venture between Klingon and Federation colonization teams. Everything split right down the middle. Equal number of colonists, 173, a compromise number committee decision. 346 people who have been brought up from earliest memories to have antipathy for opposite race, labor mightily to overcome innate hostilities
p12 Dantar hot as Hades.
p13 Worf not pleased at being chosen because he is a Klingon. Ability and experience should be sole criteria
p13 Trump calls Worf's attitude stupid as sin. Experienced Trump knows the galaxy is a harsh place, full of strife and hostility. Use every trick, every advantage, use Worf being Klingon and don't be overly sensitive about it.
p15 Trump's mission will be to check things out, voice of reason, the dispatches from the colony heads in the last months trouble keeping the peace. Reports go to Federation and Klingon Empire
p15 hostilities so widespread impossible to settle without outside arbitrators
p15 Klingons probably see problem arising, but how they will react is anyone's guess
p16 Klingon colonists distrustful of Fed, Fed colonists distrustful of Klingons, colonists all dislike Starfleet, so cadets advantage
p10 Worf made team captain, Soleta First Officer
p18 Worf and team on Captain Taggert's new starship Repulse, travels through vacuum as easily as a sharpened knife could slit the throat of an enemy
p18 Worf catches himself using Klingon destruction and death similes. Starfleet requires a complete reordering of his thought process
p19 Mark Mac McHenry still makes Worf nervous
p21  Worf's father often spoke of such ships as the Repulse but his descriptions did not convey full impact
p22 Worf tells Captain Taggert he gets sense of unease from his crew. What is the expression - a double-take
p22 Worf finds it disappointing to have a starship crew have trouble seeing Klingon in Starfleet uniform
p23 Typical Klingons warriors - dressed in silver and black leather, bristling and bearded and looking fierce. Hundred pounds heavier than average human
p23 Worf surprises the crew, they are not against him. Worf is going to turn a lot of heads, get used to it. Can be valuable tool for advancement
p24 Taggert glad the destructive conflict between Klingons and Fed has finally ended. Long road from Khitomer Conference to the circumstances that brought Worf to the Forward Lounge of the Repulse
p24 Klingons one of the most formidable peoples Taggert has ever encountered
p25 if the Klingons are with us, rather than against us, well that's one less thing to worry about in deep space
p25  Worf tells Taggert the study group calls McHenry the Quiet Killer, in poker, he cleans out officers of Repulse ace poker players. Actually they usually call him Airhead
p27 Worf sees little point in card games. Games should be the type that test a warrior's ability to survive, not trivial gambling'  Taggert mentions the value of the bluff, the gamble, holding tight, and folding
p27 sensors detect a Klingon ship on approach to Dantar IV
p27  Worf's first trip to a starship bridge is on the Repulse, well he'd had a tour before but that didn't count
p27  there may be an alliance, but it's not such an old familiar one that we toss caution to the wind
p27  Captain Taggert interested to see if Klingons do doubletake at sight of Worf in Starfleet uniform
p28 Klingon battlecruiser looks like it is staring straight at them, right down their throats
p28 Worf swells with pride and excitement at sight of graceful curving lines, all the strength and majesty of Klingon Empire in one powerful package
p28 Worf's memories of an actual Klingon vessel were so distant and vague as to be useless
p29 Worf, for a moment, wonders what it would be like to be on the Klingon vessel, with Klingon warriors, looking at the Federation starship
p29 are they looking with contempt at a people they barely know
p29 Klingons might very well be confident in the superiority of all things Klingon and the inferiority of all things non-Klingon
p29 the scowling face of a Klingon appeared
p29 the Klingon bridge was dark and foreboding, the illumination lit the Klingon faces in mysterious fashion. The control chair was dead center, but handing from a support strut in the ceiling. Dim green, red and yellow lights flickered. Mostly gray and black. 
p30 Captain Kora first Klingon Worf has seen since he was a child [minus the trip to caves, visit to cousins] thrilled
p30 Rozhenkos loving and caring, but Worf never fully shake feeling of loneliness and isolation
p30 in a universe surrounded by humans, knowing there were others of his kind out there was very little comfort
p30 young Worf had difficulty finding anyone his own age who shared his temperament or outlook on life
p30 Captain Kora of the Klingon cruiser K'leela.
p30 Klingons rarely allowed themselves to be caught off guard
p30 Captain Kora surprised by sight of Worf, close to losing his composure. He does not believe there is a Klingon on board Repulse
p32 Kora to Worf - Who are you?
p32 Worf looks to Captain Taggert for permission before answering I am Worf
p32 Kora - Worf? You are Worf? And beyond that, who are you?
p32 Worf, son of Mogh
p33 Kora frowned, clearly considering several comebacks before deciding that the best response was to be straightforward
p33 the Klingons are "en route" [!!] to Dantar IV. We understand that there has been some hostility between the colonists, and we are sending a team to oversee conditions there and settle any disputes
p33 Kora thinks Worf is to serve as the token Klingon presence to convey the Federation's 'sincerity'
p33 Taggert corrects that Worf is to serve in his capacity as a Starfleet cadet
p33 Kora recognizes the name of Alexander Trump. "I know of him a good man." he admits almost grudgingly
p34 Kora - a fair settlement is in the best interests of both the Klingons and the Federation
p34 Kora's last look at Worf makes Worf uncomfortable
p34 the battle cruiser angles away and the sleek warship matches the speed and course of the Repulse exactly
p34 Taggert asks Worf if he believes Kora will act in a reasonable manner
p34 Worf's impression is that Kora will act like a Klingon, no more, no less, than that. The Klingon team will have its instructions and will act appropriately
p35 The Repulse and the K'leela both leave orbit
p36 the sun was the brightest that most of them had ever experienced - very like Vulcan
p39 Worf automatically drops to the back of the group to make sure everyone got in safely from the storm
p39 Worf picks up Tania Tobias when she trips
p39 to Worf, thanks are unnecessary, taking care of teammates was, quite simply, something that was expected. He could do no less
p40 Worf feels a flash of recognition when he hears unmistakable Klingonese.
p40 Klingons generally found it easier to converse in English than to wait for Terrans to use the hand-held universal translator
p40 Worf draws himself up at Soleta's request to eavesdrop, surprised
p40 Trump translates they are saying that handling the Federation people will not be difficult. Starfleet personnel remain intimidated by Klingons, and showing them who is in a superior position of authority will by easy. They say they can keep the Starfleet people in line and give Klingon interests maximum priority.
p40 human colonists demand the Klingons talk to them not to each other
p41 Worf in favor of going in and laying down the law. Trump against preconceived notion of Starfleet in charge. Our job is to guide, not push
p41 Worf thinks pushing is simpler solution, strongly supports it
p42 Khard co-administrator of Dantar IV colony with Paul Dini
p42 Klingon envoys from K'leela have been talking with Khard, Klingon team arrived just before Starfleet team. Completely unexpected
p43 Khard - even his civilian clothes had severe and military caste
p43 Worf has only the remotest memories of young female Klingons who had been his playmates (if such a word can be applied to the activities of young Klingons) when growing up on Khitomer
p43 Worf, since Khitomer, no interaction with any other Klingons at all, male or female
p43 warrior in training K'Ehleyr - same age as Worf, long, thick hair, eyes blaze with inner fire, scowls at Worf
p45 K'Ehleyr makes Worf uncomfortable looking at him
p45 Khard shakes hands - he makes allowances for human custommmss
p45 Trump - if it were easy, then what possible challenge would that be for a Klingon?
p45 warrior in training Gowr, shortest of the Klingons, still taller than most humans, extremely broad shouldered
p45 warrior in training Kodash, tallest, intense fierce look, fairly long moustache, with small metal caps at ends
p46 Worf realizes he might have a problem between Zak and Kodash and other Klingons
p46 Zak still fighting many ingrained prejudices towards Klingons in general, though he has become used to Worf
p46 many Klingons had no great love for the Brikar
p47 The young Klingons regard Worf with a mix of  curiosity and contempt
p47 K'Ehleyr comments "How - curious" at Worf
p49 Why Klingons don't shake hands - the Terran handshake originated to show that one was unarmed. Klingons are always expected to have weapons on them at all times. To imply you think a Klingon is unarmed would be the highest insult. Worf explains
p49 against Starfleet rules for cadets to carry any weapons. An unfortunate regulation in Worf's opinion
p49 the Klingon female seemed rather interested in Worf
p49 Starfleet and Klingon teams share visitor's barracks. Klingons in partitioned area at far corner
p50 looks like they are hiding, but Klingons do not leave themselves exposed to ambush
p50 it never hurts to anticipate all the possibilities
p50 the Klingons unpack their few belongings
p50 K'Ehleyr complains the mattress isn't firm enough, tosses it to sleep on metal slab
p50 Kodash - obnoxious Brikar, most insufferable race in the galaxy, aside from the Kreel.
p51 Kodash - what do you call Worf? Is he truly one of us? A Klingon? Words fail Kodash. Perhaps Worf is a prisoner, brainwashed.
p51 Gowr - a Klingon maybe, but not one of us
p51 The guys promote K'Ehleyr to find out about Worf. Either he is a traitor and deserter from the Empire, which, from his youth, is doubtful, or, as insane as it may sound, he may have been raised by humans
p51 K'Ehleyr - you are both out of your limited minds
p51 K'Ehleyr protests that she does not like Worf, he does not like her, but she can't stop thinking about him. He is different from any Klingon she had ever met - is that good or bad?
p53 Klingon colonist Korm dispute with human colonist Cannelli. Cannelli lives above Korm. Korm driving Cannelli crazy with his music. There is tremendous significance to the music that he plays. 
p54 Korm a member of the Consar discipline, K'Ehleyr assumes, correctly
p54 the Consar discipline is a particular religious sect that believes in making a joyous music to a particular 'muse' that requires music be made in the middle of the night, so the muse can be lulled to sleep by it. Consar inhabits the temples of the homeworld. 
p54 Korm's instrument of choice is yggim, similar to earth drums
p55 Worf points out that middle of the night Dantar IV time is early morning homeworld time and thus solves the problem. Midnight homeworld equals 14 hundred, early afternoon, Dantar time
p55 Worf has made a thorough study of 'your' religion. Consar
p56 Worf - I understand Klingons, and I understand Terrans. Between the two, there is little I can not grasp
p57 Khard leaves the rest of the petitioners for righteous actions to Worf and K'Ehleyr, as colonists are tired of looking at him and Dini. The Klingons will respect Worf's handling of Korm's case. Word will spread quickly. K'Ehleyr remain, to represent the Empire.
p57 K'Ehleyr starts to object, but Khard, though a colonist, is her superior in rank and experience. 
p57 he turned away from her, indicating that their conversation is over
p57 Worf - I can deal with whatever situation I am given. His voice drops to a low growl
p58 Khard and Dini have tried dealing with disputes in the past week, futile
p59 Zak impresses Klingon colonists by carrying massive pulse generator
p61 the Klingon and Terran colonists are more interested in assigning blame to someone for why something had gone wrong than in repairing it. Accuse each other of mucking with the systems deliberately for some unknown purpose
p61 tech heads of the Klingon and Terran groups
p62 Zak Kebron antagonizes Kodash and Gowr. Then he realizes he is sliding back into old habits
p62 Zak took every opportunity to bait and provoke Worf when they first met
p62 Zak's time spent with Worf made him realize that generalizing about any race as a whole inappropriate and ill-serving
p63 Kodash has a reputation for being quick to anger
p63 Kodash -Anything you could accomplish, Starfleet man, is something that we could do as well
p63 the superior attitude of the Brikar is almost as well known as the superior attitude of Starfleet itself
p64 Kodash - strength is not everything. There is speed, agility, talent and most of all intelligence
p64 Kodash shakes in rage, his fists balled up and poised just over his belt buckle. Kodash pulls a palm-sized neural stunner from his belt buckle and his flat handed smack on Zak's chest sends a massive charge throughout his body
p65 K'Ehleyr - so, what is the son of a Klingon doing among sons of humans?
p65 Worf - My duty
p65 K'Ehleyr - as are we all. But where does your duty lie? That, to me, is an important question.
p65 K'Ehleyr - Tell me, Worf, how did you come to be among these humans?
p65 K'Ehleyr looks at Worf with great interest, but something about her makes Worf uncomfortable. Is she asking because she is interested, or pumping him for information, for some reason?
p66 Worf - My family was part of the research outpost on Khitomer
p66 K'Ehleyr - Historic Khitomer. K'Ehleyr understands. The site of the great peace treaty of 2293. And site of a major Romulan attack in 2346.
p66 Worf - you are quite conversant in history
p66 K'Ehleyr - it's always been an interest of mine. So you were there? During the attack? My readings of the tragedy had always indicated that there were few survivors. You were one of the lucky ones, then?
p66 Worf - I did not feel very lucky at the time. I was saved by a Starfleet officer. He brought me to live on the farm world of Gault, and eventually to Earth. Raised me as their own.
p66 K'Ehleyr - except you do not identify yourself as Worf, son of Sergey Rozhenko, do you?
p67 Worf - one cannot forget one's heritage
p67 K'Ehleyr - no. that is why I am curious as to your allegiances. Where are your priorities? Are you true to humans or Klingons?
p67 Worf - I am true to myself. Unacceptable to be divided in my loyalties.
p67 K'Ehleyr - you would be willing to fight against Klingons on the side of the Federation? Things change. Politics is a volatile discipline. We may be friends and collaborators today, but we could be mortal enemies tomorrow. What will you do then?
p67 Worf - I will do what is right.
p67 Worf vaults over the table and charges outside when he hears Zak and Kodash fight
p68 Kodash gets a choke hold on Zak and applies neural stunner again
p68 Zak slams Kodash in the chest, he goes down and barely gets out of the way in time
p68 Worf know finds himself in the bizarre position of peacemaker
p68 Worf shoves his way between Zak and Kodash, having the feeling he is taking his life in his hands
p68 Worf - I do not care who started it. I am ending it! You will immediately cease hostilities!
p70 Kodash - or what? Will you make me? I would like to see you try. Are you afraid? Has being part of Starfleet made you a coward? Are you calling me a fool?
p70 K'Ehleyr -  you assumed that he was referring to you, Kodash, and I won't blame him if he had been. Now stand down.
p70 K'Ehleyr is the leader of the Klingon team. Debate her all you want,  she has the final authority. She said stand down, is that clear?
p70 Kodash seems to weigh his options, opportunity for directly attacking K'Ehleyr, or Worf, or Zak.
p70 Kodash finally sighs loudly and angrily to get his thoughts across.
p70 Kodash - As you wish, I know my duty
p71 K'Ehleyr's watching him puts Worf under a lot of pressure, for no reason he can understand.
p71 Worf berates Tania Tobias for letting the big Brikar and Klingon get out of her control. She stomps off.
p72 K'Ehleyr - Tania Tobias was rather insubordinate, if you ask me
p72 Worf - I did not ask you. Pointedly
p73 Khard and Dini decide a celebration is in order for teams working out the colony's problems
p73 the Klingon and Terran definitions of what constituted quality food were very different. Dinner not totally satisfactory to anyone, round table, but in their own groups, still
p74 Gowr baits Worf about not keeping track of McHenry from his group
p75 Worf takes Tania along to talk to her about being cold to him. She is cold to him because he reamed her out in front of his Klingon girlfriend
p76 Tania is angry about the way Worf handled the situation - should have been private
p76 Worf - that is not how Klingons do things. You speak your mind and answer for the consequences of your actions. Whoever might be standing around is irrelevant
p76 Tania - Worf is training to be part of Starfleet. If he has trouble with that, maybe he should go off and join his Klingon friends
p76 Worf knows it wouldn't hurt him to be a bit more flexible every now and then
p76 Worf knows there are subtleties to human emotions that he was not grasping, perhaps would never grasp
p76 Worf knows remaining stubborn would cause hurt feelings, no way to live
p78 Mark McHenry hits equipment when it doesn't work, and always gets it working again that way. Most aggravating to Worf
p79 Worf charged forward, uncaring of danger, when Tania buried after explosion hits colony
p79 digging Tania out, Worf flashback to traumatic moment when as a young Klingon he had been buried alive during Romulan attack on Khitomer
p81 Worf ran as fast as he could, Tania's additional weight not slowing him at all
p82 Zak shields Worf and Tania with his own body
p82 Worf orders Zak and McHenry to the colony's Monitor building during attack, Soleta look after injured Tania. Checks with Trump that this is Ok
p83 K'Ehleyr goes with Worf, orders Gowr to come with her. Orders Kodash to stay behind, because she is tired of his getting into fights with the Brikar. We need cooperation now.
p83 Tania worries about Worf - she feels there is some sort of competition going on for Worf's loyalty. She cares for Worf. Now that he was around Klingons, was he feeling torn?
p83 the idea that the Klingons might be able to offer Worf a sense of friendship, of spiritual communion no one else could, aggravates Tania
p83 Kodash spat out a curse, grabbed a tricorder and stomped out the door
p86 K'Ehleyr appalled that the colony's defenses are two standing phaser cannons and that's it
p86 Gowr speaks to Zak, making no effort to hide his contempt
p87 Kodash comes to the monitor building. K'Ehleyr starts "I told you -" Kodash shoots back "I know what you told me."
p87 Kodash ran an analysis on the particle emanations from the blast points. Federation design, probably Starfleet
p87 Kodash - Starfleet would attack the colony because there are Klingons here, why else? 
p87 Gowr - Perfect way to dispose of a bunch of stinking Klingons. No one would suspect Federation so depraved to destroy their own people to get at the Klingon colonists
p88 Worf and K'Ehleyr keep a lid on things
p88 Image of attacker is that of a Klingon vessel
p88 Gowr - defends image as a trick. Why would a Klingon vessel fire upon this world?
p88 Klingons and Federation - people with history of treachery
p89 Worf - leaving the planet would make them instant targets. Must repair phaser cannons
p90 Worf to Zak - I thought we were past all negative comments. I am far more like them than I am like you, or Tania, or anyone else. And I will appreciate it if you do not slander my people in that manner. 
p90 Zak starts to protest that Worf's people have a history of - but stops
p91 Worf- if we are fortunate we will survive long enough to kill each other
p93 human colonist on Dantar yells to Klingon colonist that destruction from attack is all your fault, as it was a Klingon ship that did this
p93 the Klingon's mouth drew back in a snarl
p93 the Klingon snapped back - it was Federation weapons
p93 abruptly the two groups, of Terran and Klingon colonists, charged one another
p93 took Klingon and Starfleet team s long moments to pull warring factions apart
p94 Trump inspires everybody to work together and show their unknown enemy what it means to take on the combined efforts of the Federation and the Klingon Empire! Trump came to Dantar concerned about the future of Klingon and Federation co-ventures.
p94 Trump pulls out two small hand phasers and gives them to Cannelli and Korm and tells them to go ahead, shot each other! See if I care.
p94 Korm is not going to give whoever is shooting at us the satisfaction of dying without a fight. Shooting Cannelli here is not going to accomplish that end
p95 Worf tells Trump he took a rather large chance giving out the phasers
p95 Tania directs Khard, Gowr and others repairing generator room
p96 Khard bellows at colonists arguing with each other to get in and help to save themselves
p96 Zak and Kodash, with a number of colonists straighten the two massive phaser cannons, 20 feet high, incredibly heavy
p99 Gowr hesitates a  moment, then grudgingly wishes Soleta Good Luck when she goes in to fix power conduit
p102 Trump knocks K'Ehleyr out of way of falling piece of ceiling
p102 attacking ship has wings outstretched in distinctive Klingon style, their sensors would tell them the planetary defense systems had no power
p103 Worf had been staring at the power readouts fiercely, as if trying to will them to life. 
p103 Worf slammed his fist on the trigger mechanism
p103 beam sliced through right nacelle
p104 K'Ehleyr cradles bleeding Trump, looks at Worf worriedly
p104 with buildings burning everywhere and people screaming for help, Worf flashes back to Khitomer again
p105 Khard agrees with Dini's bleak assessment of the situation, even with the attacker destroyed. The colony is uninhabitable.
p106 K'Ehleyr urges Dini and Khard to escape on ships with the other colonists, they are the colony leaders. She and Gowr and Kodash will stay and await subsequent rescue
p106 Worf feels a tremendous flash of pride when the Dream Team want to stay, too
p106 the group of colonists all arrived together
p107 Gowr - we are trained as warriors. No chance drawing of straws can possibly surpass the simple logic  that dictates we should be the ones who stay
p107 thanks to Trump, K'Ehleyr is fine. She will always remember Alexander Trump
p108 K'Ehleyr - heal quickly
p108 Khard aware of the possibility that the colonists are being allowed to  leave as part of attackers plan
p109 Worf considers their greatest problem will be guarding against whatever the attackers plan to do next
p109 Kodash confident attack over. The attackers assaulted us and we emerged victorious
p109 K'Ehleyr ignores Kodash's comment
p109 K'Ehleyr to Khard - we will act in a manner befitting Kllliingon warriors
p109 Worf interjects and Starfleet personnel into K'Ehleyr's statement
p109 Khard to K'Ehleyr's group - you do honor to your empire. For this act of self-sacrifice and bravery you will always be remembered
p109 K'Ehleyr to Tania about talking in the past tense - there is risk involved in every stage of life. Certainly you understand that. 
p109 Khard complements Tania when she says whatever risk is necessary to ensure the safety of others is one I will gladly take
p109 Dini wishes them Good fortune, friend Klingons
p111 Khard pauses to toss of a final salute to them
cover illustration teenaged Worf and K'Ehleyr
p3 illustration teenaged Worf and Zendorian
p23 illustration Worf and Captain Taggert
p31 illustration Captain Kora
p44 illustration K'Ehleyr staring at Worf
p69 illustration Zak and Kodash fighting
p110 illustration Worf, K'Ehleyr, cadets left behind
  Survival by Peter David 
cover illustration of Worf and K'Ehleyr 
p6 illustration Zak, Worf and Kodash brawling
p28 illustration K'Ehleyr and Worf
p33 illustration K'Ehleyr and Worf
p67 illustration Zak, Worf and Kodash hauling
p109 illustration K'Ehleyr and Worf
p28 Zak sends out hourly Code One emergency distress call to any Fed or Klingon vessel, scrambled so only those for whom it was intended would be able to make sense of it 
p33 five Starfleet Academy cadets, three Klingon cadets stranded on Dantar for almost three weeks
p4 tall fierce-looking Klingon, long moustache with small metal caps at the ends 
p4 since Dantar IV had been a co-venture of the Federation and Klingons, representatives from both concerned groups had shown up (renowned Ambassador Trump and 5 Starfleet cadets vs. 3 young Klingons) when arguments among colonists threatened to destroy the colony 
p4 they had managed to smooth things over, then unknown attackers destroyed colony 
p5 taking every bit of self-control the cadets and Klingons possess not to fall into the same trap of squabbling 
p5 Kodash has not been making it easy, not hiding his disdain for Zak 
p5 the Brikar had traditionally taken great pride in their dislike for Klingons 
p5 Kodash's manner irritates Zak 
p5 Kodash cocks his head with impatient curiosity 
p6 Kodash had no time to gloat over this
p6 Kodash yanks the chair from under Zak
p8 Worf's grip on Zak, if anything, becomes more resolute
p8 Worf gave a glance that spoke volumes. Let me handle this
p8 Kodash had enough breath back to say He provoked it
p9 Worf studies the Klingons, to see what their reaction to the current crisis might be
p9 Gowr - short but still exceptionally formidable, no love for humans or Brikar. Obvious contempt for Worf. Considers Worf's mix of Klingon and Federation completely inappropriate, and a recipe for distrust
p9 Worf was Klingon on the outside, but Starfleet on the inside
p9 K'Ehleyr labors to keep her classmates in control, she is stern, proud, unyielding. Speaks with confidence in her abilities and a certainty that she was always, positively, absolutely right
p9 K'Ehleyr so confident, that the possibility that she could be wrong about anything seemed remote
p10 K'Ehleyr was everything that any Klingon female could possibly aspire to be
p10 Worf's respect for K'Ehleyr had metamorphosed over the weeks from grudging admiration to grudging awe
p10 Worf envies her peace of mind and certainty in all things, as he is perpetually torn between Klingon heritage and human upbringing
p10 being stranded on the barren desert Dantar IV had driven K'Ehleyr into a state of utter calm
p10 Worf worries that maybe K'Ehleyr might crack at any moment, bottling up whatever frustrations and fears she might have
p10 K'Ehleyr asks Kodash what happened
p10 Kodash says in an angry voice that the Brikar would not yield the watch on the subspace monitor to him
p10 K'Ehleyr looks at Worf when Kodash and Zak disagree on who started the fight
p10 Worf says firmly - if Zak states that he did not begin ttthe fight, then that is sufficient for me
p10 Kodash thunders that Worf is calling him a liar
p11 K'Ehleyr, voice like flint, It is of relevance to me, that should be sufficient for you, when she asks a point of detail and Kodash deflects the answer
p11 they had all learned by this point that the angrier K'Ehleyr got, the lower and softer her voice
p11 Kodash opened his mouth to argue once more, but the look in K'Ehleyr's eyes, the sound of her voice, had finally penetrated
p11 Kodash leaves, stalks away, as instructed
p11 Worf takes Zak aside and tells him not to provoke Kodash
p12 K'Ehleyr to Worf - what in the name of Kahless is goinggg to happen to us?
p13 the confidence K'Ehleyr exudes is not necessarily a true indication of her genuine state of mind
p13 why would Worf state something other that what he believes?
p13 K'Ehleyr rubs her nose between her thumb and forefinger
p13 Worf refuses to consider K'Ehleyr's suggestion that he might be deluding himself on their chances of rescue
p13 K'Ehleyr - if you refuse to believe that the sun is hot, does that make the sun any less hot? No, I think not. The universe doesn't hang on your approval of its nature. It simply is what it is. 
p13 K'Ehleyr - self-delusion is a luxury that a leader cannot afford
p17 Soleta reasons she is stuck on a planet with cranky Klingons, she is already in danger
p18 the unresolved questions of the attacking ship's Klingon design and Federation weaponry had plagued the cadets
p24 Worf has his arms draped behind his back as he makes his rounds
p24 Report, he rumbled. I expect that you will respond with an accurate report. Nothing more than that.
p25 Tania mentions that she saw K'Ehleyr seated outside the Klingon Dormitory, she seemed a bit depressed. Perhaps Worf might want to talk with her and find out what the problem is
p26 Mark McHenry observes that Tania is crazy about Worf, and Worf is obviously crazy about K'Ehleyr
p26 Tania Tobias is fond of Worf, anything else would be inappropriate. She goes out of her way to make Worf happy by pairing him with K'Ehleyr
p27 a building amid the rubble serves as Klingon residence hall
p29 two Klingons, so driven by matters of pride and self-reliance that neither of them could possibly admit that he or she might need help
p29 two Klingons, unable to admit that maybe each would like to spend some time with the other
p29 Worf and K'Ehleyr head into desert looking for overdue Soleta
p30 K'Ehleyr was sitting outside because Kodash was inside, rather upset
p30 Kodash feels K'Ehleyr did not defend his position in the argument earlier
p30 K'Ehleyr tells Worf her entire life has been frustrating. She explains she has human blood in her ancestry. She has spent every day of her life trying to ignore it, to overcome it. She has always pushed herself, above and beyond what any Klingon reasonably expects of themselves. She feels a need to prove herself, prove that some biological mishap does not render her unfit as a warrior, as a woman, as a Klingon.
p30 Worf views K'Ehleyr as extremely capable, she commands respect
p31 K'Ehleyr thinks this must sound ridiculous to Worf, but he reminds her to whom she is speaking. Raised among humans. 
p31Rozhenkos made every attempt to honor and understand his Klingon heritage, he was expected to conform to human standards of behavior. 
p31 Worf got into many, many fights. 
p31 Sergey Rozhenko said he spent more time at school as an adult than he did when he was growing up, because of all the times Worf's teachers needed to discuss his problems
p31 K'Ehleyr was in the Klingon Empire, with human blood, fighting to keep up with the expectations of being a Klingon.
p31 Worf, on earth, a Klingon with human upbringing, fighting to keep up with the expectations of being a human
p31 that is ironic to Worf
p31 that is a pity to K'Ehleyr
p31 K'Ehleyr thinks Worf would have been a help to her if she'd known about him
p31 Worf thinks K'Ehleyr would have helped him, too
p13 Worf was certain there was something he should say at this moment, if only he could determine what it was
p32 Worf running, powerful legs churning under him. K'Ehleyr keeping up admirably
p36 the attackers of the colony are Brikar
p36 standard Brikar procedure that if a pilot loses command of his ship for any reason he is to destroy it
p37 K'Ehleyr, Gowr and Kodash speak a quick guttural Klingonese
p37 Gowr and Kodash regard Worf with a mix of suspicion and outright contempt
p37 K'Ehleyr expression carefully guarded and neutral
p38 for the love of Kahless, open your eyes, Worf! Roared Gowr
p38 Gowr always backs up Kodash
p38 Worf has tried to display restraint, for the smooth operation, perhaps this has lead Gowr to underestimate Worf
p38 K'Ehleyr looks remarkably casual under the tense circumstances
p39 Worf impresses on the Klingons there is to be no harassment of Zak because they have found the Brikar are responsible for the attack. Zak is not responsible
p40 the Brikar prisoner's thrashing affords the Klingons some amusement
p42 Zak Kebron, of Clan Kebron doesn't get any answers from the prisoner
p43 K'Ehleyr  - let her, Gowr and Kodash have an houuurr alone with the prisoner, half an hour. We will find out everything he knows. He will beg to tell us whatever we need
p44 K'Ehleyr - the Brikar would have killed Soleta. The creature deserves no special treatment. Why are you coddling him? What sort of Klingon are you?
p44 Worf will not sanction torture of a prisoner
p46 K'Ehleyr, sounding just a touch sarcastic - we forgot, Vulcans do not burden themselves with such petty concerns as fear
p51 Baan, the Brikar prisoner, reveals hidden base, Brikar wanted unlimited expansion privileges. Plan to break with Fed
p52 Worf terrified to see Soleta convulsing with strain of mind meld
p52 Worf pulls Soleta away from Brikar prisoner, breaking mind meld
p53 Worf starts first aid on Soleta but she is ok - just a Vulcan trance thing. Oh, is all Worf can think to say
p54 Worf sees the opportunity to interrogate prisoner in a more confident, knowledgeable manner than he actually has. He sounds utterly casual and makes assumptions from the information received in the mind meld. 
p54 Worf completely bluffs with the threat to use Soleta again, too much stress
p55 Will you speak before I unleash her on you once more? You will be left with as much mental agility as a potted plant.
p56 Worf, poker faced, plays along for prisoner's benefit
p56 Baan's ship special Klingon design and Fed weaponry, to cause divisiveness. Hidden Brikar base established before colony came
p59 Worf's lips thinned. If that was not the answer you wanted, that is much more your problem than mine
p59 K'Ehleyr assigns Gowr to guard the Brikar prisoner
p60 Worf begins carefully to question Zak if what Baan said about the Brikar becoming hostile to the Fed is true
p60 Worf notices K'Ehleyr and Kodash standing nearby. He could have tried to chase them away, take out his frustration on them. But what possible purpose would that serve?
p61 Brikar like to talk, very loudly, about anti-Fed and anti-Klingon and anti-Romulan sentiment. Brikar aggressive and not race tolerant
p61 K'Ehleyr points out that Zak is now a security risk, just her duty to make an observation
p62 Worf, as leader of the team, must decide if Zak is trustworthy
p62 Zak braces himself for an outpouring of verbal abuse from Kodash, gloating about Brikar being the attackers. Kodash was undoubtedly going to rub it in
p62 Kodash - you must feel greatly humiliated that it was one of your own people who attacked us. I know how I would feel, in your position. I am glad that I am not. Kodash turns and walks away after heartfelt comment
p64 K'Ehleyr  - you are joking
p65 Worf, keenly aware of Zak's pride in his strength, does not step forward to help lift generator. 
p65 Kodash steps forward and throws his full weight against the generator, then Worf takes up the other side
p66 you are welcome, Kodash said diplomatically. He fired a look at Worf, See, I can be polite when I have to be
p70 Reflexively, Worf braced himself against the possibility that he might be blown apart at any moment
p71 K'Ehleyr asks Tania what now, and Tania allows herself a moment of superiority to the Klingon female, a pleasant feeling
p71 Tania can do it, Worf has every confidence in her
p72 Gowr angry and insulted at being left to guard prisoner.
p72 K'Ehleyr's greatest concern about potential danger is that the prisoner might escape, and she only trusts Gowr to be able to do the job. She did not assign the job lightly. Is that acceptable to Gowr, or not?
p73 Klingons don't like busy work
p73 Gowr sighed, knowing he'd been outmaneuvered
p73 we are counting on you, Gowr
p73 Gowr waves his hand dismissively. Yes Yes, I shall attend to it
p75 Klingons and Starfleet cadets get bored while decoding program runs
p76 K'Ehleyr - I do not understand. You said you could open this door
p76 Worf defends Tania verbally, if not sure inside himself
p76 frustrated groan, probably from Kodash
p76 K'Ehleyr  mutters - Gods. It will take days 
p77 K'Ehleyr demands How do you know?
p78 Worf is the first one to step on to the platform
p80 K'Ehleyr starts to say a smug comment about humans sneezing, then sneezes herself
p81 K'Ehleyr comments on Klingons speaking of legendary feats of Kahless, similar to Brikar hero Eldinsa'aar
p81 Worf knows Kahless the Unforgettable battled his brother Morath for 12 days and nights because Morath had broken his word
p81 K'Ehleyr is interested to know Worf is aware of Klingon history
p81 Kahless has always been a great personal hero to Worf
p81 Worf has endeavored to model himself on example of Kahless
p81 K'Ehleyr has endeavored to model herself on example of Kahless, too
p82 Kodash nods absently in agreement about model oneself on example of Kahless
p82 there are certain fundamental philosophies they all share, but that doesn't mean they'll become friends
p82 Worf thinks they should all explore together. Soleta finds this logical. Worf is pleased she approves
p82 Gowr is nodding off monitoring the prisoner Baan
p83 Baan spits at Gowr, who rushes over to smack him, and is caught in a merciless grip
p83 Gowr can't break free as Baan starts to strangle him to death
p84 in secret armory, Worf appreciates a weapon. K'Ehleyr - you make a lovely couple, now put it back. Worf makes note to stop by on the way out and appropriate one of the firearms
p85 Gowr would not abandon his post
p88 Worf initially misses the strangeness in Mac's call, Mac is always odd, but the others question it
p90 the Brikar is loose, we are in great danger
p90 reflexively Worf yanked out his phaser
p94 Worf pulled his head above the rushing water and found himself nose to nose with K'Ehleyr
p94 K'Ehleyr to Worf - if I had known we would be dying so sssoon I think I would not have wasted the time we had together
p94 K'Ehleyr is not optimistic about their chances of survival, Worf impatiently plans to dive for the weapons room
p95 Kodash, weighted down with his heavy leather armor, sinks in the rushing water
p97 Worf uses Academy weightless maneuvering instruction for moving about in the water
p98 Zak stands underwater and holds Kodash and the others above the water level
p98 Kodash - saved by a Brikar, I will never live this down
p98 K'Ehleyr doesn't see what Worf is doing, playing with guns when they are about to drown
p99 Worf blasts a grating for the water to drain
p100 Worf saves K'Ehleyr from swirling down the drain
p100 We did it, Worf replied, trying to sound modest. It did not suit him particularly well
p100 to Worf's astonishment, K'Ehleyr kisses him firmly
p100 Worf - what was that for?
p101 K'Ehleyr actually smiled, showing teeth - for me, she replied
p101 Kodash - Worf and K'Ehleyr are Klingon, that is more than enough to ensure survival, when Tania concerned about them
p101 Kodash wisely doesn't say anything when Zak mentions that having someone to stand on doesn't hurt either
p103 Gowr, enraged, comes up behind Baan and hits him, viciously kicks him. Baan surprised that Gowr still alive. Gowr hits him a few more times even after Baan unconscious
p103 Gowr inquires how Mac is, Gowr admits hoarsely that he himself has been better. His throat has cut marks
p103 Klingon biology has many internal back-up systems that non-Klingons are unaware of. Klingons keep quiet about it - it makes it much easier to surprise our enemies. We do not die quite that easily
p103 Worf and company come up on the elevator with weapons ready for anything
p105  there has been a brief Brikar-Federation war while the cadets were stranded on Dantar IV. The Brikar Grand Alliance of various races hostile to the Federation fell completely apart. Zak not impressed with his government leaders.
p106 the Klingons and Federation colonists that left Dantar IV are captives of the Brikar. Well treated to get good terms from Federation
p107 Captain Taggert's comments and praise on young Klingons' behavior forwarded to the Klingon Empire
p107 Klingon cruiser Azetbur meets with Repulse to pick up the Klingon team
p107 the moment of parting from the Starfleet cadets calls for an impassioned speech or a statement of thanks and appreciation for a job well done, from the  Klingons
p107 K'Ehleyr just says Good-bye and the Klingons rise as one and leave the briefing room
p107 Worf has a great deal he would like to say to K'Ehleyr, but he doesn't know how to begin or if he even should
p108 Tania encourages Worf to go after K'Ehleyr
p108 K'Ehleyr has applied to be part of the diplomatic team that would oversee the Federation- Brikar talks
p108 Worf does not see her as a diplomat. Worf sees K'Ehleyr as an elemental force, unstoppable. But she should be able to force diplomacy down the throat of anyone who disagrees with her. 
p108 K'Ehleyr invites Worf to come with the Klingons. K'Ehleyr does not see Worf as part of the Federation. He is Klingon, one of us. Trying to fit into Fed world - it is a waste. He will always be an outsider
P108 Worf says with Klingons he would just be another Klingon
p110 K'Ehleyr protests that the Klingon empire would have much to offer him, and she - -
p110 K'Ehleyr, for a moment she looks shy, then she forced the imagined weakness from her
p110 Worf, regretfully but with a sense of conviction - I have embarked on a path, K'Ehleyr. I must see that path through. He will always have doubts, and he will always overcome them
p110 K'Ehleyr finds this a quite genuine Klingon statement
p110 Worf - Good life to you, K'Ehleyr. Face your foes bravely, and die honorably. I suspect we will not meet again.
p110 K'Ehleyr - Good life to you, Worf.  Face your foes bravely, and die honorably. And I suspect that you are wrong.
p110 K'Ehleyr pulls out a statue from her pack and hands it to Worf, he recognizes it immediately as a representation of Kahless the Unforgettable, locked in combat with Morath.
p110 K'Ehleyr to Worf - Look at it any time you start to forrrgget who you are.
  Double Helix The First Virtue by Michael Jan Friedman & Christie Golden
P173 Commander Jack Crusher had once had a headache more painful than this one. What he would never forget was the exquisite torture of a hangover that had all the force of a Klingon disruptor barrage behind it.
  The Music Between The Notes, The Lives of Dax
no Klingon content
  Tales from the Captain's Table "Darkness" by Michael Jan Friedman
Captain Picard [late] of U.S.S. Stargazer
Dedderac, Federation member. Rigelian diplomate nadir brought them in.
the Wus of Hydra IV colony [Giancarlo's aunts]
Universal Translator only works on spoken words, not inscriptions [sound it out]
Skellig pirates, pinched gray features

  Deny Thy Father by Jeff Mariott
no Klingon content
  A Ribbon For Rosie, Strange New Worlds II
no Klingon content
  Catalyst of Sorrows by Margaret Wander Bonanno
page 2 it was said that, while Klingons were given to brawling and breaking furniture, Romulans were humorless, and that was worse
Admiral Uhura's female Andorian aide Thysis
Page 21 Klingon flagship K'tarra, Thought Admiral Klaad and Curzon Dax would drink bloodwine and swap stories all night with Admiral Uhura.
Uhura met young subaltern Kimora Cretak, an aide to Pardek, at Khitomer Conference in bathroom after the shootings
Uhura warned SF Command about Narendra III but not in time to save the Enterprise
A Romulan without family had no identity and legally did not exist
Early in his career Tuvok did undercover work for Intelligence. Came to Uhura with Hikaru Sulu's highest recommendation
Romulans view Klingons as rapacious
Curzon Dax knows a saying 'All roads lead to Khitomer.'
Curzon and Uhura meet regularly. Same security clearance.
Curzon frail-looking, walked out on Klingons at Korvat
Curzon famous for diplomatic play of walking out
Curzon on Earth, usually stays in suite on Embassy Row, rare aperitif from Izar and recordings of Hamalki 3D string music trying to entice Uhura
Hamalki composer a dear friend of Curzon's
Curzon – Jennifer is a lot more sensible than Sisko
Curzon at Khitomer as part of Fed delegation negotiating Accords
Uhura felt not healthy for Klingons, obsessed with honor, to feel they owed Fed a favor
Page 106 toilet facilities, a single cubicle on Kruge's bird of prey, containing little more than a hole in the floor
Sisko sees Curzon as wanting Ben Sisko to become his best self. Not an engineer, more command type
Page 185 Romulan Honor Blade, an extension of the hand, an extension of the soul. It is given by the family when one reaches adulthood, at age seven. Keep it with you from then on. A true Romulan feels naked without it. Challenge each other over the most trivial things.
Rigelians look like humans, scan like Vulcans
Multicolored five-toed Rigelian emilli hounds
round-ear = human
Curzon – We want it because they want it. It's called diplomacy.
Curzon – Try negotiating with Klingons sometime. (for frustration)
Curzon brief, productive new found friend in Admiral Tal

  No Limits Out of the Frying Pan by Susan Shwartz
Klingon bird of prey decloaks comes to rescue of Spock and Soleta escaping Thallonian space on Qualor freighter in 2363
Spock had been in contact with Klingons since destruction of Praxis and Khitomer Accords. The Klingons did owe Spock big time. Spock skilled enough to summon them to pay off installment on their debt.
Klingons destroy mystery Ferengi ship
Victorious howls of Klingons. "Spock of Vulcan. Thank-you for the battle. It is always an honor to assist you. Lower shields and prepare to be boarded if you please."
P338 Klovagh, son of Klaa, master of the K'raiykh.
Klaa always said his service with Spock was too brief. He praised Spock's skill as a gunner
Spock – He honors me. I remember his valor.
Red blaze of transporter effect
The officers' finest parade armour
Large red gems adorned the spiked collar and leash of Klovagh's targ
Klovagh's braided mane
Targ's head came up higher than its master's waist.
Klovagh taller than Spock
Klingons can smell fear. And if they can't, that targ can
P340 butlh, little man, you have more butlh than I'd have thought
Klovagh's elaborately gloved hand, metal studs turned glove into deadly weapon
Salute – chests being thumped and bat'leths brandished
Even the targ raised its tail in salute
Crooked yellow teeth looked very strong
Saavik, Spock's mate, has deserved well of Klingons and they d not want her angry with them
Our bards would sing of it if only you were Klingon. As it is, we will probably tell this story in bars, which is honor enough for one not born a conqueror
Targ last fed two days ago. Will be hungry again soon
Tow freighter to nearest Klingon base and repair it. There will be no charge. It is an honor to help so noble a freighter and Spock, friend of our Empire.
Fresh rokeg pie!
We shall make the bloodwine flow and your blood burn!
Klovagh's private shuttle takes Spock and co to his ship
Tachyon emissions rise prior to decloaking, tachyon levels rise

  Vulcan's Soul Book 1 Exodus by Josepha Sherman and Susan Schwartz
Vulcan, Romulan, human, Cardassian, Klingon diplomats meet unofficially on asteroid in center of Romulan Neutral Zone. Attacks occurring on both sides of the Neutral Zone. Not Klingon, not Fed, not Rom. Called together by Spock. Sarek's reputation sufficient to bring about meeting. Romulan and Klingon ships cloaked, to conceal their presence and prevent them from firing immediately on each other. Keep the Klingons from seizing the opportunity to settle old scores. Fed in debt to Klingons for transportation.
Only the Chancellor's respect for the SF captain and crew who had died at Narendra III and Saavik's actions in warning of the covert assault had won Klingon cooperation. The Klingons' gratitude might well be outworn.
Page 5 the Klingon observer, Kaghvahr, son of Kyrosh. Has a pet targ. Kaghvahr's private shuttle, warp 7.
Pounded his gauntleted fist on the table
Wage peace, son of Vulcan? It would be more logical, he ground out the word, if you showed us our enemy. To destroy the honorless creatures who have turned planets into fragments – now that would be truly glorious.
Romulan Commander Toreth of the ship Khazara [f] eyed Kaghvahr as if he were on the same evolutionary level as the targ that crouched beside Kaghvahr's chair.
Would old enemies prove apt students of history not their own?
Sarek legendary for the just, wily and occasionally ruthless methods he employed lifelong to win diplomatic battles.
Spock wages peace with the zeal of a Klingon warrior or the cunning of a Romulan senator.
Surak's Analects, Where fear walked, anger was its companion.
Vulcan bloodmetal
Treaty of Algeron emerged from Tomed debacle of 2311, no Fed cloak.
Yesterday's roast targ is today's thin soup.
Saavik on Vulcan, supervising damage control with the Klingons
The crimson of the Klingon transporters

  The Buried Age by Christopher L Bennett
Idun, raised by Klingons, tended toward the confrontational
khrught, a curse in Tellarite
Promellians, A Promellian ship unknowingly intruded into a Menthar holy system during a sacred time and was attacked. It destroyed two of its attackers before being destroyed itself. Both sides declared war soon thereafter. Both civilizations were obliterated.
Menthars, A Promellian ship unknowingly intruded into a Menthar holy system during a sacred time and was attacked. It destroyed two of its attackers before being destroyed itself. Both sides declared war soon thereafter. Both civilizations were obliterated.
2363 Starfleet Intelligence on Epsilon Canaris III suspected Klingon renegades were the source of the dissidents’ weapons build-up. Picard and Lt Deanna Troi as cultural advisor dealt with renegades on Epsilon Canaris III. Averted a second Canarian war. Picard showed insights into Klingon culture. Anything he knows about Klingons he learned from Asmund sisters.
Picard was distracted and in a surly mood when interviewing Worf for Enterprise-D crew. Picard declined Worf’s request for security.
Worf – I have proven myself in battle
A Klingon would not be receptive to Surak or Schweiter, but Worf knew Sun Tzu.
To advance in Starfleet one needs to broaden your experience
Picard has great admiration for the discipline, dedication and integrity of the Klingon people.
Worf – I will do my best to learn all I can.

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